Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton

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Re: Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Cli

Postby admin » Sun May 29, 2016 7:34 am



60 Minutes interview, 136-37, 139-43,
149, 151-52


A Woman in Charge (Bernstein), 145,
ABC news, 195
Albright, Madeleine, 156
Allen, Patricia, 233
Alvater, Dennis, 115-16, 126, 179,
181, 189
American Evita (Anderson), 228-29
Anderson, Christopher, 170, 228-29
Archibald, George, 147
Assault episode(s), of Clinton, 60-61,
64, 150, 159-61
Attention-deficit disorder (ADD), 17


Bailey, Brian, 92
Barger, David, 178, 186
Bastin, Jerry, 126, 179, 181
Bates, Melinda, 40, 41
Begala, Paul, 153
Bennett, Bob, 98, 108-9, 122-24
Larry King appearance, 133
smear campaign, 149-52
Today Show appearance, 151
Bentsen, Lloyd, 61, 62
Bernstein, Carl, 42, 145, 225-26
Beyer, Don, 26, 155
Bill & Hillary (Anderson), 170
Bittman, Bob, 169
Blitzer, Wolf, 83
Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda, 47
Blumenthal, Sid, 128, 145, 208-9
conversation with Hitchens, 148
researcher for Clintons, 145-47
smear attack on Willey, 147, 153
Bonner, Doug, 23
Bouquet, Ed, 195
Bradley, Ed, 139-43, 149, 151-52, 153
Broaddrick, Juanita, 71, 91, 177, 201
Brown, L. D., 224
Brown, Ron, 50
Browning, Dolly Kyle, 194
Buchanan, Hank, 188
Buchanan, Pat, 188
Bull's Eye (cat) disappearance, 14-16,
117-18, 211
Burkle, Ronald W., 221
Burrus, Bob, 23
Bush, George H. W., 20, 26, 29


Cacheris, Plato, 132-33
Caldwell, Joe, 198
Cammerata, Joseph, 109
Campbell, Don, 124
Cardozo, Harolyn, 44, 79-80, 152
Carey, Ron, 210
Carville, James, 153, 203
Castro, Fidel, 90
CIA trained investigators, 199-200
Clinton, Bill
admission of Flowers affair, 204
admission of Lewinsky affair,
129-30, 170
alleged former flings, 50
alleged rape of Broaddrick, 71, 91
and Talking Points memo, 130
as possible First Husband, 214-25
assault in Oval Office, 6D-61
call to Lewinsky, 98-99
Democratic nomination of, 25
depositions by, 71, 91, 126, 169-70
enabling by Hillary, 225-29
hatred of military, 84
impeachment trial of, 177, 178-79
implied threats to Tripp, 131
initial meeting of, 21-22
initial suspicions about, 27-29
intimidation of Kyle-Browning,
letters to, 77-78, 87-90
meeting with Lewinsky, 92
misdemeanor conviction, 191
non-/partial acknowledgment by,
78, 106
phone call by, 33-34
presidential bid of, 23
presidential inaugural, 35
public denial of assault, 150
public flirting by, 30-32, 41-42
risky behavior patterns, 71, 222
SF protest against, 217-18
sexual addiction of, 215-16, 224
staring episodes, 31-32, 78-79, 82
Clinton, Hillary, 21, 24
as anti-feminist, 158-59, 229, 237
comparison to Nixon, 229-30
discrediting husband's affairs,
194, 206, 225, 229
enabling of husband, 225-29
hatred of military, 84
hiring of Blumenthal, 145
inappropriate behavior of, 46
interaction with Broaddrick, 91
knowledge of husband's
philandering, 193-94
lack of planning input, 42
pursuit of presidency, 231-37
right-wing conspiracy theory, 140,
145, 158, 227
rumored Foster affair, 134
tirades/foul language of, 83-84
CNN report, on Hillary, 234-35
Collins, Nancy, 131
Collins, Susan, 177
Colmes, Alan, 155
Conason, Joe, 153
Crowley, Monica, 157, 220
Currie, Betty, 59
Cutler, Lloyd, 82, 86


Daniel, Barbara, 173
Davis, Gil, 109
Dealey, Sam, 207
Democratic Party
disappointment with, 155
operatives of, 201-6
vs. McGovern Democrats, 19
Deposition in Jones case
by Clinton, 126
evasiveness during, 122-23
surgical postponement, 118
videotaping of testimony, 123-24
Dereliction of Duty (Patterson), 84
Dixiecrats, 17-20
Doomsday List, 195
Drudge, Matt/Drudge Report, 102-5
Duda, Ivan, 194


Edwards, Elizabeth, 231
Edwards, John, 231
Eisen, Ruthie, 44, 44, 79-80, 82
Eisenhower, Dwight, 216
Emmanuel, Rahm, 34
Epstein, Julian, 153


FBI investigations
device in car incident, 163-65
jogger incident, 127-28, 126-28
preparation for Steele trial, 182
tire incident, 115--16
Willey's lie to Grand Jury, 134
Feinstein, Dianne, 157
Feminists, credibility loss, 155--161
Fitzpatrick, Kelly Ann, 140, 142
Flowers, Gennifer, 23-24, 71, 97, 194
Flynt, Larry, 208
Former flings, of Clinton, SO
Foster, Vince, 48-SO, 67, 134
Foul language, Hillary Clinton, 83-84
Frank, Barney, 92
Freeh, Louis, 82
French, Mary Mel, 34, SO, 87
Friedan, Betty, 156
Friendly, Andrew, 60, 61, 214
Frontline, 218
Fundraising work, 19-20


Gecker, Dan, 73, 96, 108, 132-33, 151
George Magazine, 63, 64, 131
Gergen, David, 218
Gingrich, Newt, 92
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader, 82
Gooding, Richard, 151
Gore, AI, 59, 90, 110
Gracen, Elizabeth Ward, 203
Graham, Lindsey, 177
Grand Jury appearances
and Talking Points memo, 131
by Lewinsky, 170
by Willey, 133, 138-39
pressure to lie at, 110
testimony against Clinton, 176
Tripp's testimony, 100
Graves, Florence, 141
Guiliani, Rudy, 232


Hannah, Daryl, 35
Hardball tv show, 140, 142, 186-89
Harriman, Pamela, 20, 25, 34
Harris, John, 216
Hart, Gary, 194
Healy, Patrick, 220, 221
Helvarg, David, 210
Hemreich, Nancy, 38-39, 58, 59, 70,
98, 141
Hewitt, Don, 149
Highsmith, Mary Earle, 96-97, 183
Hill, Anita, 157
Hillary's Choice (Sheehy), 203-4
Hitchens, Christopher, 148-49
Hubbell, Web, 48
Hutchison, Asa, 177


Impeachment trial, of Clinton, 177-79
on 60 Minutes, 136-37, 139-43,
149, 151-52
Tripp, with George Magazine, 63
with Grand Jury, 133
with Matthews, 186-89
with Schippers, 174-76
Investigative Group International
(IGI), 206-9
Investor's Business Daily, 207, 208
Ireland, Patricia, 140, 142, 155--56
Isikoff, Michael, 95, 98, 102, 152-53
I've Always Been a Yankees Fan
(Kuiper), 205


Jackson, Candice, 157, 202, 203
Jackson, Jesse, 219-20
Jogger incident, in Powhatan, 118-21,
126-28, 198
Johnson, Lyndon, 216
Jones, Julia Hughes, 193
Jones, Paula, 95, 97, 108, 204
Jordan, Ann, 43-44
Jordan, Vernon, 43-44
Judd, Jackie, 126, 153, 191, 195
Judicial Watch, 146, 147, 149


Kantor, Mickey, 137, 139, 207
Karadzic, Radovan, 127
Kelly, Kate, 232
Kelly, Raymond, 207
Kendall, David, 207
Kennedy, Caroline, 39
Kennedy, Jackie, 43
Kennedy, John F., 7, 22, 39, 216
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 35
King, Larry tv show, 150, 153
Bennett's appearance, 133
Tripp's appearance, 129, 130, 179,
Willey's appearance, 189
Klayman, Larry, 146, 149, 191, 202
Klein, Ed, 194
Kluge, John, 20
Kluge, Patricia, 20
Knight, Peter, 208
Kuiper, Thomas, 205
Kyle-Browning, Dolly, 202


Lake, Tony, 78
Lamberth, Royce c., 147, 191
Landow, Nathan, 79-82, 109-11, 196,
Lauer, Matt, 151
Lebowitz, Fran, 232
Lee, Harlan, 87
Legal Services Corporation, 207
Lenzner, Terry, 127, 206-9
from Isikoff, 95
to Clinton, 77-78, 87-88, 89-90
to Hernreich, 93
used in smear campaign, 140-42
Levin, Jeremy, 79, 193, 214, 225, 227
Lewinsky, Monica Lewinsky affair,
51, 71, 92, 223
betrayal by Tripp, 128
call from Clinton/to Tripp, 98-99
calls taped by Tripp, 96
Clinton's admission, 129-30, 170
friendship with, 128
Grand Jury testimony, 170
Hilary's defense of Clinton, 158
Talking Points memo, 130
Lewis, Ann, 92
Lindsey, Bruce, 147, 202
Living History (Hillary Clinton), 42
Lott, Trent, 178
Luque, Nancy, 138, 183, 185, 186
Lyons, Gene, 153


Madonna-whore complex, 222-23
Mandela, Nelson, 90
Marriage, to Ed Wiley, Jr., 11-12, 18
Matthews, Chris, 140-42, 173, 18&-89
Matzuk family background, 8
McCoy, Ann, 43, 77
McCoy, Mike, 149
McGonagha, Barbara, 70
McLarty, Mack, 38
Merhidge, Robert, 109, 118
Meyers, Lisa, 191
Mikva, Abe, 87
Miller, Bob, 196, 197-98
Milton, Joyce, 195, 207
Morchower, Beth, 24
Morchower, Michael, 24
Morgan, Melanie, 205, 211-12, 217-18
Morris, Dick, 129-30, 159, 206, 212,
Mother Jones, 210
Murphy, Jim, 172


Nails in tires episode, 114-16
Nash, Bob, 89, 92
National Enquirer, 107--8, 134, 137
National Organization for Women
(NOW), 155-56
National Woman's Political Caucus
(NWPC), 157
National Women's Law Center, 157
Nelson, Trevor, 136, 139
New York Observer, 232
New York Times, 213, 220, 221
New Yorker magazine, 145
Newsweek Magazine, 95, 152
North, Oliver, 88
Nussbaum, Bernie, 63, 82, 85, 86, 230


Office of the Independent Council
(OIC), 169, 172, 181, 188, 198, 200
Operatives, of Democratic Party,


Palladino, Jack, 125, 194, 209-12
Panetta, Leon, 61, 62, 87
Parsons, Buford, 67
Patterson, Robert, 84, 216
Pauley, Jane, 153
Pellicano, Anthony (The Pelican),
208-9, 212-14
Perdue, Sally, 202-3, 210
Perot, Ross, 26, 29
Blarney's death, 166-67
disappearance of Bulls Eye, 14-
16, 117-18, 211
disappearance of dogs, 173-74
threats through, 162-63
Phone call threats, 143, 196
Podesta, John, 103
Potts, Larry, 207
Powhatan, relocation, 101-2
disappearance of Bulls Eye, 117-18
discovery by paparazzi, 105--8
jogger incident, 118-21, 126-28
nails in tires episode, 114-16
power outage incident, 116-17
skull on porch incident, 124-26
suspicious questionings, 113-14
Presidential debate, 26, 29
Presidential inaugural, of Clinton, 35
Press, brutality towards Tripp, 129
Proctor, Alexander, 213
Progress Club Foundation, 196
Prudential Associates investigation
firm, 195-201
Prudhomme-O'brien, Katherine, 235


Radutzky, Michael, 136-37, 139, 149,
Ray, Robert, 189
Reagan, Nancy, 43
Reno, Janet, 82
Republican National Committee,
Rewriting History (Morris), 129-30,
206, 229-30
Right-wing conspiracy theory, of
Hillary, 140, 145, 158, 227
Risky behavior, of Clinton, 71, 222
Robb, Chuck, 30, 88, 155
Robb, Linda, 30
Roberts, Jim, 134
Rogan, Jim, 177
Roosevelt, Franklin, 216
Rosen, Marvin, 92
Ruff, Charles, 210


Scandals, of Clinton
affair with Flowers, 23-24, 71, 97,
194, 203-4, 229
affair with Gracen, 203
affair with Jones, 95, 97, 204
affair with Perdue, 202-3, 210
affairs with Kyle-Browning, 202
alleged rape of Broaddrick, 71,
177, 201-2
groping of stewardess, 216
money scandal, 35
Travelgate, 48
Tripp's promotion of, SO
Whitewater scandal, 82
Schippers, David, SO, 128, 174-76,
177, 230-31
Schwartzbach, Saul, 196, 198
Scorched-earth policy, of Hillary, 206
Scott, Bobbie, 155
Seagal, Steven, 213
Seidman, Ricki, 207
Sexual addiction, of U.S. Presidents,
Shad-Planking event, 18-19
Shapiro, Howard, 207
Sharkey, Jacqueline, 141
Shearer, Brooke, 127, 207
Shearer, Cody, 127, 128, 187, 207
Sheehy, Gail, 203-4
Shipman, Claire, 107
Siebert, Debbie, 24-25, 44, 89
Siebert, Tom, 24-25, 89
Skull incident, 124-26
Smear attacks
against Flowers, 203, 209-10, 229
against Jones, 204
against Perdue, 210
against Willey, 14Q-41, 147, 149-
52, 153-55
Smith, Craig, 87
Spooks, investigations by, 195-201
Squitieri, Tom, 184
St. Brigitte's Catholic parish, 7
Staring episodes, by Clinton, 31-32,
78-79, 82
Starr Report, 170
Starr, Ken, 132, 137, 169, 178
Steele, Julie, 96-97, 107-8
and 60 Minutes, 139
coercion by White House, 181
Luque's defense of, 138, 183-186
media blitz with, 153
obstruction of justice indictment,
support from Willey, 137-38
Steinem, Gloria, 156
Stephanopoulos, George, 38, 207
Stem, Jared, 127, 195, 197-98, 198-99
Stock, Ann, 40, 41-45
Streakers soccer league, 16-17, 71,
Streisand, Barbara, 35
Stronach, Belinda, 221
of Ed Willey, 73
of Vince Foster, 48-50, 67
Sullivan, Richard, 92


Talbott, Strobe, 127, 208
Talking Points memo, of Lewinsky,
Tenet, George, 82
Terry, Mary Sue, 20
The Clinton Syndrome (Levin), 79, 193,
214, 225, 227
The Clinton Wars (Blumenthal), 145-
46, 208-9
The First Partner (Milton), 195
The Insider movie, 125
The Nation, 99, 109, 141
The Survivor (Harris), 216
The Truth About Hillary (Klein), 194
Thomas, Clarence, 157
Thomason, Harry, 47
Clinton's implied, to Tripp, 131
device in car incident, 163-65
jogger incident, 126-28
Kirk's phone call, 143, 196
through pets, 162-63
Time Magazine, 108
Tirades, of Hillary Clinton, 83-84
Today Show, 151
Travelgate scandal, 48
Tripp, Linda
changing of stories, 99-101
description of Willey, 63
disgust with White House, 85
firing of, 86
George Magazine interview, 63
Grand Jury testimony, 100
hatred for Clintons, 45
implied threats from Clinton, 131
job changing help by, 82
Larry King appearance, 129, 130,
179, 205-6
on Hilary/Foster relationship, 48
press brutality towards, 129
reaction to Clinton's assault, 64
relationship with Blitzer, 83
respect for Hubbell, 49
scandal promotion by, 50
taping Lewinsky's calls, 96
vendetta against Willey, 87
vindication of Willey, 180-81
Truth Squad, 193, 208
Truth Verification Labs, 212
Tucker, Ron, 202
Tyson, Laura, 62


Undisciplined behavior, in White
House, 46
US News and World Report, 218
LISA Today, 139, 184


Viner, Michael, 151
Volunteer work
for Clinton, first term, 38-52
for Doug Wilder, 19-20


Walsh, Joan, 231
Walters, Barbara, 90, 220
Washington Post, 206
White House
attacks on Starr, 189
coercion of Steele, 181
damage control by, 149
hiring of IGI, 206---9
inappropriate behavior in, 45-46,
46, 51-52
smear attacks by, 140-41, 147,
149-52, 153-55
White House Fellowship Program,
Whitewater scandal, 82
Wilder, Doug, 20, 169
Wilkerson, Amber, 235
Willey, Ed, Jr.
aftermath of suicide, 73-74
illegal borrowing by, 53-58
romance/marriage to, 11-12, 18
Streaker's Irish wake for, 75
suspicious suicide notes, 68-69
Willey, Kathleen
aftermath of Ed's suicide, 73
appearance on Larry King, 189
Christmas after Ed's death, 76---77
Clinton dinner invitation, 33-34
Clinton's non-/partial
acknowledgement, 78, 106
dates with Nate Landow, 79-82
disappointment with Democrats,
disappointment with feminists,
discovery by paparazzi, 105-8
embarrassment for Clinton, 142
family background, 8
flight attendant career choice, 9
fundraising work, 19-20
Grand Jury testimony, 133, 138-
39, 176-77
high school pregnancy, 8-9
hug/kiss welcome by Clinton, 39
initial suspicions about Clinton,
interview with Matthews, 186-89
interview with Newsweek, 152
interview with Schippers, 174-76
investigations by spooks, 195-01
letter to Hernreich, 93
letters to Clinton, 77-78, 87-90
loss of counsel job, 87
marriage, to Ed Wiley, Jr., 11-12
meeting with Castro, 90
meeting with Isikoff/Gecker, 96
meeting with Mandela, 90
Oval Office assault by Clinton,
phone call from Tripp, 95-96
pressure to lie by Landow, 109-
public flirting by Clinton, 30-32
relocation to country, 101-2
ruptured disc surgery, 118
sell-out by Steele, 107-8
speaking at University of
Richmond, 161
support for Steele by, 137-38
support from Bradley, 151-52
support from Fitzpatrick, 140
support from Streakers, 71, 75-76
testimony at Steele's trial, 183-84
volunteer work, 19-20, 38-52
Willey, Patrick (son), 14, 19, 32-33,
57, 73, 143
Willey, Shannon (daughter), 14, 19,
32-33, 57, 73
Wirth, Tim, 92
Women, with similar assault stories,
Women's Legal Defense Fund, 157
World Summit for Social
Development, 89-90
WorldNetDaily website, 213, 213
Wright, Betsey, 194, 225
Wright, Susan Weber, 124
Wurtzel, Alan, 23


Yarrin, Rob, 173, 188
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Re: Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Cli

Postby admin » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:25 pm

The Clinton Chronicles

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