Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:33 pm

Congress of Vienna

In 1802, Europe was made up of several hundred states, which were dominated by England, Austria, Russia, Prussia and France, which was the most powerful country. In 1804, when Napoleon Bonaparte took over France, his military exploits had led to the complete control of virtually all of Europe. Even today, France has more land than any other country in western Europe. In 1812, when Napoleon moved against Russia; England, Spain and Portugal were already at war with France. They were later joined by Sweden, Austria; and in 1813, Prussia joined the coalition to end the siege of Europe, and to "assure its future peace by the re-establishment of a just equilibrium of the powers." In 1814, the coalition defeated France, and in March of that year, marched into Paris. France's borders were returned to their original 1792 location, which had been established by the First Peace of Paris, and Napoleon was exiled to Elba, a small island off the Tucson coast of Italy.

After the Napoleonic Wars, the Illuminati thought the world would be tired of fighting, and would accept any solution to have peace. Through the Congress of Vienna (1814-15), the Rothschilds hoped to create a sort of League of Nations.

From September, 1814 to June, 1815, the four powers of the allied coalition, winners of the Napoleonic Wars, met at the Congress of Vienna, along with a large number of rulers and officials representing smaller states. It was the biggest political meeting in European history. Representing England, was Lord Robert Stewart, the 2nd Viscount Castlereagh; France, with Foreign Minister Charles-Maurice Talleyrand de Perigord; Prussia, with King Friedrich Wilhelm III; and Austria, with Emperor Franz II.

Other representatives were: Frederick VI, King of Denmark; Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria; Friedrich I, King of Wurttemburg; Napoleon II, King of Rome; Eugene de Beaurharnais, Viceroy of Italy; King Friedrich August I of Saxony; Count Leowenhielm of Sweden; Cardinal Consalvi of the Papal States; Grand Duke Charles of Baden; Elector William of Hesse; Grand Duke George of Hesse-Darmstadt; Karl August, Duke of Weimar; the King of Bohemia; the King of Hungary; and emissaries from Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Holland, and other European States.

The main concern of the Congress was to redistribute conquered territories, create a balance of power, restore the pre-Napoleonic order through King Louis XVIII, return the power to families who were ruling in 1789, and to return the Roman Catholic Church to its former power. Discussion revolved around the creation of a Federation of Europe that would establish a group of independent kingdoms which would be tied together through an administrative governing body that would, among other things, provide military defense. In their plan, Switzerland was made a neutral state that served as a repository for their finances.

In March, 1815, Napoleon left Elba, because the pension promised him by King Louis XVIII was discontinued, and he believed that Austria was preventing his companion, Marie Louise, and his son, the former King of Rome (who became the Duke of Reichstadt in Vienna) from being able to join him. Plus, he was made aware of the growing discontent with the King. Thus Napoleon returned, began the Hundred Days War, and was immediately labeled a "public enemy." The coalition at the Congress put aside their diplomatic business, and joined in the battle.

Shortly before Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, negotiations at the Congress of Vienna were completed, and the treaty was signed on June 9, 1815. The Second Peace of Paris, in November, exiled Napoleon to St. Helena, an island 1,000 miles off the African coast, where he died in 1821. The Russian czar saw through the planned European Federation, recognizing it as an Illuminati ploy, and would not go along with it. On September 26, 1815, the Treaty of Holy Alliance was signed by Alexander I of Russia, Francis II of Austria, and Frederick William III of Prussia, while the allies were negotiating the Second Peace of Paris. The Treaty guaranteed the sovereignty of any monarch who would adhere to Christian principles in the affairs of State. The Treaty made them a "true and indissoluble brotherhood." Alexander claimed he got the idea from a conversation with Castlereagh. Castlereagh later said that the Alliance was a "piece of sublime mysticism and nonsense." Prussia and Austria claimed they went along with it, out of fear of Russian retaliation. Although the Alliance had no influence on matters, it did indicate to other countries that they had banded together against them, and it succeeded in temporarily crushing Europe's growing liberal movement.

Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince Klemens Furst von Metternich, the most influential statesman in Europe, and a Rothschild agent, said that the purpose of his idea for a European Federation was only to preserve the social order, and he was convinced that Alexander was insane.

In actuality, the reason for the Congress of Vienna, was for the Illuminati to create a Federation, so they would have complete political control over most of the civilized world. Many of the European governments were in debt to the Rothschilds, so they figured they could use that as a bargaining tool. The Illuminati, in their first attempt, had come terrifyingly close to gaining control of the world. The head of the family, Nathan Rothschild, awaited the day that his family would get revenge by destroying the Czar and his family, which they did in 1917.

In 1916, the Senate Congressional Record (pg. 6781) reproduced a document known as the "Secret Treaty of Verona" which had been signed in November 22, 1822 by Austria (Metternich), France (Chateaubriand), Prussia (Bernstet), and Russia (Nesselrode); and was partially the reason for the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine. Its purpose was to make some changes to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, and Article One stated: "The high contracting powers, being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchical principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced where it is not yet known." Without a doubt, this document represented the intentions of the International bankers as they planned increasing domination over a growing world.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:34 pm

Masons Separate Themselves From the Illuminati

In 1826, Captain William Morgan, a journalist and stonemason from Batavia, New York, who was a high degree mason in a local Masonic lodge, wrote an exposé of the Masonic Order in a book called Illustrations of Masonry, which revealed many of their secrets concerning the first three degrees. Shortly afterward, he was arrested and charged with stealing and indebtedness, and put in jail. The Illuminati tried him in absentia, convicted him of treason, and ordered five men, led by Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to execute him. When he was released from jail, he was warned about the plot, and he attempted to flee to Canada. Howard caught him at the border, and took him to Fort Niagara, where he was held for a couple of days. The Freemasons that accompanied Howard, carried him off in a boat, and drowned him in the Niagara River. [See the sworn affidavit of Thurlow Weed, On the Abduction of Captain Morgan and Kidnapping and Murder of Morgan

This event was verified by the sworn statement of Avery Allen (said to be on file at the New York City Archives), who heard Howard give a report of the incident at a meeting of the Knights Templar at St. John's Hall in New York City. One of the three men who carried out the assassination, confessed on his deathbed in 1848.

Masonic leaders refused to cooperate with the lengthy investigation, which didn't get anywhere, since many of the police officers were Masons. [This collusion still afflicts America today.] The general consensus was that Morgan accidentally drowned himself in Lake Ontario. However, the press, religious leaders, temperance and anti-slavery groups, united to condemn the apparent murder. The murder caused over half of the Masons in the northeastern United States to break off their alignment with the Illuminati. The incident led to the creation of the country's first third party movement, the Anti-Masonic Party (1826-33) in New York. They wanted to stop the aristocratic conspiracy, and prevent all members of Masonic organizations from public service. Anti-Masonic candidates were elected to the New York Assembly in 1827.

A State Convention in Massachusetts in 1828 saw the establishment of a committee "to inquire how far Freemasonry and French Illuminism are connected." The Committee reported at a meeting at Faneuil Hall in Boston (December 30, 31, and January 1, 1829), and passed the following resolution: "Resolved, on the report of the Committee appointed to inquire how far Freemasonry and French Illuminism are connected, that there is evidence of an intimate connection between the high orders of Masonry and French Illuminism."

A National Convention was held in 1830 in Philadelphia, and another in Baltimore in 1831, where they nominated William Wirt, former U.S. Attorney General (under Monroe and John Quincy Adams, 1817-1829), as a Presidential candidate. They were represented by 116 Anti-Masonic delegates from 13 states. The movement caught on mainly in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states. Even though they won quite a few Congressional seats in 1832, Wirt only carried the State of Vermont, while Andrew Jackson, a Mason, won big.

The Party was phased out in 1836, because the anti-slavery movement began to overshadow their activities. They merged with the Whig Party (1834-60) in 1838. The Whig Party later assimilated themselves into the Democratic Party, the Liberty Party (1840-48), the Free Soil Party (1848-54), and the Republican Party.

Fifty years after Morgan's disappearance, Thurlow Weed (1797-1882), owner of the Rochester Telegraph, and Editor of the influential Albany Evening Journal (from 1830-1863), who helped found the Anti-Masonic Party, published information about Morgan's death. His grave was discovered in 1881 at Pembroke, in Batavia County, in New York. In the grave was a piece of paper that had the name John Brown written on it. Brown was said to be one of the people involved in the killing. A statue was erected in memory of Morgan in Batavia in 1882.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:34 pm

Illuminati in the United States

In 1829, the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York, which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Frances 'Fanny' Wright, from Scotland, who was an associate of socialist Robert Dale Owen. She had come to America in 1818, then again in 1824. In 1828, she became the co-editor of the New Harmony Gazette with Owen. In 1829, they moved to New York, and called their publication the Free Enquirer. At the meeting, she spoke of equal rights, atheism, and free love, as she promoted a Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. Those present were told that an international movement of subversives was being developed along the lines of Illuminati principles, who would be used to ferment future wars. They were to be known as 'communists.' This movement was to be used to make the idea of a one-world government more appealing by bringing chaos to the world through war and revolution, so the Illuminati could step in to create order.

In 1843, poet Heinrich Heine, revealed what he knew about this new group, when he wrote a book called Letece, which was a compilation of articles he wrote for the Augsburg Gazette from 1840-1843. A passage from that book read: "Communism is the secret name of this tremendous adversary which the rule of the proletariat, with all that implies, opposes to the existing bourgeois regime ... Communism is nonetheless the dark hero, cast for an enormous if fleeting role in the modern tragedy, and awaiting its cue to enter the stage."

Clinton Roosevelt, Horace Greeley (1811-72, Editor of the New York Tribune which he founded in 1841), and Charles Dana (1819-97, City Editor on the New York Tribune, and later Editor of the New York Sun), prominent newspaper publishers at that time, were appointed to a committee to raise funds for the project, which was being financed by the Rothschilds. Incidentally, Greeley, because of his ambition for high public office, and his anti-slavery stand, helped organize the Republican Party in 1854. In 1872, he ran for the Presidency, against Ulysses S. Grant, on the Liberal Republican ticket. Grant defeated him 3,597,132 votes to 2,834,125.

In 1841, Clinton Roosevelt wrote a book called The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, which was the blueprint of the conspiracy to eliminate the U.S. Constitution, and to communize the country, based on the principles of Weishaupt. It contained the detailed plan for the New Deal and the National Recovery Act that was implemented 92 years later by his direct descendant Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The Illuminati operated through a front organization known as the Locofoco Party (1835-45), which was organized by radical Jacksonian Democrats who were strongly influenced by the Working Man's Party (1828-30), and had labor support. The Working Man's Party merged into the Equal Rights Party in 1833, which later developed into the Socialist Party in 1901. The Locofocos got their name when they voted down the endorsed candidate for the Democratic Party Chairman, and the gas lights were turned off by Party regulars during the 1835 meeting in Tammany Hall. The matches they used to light candles, in order to continue the meeting, were called 'locofocos.'

With their political strength concentrated mainly in the Northeast, their goals were to establish an independent treasury and to enact anti-monopoly legislation. They were absorbed into the States' rights movement of Sen. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky, and Sen. Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, who joined with the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Anti-Masonic Party to form the Whig Party, which represented farmers, southern plantation owners, and northeastern business interests. Their main complaint was President Andrew Jackson's refusal to Charter the Second Bank of the United States. They succeeded in electing Gen. William Henry Harrison and Gen. Zachary Taylor to the Presidency, but were stymied by presidential vetoes when they tried to get their legislative projects passed, especially after the re-establishment of the National Bank. The Whigs later merged with the newly formed Republican Party.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:35 pm

The Illuminati Leadership Changes

After Weishaupt died on November 18, 1830, at the age of 82, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72), an Italian patriot, and revolutionary leader, was appointed head of the Illuminati in 1834. It was believed that Weishaupt rejoined the Catholic Church with a deathbed repentance.

While attending Genoa University, Mazzini became a 33rd degree Mason, and joined a secret organization known as the Carbonari (their stated goal in 1818: "Our final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution- the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately all Christianity."), where he became committed to the cause of Italian unity. In 1831, he was exiled to France, where he founded the 'Young Societies' movement, which included Giovane Italia (Young Italy), Young England, etc. This group united those who wanted to achieve unification through force. Mazzini moved to England in 1837, then returned to Italy in 1848 to lead the revolution against the Austrians. Again he was exiled. In the 1850's, he led more revolutionary activities, and through his actions, Italy became united in 1861, as a single kingdom, rather than the republic envisioned by Mazzini.

Mazzini, who became known as the 'Evil Genius of Italy,' tried to carry on the activities of the Illuminati through the Alta Vendita Lodge, the highest lodge of the Carbonari.

From 1814-48, the group known as the Haute Vente Romaine led the activities of most of Europe's secret societies. In April, 1836, the head of the Haute Vente, whose pseudonym was 'Nubius,' wrote to 'Beppo': "Mazzini behaves too much like a conspirator of melodrama to suit the obscure role we resign ourselves to play until our triumph. Mazzini likes to talk about a great many things, about himself above all. He never ceases writing that he is overthrowing thrones and altars, that he fertilizes the peoples, that he is the prophet of humanitarianism..."

In 1860, Mazzini had formed an organization called the 'Oblonica,' a name derived from the Latin 'obelus,' which means: "I beckon with a spit (dagger)." Within this group, he established an inner circle called the Mafia.

About 1,000 AD, after the Normans had driven the Arabs out of Sicily, they established a feudal system. Overseers to guard each feudi were chosen from known criminals. Skirmishes between the Barons were fought by these criminals. Although feudal privileges were abolished in 1812, these overseers retained control of the land through leasing arrangements. It was this band of criminals that Mazzini gave the name 'Mafia', which was an acronym for Mazzini, Autorizza, Furti, Incendi, and Avvelengmenti. Known as the Mafiosi, they were authorized by Mazzini to commit thefts, arson and murder. It was this organization that came to America during the 1890's with the beginning of Italian immigration.

In 1859, Albert Pike (1809-1891), a lawyer, and leader of the U.S. Scottish Rite Masonry (who was called the 'Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry,' the 'Prophet of Freemasonry' and the 'greatest Freemason of the nineteenth century'), who was fascinated with the idea of a one-world government, was chosen to coordinate Illuminati activities in the United States. He said they needed to create a political party that would keep the world fighting, until they could bring peace. Pike said it would be done "with tongue and pen, with all our open and secret influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword..."

Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, went to Harvard, then later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army. He was appointed by the Confederacy to be the Indian Commissioner in order to create an army of Indian warriors. He became Governor of the Indian territory, and succeeded in creating an army consisting of Chickasaws, Comanches, Creeks, Cherokees, Miamis, Osages, Kansas, and Choctaws. He became known to them as the "faithful pale-face friend and protector." The savagery of their attacks caused Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy, to disband the Indian army. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson, the 4th - 32nd degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. The only monument to a Confederate general in Washington, D.C. was erected in Pike's honor, and can be found between the Department of Labor building and the Municipal Building, between 3rd and 4th Streets, on D Street, NW.

Pike was a genius, able to read and write in 16 different languages. A 33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding fathers, and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In 1871, he wrote the 861 page Masonic handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and possessed a bracelet he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped established the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Pike, his successor, changed the name to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). The Order contained two degrees: 1) Adelph (or Brother), and 2) Companion of Ulysses (or Companion of Penelope). Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. His other closest aids were Gallatin Mackey (a Masonic leader), Longfellow, and Holbrook. Pike, along with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (33rd Mason, 1815-1898), intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together.

Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Illuminati had to again go underground. Pike established Supreme Councils in Charleston, South Carolina; Rome, Italy (led by Mazzini); London, England (led by Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck). He set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. All of these branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati's activities ever since.

In a letter dated January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to Pike:

"We must allow all of the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select (obviously referring to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite). With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one International Center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown."

In another letter, dated August 15, 1871, Pike wrote to Mazzini:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Another part of this letter was discovered in 1949, which graphically outlined plans for three world wars and at least two revolutions. The first world war was to enable communistic atheism to destroy the czarist government in Russia. This was accomplished. The second world war was to begin by pitting Great Britain against Germany, in order to destroy Nazism, and advance the cause of Zionism, so that Israel could become a nation. This was accomplished. After this war, Communism was to be made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, Russia was given a chunk of Europe, and that helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China. The plan also called for a third world war, which is to be ignited by firing up the aggression between the Zionists (Israel) and the Arab world, who will destroy each other, bringing the rest of the world into a final conflict. This conflict will be engineered to produce complete social, political, and economic chaos; out of which will emerge an Illuminati-controlled world government.

According to William Guy Carr, a retired Canadian Naval Commander, in his book Pawns in the Game (he also wrote Red Fog Over America), he said that for a short time this letter had been on display in the British Museum Library in London, where he wrote a copy of it. The British Museum has said that they never had such a letter in their collection. It was later discovered that Carr got the information from a book called The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled by Jose Maria Caro y Rodriguez, the Archbishop of Santiago, and the Cardinal of Chile. Some researchers believe the second letter to be fraudulent, and had been written much later than the first part, since the word 'Fascism' was not used until 1921, and the Arab/Jewish problem did not exist until after the 1917 Balfour Declaration. But then again, if they indeed planned and initiated these events, the document could very well be authentic.

After Mazzini's death on March 11, 1872, Pike appointed Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896, 33rd degree Mason), a banker from Florence, Italy, to run their subversive activities in Europe. Lemmi was a supporter of patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, and may have been active in the Luciferian Society founded by Pike.

On July 14, 1889, Pike issued this statement to the 24 Supreme Councils of the world who were meeting in Paris:

"That which we must say to the crowd is: 'We worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition.'
To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (33rd Degree Masons), we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees: 'The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.'

If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (or 'Adonai,' Hebrew for the word 'Lord' which refers to Jehovah, the God of Israel, which they avoided using) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive...

...Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil."
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:36 pm

Financial Background -- The Beginning of Monetary Control

Napoleon said: "When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes ... financiers are without patriotism and without decency..." Karl Marx said in the Communist Manifesto: "Money plays the largest part in determining the course of history." The Rothschilds found out early, that when you control the money, you basically control everything else. So, while their political plans were being thwarted, they began to concentrate on tightening their grip on the financial structure of the world.

In the mid 1700's the Colonies were prospering because they were issuing their own money, called Colonial Scrip, which was strictly regulated, and didn't require the payment of any interest. When the bankers in Great Britain heard this, the British Parliament passed a law prohibiting the currency, forcing them to accept the debt money issued by them. Contrary to what history teaches, the American Revolution was not ignited by a tax on tea. According to Benjamin Franklin, it was because "the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended." He said: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."

In 1787, our new Constitution gave Congress the power to "coin money, (and) regulate the value thereof (Article 1, Section 8)." After Great Britain tried to destroy and control the currency of our new country, Congress realized the danger of fiat, or paper money created by law. In 1775, paper money had been issued to finance the war, and independent state legislatures passed laws requiring citizens to accept it as legal tender. Since it was created from nothing, and not backed by any precious metal, inflation developed. By the end of the war, it took 500 paper dollars to get one silver dollar. Our forefathers wrote in Article I, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution: "No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing by gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility."

Alexander Hamilton, an Illuminist, and agent of European bankers, had immigrated to the colonies in 1772 from the British colony of Nevis, on the Leeward Islands in the British West Indies. He married the daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler, one of the most influential families of New York. In 1789 he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton and Robert Morris successfully convinced the new Congress not to take this power literally, enabling the Bank of North America to be established in 1781, which was similar to the Bank of England. At the time, America had a foreign debt of $12,000 (in money borrowed from Spain, France, Holland, and private interests in Germany), and a domestic debt of $42,000.

In 1790, Hamilton, who favored Central Banking, urged the Congress to charter a privately owned company to have the sole responsibility of issuing currency, in order to handle the country's financial situation. His Plan called for Congress to create a Central Banking system, with a main office in Philadelphia, and smaller branches located in important cities throughout the country. It would be used to deposit government funds and tax collections, and to issue bank notes to increase the money supply needed to finance the country's growth. This Bank of the United States would have a capital stock plan of $10 million, with 4/5's to be owned by private investors, and 1/5 by the U.S. Government. It would be administered by a President, and 25 Board of Directors, with 20 to be elected by the stockholders, and 5 appointed by the government.

Central Banking was initiated by international banker William Paterson in 1691, when he obtained the Charter for the Bank of England, which put the control of England's money in a privately owned company which had the right to issue notes payable on demand against the security of bank loans to the crown. One of their first transactions was to loan 1.2 million pounds at 8% interest to William of Orange to help the king pay the cost of his war with Louis XIV of France. Paterson said: "The bank hath benefit of interest on all monies which it creates out of nothing." Reginald McKenna, British Chancellor of the Exchequer (or Treasury), said 230 years later: "The banks can and do create money ... And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people."

Hamilton's elitist views and real purpose for wanting Central Banking came to light, when he wrote: "All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are rich and well-born, the other the mass of the people. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right."

In 1791, Jefferson said: "To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we (will then) be taxed in our meat and our drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they (will) be happy." Even though Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (later to be our 4th President, 1809-17) opposed the Bill, Washington signed it into law on February 25, 1791. Alexander Hamilton became a very rich man. He and Aaron Burr helped establish the Manhattan Co. in New York City, which developed into a very prosperous banking institution. It would later be controlled by the Warburg-Kuhn-Loeb interests, and in 1955 it merged with Rockefeller's Chase Bank to create the Chase Manhattan Bank.

When Jefferson (1801-09) became President, he opposed the bank as being unconstitutional, and when the 20 year charter came up for renewal in 1811, it was denied. Nathan Rothschild, head of the family bank in England, had recognized America's potential, and made loans to a few states, and in fact became the official European banker for the U.S. Government. Because he supported the Bank of the United States, he threatened: "Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war." He then ordered British troops to "teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status." This brought on the War of 1812, our second war with England, which facilitated the rechartering of the Bank of the United States. The war raised our national debt from $45 million to $127 million.

Jefferson wrote to James Monroe (who later served as our 5th President, 1817-25) in January, 1815: "The dominion which the banking institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens ... must be broken, or it will break us." In 1816, Jefferson wrote to John Tyler (who became our 10th President, 1841-45): "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father's conquered ... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies ... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it properly belongs."

On May 10, 1816, President James Madison signed the Bill, which created the second Bank of the United States. Inflation, heavy debt, and the unavailability of an entity to collect taxes, were some of the reasons given for its rechartering. The new charter allowed it to operate another 20 years, raised its capital stock to $35 million, authorized the creation of bank branches, and the issuing of notes with denominations no smaller than $5.00. The new bank now had the power "to control the entire fiscal structure of the country." The bank was run by the Illuminati, through such international banker 'front men' as John Jacob Astor, Stephen Girard, and David Parish (a Rothschild agent for the Vienna branch of the family).

In 1819, the Bank was declared constitutional by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall (a Mason), who said that Congress had the implied power to create the Bank.

People began to see how much power the Bank really had, and the voter backlash led to the election of Andrew Jackson as President in 1828. His slogan was: "Let the people rule." Jackson maintained: "If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or to corporations." Jackson said that the control of a central bank "would be exercised by a few over the political conduct of the many by first acquiring that control over the labor and earnings of the great body of people." During the 1828 presidential campaign, Jackson said in an address before a group of bankers: "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out." He went on to say: "If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." Jackson said that if such a Bank would continue to control "our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy..."

After fiscal mismanagement by its first President, former Secretary of the Navy, Captain William Jones, the Bank was forced to call in loans and foreclosed on mortgages, which caused bankruptcy, a price collapse, unemployment and a depression. However, the Bank began to flourish under its new President, financier Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844), who petitioned the Congress for a renewal of the Bank's Charter in 1832, four years before its current charter expired. The Bill for the new Charter passed the Senate, 28-20, and the House 107-85, and everyone knew how Jackson felt. Biddle threatened: "Should Jackson veto it, I shall veto him!" Jackson did veto the Charter, and abolished the Bank in 1832. He ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to remove all Government deposits from U.S. Banks and deposit them in state banks. On January 8, 1835, Jackson paid off the final installment on our national debt, and it was the only time in history that our national debt was reduced to zero, and we were able to accumulate a surplus, $35 million of which was distributed to the States. Nicholas P. Trist, the President's personal secretary, said: "This is the crowning glory of A.J.'s life and the most important service he has ever rendered his country." The Boston Post compared it to Christ throwing the money-changers out of the Temple.

James K. Polk, the Speaker of the House (who later became the 11th President in 1845) said: "The Bank of the United States has set itself up as a great irresponsible rival power of the government."

The Bank continued to operate until 1836, and it was used by Biddle to wreak havoc upon the economy by reducing loans and increasing the quantity of money. Jackson became the first President of the United States to be censured, which was done in March, 1834, "for removing the government's deposits from the Bank of the United States without the express authorization of the United States Congress." It is quite obvious that he did it because of the "abuses and corruptions" of the Bank, and the censure was later reversed by the Senate in 1837. The Bankers continued their attempts to revive the Bank. President John Tyler vetoed two bills in 1841 that would have rechartered the Bank of the United States.

In 1837, the Rothschilds sent another one of their agents to America. His name was August Belmont (real name, August Schonberg, a cousin of the Seligman family of Frankfurt, Germany). In 1829, as a 15 year-old, he started working for the bank in Frankfurt, and proved himself to be a financial genius. In 1832, he was promoted to the bank at Naples, so he could be fully integrated into international banking. He became fluent in English, French, and Italian. His mission was to stir up financial trouble within the southern banks. He ran a bank in New York City, and established himself as a leading figure in financial circles by buying government bonds, and later became a financial advisor to the President.

In 1857, the Illuminati met in London to decide America's fate. They had to create an incident which would allow the establishment of a Central Bank, and that had to be a war, since wars are expensive, and governments have to borrow to pay for them. Canada and Mexico weren't strong enough, as evidenced by Santa Anna's defeat in Texas the year before; England and France were too far away, and Russia wasn't under their control; so they decided to "divide and conquer," by fermenting a conflict between the North and the South. The North was to become a British Colony, annexed to Canada, and controlled by Lionel Rothschild; while the South was to be given to Napoleon III of France, and controlled by James Rothschild.

In order to begin a movement that would lead to the secession of the South from the Union, the Illuminati used the Knights of the Golden Circle, which had been formed in 1854 by George W. L. Bickley, to spread racial tension from state to state, using slavery as an issue. War-time members included Jefferson Davis, John Wilkes Booth and Jesse James (1847-1882, a Mason, who after stealing gold from banks and mining companies, buried nearly $7 billion of it all over the western states in hopes of funding a second Civil War). The Ku Klux Klan, formed in 1867, were the military arm of the Knights. The states which seceded, united into the Confederate States of America, which meant they maintained their independence, and that if the South would win, each state would be like an independent country.

Abraham Lincoln informed the people that "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states." He had coastal ports blockaded to keep supplies from being shipped in from Europe.

The Rothschilds financed the North through emissaries August Belmont, Jay Cooke (who was commissioned to sell bond issues, arranging with Belmont to sell Union bonds in Europe), J. and W. Seligman and Company, and Speyer & Co.

Judah P. Benjamin (1811-84) of the law firm of Slidell, Benjamin and Conrad, in Louisiana, was a Rothschild agent, who became Secretary of State for the Confederacy in 1862. His law partner, John Slidell (August Belmont's wife's uncle) was the Confederate envoy to France. Slidell's daughter was married to Baron Frederick D´Erlanger, in Frankfurt, who were related to the Rothschilds, and acted on their behalf. Slidell was the representative of the South who borrowed money from the D´Erlangers to finance the Confederacy.

Towards the end of 1861, England sent 8,000 troops to Canada, and in 1862, English, French and Spanish troops landed at Vera Cruz, Mexico, supposedly to collect on debts owed them by Mexico. In April, 1861, the Russian Ambassador to America had advised his government: "England will take advantage of the first opportunity to recognize the seceded states and that France will follow her." On June 10, 1863, French General Elie-Frederic Forey, with the help of 30,000 additional French troops, took over Mexico City, and controlled most of the country. Through his representatives in Paris and London, Czar Alexander II in Russia discovered that the Confederates had offered the states of Louisiana and Texas to Napoleon III, if he would send his troops against the North. Russia had already indicated their support for Lincoln, but wanted something more to send their large navy to defend the country. On January 1, 1863, as a gesture of goodwill, Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves, just as the Czar had done with the serfs in 1861. On September 8, 1863, at the request of President Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward, Alexander sent the Russian fleet to San Francisco and New York, and ordered them "to be ready to fight any power and to take their orders only from Abraham Lincoln."

Lincoln said: "The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but is the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest." On February and March, 1862, and March 1863, Lincoln received Congressional approval to borrow $450 million from the people by selling them bonds, or 'greenbacks,' to pay for the Civil War. They were not redeemable until 1865, when three could be exchanged for one in silver. They were made full legal tender in 1879.

Thus, Lincoln solved America's monetary crisis without the help of the International Bankers. The London Times later said of Lincoln's greenbacks:

"If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North America Republic during the late war in that country, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

Bismarck, the German Chancellor, said in 1876 about Lincoln: "He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling to it the 'bonds' of States ... and the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."

Before the Lincoln administration, private commercial banks were able to issue paper money called state bank notes, but that ended with the National Banking Act of 1863, which prohibited the states from creating money. A forerunner of the Federal Reserve Act, it began the movement to abolish redeemable currency. A system of private banks was to receive charters from the federal government which would give them the authorization to issue National Bank Notes. This gave banks the power to control the finances and credit of the country, and provided centralized banking, under Federal control, in times of war. The financial panic created by the International Bankers, destroyed 172 State Banks, 177 private banks, 47 savings institutions, 13 loan and trust companies, and 16 mortgage companies.

Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury (1861-64) under Lincoln, publicly said that his role "in promoting the passage of the National Banking Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly which affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed, but before that can be accomplished, the people will be arrayed on one side and the bankers on the other, in a contest such as we have never seen before in this country."

Lincoln said: "The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed ... I feel at the moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."

On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, and that same evening, an unsuccessful attempt by his fellow conspirators was made on the life of Seward. In 1866, an attempt was made to assassinate Czar Alexander II, and in 1881, the Czar was killed by an exploding bomb.

In Booth's trunk, coded messages were found, and the key to that code was found among the possessions of Judah Benjamin. Benjamin had fled to England, where he died. It was always known that Lincoln's death was the result of a massive conspiracy. However, nobody realized how deep and far reaching it was. In 1974, researchers found among the papers of Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War, letters describing the conspiracy cover-up that were written to Stanton, or intercepted by him. They also found the 18 pages that were removed from Booth's diary, which revealed the names of 70 people (some in code) who were directly or indirectly involved in Booth's original plan to kidnap Lincoln. Besides Stanton's involvement in the conspiracy, Charles A. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War (and member of the Illuminati); and Major Thomas Eckert, Chief of the War Department's Telegraph Office, were also involved.

Journals and coded papers by Colonel Lafayette C. Baker, Chief of the National Detective Police, detailed Lincoln's kidnap and assassination conspiracy, and subsequent cover-up. The plot included a group of Maryland farmers; a group of Confederates including Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy) and Judah Benjamin (the Confederate Secretary of War and Secretary of State); a group of Northern Banking and Industrial interests, including Jay Cooke (Philadelphia financier), Henry Cooke (Washington, D.C. banker), Thurlow Weed (New York newspaper publisher); and a group of Radical Republicans who didn't want the south reunited with the North as states, but wanted to control them as military territories, and included Sen. Benjamin Wade of Ohio, Sen. Zechariah Chandler of Michigan, and Sen. John Conness of California. All of these groups pooled their efforts, and used actor John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate patriot. The original plan called for the kidnapping of Lincoln, Vice-President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State Seward. The National Detective Police discovered their plans, and informed Stanton. Planned for January 18, 1865, the kidnap attempt failed.

Captain James William Boyd, a secret agent for the Confederacy, and a prisoner of war in the Old Capitol Prison, was used by the National Detective Police to report on the activities of the prisoners, and to inform on crooked guards. He looked similar to Booth, and ironically, had the same initials. Stanton had him released, and Boyd took over the Northern end of the conspiracy, which had been joined by the Police and the War Department. The North wanted to kill Lincoln, while Booth wanted to kidnap him and use him as leverage to get Confederate prisoners of war released.

Booth failed twice in March, and then ended up shooting Lincoln at Ford's Theater. Boyd, warned that he could get implicated, planned to flee to Maryland. He was blamed for attacking Seward, which he didn't. Boyd was the one who was shot at Garrett's farm, and identified as Booth. The Police and Stanton discovered that it was really Boyd, after it was announced to the nation that it was Booth. The only picture taken of Boyd's dead body was found in Stanton's collection. The body was taken by Col. Lafayette Baker, to the old Arsenal Penitentiary, where it was buried in an unknown place, under the concrete floor.

Baker and Detectives Luther and Andrew Potter, knew the case wasn't closed, and had to find Booth to keep him from talking. They followed his trail to New York, and later to Canada, England and India. He allegedly faked his death and returned to the United States, where in Enid, Oklahoma, he revealed his true identity on his deathbed. The mortician, who was summoned, instead of burying the corpse, had it preserved, and it is still in existence today.

Baker broke off relations with Stanton, who was discharged from the Army and as head of the Secret Service in 1866. In 1867, in his book, The History of the U.S. Secret Service, he admitted delivering Booth's diary to Stanton, and on another occasion, testified that the diary was intact when it was in his possession. This means that Stanton did remove the pages to facilitate a cover-up, because the pages were found in his collection.

Andrew Johnson, who became President, issued the Amnesty Proclamation on May 29, 1865, to reunite the country. It stipulated that the South would not be responsible for the debt incurred, that all secession laws were to end, and that slavery was to be abolished. Needless to say, the Rothschilds, who heavily funded the south, lost a lot of money. In addition, the cost of the support of the Russian fleet cost the country about $7.2 million. Johnson didn't have the constitutional authority to give money to a foreign government, so arrangements were made to purchase Alaska from the Russians in April, 1867. It was labeled as 'Seward's Folly' because it appeared that Seward purchased what was then a worthless piece of land, when in fact it was compensation for the Russian Navy. In August, 1867, Johnson, failed in an attempt to remove Stanton from office, and impeachment proceedings were begun against him in February, 1868, by Stanton and the Radical Republicans. Johnson was charged with attempting to fire Stanton without Senate approval, for treason against Congress, and public language "indecent and unbecoming" as the nation's leader.

Sen. Benjamin F. Wade, President pro tempore of the Senate, next in the line of Presidential succession, was so sure that Johnson would be impeached, that he already had his Cabinet picked. Stanton was to be his Secretary of Treasury. The May 26th vote was 35-19, one short of the necessary two-thirds needed to impeach Johnson.

Col. Lafayette Baker, who threatened to reveal the conspiracy, was slowly poisoned till he died in 1868.

President James A. Garfield, our 20th President, also realized the danger posed by the bankers and said: "Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation." He was assassinated in 1881, during the first year of his Presidency.

In 1877, in Lampasas County, Texas, a group of farmers formed a group called the Knights of Reliance, who were concerned about the financial power being "concentrated into the hands of a few." Later renamed the Farmers Alliance, it spread to 120 chapters throughout Texas, and by 1887, the movement stretched up to the Dakotas, and as far east as the Carolinas. By the time 1890 rolled around, this Populist philosophy had succeeded in establishing itself, and they had elected governors and congressmen.

They advocated a progressive income tax; for railroads, communications, and corporations to be regulated by the Federal government; the right to establish labor unions; and government mediation to stabilize falling commodity prices and the initiation of credit programs. They were against the gold standard, and the country's private banking system, which was centered at Wall Street. They were impressed with Lincoln's 'greenbacks,' because of its ability to adapt in order to meet the credit needs of the economy. They wanted the money supply to be controlled by their elected representatives, and not the money interests of Wall Street. They created the People's Party, and ran their own independent presidential candidate in 1892. And in 1896, they hitched their wagon to the campaign of Democrat William Jennings Bryan, who lost to McKinley, effectively ending the Populist movement.

This political movement created the initial stirrings for what eventually became the Federal Reserve Act.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:38 pm

The Federal Reserve Act

The end of the Civil War in 1865 ruined the Illuminati's chances to control our monetary system, as they did in most European countries. So, the Rothschilds modified their plan for financial takeover. Instead of tearing down from the top, they were going to start at the bottom to disrupt the foundation of our monetary system. The instrument of this destruction was a young immigrant by the name of Jacob Schiff.

The Schiff family traced their lineage back to the fourteenth century, and even claimed that King Solomon was an ancestor. Jacob Schiff was born in 1847, in Frankfurt, Germany. His father, Moses Schiff, a rabbi, was a successful stockbroker on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In 1865, he came to America, and in 1867, formed his own brokerage firm with Henry Budge and Leo Lehmann. After it failed, he went back to Germany, and became manager of the Deutsche Bank in Hamburg, where he met Moritz Warburg (1838-1910), and Abraham Kuhn, who had retired after helping to establish the firm of Kuhn & Loeb in New York.

Kuhn and Loeb were German Jews who had come to the United States in the late 1840's, and pooled their resources during the 1850's to start a store in Lafayette, Indiana, to serve settlers who were on their way to the West. They set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Later, they added pawn broking and money lending to their business pursuits. In 1867, they established themselves as a well-known banking firm.

In 1873, at the age of 26, Jacob Schiff, with the financial backing of the Rothschilds, bought into the Kuhn and Loeb partnership in New York City. He became a full partner in 1875. He became a millionaire by financing railroads, developing a proficiency at railroad management that enabled him to enter into a partnership with Edward Henry Harriman to create the greatest single railroad fortune in the world. He married Solomon Loeb's oldest daughter, Theresa, and eventually bought out Kuhn's interest. For all intents and purposes, he was the sole owner of what was now known as Kuhn, Loeb and Company. Sen. Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma indicated that Kuhn, Loeb and Company was a representative of the Rothschilds in the United States.

Although John Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913), the top American Rothschild representative, was the head of the American financial world, Schiff was rapidly becoming a major influence by distributing desirable European stock and bond issues during the Industrial Revolution. Besides Edward H. Harriman's railroad empire, he financed Standard Oil for John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), and Andrew Carnegie's (1835-1919) steel empire. By the turn of the century, Schiff was firmly entrenched in the banking community, and ready to fulfill his role as the point man in the Illuminati's plan to control our economic system, weaken Christianity, create racial tension, and to recruit members to get them elected to Congress and appointed to various government agencies.

In 1636, Miles, John, and James Morgan landed in Massachusetts, leaving their father, William, to carry on the family business of harness-making in England. Joseph Morgan (J. P. Morgan's grandfather), successful in real estate and business, supported the Bank of the United States. Junius Spencer Morgan (J. P. Morgan's father), was a partner in the Boston banking firm of J. M. Beebe, Morgan, and Co.; and became a partner in London's George Peabody and Co., taking it over when Peabody died, becoming J. S. Morgan and Co.

John Pierpont Morgan, or as he was better known, J. P. Morgan, was born on April 17, 1837. He became his father's representative in New York in 1860. In 1862, he had his own firm, known as J. Pierpont Morgan and Co. In 1863, he liquidated, and became a partner with Charles H. Dabney (who represented George Peabody and Co.), and established a firm known as Dabney, Morgan and Co. He later teamed up with Anthony J. Drexel (son of the founder of the most influential banking house in Philadelphia), in a firm known as Drexel, Morgan and Co. Morgan also became a partner in Drexel and Co. in Philadelphia. In 1869, Morgan and Drexel met with the Rothschilds in London, and through the Northern Securities Corporation, began consolidating the Rothschild's power and influence in the United States. Morgan continued the partnership that began when his father acted as a joint agent for the Rothschilds and the U.S. Government.

During the Civil War, J. P. Morgan had sold the Union Army defective carbine rifles, and it was this government money that helped build his Guaranty Trust Co. of New York. In 1880, he began financing and reorganizing the railroads. After his father died in 1890, and Drexel died in 1893, the Temporary National Economic Committee revealed that J. P. Morgan held only a 9.1% interest in his own firm. George Whitney owned 1.9%, and H. B. Davison held 1.2%, however, the Charles W. Steele Estate held 36.6%, and Thomas W. Lamont (whose son, Corliss, was an active communist) had 34.2%. Researchers believe that the Illuminati controlled the company through these shares.

In 1901, Morgan bought out Andrew Carnegie's vast steel operation for $500,000,000 to merge the largest steel companies into one big company known as the United States Steel Corporation (in which, for a time, the Rockefellers were major stockholders).

A speech by Senator Norris which was printed in the Congressional Record of November 30, 1941, said:

"J. P. Morgan, with the assistance and cooperation of a few of the interlocking corporations which reach all over the United States in their influence, controls every railroad in the United States. They control practically every public utility, they control literally thousands of corporations, they control all of the large insurance companies. Mr. President, we are gradually reaching a time, if we have not already reached that point, when the business of the country is controlled by men who can be named on the fingers of one hand, because those men control the money of the Nation, and that control is growing at a rapid rate."

The House of Morgan grew larger in 1959, when the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York merged with the J. P. Morgan and Co., to form the Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. They had four branch offices, and foreign offices in London, Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt, Rome, and Tokyo. The firm of Morgan, Stanley, and Co. was also under their control.

Paul Moritz Warburg (1868-1932), and his brother Felix (1871-1937), came to the United States from Frankfurt in 1902, buying into the partnership of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. with the financial backing of the Rothschilds. They had been trained at the family banking house, M. M. Warburg and Co. (run by their father Moritz M. Warburg, 1838-1910), a Rothschild-allied bank in Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Amsterdam, which had been founded in 1798 by their great-grandfather. Paul (said to be worth over $2.5 million when he died), married Nina Loeb, the daughter of Solomon Loeb (the younger sister of Schiff's wife); while Felix, in March, 1895, married Frieda Schiff, the daughter of Jacob Schiff.

Their brother Max (1867-1946), a major financier of the Russian Revolution (who in his capacity as Chief of Intelligence in Germany's Secret Service, helped Lenin cross Germany into Russia in a sealed train) and later Hitler, ran the Hamburg bank until 1938, when the Nazis took over. The Nazis, who didn't want the Jews running the banks, changed its name to Brinckmann, Wirtz and Co. After World War II, a cousin, Eric Warburg, returned to head it, and in 1970, its name was changed to M. M. Warburg, Brinckmann, Wirtz and Co.

Siegmund Warburg, Eric's brother, established the banking firm of S. G. Warburg and Co. in London, and by 1956, had taken over the Seligman Brothers' Bank.

The Warburgs are another good example of how the Illuminati controls both sides of a war. While Paul Warburg's firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. (who had five representatives in the U.S. Treasury Department) was in charge of Liberty Loans, which helped finance World War I for the United States, his brother Max financed Germany, through M. M. Warburg and Co.

Paul and Felix Warburg were men with a mission, sent here by the Rothschilds to lobby for the passing of a central banking law in Congress. Colonel Ely Garrison (the financial advisor to Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson) wrote in his book Roosevelt, Wilson and the Federal Reserve Act: "Mr. Paul Warburg is the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Alfred Rothschild of London." Professor E. R. A. Seligman, head of the Economics Department of Columbia University, wrote in the preface of one of Warburg's essays on central banking: "The Federal Reserve Act is the work of Mr. (Paul) Warburg more than any other man in the country."

In 1903, Paul Warburg gave Schiff a memo describing the application of the European central banking system to America's monetary system. Schiff, in turn, gave it to James Stillman, President of the National City Bank in New York City. Warburg had graduated from the University of Hamburg in 1886, and studied English central banking methods, while working in a London brokerage house. In 1891, he studied French banking methods; and from 1892-93, traveled the world to study central banking applications. The bottom line, was that he was the foremost authority in the world on central banking. It is interesting to note, that the fifth plank in the 1848 Communist Manifesto had to do with central banking.

In 1906, Frank A. Vanderlip, of the National City Bank, convinced many of New York's banking establishment, that they needed a banker-controlled central bank, that could serve the nation's financial system. Up to that time, the House of Morgan had filled that role. Some of the people involved with Morgan were: Walter Burns, Clinton Dawkins, Edward Grenfell, Willard Straight, Thomas Lament, Dwight Morrow, Nelson Perkins, Russell Leffingwell, Elihu Root, John W. Davis, John Foster Dulles, S. Parker Gilbert, and Paul D. Cravath. The financial panics of 1873, 1884, 1893, 1907, and later 1920, were initiated by Morgan with the intent of pushing for a much stronger banking system.

On January 6, 1907, the New York Times published an article by Warburg, called "Defects and Needs of Our Banking System," after which he became the leading exponent of monetary reform. That same year, Jacob Schiff told the New York Chamber of Commerce, that "unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in history." When Morgan initiated the economic panic in 1907, by circulating rumors that the Knickerbocker Bank and Trust Co. of America was going broke, there was a run on the banks, creating a financial crisis, which began to solidify support for a central banking system. During this panic, Warburg wrote an essay called "A Plan for a Modified Central Bank" which called for a Central Bank, in which 50% would be owned by the government, and 50% by the nation's banks. In a speech at Columbia University, he quoted Abraham Lincoln, who said in an 1860 Presidential campaign speech: "I believe in a United States Bank."

In 1908, Schiff laid out the final plans to seize the American monetary system. Colonel (an honorary title) Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), the son of British financier Thomas W. House, a Rothschild agent who made his fortune by supplying the south with supplies from France and England during the Civil War, was Schiff's chief representative and courier; and Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), whose stock market speculating made him a multi-millionaire by the early 1900's, and whose foreign and domestic policy expertise led Presidents from Wilson to Kennedy to seek his advice; were the two who were relied on heavily by Schiff to carry out his plans. Herbert Lehman was also a close aide to Schiff.

President Woodrow Wilson wrote about House (published in The Intimate Papers of Col. House): "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one. If I were in his place, I would do just as he suggested ... If anyone thinks he is reflecting my opinion, by whatever action he takes, they are welcome to the conclusion." George Sylvester Viereck wrote in The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House: "When the Federal Reserve legislation at last assumed definite shape, House was the intermediary between the White House and the financiers." Schiff, who was known as the "unseen guardian angel" of the Federal Reserve Act, said that the U.S. Constitution was the product of 18th century minds, was outdated, and should be "scrapped and rewritten."

In 1908, Sen. Nelson W. Aldrich (father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and grandfather of Nelson and David Rockefeller) proposed a bill, in which banks, in an emergency situation, would issue currency backed by federal, state, and local government bonds, and railroad bonds, which would be equal to 75% of the cash value of the bonds. It was harshly criticized because it didn't provide a monetary system that would respond to the seasonal demand, and fluctuate with the volume of trade. Aldrich was the most powerful man in Congress, and the Illuminati's head man in the Senate. A member of Congress for 40 years, 36 of them in the Senate, he was Chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee.

In the House of Representatives, Rep. E. B. Vreeland of New York, proposed the Vreeland Bill. After making some compromises with Aldrich, and Speaker of the House Joseph Cannon, at a meeting in a hotel room at the Arlington House, his bill became known as the Vreeland Substitute. It called for the acceptance of asset currency, but only in cases of emergency, and the currency would be based on commercial paper rather than bonds. It passed in the House, 184 -145; but when it got to the Senate, Aldrich moved against it, and pushed for further compromises. The Aldrich-Vreeland Bill, called the Emergency Currency Act, was passed on May 30, 1908, and led to the creation of the National Monetary Commission, which was made up of members of Congress. Now, any monetary legislation sent to Congress, would have to go through this group first.

The Bill approved by the National Monetary Commission was known as the Aldrich Bill, and formed the legislative base for the Federal Reserve Act. It was introduced as an amendment to the Republican sponsored Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill, in order to have Republican support. It was based on Warburg's plan, except it would only have 15 districts; half of the directors on the district level would be chosen by the banks, a third by the stockholders, and a sixth by the other directors. On the National Board: two chosen by each district; nine chosen by the stockholders; and seven ex-officio members to be the Governor, Chairman of the Board, two Deputy Governors, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Commerce and Labor, Secretary of Agriculture, and Comptroller of the Currency. Most people were against the Bill, because it finally identified the banking institution as a central bank, and the Democratic Party opposed it in the 1912 Party platform.

Aldrich was appointed as head of the National Monetary Commission, and from 1908-10, at a cost of $300,000, this 16-man committee traveled around Europe to study the central banking system.

In 1910, Warburg gave a speech entitled, "A United Reserve Bank of the United States," which called for a United Reserve Bank to be located in Washington, D.C., having the capital of $100 million. The country would be divided into 20 districts, and the system would be controlled by a Board of Directors, which would be chosen by the banking associations, the stockholders, and the government. Warburg said that the U.S. monetary system wasn't flexible, and it was unable to compensate for the rise and fall of business demand. As an example, he said, that when wheat was harvested, and merchants didn't have the cash on hand to buy and store a large supply of grain, the farmers would sell the grain for whatever they could get. This would cause the price of wheat to greatly fluctuate, forcing the farmer to take a loss. Warburg called for the development of commercial paper (paper money) to circulate as currency, which would be issued in standard denominations of uniform sizes. They would be declared by law to be legal tender for the payment of debts and taxes.

President Theodore Roosevelt said, concerning the criticism of finding capable men to head the formation of a central bank: "Why not give Mr. (Paul) Warburg the job? He would be the financial boss, and I would be the political boss, and we could run the country together."

After a conference was held at Columbia University on November 12, 1910, the National Monetary Commission published their plan in the December, 1910 issue of their Journal of Political Economy in an article called "Bank Notes and Lending Power."

On November 22, 1910, Aldrich called a meeting of the banking establishment and members of the National Monetary Commission, which was proposed by Henry P. Davison (a partner of J. P. Morgan). Aldrich said that he intended to keep them isolated until they had developed a "scientific currency for the United States."

All those summoned to the secret meeting, were members of the Illuminati. They met on a railroad platform in Hoboken, New Jersey, where they chartered a private railroad car owned by Aldrich to Georgia. They were taken by boat, to Jekyll Island, off the coast of Brunswick, Georgia. Jekyll Island is in a group of ten islands, including St. Simons, Tybee, Cumberland, Wassau, Wolf, Blackbeard, Sapelo, Ossabow, and Sea Islands. Jekyll Island was a 'hideaway resort of the rich,' purchased in 1888 by J. P. Morgan, Henry Goodyear, Joseph Pulitzer, Edwin and George Gould, Cyrus McCormick, William Rockefeller (John D. Rockefeller's brother), William K. Vanderbilt, and George F. Baker (who founded Harvard Business School with a gift of $5 million) for $125,000 from Eugene du Bignon, whose family owned it for a century. Up until the time it was converted into a public resort, no uninvited foot ever stepped on its shores. It was said, that when all 100 members of the Jekyll Island Hunting Club sat down for dinner at the clubhouse, it represented a sixth of the world's wealth. St. Simons Island, a short distance away, to the north, was also owned by Illuminati interests.

Those attending the meeting at the private hunting lodge were said to be on a duck-hunting expedition. They were sworn to secrecy, even addressing each other by code names or just by their first names. Details are very sketchy, concerning who attended the meeting, but most scenarios agree that the following people were present: Sen. Aldrich, Frank A. Vanderlip (Vice-President of the Rockefeller owned National City Bank), Henry P. Davison (of the J. P. Morgan and Co.), Abram Piatt Andrew (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, an Assistant Professor at Harvard, and Special Assistant to the National Monetary Commission during their European tour), Paul Moritz Warburg (of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.), Benjamin Strong (Vice-President of Morgan's Bankers Trust Co.), Eugene Meyer (a former partner of Bernard Baruch, and the son of a partner in the Rothschild-owned Lazard Freres, who was the head of the War Finances Corporation, and later gained control of the Washington Post), J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Col. House, Jacob Schiff, Herbert Lehman (of Lehman Brothers), Bernard Baruch (appointed by President Wilson to be the Chairman of the War Industries Board, which gave him control of all domestic contacts for Allied war materials, which enabled him to make $200 million for himself while working for the government), Joseph Seligman (a leading Jewish financier, who founded J. & W. Seligman and Co., who had helped to float bonds during the Civil War, and were known as 'World Bankers,' then later declined President Grant's offer to serve as the Secretary of Treasury), and Charles D. Norton (President of the First National Bank of New York).

About ten days later, they emerged with the groundwork for a central banking system, in the form of, not one, but two versions, to confuse the opposition. The final draft was written by Frank Vanderlip, from Warburg's notes, and was incorporated into Aldrich's Bill, in the form of a completed Monetary Commission report, which Aldrich railroaded through Congress by avoiding the term 'central bank.' No information was available on this meeting until 1933, when the book The Federal Reserve Act: It's Origins and Problems, by James L. Laughlin, appeared; and other information, which was supplied by B. C. Forbes, the editor of Forbes Magazine. In 1935, Frank Vanderlip wrote in the Saturday Evening Post: "I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System."

The banker-initiated mini-depressions, the last of which had occurred in 1907, helped get Congressional support for the Bill, and on May 11, 1911, the National Citizens League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System, an Illuminati front-organization, publicly announced their support for Aldrich's Bill. However, the Aldrich Bill was destined for failure, because he was so closely identified with J. P. Morgan. So, the Illuminati went to Plan B, which was the second version hammered out at the Jekyll Island summit. The National Citizens League publicly withdrew their support of the Aldrich Bill, and the move was on to disguise it, so that it could get through Congress.

Once the new version was ready, they were a little apprehensive about introducing it in Congress, because even if it would be passed by Congress, President Taft would veto it, so they had to wait until they could get their own man elected. That man was Woodrow Wilson.

The Democrats, with the exception of Grover Cleveland's election, had been out of power since 1869. Being a 'hungry' Party, the Illuminati found them easier to infiltrate. During the late 1800's, they began the process of changing the Democrats from conservative to liberal, and the Republicans, from liberal to conservative.

Wilson graduated from Princeton University in 1879, studied law at the University of Virginia, and received his doctorate degree from Johns Hopkins in 1886. He taught Political Science and History at Bryn Mawr and Wesleyan, and in 1902, became President of Princeton. Because of his support of Aldrich's Bill, when it was first announced, he was supported by the Illuminati in his successful bid as Governor of New Jersey in 1910. The deal was made through Vanderlip agents, William Rockefeller and James Stillman, at Vanderlip's West Chester estate. The liaison between the Illuminati and Wilson, would be his prospective son-in-law, William G. McAdoo.

Rabbi Stephen Wise, a leading Jewish activist, told an audience at the Y.M.C.A. in Trenton, New Jersey:

"On Tuesday the President of Princeton University will be elected Governor of your state. He will not complete his term of office as Governor. In November, 1912, he will be elected President of the United States. In March, 1917, he will be inaugurated for the second time as President. He will be one of the greatest Presidents in American history."

Wise, who made this prophetic statement in 1910, later became a close advisor to Wilson. He had good reason to believe what he said, because the deal had already been struck. Wilson wasn't viewed as being pro-banking, and the Democratic Party Platform opposed a Central Bank, which was now linked to the Republicans and the bankers.

The main problem for the Democrats, was the Republican voting edge, and the Democrat's lack of money. After the Illuminati made the decision to support Wilson, money was no problem. Records showed that the biggest contributors to Wilson's campaign were Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Thomas Fortune Ryan (mining magnate), Samuel Untermyer, Cleveland H. Dodge (of the National City Bank), Col. George B. M. Harvey (an associate of J. P. Morgan, and editor of the Morgan-controlled Harper's Weekly, and President of the Harper and Brothers publishing firm), William Laffan (editor of the New York Sun), Adolph Ochs (publisher of the New York Times), and the financiers that owned the New York Times, Charles R. Flint, Gen. Sam Thomas, J. P. Morgan, and August Belmont. All of these men were Illuminati members.

The problem of the voter registration edge was a bit more difficult, but that was a project that the Illuminati had already been working on. The Russian pogroms of 1881 and 1882, in which thousands of Russians were killed; and religious persecution and anti-Semitism in Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria in the early 1890's, began three decades of immigration into the United States by thousands of Jews. By the turn of the century, a half-million Jews had arrived to the port cities of New York, Baltimore, and Boston. It was the Democrats who initiated a program to get them registered to vote. Humanitarian committees were set up by Schiff and the Rothschilds, such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, and the B'nai B'rith, so when the Jews arrived, they were made naturalized citizens, registered Democrat, then shuffled off to other large cities, such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los Angeles, where they were given financial help to find a place to live, food, and clothing. This is how the Jews became a solid Democratic voting bloc, and it was these votes that would be needed to elect Wilson to the Presidency.

In 1912, with President William Howard Taft running for re-election against Wilson, the Illuminati needed some insurance. They got it by urging another Republican, former President, Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09) to run on the Progressive ticket. Taft had served as Roosevelt's Secretary of War (1905-09), and was chosen by Roosevelt to succeed him as President. Now, Roosevelt was running again. Advocating the 'New Nationalism,' Roosevelt said: "My hat is in the ring ... the fight is on and I am stripped to the buff." Identified as 'anti-business' because of his stand against corporations and trusts, his proposals for reorganizing the government were attacked by the Illuminati-controlled New York Times as "super-socialism." His 'Bull Moose' Platform said: "We are opposed to the so-called Aldrich Currency Bill because its provisions would place our currency and credit system in private hands, not subject to effective public control." Frank Munsey and George Perkins, of the J. P. Morgan and Co. organized, ran, and financed Roosevelt's campaign. A recent example of the same plan that pulled votes away from Taft, in order to get Wilson elected, occurred in the 1992 Presidential election. In a 1994 interview, Barbara Bush told ABC-TV news correspondent Barbara Walters, that the third-party candidacy of independent H. Ross Perot was the reason that Bill Clinton was able to defeat the re-election bid of President George Bush.

The Illuminati were able to get the support of perennial Democratic Presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, by letting him write the plank of the Party Platform which opposed the Aldrich Bill. Remember, the second version of the Bill prepared at Jekyll Island was to be an alternative, so public attention was turned against the Aldrich Bill. Wilson, an aristocrat, having socialistic views, was in favor of an independent reserve system, because he didn't trust the 'common men' which made up Congress. However, publicly, he promised to "free the poor people of America from control by the rich," and to have a money system that wouldn't be under the control of Wall Street's International Bankers. In fact, in the summer of 1912, when he accepted the nomination as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, he said: "A concentration of the control of credit ... may at any time become infinitely dangerous to free enterprise." According to the Federal Reserve's historical narrative, the shift in Wilson's point of view was "a combination of political realities and his own lack of knowledge about banking and finance (and) after his election to the Presidency, Wilson relied on others for more expert advice on the currency question."

Because of the voting split in the Republican Party, not only was Woodrow Wilson able to win the Presidency, but the Democrats gained control of both houses in Congress.

DEMOCRAT (Wilson) 435 electoral votes 6,286,214 popular votes

PROGRESSIVE (Roosevelt) 88 electoral votes 4,126,020 popular votes

REPUBLICAN (Taft) 8 electoral votes 3,483,922 popular votes

Rep. Carter Glass of Virginia, Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, met with Wilson after his election, along with H. Parker Willis (who was Dean of Political Science at George Washington University) of the National Citizens League, to prepare a Bill, known as the Glass Bill, which began taking form in January, 1913. Now Plan B was set into motion. Remember, the National Citizens League, headquartered in Chicago, had already announced their opposition to the Aldrich Bill, now the Wall Street banking interests had come out against the Glass Bill, which was actually the Aldrich Bill in disguise.

The Wall Street crowd was generally referred to as the 'money trust.' However, a 1912 Wall Street Journal editorial said that the term 'money trust' was just a reference to J. P. Morgan. The suspicion of the 'money trust' peaked in 1912, during an investigation by a House banking subcommittee which revealed that twelve banks in New York, Boston, and Chicago, had 746 interlocking directorships in 134 corporations. Rep. Robert L. Henry of Texas said that for the past five years, the nation's financial resources had been "concentrated in the city of New York (where they) now dominate more than 75 percent of the moneyed interests of America..." On December 13, 1911, George McC. Reynolds, the President of the Continental and Commercial Bank of Chicago, said to a group of other bankers: "I believe the money power now lies in the hands of a dozen men..." The threat from this powerful private banking system was to be ended with the establishment of a central bank.

To avoid the mention of central banking, Wilson himself suggested that the regional banks be called 'Federal Reserve Banks,' and proposed a special session of the 63rd Congress to be convened to vote on the Federal Reserve Act. On June 23, 1913, he addressed the Congress on the subject of the Federal Reserve, threatening to keep them in session until they passed it. Wilson got Bryan's support by making him Secretary of State, and in October, 1913, Bryan said he would assist the President in "securing the passage of the Bill at the earliest possible moment."

The Glass Bill (HR7837) was introduced in the House of Representatives on June 26, 1913. The revision mentioned nothing about central banking, which was what the people feared. It was believed that Willis had written the Bill, but it was later discovered that Professor James L. Laughlin, at the Political Science Department of Columbia University, had written it, taking special precaution not to clash with the Bryan plank of the Democratic Party Platform. It was referred to the Banking and Currency Committee, reported back to the House on September 9th, and passed on September 18th.

Sen. Robert Latham Owen of Oklahoma, Chairman of the Senate Banking and Finance Committee, along with five of his colleagues, drafted a Bill which was more open-minded to the suggestions of the bankers. A Bill drafted by Sen. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, a Democrat from Nebraska, called for the elimination of the 'lawful money' provision, and stipulated that note redemption must be made in gold. It also provided for public ownership of the regional reserve banks, which would be controlled by the government.

In the Senate, the Glass Bill was referred to the Senate Banking Committee, and reported back to the Senate on November 22, 1913. The Bill was now known as the Glass-Owen Bill. Sen. Owen, who opposed the Aldrich Bill, made some additional revisions, in an attempt to keep them from completely dominating our monetary system. Sen. Elihu Root of New York criticized some of these revisions, and some points were modified. It was passed by the Senate on December 19th.

Since different versions had been passed by both Houses, a Conference Committee was established, which was stacked with six Democrats and only two Republicans, to insure that certain portions of the original Bill would remain intact. It was hastily prepared without any public hearings, and on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas, when many Congressmen, and three particular Senators, were away from Washington; the Bill was sent to the House of Representatives, where it passed 298-60, and then sent to the Senate, where it passed with a vote of 43-25 (with 27 absent or abstaining). An hour after the Senate vote, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, and the Illuminati had taken control of the American economy. The gold and silver in the nation's vaults were now owned by the Federal Reserve. Baron Alfred Charles Rothschild (1842-1918), who masterminded the entire scheme, then made plans to further weaken our country's financial structure.

Although Wilson, and Rep. Carter Glass were given the credit for getting the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, William Jennings Bryan played a major role in gaining support to pass it. Bryan later wrote: "That is the one thing in my public career that I regret- my work to secure the enactment of the Federal Reserve Law." Rep. Glass would later write: "I had never thought the Federal Bank System would prove such a failure. The country is in a state of irretrievable bankruptcy."

Eustace Mullins, in his book The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, wrote:

"The money and credit resources of the United States were now in complete control of the banker's alliance between J. P. Morgan's First National Bank, and Kuhn & Loeb's National City Bank, whose principal loyalties were to the international banking interests, then quartered in London, and which moved to New York during the First World War."

The Reserve Bank Organization Committee, controlled by Secretary of the Treasury, William Gibbs McAdoo, and Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston (who along with Glass, later became Treasury Secretaries under Wilson), was given $100,000 to find locations for the regional Reserve Banks. With over 200 cities requesting this status, hearings were held in 18 cities, as they traveled the country in a special railroad car.

On October 25, 1914, the formal establishment of the Federal Reserve System was announced, and it began operating in 1915.

Col. House, who Wilson called his "alter ego," because he was his closest friend and most trusted advisor, anonymously wrote a novel in 1912 called Philip Dru: Administrator, which revealed the manner in which Wilson was controlled. House, who lobbied for the implementation of central banking, would now turn his attention towards a graduated income tax. Incidentally, a central bank, providing inflatable currency; and a graduated income tax, were two of the ten points in the Communist Manifesto for socializing a country.

It was House who hand-picked the first Federal Reserve Board. He named Benjamin Strong as its first Chairman. In 1914, Paul M. Warburg quit his $500,000 a year job at Kuhn, Loeb and Co. to be on the Board, later resigning in 1918, during World War I, because of his German connections.

The Banking Act of 1935 amended the Federal Reserve Act, changing its name to the Federal Reserve System, and reorganizing it, in respect to the number of directors and length of term.

Headed by a seven member Board of Governors, appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate for a 14 year term, the Board acts as an overseer to the nation's money supply and banking system.

The Board of Governors, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, and four other Reserve Bank Presidents, who serve on a rotating basis, make up the Federal Open Market Committee. This group decides whether or not to buy and sell government securities on the open market. The Government buys and sells government securities, mostly through 21 Wall Street bond dealers, to create reserves to make the money needed to run the government. The Committee also determines the supply of money available to the nation's banks and consumers.

There are twelve Federal Reserve Banks, in twelve districts: Boston (MA), Cleveland (OH), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PA), Richmond (VA), Atlanta (GA), Chicago (IL) , St. Louis (MO), Minneapolis (MN), Kansas City (KS), San Francisco (CA), and Dallas (TX). The twelve regional banks were set up so that the people wouldn't think that the Federal Reserve was controlled from New York. Each of the Banks has nine men on the Board of Directors; six are elected by member Banks, and three are appointed by the Board of Governors.

They have 25 branch Banks, and many member Banks. All Federal Banks are members, and four out of every ten commercial banks are members. In whole, the Federal Reserve System controls about 70% of the country's bank deposits. Ohio Senator, Warren G. Harding, who was elected to the Presidency in 1920, said in a 1921 Congressional inquiry, that the Reserve was a private banking monopoly. He said: "The Federal Reserve Bank is an institution owned by the stockholding member banks. The Government has not a dollar's worth of stock in it." His term was cut short in 1923, when he mysteriously died, leading to rumors that he was poisoned. This claim was never substantiated, because his wife would not allow an autopsy.

Three years after the initiation of the Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson said:

"The growth of the nation ... and all our activities are in the hands of a few men ... We have come to be one of the worst ruled; one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world ... no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the free vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

In 1919, John Maynard Keynes, later an advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt, wrote in his book The Economic Consequences of Peace:

"Lenin is to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency ... By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens ... As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless ..."

Congressman Charles August Lindbergh, Sr., father of the historic aviator, said on the floor of the Congress: "This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth ... When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized ... This is the Aldrich Bill in disguise ... The new law will create inflation whenever the Trusts want inflation ... From now on, depressions will be scientifically created ... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill." Lindbergh supposedly paid for his opposition to the Illuminati. When there appeared to be growing support for his son Charles to run for the Presidency, his grandson was kidnapped, and apparently killed.

Rep. Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. said of the Bill (Congressional Record, June 10, 1932):

"The Bill as it stands, seems to me to open the way to vast expansion of the currency ... I do not like to think that any law can be passed which will make it possible to submerge the gold standard in a flood of irredeemable paper currency."

On December 15, 1931, Rep. Louis T. McFadden, who for more than ten years served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee in the House of Representatives, said: "The Federal Reserve Board and banks are the duly appointed agents of the foreign central banks of issue and they are more concerned with their foreign customers than they are with the people of the United States. The only thing that is American about the Federal Reserve Board and banks is the money they use..." On June 10, 1932, McFadden, said in an address to the Congress:

"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks ... Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers ... The Federal Reserve Banks are the agents of the foreign central banks ... In that dark crew of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket ... Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is the FED has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will ... When the FED was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here ... A super-state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"

On May 23, 1933, McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve:

"Whereas I charge them jointly and severally with having brought about a repudiation of the national currency of the United States in order that the gold value of said currency might be given to private interests...

I charge them ... with having arbitrarily and unlawfully taken over $80,000,000,000 from the United States Government in the year 1928...

I charge them ... with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and lowered the rates on money ... increased and diminished the volume of currency in circulation for the benefit of private interests...

I charge them ... with having brought about the decline of prices on the New York Stock Exchange...

I charge them ... with having conspired to transfer to foreigners and international money lenders, title to and control of the financial resources of the United States...

I charge them ... with having published false and misleading propaganda intended to deceive the American people and to cause the United States to lose its independence...

I charge them ... with the crime of having treasonably conspired and acted against the peace and security of the United States, and with having treasonably conspired to destroy the constitutional government of the United States."

In 1933, Vice-President John Garner, when referring to the international bankers, said: "You see, gentlemen, who owns the United States."

Sen. Barry Goldwater wrote in his book With No Apologies: "Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country. A privately owned organization ... which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!"

Plain and simple, the Federal Reserve is not part of the Federal Government. It is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders. That is why the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) is listed in the Dun and Bradstreet Reference Book of American Business (Northeast, Region 1, Manhattan/Bronx). According to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value, so it is illegal for private interests to do so. Yet, it happened, and because of a provision in the Act, the Class A stockholders were to be kept a secret, and not to be revealed. R. F. McMaster, who published a newsletter called The Reaper, through his Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts, was able to find out which banks held a controlling interest in the Reserve: the Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Brothers Bank of New York; Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. of New York; Chase Manhattan Bank of New York; and Goldman, Sachs of New York. These interests control the Reserve through about 300 stockholders.

Because of the way the Reserve was organized, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, controls the system, About 90 of the 100 largest banks are in this district. Of the reportedly 203,053 shares of the New York bank: Rockefeller's National City Bank had 30,000 shares; Morgan's First National Bank had 15,000 shares; Chase National, 6,000 shares; and the National Bank of Commerce (Morgan Guaranty Trust), 21,000 shares.

A June 15, 1978 Senate Report called "Interlocking Directorates Among the Major U.S. Corporations" revealed that five New York banks had 470 interlocking directorates with 130 major U.S. corporations: Citicorp (97), J. P. Morgan Co. (99), Chase Manhattan (89), Manufacturers Hanover (89), and Chemical Bank (96). According to Eustace Mullins, these banks are major stock holders in the FED. In his book World Order, he said that these five banks are "controlled from London." Mullins said: "Besides its controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rothschilds had developed important financial interests in other parts of the United States ... The entire Rockefeller empire was financed by the Rothschilds."

A May, 1976 report of the House Banking and Currency Committee indicated: "The Rothschild banks are affiliated with Manufacturers Hanover of London in which they hold 20 percent ... and Manufacturers Hanover Trust of New York." The Report also revealed that Rothschild Intercontinental Bank, Ltd., which consisted of Rothschild banks in London, France, Belgium, New York, and Amsterdam, had three American subsidiaries: National City Bank of Cleveland, First City National Bank of Houston, and Seattle First National Bank. It is believed, that the Rothschilds hold 53% of the stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Each year, billions of dollars are 'earned' by Class A stockholders, from U.S. tax dollars which go to the FED to pay interest on bank loans
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:39 pm

Gold Reserves Manipulated and U.S. Economy Destroyed

The Coinage Act of 1792 established a dollar consisting of 371.25 grains of pure silver, but was later replaced with a gold dollar consisting of 25.8 grains of gold. In 1873, the Coinage Act was passed, prohibiting the use of Silver as a form of currency, because the quantity being discovered was driving the value down. In 1875, after temporarily suspending gold convertibility during the Civil War greenback period, the U.S. was put more firmly on the gold standard by the Gold Standard Act of 1900. From 1900 to 1933, gold was coined by the U.S. Mint, and our paper currency was tied into the amount of gold held in the U.S. Treasury reserves.

In July, 1927, the directors of the Bank of England, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and the German Reichsbank, met to plan a way to get the gold moved out of the United States, and it was this movement of gold which helped trigger the depression. By 1928, nearly $500 million in gold was transferred to Europe.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the advice of England's leading economist, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), a member of the Illuminati, who said that deficit spending would be a shot in the arm to the economy. Most of the New Deal spending programs to fight economic depression, were based on Keynes theories on deficit spending, and financed by borrowing against future taxes. In 1910, Lenin said: "The surest way to overthrow an established social order is to debauch its currency." Nine years later, Keynes wrote: "Lenin was certainly right, there is no more positive, or subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency ... The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

A Presidential Executive Order by Roosevelt on April 5, 1933, required all the people to exchange their gold coins, gold bullion, and gold-backed currency, for money that was not redeemable in precious metals. The Gold Reserve Act of 1934, known as the Thomas Amendment, which amended the Act of May 12, 1933, made it illegal to possess any gold currency (which was rescinded December 31, 1974). Gold coinage was withdrawn from circulation, and kept in the form of bullion. Just as the public was to return all their gold to the U.S. Government, so was the Federal Reserve. However, while the people received $20.67 an ounce in paper money issued by the Federal Reserve, the Reserve was paid in Gold Certificates. Now the Federal Reserve, and the Illuminati, had control of all the gold in the country.

In 1934, the value of gold increased to $35 an ounce, which produced a $3 billion profit for the Government. But when the price of gold increases, the value of the dollar decreases. Our dollar has not been worth 100 cents since 1933, when we were taken off of the Gold Standard. In 1974, our dollar was worth 22-1/2 cents, and in 1983 it was only worth 38 cents. In 2002, it took $13.88 to buy what cost $1.00 in 1933. Since our money supply had been limited to the amount of gold in Treasury reserves, when the value of the dollar decreased, more money was printed.

The first United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to July 22, 1944, which was under the direction of Harry Dexter White (CFR member, and undercover Russian spy), established the policies of the International Monetary Fund. Its goals were to strip the United States of its gold reserves by giving it to other nations; and to merge with their industrial capabilities; as well as their economic, social, educational and religious policies; to facilitate a one-world government.

Because of paying off foreign obligations and strengthening foreign economies, between 1958 and 1968, the amount of gold bullion in the possession of the U.S. Treasury dropped by 52%. Of the amount remaining, $12 billion was reserved by law for backing the paper money in circulation. Our money had been backed by a 25% gold reserve in accordance to a law that was passed in 1945, but it was rescinded in 1968. The amount of gold slipped from 653.1 million troy ounces in 1957, to 311.2 million ounces in 1968, which according to the Treasury Department, was due to sales to foreign banking institutions, sales to domestic producers, and the buying and selling of gold on the world market to stabilize prices. This was a loss of 341.9 million troy ounces. In August, 1971, gold was used only for world trade, because foreign countries wouldn't accept U.S. dollars. As of November, 1981, sources had indicated that the gold reserve had dropped to 264.1 million troy ounces.

Title 31 of the U.S. Code, requires an annual physical inventory of our gold supply, but a complete audit was never done, so officially, nobody knows what has occurred. After World War II, America had 70% of the World's supply of loose gold, but today, we may have less than 7%. Sen. Jesse Helms seemed to think that the OPEC nations have our gold, while others believe that 70% of the world's gold supply is being held by the World Bank, which is dominated by the financial grip of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

Some years ago, I had been contacted by a gentleman in Michigan, whose research indicated that counterfeit $5,000 and $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes had been used to steal U.S. gold reserves. Illegal to own, these notes are actually checks which are used to transfer ownership of large amounts of gold without actually moving the gold itself. Using public records, he found the serial numbers of the bills which were originally printed, and discovered that there are now more in existence.

It has been reported that 40% (13,000 tons) of the world's gold is five levels below street level, in a sub-basement of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, behind a 90-ton revolving door. Some of it is American-owned, but most is owned by the central banks of other countries. It is stored in separate cubicles, and from time to time, is moved from one cubicle to another to satisfy international transactions.

The Destructive Measures of the Federal Reserve

After March, 1964, Silver certificates were no longer convertible to Silver dollars; and in March, 1968, near the conclusion of the Johnson Administration, Silver backing of the dollar was removed. On the 1929 series of notes, it read: "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank." This was just like the Silver Certificate, which was guaranteed by a dollar in silver that was on deposit. On the 1934 series of notes, it read: "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank." The 1950 series bore the same information, but reduced it to three lines, and reduced the size of the type. In the 1953 series, the wording was totally removed, although the bottom portion contained a promise to "pay the bearer on demand." However, in 1963, even that message was removed, and our dollars became nothing more than worthless pieces of paper because they no longer met the legal requirements of a note, which meant it had to list an issuing bank, and amount payable, a payee or 'bearer,' and a time for payment, which was 'on demand.'

Since 1933, the Reserve has been printing too much money, compared to the declining Gross National Product (GNP). The GNP is the accumulated values of services and goods produced in the country. If the GNP is 4%, then the money produced should only be about 5-6%, thus insuring enough money to keep the goods produced by the GNP in circulation. Additional social services, which are promised during election year rhetoric to gain votes, increase the Federal Budget, so more money is printed. Then the Government will cut the Budget, establish wage and price controls. The extra money in circulation decreases the value of the dollar, and prices go up. Simply put, too much money in circulation causes inflation, and that is what the Reserve is doing, purposely printing too much money in order to destroy the economy. On the other hand, if they would stop printing money, our economy would collapse.

The Reserve is responsible for setting the interest rate that member banks can borrow from the Reserve, thus controlling the interest rates of the entire country. So, what it boils down to, is that the Federal Reserve determines the amount of money needed, which is created by the International Bankers out of nothing. Besides the face value, they charge the government 3¢ to produce each bill. The Federal government pays the Reserve in bonds (which are also printed by the Reserve), and then pay the bonds off at a high rate of interest. That interest will very soon become the largest item in the Federal Budget.

William McChesney Martin, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Chairman of the Federal Reserve (FED) during the 'New Frontier' years of the Kennedy Administration, testified to the Federal Banking Committee, that the value of the dollar was being scientifically brought down each year by 3-3-1/2%, in order to allow wages to go up. The reasoning behind this, was that the people were being made to think that they were getting more, when in fact they were actually getting less.

The Congress has also contributed to this process, by approving Federal Budgets, year after year, which requires the printing of more money to finance the debt, which, by the end of 2003, was over $6,900,000,000,000 ($6.9 trillion). When Wilson was President, the debt was about $1 billion, and in 1974, the debt was about $1 trillion.

In 1937, Rep. Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska, realizing the consequences of the Federal Reserve System, called for the Government to buy all the stock, and to create a new Board controlled by Congress to regulate the value of the currency and the volume of bank deposits, thus eliminating the FED's independence. He was defeated for re-election. Others have also tried to introduce various Bills to control the Federal Reserve: Rep. Goldborough (1935), Rep. Jerry Voorhis of California (1940, 1943), Sen. M. M. Logan of Kentucky, and Rep. Usher L. Burdick of North Dakota.

Rep. Wright Patman of Texas (who was the House Banking Chairman until 1975), said in 1952:

"In fact there has never been an independent audit of either the twelve banks of the Federal Reserve Board that has been filed with the Congress ... For 40 years the system, while freely using the money of the government, has not made a proper accounting." Patman, said that the Federal Open Market Committee (who, in addition to the Board of Governors, decide the country's monetary policy) is "one of the most secret societies. These twelve men decide what happens in the economy ... In making decisions they check with no one- not the President, not the Congress, not the people."

Patman also said: "In the United States we have, in effect, two governments ... We have the duly constituted Government ... Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution." During his career, Patman has sought to force the FED to allow an independent audit, lessen the influence of the large banks, shorten the terms of the FED Governors, expose it to regular Congressional review just like any other Federal agency, and to have only officials nominated by the President and confirmed by Congress to be on the Federal Open Market Committee. In 1967, Patman tried to have them audited, and on January 22, 1971, introduced HR11, which would have altered its organization, diminishing much of its power. He was later removed from the Chairmanship of the House Banking and Currency Committee, which he held for years.

On January 22, 1971, Rep. John R. Rarick of Louisiana introduced HR351: "To vest in the Government of the United States the full, absolute, complete, and unconditional ownership of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks." He said: "The Federal Reserve is not an agency of government. It is a private banking monopoly." He was later defeated for re-election. During the 1980's, Rep. Phil Crane of Illinois introduced House Resolution HR70 that called for an annual audit of the FED (which never came to a full vote); and Rep. Henry Gonzales of Texas introduced HR1470, that called for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act.

The Federal Reserve System has never been audited, and their meetings, and minutes of those meetings, are not open to the public. They have repelled all attempts to be audited. In 1967, Arthur Burns, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, said that an audit would threaten the independence of the Reserve.

In 1979, after dismissing Secretary of Treasury, Michael Blumenthal, President Jimmy Carter offered the position to American Illuminati chief, David Rockefeller, the CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank, as did Nixon, but he turned it down. He also turned down the nomination for the Chairmanship of the Federal Reserve Board. Carter then appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman. Volcker graduated from Princeton with a degree in Economics, and from Harvard, with a degree in Public Administration. He was an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1952-57), worked at the Chase Manhattan Bank (1957-61), was with the U.S. Treasury Department (1961-65), Deputy Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs (1963-65), Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs (1969-74), and President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (1975-79).

In the Nixon Administration, as the Under Secretary for Monetary Policy and International Affairs, the executive branch official who works most closely with the Federal Reserve, he and Treasury Secretary John Connally helped formulate the policy that took us off the gold standard in 1971, because of the dwindling gold reserves at Fort Knox. Volcker was chosen because he was the "candidate of Wall Street." He was a member of the Trilateral Commission, and a major Rockefeller supporter. Bert Lance, the Georgia banker and political advisor to Carter who became his Budget Director, and was later forced to resign, contacted Gerald Rafshoon, a Carter aide, and said that if Volcker would be appointed, he would be "mortgaging his re-election to the Federal Reserve." Lance predicted that he would bring high interest rates and high unemployment. He was confirmed by the Senate Banking Committee in August, 1979, replacing Arthur Burns, an Austrian-born economist who was a CFR member with close ties to the Rockefellers. Volcker was against a gold-back dollar, and gold being used as a form of currency. He attempted to tighten the money situation in order to curb the 10% annual growth in the money supply, and to ease the pressure of loan demand. The result was a dramatic increase in interest rates, which climbed to 13-1/2% by September, 1979, and then soared to 21-1/2% by December, 1980.

Conjecture could dictate that this economic decline was purposely engineered to cause the political decline of Carter. In response to the rising interest rates, Carter said: "As you well know, I don't have control over the FED, none at all. It's carefully isolated from any influence by the President or the Congress. This has been done for many generations and I think it's a wise thing to do." Even though inflation had skyrocketed to all-time highs, Reagan kept Volcker on. It was Volcker who started the collapse of the U.S. economy.

During the 1970's, many banks had left the Federal Reserve, and in December, 1979, Volcker told the House Banking Committee that "300 banks with deposits of $18.4 billion have quit the FED within the past 4-1/2 years," and that another 575 of the remaining 5,480 member banks, with deposits of $70 billion, had indicated that they intended to withdraw. He said that this would curtail their control over the money supply, and that led Congress, in 1980, to pass the Monetary Control Act, which gave the Federal Reserve control of all banking institutions, regardless if they are members or not.

Alan Greenspan, who became the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987, is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations. He has a bachelor's and master's degree, and a doctorate in Economics from New York University. He met Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged, in 1952, and they became friends. It is from her that he learned that capitalism "is not only efficient and practical, but also moral." In February, 1995, the seventh increase in the interest rate, within the period of a year, took place. This put Greenspan in the limelight, as well as the Federal Reserve. It was very interesting how the media spin doctors churned out information that totally skirted the issue concerning the FED's actual role in controlling our economy.

In the mid-1970's, Paper 447, Article 3, from the World Bank, said that the World economy would be fairly stable until 1980, when it would begin falling, in domino fashion. On October 29, 1975, the Wall Street Journal printed a comment by H. Johannes Witteveen, Managing Director of the United Nation's International Monetary Fund, that the IMF "ought to evolve into a World Central Bank ... to prevent inflation." Dr. H. A. Murkline, Director of the International Institute University in Irving, Texas, wrote in World Oil: 1976 that he projected that the Federal Government could only hold out till the end of 1981. Dow Theory Letters, Inc. reported that by 1982, the cost of dealing with the national debt "would eat up all the government tax money available."

The Robbins Report of January 15, 1978, said: "If Carter introduces Bancor, which will be the yielding of our dollar to the ECU (European Currency Unit), this is what will happen: look for hyperinflation and collapse of all the world's paper money before 1985." Julian Snyder said in the International Money Line of February, 1978: "The United States is trying to solve its problem through currency depreciation (debasement) ... it will not work. If the crash does not occur this year, it could be postponed until 1982."

On March 13, 1979, while meeting at Strasbourg, France, the Parliament of Europe, which governs the European Economic Community (Common Market), oversaw the establishment of a new European money system. Known as the ECU, it was backed by 20% of the participating countries' gold reserves (about 3,150 tons). What little strength our dollar had, came from the fact that all nations buying oil from OPEC, had to use U.S. dollars. Then came the word in March, 1980, from Arab diplomatic sources at the United Nations that the Chase Manhattan Bank was making plans to drop the dollar in lieu of the ECU.

Dr. Franz Pick, a well known authority on world currency, said in December, 1979, in the Silver and Gold Report: "The most serious problem we face today is the debasement of our currency by the government. The government will continue to debase the dollar until ... within 12-24, months it will shrink to 1 cent ... at which time Washington will be forced to create the new hard currency ... A currency reform is nothing but a fancy name for state bankruptcy ... A currency reform completes the expropriation of all kinds of savings ... it will wipe out all public and private bonds, most pensions; all annuities, and all endowments."

Against all odds, our economy has continued to hang on, even though financial analysts have continued to forecast disastrous conditions.

In 1993, Sen. Bob Kerrey (Democrat, NE) promised to support President Bill Clinton's Budget Plan, if Clinton would appoint a Committee to study the condition of the American economy. The President established a 32-member bipartisan committee and in August, 1994, they issued their report. According to the committee's findings, by the year 2012, unless drastic changes are made, we won't even be able to pay the interest on the national debt. Knowing this, the federal government has allowed the trend to continue, almost as if they're trying to run our economy into the ground. It seems obvious that the destruction of the American economy has been part of a deliberate plot to financially enslave our nation.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:40 pm

The New "Money"


-- (EZEKIEL 28:12).

Dr. Pick said that late 1983 or early 1984 was the target date for the 'new money.' Carl Mintz, a staff member of the House Banking Committee, had said: "I believe it's in the billions of dollars, and it's buried in lots of places." In the late 1970's, it was believed to have already been printed, and stored at the Federal Reserve Emergency Relocation Facility in Culpepper, Virginia, which is built into the side of a mountain, and would be able to continue functioning during the aftermath of a nuclear or natural disaster; and the 200,000 sq. ft. Federal Reserve underground facility in Mt. Weather, Virginia (near Berryville), which is the primary relocation area for the President, Cabinet Secretaries, Supreme Court Justices, and several thousand federal employees (Congress would be relocated to an underground facility in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia). It is believed, that when our monetary system is finally destroyed, a reorganization will occur within the confines of a world government, and new money will be issued.

Rep. Ron Paul, Republican from Texas, who was on the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, wrote about the new money in a letter to Charles T. Roberts, Executive Vice-President of the Hull State Bank in Texas:

"In a closed briefing for the members of the House Banking Committee on November 2nd, representatives of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Federal Reserve, and the Secret Service described plans for making changes in Federal Reserve Notes beginning in 1985 (although the long range target is 1988) ... These changes, which will probably include taggents, security threads, and colors, and may include holograms, diffraction gratings, or watermarks, will be made in coordination with six other nations: Canada, Britain, Japan, Australia, West Germany and Switzerland. Japan, for example, will begin recalling its present currency in November, 1984, and have it nearly completed within six months ... According to the government, the only reason for the currency changes is to deter counterfeiting. Although it was admitted by one spokesman in the group that there would have to be a call-in of our present currency for new currency to work, the spokesmen for the government were adamant in saying that there was no other motive for a currency change..."

According to law, only the Treasury Secretary has the authority to change the currency.

Over $3 million had been spent under 'counterfeit prevention' authority for the development of the new money, which according to the Currency Design Act (HR6005) hearings would be issued by the Federal Reserve Board. It was first reported by the Patterson Organization in Cincinnati, Ohio, that in a July, 1983 market survey in Buena Park, California, people were shown proposed designs for "new U.S. dollar bills." The variations shown, consisted of each denomination being a different color; Federal Reserve seals replaced with a design utilizing reflective ink; and other optical devices like holograms (a process which produces a three-dimensional image which can change color depending on the angle it is viewed), and multilayer diffraction gratings (similar to a hologram); as well as bills containing metal security threads, and planchettes (red and blue colored discs incorporated into the paper, similar to threads) to trigger scanning equipment which would detect its presence, and to sort cash faster. A consumer research firm from Illinois was hired by the Treasury Department to gauge the public's reactions to the various designs.

It was shown that a drastic change would not be accepted, so a process of incrementalism was adopted. It was decided that the Bureau of Printing and Engraving would have a fine metallic strip running through the currency, leaving the basic design intact; however, they later decided to use a clear imprinted polyester strip, woven into the paper, running vertically on the left side of the Federal Reserve Seal. The length of the translucent polyester filament reads "USA100" for $100 bills, "USA50" for $50 bills, and so on; and can only be read if held up to direct light. It was reported that a company called Checkmate Electronics, Inc., which manufactures the equipment needed to scan checks, scanned the new money, and found the strip to contain "machine detectable" aluminum. Their scan produced an indecipherable bar code.

Though the basic design did not change, there was microscopic type printed around the picture which reads, "The United States of America," but appeared to only be a line. This currency with oversized, off-center portraits, was introduced in 1996 with the $100 bills, then $50 bills and $20 bills (1998), and culminated with $10's and $5's in 2000. The Government discontinued printing any of the old money, and began emptying their vaults to get rid of the old bills. The old money was never recalled, and continued to be circulated.

Then in June, 2002, only a few years after the last makeover, the rumors of colored money became a fact, as the Bureau of Engraving and Printing announced that further changes were being made to our money for security reasons. In October, 2003, the new, colored $20 bill (the most counterfeited note), was introduced. The new bill retained the security thread, color-shifting ink, and watermark; but also had the colors of green and peach added to its background, as well as small yellow "20's" printed on the back. The new $50 and $100 bills will be coming in 2004 and 2005.

Some financial experts have theorized that when every denomination is changed over, that the business sector may not want to accept old bills, which would then become worthless, and could create a financial emergency. But Federal officials have said that the old money would be accepted, but scrutinized. It has been suggested that the government could really take advantage of the situation, that in order for people to exchange their old money for new, an exchange rate may be determined which would benefit the economy. For example, it may take two old dollars to exchange for a new one. It is possible that we may be experiencing the final transition to the "new money."

This transitional currency may be just another step in testing the public's willingness to accept economic change. The Reserve formally had about seven currency sorting machines which counted up to 55,000 bills per minute, but by the end of 1983, they had received 110 new machines which could count up to 72,000 bills per minute. Jane Kettleson, an economic consultant to the U.S. Paper Exchange, said that, "the FED will have the capability to physically replace the entire U.S. currency in circulation in just four days time."

The International Monetary Fund has been responsible for the decline of our dollar, and our present economic situation. The first step to initiating this 'crash' was the Monetary Control Act of 1980, which instead of a 6:1 ratio, mandated the Federal Reserve to only have one dollar on deposit for every twelve they create. Further plans were made during a meeting of Western leaders at Williamsburg, Virginia, on May 28-30, 1983.

International cooperation has been intense to coordinate currency changes among its member governments. In 1985, officials from the Morgan Bank in New York met with the Credit Lyonnais Bank in France. They established the European Currency Unit Banking Association (ECUBA), to get world cooperation for a unified currency, and had support from bankers in Europe, Japan, and the United States. It was an offshoot of the Banking Federation of the European Community (BFEC), which has been engaged in shutting down small banks in order to develop a conglomerate of a few huge banks. In October, 1987, the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE), secretly met and recommended that the ECU (European Currency Unit) replace existing national currencies; and that all European Central Banks be combined into one and issue the ECU as the official unified currency (which is scheduled to occur in the year 2000). It is believed that the plan is to have only three central banks in the world: The Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Japan. In a June, 1989 hearing of the Senate Banking Securities Subcommittee, Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, said that exchange rates could be fixed in order to solve the problem of uniformity between the currencies of various nations.

Many countries have issued new money, such as Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, and Brazil. Of the countries that already had, most currencies had a common 1" square, usually on the left side of the bill. Held over a light, a hologram appears on the spot, barely visible to the naked eye, which cannot be reproduced on a copier. It is believed that this spot is being reserved for a central World Bank overprint. They also contain metallic strips that can be detected when they pass through scanners at airports and international borders.

On May 10, 1994, when USA Today carried a page one article concerning major changes in the design of the paper currency, which was expected to take place by the end of the year, it was accompanied with a picture of the new $100 bill, featuring a larger portrait of Benjamin Franklin which had been pushed to the right side of the bill, and the Eagle in the center. The line "United States of America" appeared along the top right, and the line "One Hundred Dollars" appeared on the lower left, with the serial number being placed over that. There was a conspicuous open spot on the left side of the bill, very similar to the new currency in other countries, which some researchers feared was being reserved for some future use.

The institution of a common world-wide currency may be delayed because of the possibility of moving right to a cashless system, making paper money obsolete. The Visa MagiCard was the first step towards a national debit card. With this card, you could make purchases at any of the 10 million merchants who accepted Visa, and have the amount electronically deducted from your checking account. Financial experts said at the time, that within only a few years, there would be more debit cards than credit cards. Since then, there has been a massive campaign to promote debit cards, and a move to accommodate their use in all areas of life.

More and more banks have decided not to return people's cancelled checks, because of the expense to do so; and it seems likely that there is a plan underway to gradually move away from the use of paper checks. With the existence of debit cards, and the fact that credit cards are so easily attainable, there's no doubt that we're being pushed into an electronic economy of Direct Deposit and Automatic Withdrawal. When total saturation has been achieved, then the stage will be set. Sure, it's really convenient to whip out a piece of plastic to buy things, and to have all your financial affairs handled through the bank's computer system. But do you realize, that when their plan is complete, you will be nothing more than a number in a computer. Everything you do can be tracked; and with a click of a mouse, or the press of a button, you could be denied access to your own money.

In a letter to Edward M. House (President Wilson's closest aide), dated November 23, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, said: "It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." In 1957, Sen. George W. Malone of Nevada said before Congress about the Federal Reserve:

"I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington: they would not wait for an election ... It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States."
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:41 pm

The Federal Income Tax

With the Illuminati in complete control of our monetary system, they were ready for the next step. They couldn't touch the money of the people, because the Constitution did not contain any provision for the taxing of income; so they now set into motion a plan to accomplish this, in order to oppress the middle class, and increase the lower class, who would have to depend on the government for their survival.

From 1862-72, to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax: 3% on incomes from $600 to $10,000, and 5% for incomes above that, which was later deemed to be insufficient, and it was increased twice, till it reached a high of 10% on all incomes over $5,000. The tax was criticized because it wasn't apportioned among the states according to population. The Act of 1862 also provided for a sales tax, excise tax, and inheritance tax; and established the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who was given the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and was given the authority to enforce tax laws. In 1868, tobacco and alcoholic beverages were taxed.

The income tax was discontinued in 1872, but after heavy lobbying by the Populist Party, it was reinstated in 1894, as part of the Wilson-German Tariff Bill, when Congress enacted a 2% tax on all incomes over $4,000 a year. On May 20, 1895, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the tax was unconstitutional, because it was not distributed among the states in accordance with the Constitution. Newspapers controlled by the Illuminati denounced the Court's decision.

When the income tax legislation was introduced in the Senate in 1894, Sen. Aldrich had come out against it, saying it was "communistic and socialistic," but in 1909, he proposed the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, with the support of President Taft, which called for the creation of a progressive graduated income tax. It was ratified in February, 1913, and levied a 1% tax on all incomes over $3,000, and a progressive surtax on incomes over $20,000. Although praised by reformers, conservatives said it was "a first step toward complete confiscation of private property."

According to a 2-volume investigative report called The Law That Never Was, by William J. Benson (who had been a special agent with the Illinois Department of revenue for 10 years) and M. J. Beckman, on February 25, 1913, shortly before the end of his term, Secretary of State Philander C. Knox ignored various irregularities, and fraudulently declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by three-fourths (or 36) of the 48 states. Benson traveled to all the states' archives, and to the National Archives in Washington, DC, obtaining more than 17,000 pages of documents, all properly notarized and certified by state officials, that proved that the 16th Amendment was never ratified.

A 16-page memo dated February 15, 1913, to Knox, from his solicitor, stated that only four states had "correctly" ratified the amendment, that Minnesota had not forwarded their copy yet, and that the resolutions from 33 states contained punctuation, capitalization, or wording different than the Resolution that was approved by Congress. The memo read:

"In the certified copies of the resolutions passed by the legislatures of the several states ratifying the proposed 16th amendment, it appears that only four of these resolutions (those submitted by Arizona, North Dakota, Tennessee and New Mexico) have quoted absolutely accurately and correctly the 16th amendment as proposed by Congress. The other thirty-three resolutions all contain errors either of punctuation, capitalization, or wording. Minnesota, it is to be remembered, did not transmit to the Department a copy of the resolution passed by the legislature of the state. The resolutions passed by twenty-two states contain errors only of capitalization or punctuation, or both, while those of eleven states contain errors in the wording..."

Benson discovered that some word changes and misplaced commas were done by legislative intent. State Legislatures voting to ratify a proposed Constitutional amendment, must use a certified, exact copy, as passed by the Congress. Since this was not done, legally, the Government can only collect an income tax within the guidelines set forth by the Supreme Court in Pollock v. Farmers Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895), and all sections of the Internal Revenue Code, based on the 16th Amendment, are not valid.

So, of the 48 states:

Eight states (Rhode Island, Utah, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania) did not approve or ratify the amendment.

Texas and Louisiana were forbidden by their own state constitution to empower the federal government to tax their citizens.

Vermont and Massachusetts rejected the amendment with a recorded vote count, but later declared it passed without a recorded vote only after the amendment had been declared ratified by Knox.

Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, California, and Washington violated their own state constitutions during their ratification procedures.

Minnesota had not sent any copy of its resolution to Knox, let alone a signed and sealed copy, as was required by law.

Oklahoma, Georgia, and Illinois had made unacceptable changes in the wording, as did some of the above states (in addition to the other unacceptable procedures).

When you deduct these 21 states, you only had a proper ratification by only 27 states, far less than the Constitutionally-mandated 36.

Because of his diligence, Benson was arrested and imprisoned on income tax charges, but later released.

Why the Federal Government Doesn't Have Jurisdiction Over States

According to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States:

"The Congress shall have power ... to exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful building..."

This passage reveals the true intention of our forefathers, which was for the Federal Government to coordinate the efforts of all the States in order to combine their resources when it came to things like trade and defense, since the States were actually like separate countries. Therefore, the Congress only had jurisdiction over the area of Washington, D.C., and non-state territories like Alaska, and Hawaii (before they became states); and the present countries of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and others; and Federal property such as military bases. This area will be hereinafter referred to as the District (as in the District of Columbia), as it is in the United States Code (see 26 USC 7701(a) (1), and 26 USC 3121(e) (1) ).

Since America is a Republic, and not a democracy, the Government has a responsibility to protect the inalienable rights of its citizens, as granted by the Constitution, rather than to grant privileges, known as civil rights, which are decided by the will of the majority. When the sovereign state citizen gave power to the State Constitution, which created State Government; this in turn gave power to the U.S. Constitution, which created the Federal Government; which has, in a sense, incorporated and gave power to the United States Government; which has turned the U.S. citizen into a subject of the U.S. Government. Therefore, the Federal Government has been able to wield its influence over the entire country, rather than just the area referred to as the District.

This is possible, because, for all intents and purposes, there are two of every state. For example, the official name of Pennsylvania is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; but to the U.S. Government, it is known as the State of Pennsylvania. There are even two state flags. One with a gold fringe, which represents the State of Pennsylvania, and martial law under the U.S. Government; and one without the fringe, which represents the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The gold-fringed flag was reserved for use by the General of the Army, where it was present at military headquarters and displayed at court martials. Its use elsewhere, as a government battle flag, was only to be done at the discretion of the President, within his role as the Commander-in-Chief of the military, to establish the jurisdiction of the military presence. This gold-fringed flag, which is common in many public places, such as courthouses, and schools, is not the national flag which represents our constitutional republic. It is a symbol of federal government jurisdiction.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, he called for an emergency session of Congress on March 9th, where the Emergency Banking Relief Act (also known as the War Powers Act, which seized all the country's constitutional gold and silver coinage) was passed, which gave FDR the power to issue any order, and do anything he felt was necessary to run the country, without restriction, by authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917 (which placed all German citizens under the authority of the President, because they were enemies of the U.S.).

In 1917, Chapter 106, Section 2, subdivision (c), of the Trading with the Enemy Act, defined the Enemy as someone "other than citizens of the United States." and in 1933, according to Chapter 106, Section 5, subdivision (b), the Act designated as the Enemy "any person within the United States."

America was under the authority of an emergency war government. According to the book Constitution: Fact or Fiction by Dr. Eugene Schroder (with Micki Nellis), our Constitution was actually nullified on March 9, 1933, when President Franklin Roosevelt declared a national emergency. As recorded in Congressional Record in 1933, Rep. James Buck said:

"...the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This means it's dead." Senate Report 93-549 (Senate Resolution 9, 93rd Congress, 1st Session) in 1973 said that since 1933 "the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency . A majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency..."

The Act was never repealed after the World War II, because Roosevelt died; and Truman used the extraordinary powers he gained through the rewriting of the War Powers Act to establish the National Security infrastructure, which included the C.I.A.

The "national emergency" technically ended on September 14, 1976, when the 93rd Congress passed H.R. 3884, the National Emergencies Termination Act (50 USC 1601, Public Law 94-412) in response to President Richard Nixon's abuse of the Trading with the Enemy Act (which was part of Roosevelt's emergency legislation). Though he had promised an end to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, he actually escalated the war by authorizing the secret bombing of Cambodia. And then later, in December, 1972, Nixon ordered American B-52's to drop over 36,000 tons of bombs over Haiphong and Hanoi. Congress then appointed the Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency, headed by Sen. Frank Church (D-ID), who began holding hearings in July, 1973. Even though it appeared that the emergency legislation was repealed, the last paragraph said that it didn't apply to any "authorities under the act of October 6, 1917, as amended."

Chuck Morse wrote in his article "Is the 'National Emergency of FDR' Still In Place?" that:

"This was a classic example of sleight of hand. In fact, Congress exempted all laws, based on the emergency of 1933 that were already in place. Rather than being based on the authority of the President under a 'national emergency' these federal laws would now be codified as a permanent part of the U.S. Federal Code. Included among the codified laws would be Section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, which classifies the American citizen as an enemy of the government."

The declaration of a National Emergency can legally empower the President to suspend the Constitution. According to Senate Report 93-549, the "President may: Seize property, organize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute Martial Law, seize and control transportation and communication, regulate operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens."

President Carter declared a new national emergency in 1979 during the Iranian hostage crisis, and Bill Clinton, during his two terms in office, declared 12 National Emergencies.

A 1976 Senate report noted that there were 470 extraordinary grants of power to the President, during times of National Emergency.

However, because of Executive Orders 6073, 6102 (gold confiscation), 6111, 6260 and 6262 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it is believed that the District went bankrupt in 1933, and since then, has undergone various "reorganizations." The Secretary of Treasury was appointed "receiver" in the bankruptcy (Reorganization Plan, No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903; Public Law 94-564; Legislative History, pg. 5967). Representative James A. Traficant, Jr. of Ohio, according to the Congressional Record (pg. H1303), on March 17, 1993, said: "Mr. Speaker, we are now in Chapter 11. Members of Congress are official Trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the United States government."

It was in 1933 that FDR enacted the Social Security Act, which effectively redefined the word "employee" to indicate "government worker." Then came the Public Salary Tax Act in 1939, which gave the U.S. Government the power to levy a tax on those people who were either government employees, or who lived and worked in a "Federal Area." A year later, the Buck Act was passed, which gave the U.S. Government the power to create a "Federal Area" so they could levy the Public Salary Tax. Since it was unconstitutional to tax anyone outside of the jurisdiction of the District, this Act, in Section 110(d) and (e), made the land within the territorial boundaries of a State, a "Federal Area." This, in effect, created a paper state, known as a Federal Area, for the purposes of the U.S. Government; and those people who were sovereign state citizens, now found themselves also living in this Federal Area. Now the U.S. Government had to make that citizen one of their subjects by bringing them under the jurisdiction of the District.

This was accomplished by deceiving the citizen into entering an adhesion contract with the U.S. Government, such as a Social Security application, an Income Tax form, a Driver's License application, a Bank Account application, and other similar things. Contrary to what most people believe, it is not mandatory to apply for a Social Security number; however, in order for a sovereign state citizen to be eligible for Social Security benefits, they have to waive the rights given to them under our Republic.

Probably, the most incredible example of the adhesion contract is the Income Tax system. In 1884, it was accepted that the "property which every man has is his own labor (and) as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable." Therefore, since 'wages' are received as compensation for labor, it can not be legally taxed. 'Income,' however, is the process of profiting from a business (someone else's labor) or investments, and is taxable, as in a Corporation, which is an artificial entity which is given the right to exist by the State. The Constitution only allows the Congress to collect taxes, and that is limited to a uniform excise tax on gasoline, alcohol, tobacco, telephone bills, firearms, and tires, things revolving in one way or another around interstate commerce. The payment of these taxes are voluntary, because they are based on consumption. These funds go directly to the U.S. Treasury to pay the expenses of the country.

Because we live in a Republic, the Internal Revenue Service Code, Title 26 USC, could not be passed into law by the Congress, and instead, was passed only as a Resolution, which is a formal expression of intent that was to pertain only to citizens of the District. So, how do they make you a citizen of the District? In the upper left-hand corner of the 1040 Federal Income Tax form is a place to put your preprinted address label, which is designated with the words "label here." However, to the left of that is the word "label," which seemingly identifies the entire section as a whole. However, the word "label" actually has another legal meaning that has nothing to do with your name and address. According to Black's Law Dictionary, "label" is defined as: "A slip of ribbon, parchment, or paper, attached as a codicil to a deed or other writing to hold the appended seal." Since your "seal" is your signature, the "label" is actually a codicil which indicates you are waiving your constitutional right as a sovereign state citizen to become a citizen of the District and its Federal Area.

Although the Internal Revenue Service is considered to be a Bureau of the Department of Treasury, like the Federal Reserve, they are not part of the Federal Government (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.; Public Law 94-564; Senate Report 94-1148, pg. 5967; Reorganization Plan No. 26; Public Law 102-391), and in fact were incorporated in Delaware in 1933. It is pointed out that all official Federal Government mail is sent postage-free because of the franking privilege, however, the IRS has to pay their own postage, which indicates that they are not a government entity. They are in fact a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, because they do not collect any taxes for the U.S. Treasury. All funds collected are turned over to the Federal Reserve. If you have ever sent a check to the IRS, you will find that it was endorsed over to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, in turn, deposits the money with the International Monetary Fund, an agency of the United Nations (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, pg. 816), where it is filtered down to the International Development Association (see Treasury Delegation Order No. 91), which is part of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, commonly known as the World Bank. Therefore, it is now clear, that the American people are unknowingly contributing to the coming World Government.

The Secretary of the Treasury is the "Governor" of the International Monetary Fund (Public Law 94-564, supra, pg. 5942; U.S. Government Manual 1990/91, pgs. 480-81; 26 U.S.C.A. 7701(a)(11); Treasury Delegation Order No. 150-10); the United States has not had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch. 214, pg. 654); and for all intents and purposes the U.S. Treasury is the IMF (Presidential Documents, Volume 29, No. 4, pg. 113; 22 U.S.C. 285-288).

Chief Justice John Marshall said: "The power to tax involves the power to destroy." Alan Keyes, the former ambassador to the UN, who ran for President in 2000 said:

"We ought to have realized that the income tax is utterly incompatible with liberty. It is actually a form of slavery. A slave is someone the fruit of whose labor is controlled by somebody else. A slave is not somebody with nothing. Rather, he has only what the master lets him have . Under the income tax, the government takes whatever percentage of the earner's income it wants. The income tax, therefore, represents our national surrender to the government of control over all the money we earn. There are, in principle, no restrictions to the pre-emptive claim the government has."

The income tax was intended to rob the earnings of the low and middle class; or as the saying goes, "the more you make, the more they take." However, the tax didn't touch the huge fortunes of Illuminati members. The tax was an indication that the U.S. was heading for a planned war, because they couldn't go into a war without money. Since the tax provided less than 5% of total Federal revenues, increases were later made to accommodate World War I, FDR's New Deal, and World War II. In July, 1943, workers in this country were subject to a payroll withholding tax in the form of a "victory tax" that was touted as a temporary tax to boost the economy because of the War, and would later be discontinued. However, the deduction remained because it forced compliance.
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Re: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

Postby admin » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:41 pm

Foundations Are the Tax Shelters for the Super Rich

Under the guise of philanthropy, the Illuminati avoided taxation by transferring their wealth to tax-free foundations.

Foundations are either state or federally chartered. The first was chartered by Benjamin Franklin in 1790, in Philadelphia and Boston, from a $4,444.49 fund, to make loans "to young married artificers (artisans) of good character." In 1800, the Magdalen Society was established in Philadelphia, "to ameliorate that distressed condition of those unhappy females who have been seduced from the paths of virtue, and are desirous of returning to a life of rectitude." In 1846, the Smithsonian Institution was established by the bequest of English scientist James Smithson "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." The Peabody Education Fund was initiated in 1867 by banker George Peabody, to promote education in the South.

Before 1900, there were only 18 foundations; from 1910-19, there were 76; during the 1920's, 173; the 1930's, 288; the 1940's, 1,638; and during the 1950's, there were 2,839 foundations.

United Press International (UPI) reported on July 19, 1969, that the top 596 foundations had an income that was twice the net earnings of the country's 50 largest commercial banking institutions.

According to Rep. Wright Patman, in a report to the 87th Congress, it is because of the existence of foundations, that "only one-third of the income of the nation is actually taxed."

Some of the important foundations are: Ford Foundation (Ford Motor Co.), Rockefeller Foundation (Standard Oil), Duke Endowment (Duke family fortune), John A. Hartford Foundation (Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea), W. K. Kellogg Foundation (the Kellogg Cereals), Carnegie Corp. (Carnegie Steel), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (General Motors), Moody Foundation (W. L. Moody's oil, realty, newspapers, and bank holdings), Lilly Endowment (Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals), Pew Memorial Trust (Sun Oil Co. or Sunoco), and the Danforth Foundation (Purina Cereals), which all have assets of well over $100 million.

The first Congressional Committee to investigate the tax-free foundations was the Cox Committee in 1952, led by Rep. Eugene E. Cox, a Democrat from Georgia. Its purpose was to find out which "foundations and organizations are using their resources for purposes other than the purposes for which they were established, and especially to determine which such foundations and organizations are using their resources for un-American and subversive activities or for purposes not in the interest or tradition of the United States."

Cox discovered that officers and trustees of some foundations were Communists, and that these foundations had given grants to Communists or Communist-controlled organizations. A former Communist official, Maurice Malkin, testified that in 1919 they were trying "to penetrate these organizations (foundations), if necessary take control of them and their treasuries ... that they should be able to finance the Communist Party propaganda in the United States." During the investigation, Cox died, and the facts were glossed over in a cover-up.

Another member of the Committee, Rep. Carroll Reece of Tennessee, the former Chairman of the Republican National Committee, forced another investigation in 1953, to see if foundations were being used "for political purposes, propaganda, or attempts to influence legislation." The Washington Post called the investigation "unnecessary," and that it was "stupidly wasteful of public funds." Reece even referred to a "conspiracy."

The Eisenhower Administration was clearly against the probe. Three of the four who were selected for the Committee, with Reece, were House members who had voted against the investigation. Rep. Wayne Hays of Ohio worked from the inside to stall the investigation. During one 3-hour session, he interrupted the same witness 246 times. He prohibited evidence discovered by two of its investigators from being used. Rene A. Wormser, legal counsel to the Committee, revealed why, in his 1958 book Foundations: Their Power and Influence: "Mr. Hays told us one day that 'the White House' had been in touch with him and asked him if he would cooperate to kill the Committee." Wormser also revealed that the Committee had discovered that these foundations were using their wealth to attack the basic structure of our Constitution and Judeo-Christian ethics; and that the influence of major foundations had "reached far into government, into the policy-making circles of Congress and into the State Department."

Reece's Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations discovered that many foundations were financing civil rights groups, liberal political groups, political extremist groups, and supporting revolutionary activities throughout the world. The Committee reported:

"Substantial evidence indicates there is more than a mere close working together among some foundations operating in the international field. There is here, as in the general realm of social sciences, a close interlock. The Carnegie Corporation, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Rockefeller Foundation and, recently, the Ford Foundation, joined by some others, have commonly cross-financed, to a tune of many millions ... organizations concerned with internationalists, among them, the Institute of Pacific Relations, the Foreign Policy Association (which was "virtually a creature of the Carnegie Endowment"), the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and others ... and that it happened by sheer coincidence stretches credulity."

On August 19, 1954, Reece summed up his investigation: "It has been said that the foundations are a power second only to that of the Federal Government itself ... Perhaps the Congress should now admit that the foundations have become more powerful, in some areas, at least, than the legislative branch of the Government." The investigation ended in 1955, when funding was withheld.
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