Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer

Postby admin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:13 am

Editor's Notes

(1) Heilige Runenmacht remains untranslated. Originally published by the Uranus Verlag in Hamburg, 1932.

(2) Based on the "Havamal" stanza 165.

(3) This is a magical formula in the heraldic language of Guido von List. Its meaning is: "All victory for those conscious of the Divine Secret."

(4) See the "Havamal" stanzas 138-165 in the Poetic Edda.

(5) Here the Nietzschean formula ewige Wiederkehr is used.

(6) The significance of the formula of Arising-Being-Passing away to new arising [Entstehen-Sein- Vergehen-zum neuen Enstehen] is an important one developed by G. v. List.

(7) From the tale of Frau Holle in the collection by the Brothers Grimm.

(8) Kala is a Sanskrit word borrowed by Guido von List to indicate the secret of the systematic permutations of esoteric meanings of words.

(9) Here the first person pronoun, ich, "I," is used as a noun -- which is how Sigmund Freud referred to the Ego in German terminology: das ich, "the 'I.'" The concept of the "ego" for the Armanen is a more comprehensive one involving the entire Self.

(10) Here and in the following section Kummer betrays the Neoplatonic basis for many of his underlying ideas.

(11) The practice of kala involves certain permutations of the meanings of words which conceal their meanings from the uninitiated. See note 8 above.

(12) This is an obvious reference to the quasi-mystical eugenic dreams common among contemporary Ariosophists.

(13) Giboraltar identified by Guido von List as the rock of Gibraltar.

(14) The texts of these prayers and Rune banishing are given on pages 34 and 35.

(15) The Tarnkappe plays a part in the German national epic, the Nibelungenlied, where it is part of the Nibelungen treasure won by the hero Siegfried by killing the serpent, Fafnir.

(16) Heil und Sieg -- of course, these words were combined into the National Socialist chant, which they had borrowed from the "mantra" of the Germanen Orden.

(17) Through this whole discussion of the consonant-vowel combinations with Ja-, etc., it should be remembered that the German /j/ is pronounced as the English /y/.

(18) Tacitus Germania chapter 10.

(19) Tacitus Germania chapter 3.

(20) These vowels have the sound values in English of ah, eh, ee, oh, oo respectively.

(21) This is folk-etymologically incorrect: Hugh is derived from the Germanic word [iv] hug-: 'mind; shining'.

(22) Here Kummer expresses a kind of thinking common in Germany in 1932 -- in the time just before the assumption of power by the Nazis in that country.

(23) For English speakers this sound is best described as a deeper version of the /a/ in the word "call."

(24) Here we have another example of the particular occult ideology common among German rune magicians of the early 20th century. The Blutsverfassung, composition of the blood, is an obvious reference to the "purity of the blood" as measured by contemporary racial standards.

(25) See Sebottendorf's Sufi exercises in his book Die geheimen Ubungen der turkischen Freimauer for reports of similar phenomena.

(26) This "inherited memory" [Erberinnerung] is something which one inherits from one's ancestors along meta-genetic lines.

(27) Notable for its absence is the Yr-Rune sign. Which apparently Kummer thought of as being too negative to be practiced.

(28) The runes are deactivated by burning them.

(29) See G. v. List's The Secret of the Runes, pp. 89-90.

(30) This seems to be a reference to the Nazi regime just coming to power as Kummer wrote this work.

(31) "Aryan figures" is used here as the translation of the original Ariergestalten. The word Gestalt, meaning basically "shape" or "form" was used at this time by Ariosophical ideologues to mean "an ideal type."

(32) Arehisosur is a formula made up of the Armanic names of the runic vowels: Ar-eh-is-os-ur = A-E-I-O-U.

(33) These "Consecrations" were written by Kummer to act as morning and evening devotional prayers for his Runers to use in their daily meditational work.

(34) Garma is a special Ariosophical form of the Sanskrit word karma.

(35) Rassenschuld implies the concept of miscegenation.

(36) Based on the stanza 111 in the "Havamal" found in the Poetic Edda.
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Re: Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer

Postby admin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:13 am


Gorsleben, Rudolf John. Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit. Leipzig: Kohler & Amelang, 1930.

Hollander, Lee M., trans. The Poetic Edda. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1962, 2nd ed.

Kummer, Siegfried Adolf. Heilige Runenmacht: Wiedergeburt des Armanentums durch Runenubungen und Tanze. Hamburg: Uranus, 1932.

List, Guido von. The Secret of the Runes. trans. S.E. Flowers. Rochester, VT: Destiny, 1988.

Pommer, Josef. Jodler und Juchzer mit Notendruck. Vienna: Adolf Robitschek Verlag, 1906.

Reimann Mar-Galittu, Johanna Paula. Magnetische Aura des kosmischen Menschen. Trier: Reis, 1922.

Sebottendorf, Rudolf von. Die geheimen Ubungen der turkischen Freimauer. Freiburg i. Breisgau: Bauer, 1977, 4th ed.

Thorsson, Edred. Rune Might. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 1989.
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Re: Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer

Postby admin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:14 am

Key to the Runic Futhork Table

The Rune-rows are to be read from top to bottom. On the right side the sound value of each Rune is provided.


1 Runic Futhork, 18 Rune row according to G. v. List.

2 Runic Futhork of the Edda according to R. J. Gorsleben.

3 Runic Futhork, the Kylver stone, Sweden.

4 Runic Futhork, the gold bracteate of Vadstena.

5 Runic Futhork Stone from Gotland in Sweden.

6 Runic Futhork, the silver brooch of Charnay.

7 Runic Futhork, the Themes scramsax.

8 Runic Futhork: The holy Row according to Prof. H. Wirth.

9 Runic Futhork of Breza (incomplete).

The other Runic Rows which follow are arranged according to the alphabetic order.


10 Common Germanic Futhark according to Wilser.

11 Nordic Rune Poem.

12 Old English Rune Poem.

13 Late Nordic Futhark.

14 Futhark of Hrabanus Maurus.

15 Futhark of the brothers Olaus and Johannes Magnus.

16 Younger Nordic Futhark.

17 King Wladamar's Runes.

18 North Etruscan letters according to E. Hubricht.

19 Comprehensive Runic alphabet for those who want to write in Runes or be able to read them.

20 Original Runic numerals from the wheel-cross of the Aryo-Germanic peoples.

21 Runic numerical sequence used by the Armanen.

The last horizontal row of the Runic table portrays the holy whispering Row of Man-Runes. I include a number of Runic Futhorks and Futharks in my Runic table at the back of the book.

von Siegried Adolf Kummer

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Re: Rune Magic, by Siegfried Adolf Kummer

Postby admin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:14 am



i. kala = Secret, concealment, [Verdrehung]. [11]

ii. See my work Heilige Runenmacht. Hamburg: Uranus, 1932.

iii. Here I should like to mention the worthwhile investigations of J.P. Reimann Mar-Galittu on polarity and emanation research.
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