The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillaumont

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillaumont

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:33 am

The Gospel According to Thomas
translated by A. Guillaumont, Henri-Charles Puech, Gilles Quispel, Walter Till, and Yassah 'Abd Al Masih
© E. J. Brill, 1959
PDF Here




Table of Contents:

• Inside Cover
• Preliminary Remarks
• Log 1-4
• Log 5-8
• Log 9-11
• Log 12-13
• Log 14-16
• Log 17-19
• Log 20-21
• Log 22
• Log 23-28
• Log 29-33
• Log 34-38
• Log 39-44
• Log 45-47
• Log 48-51
• Log 52-57
• Log 58-61
• Log 62-64
• Log 64
• Log 65-68
• Log 69a-76
• Log 77-79
• Log 80-85
• Log 86-91
• Log 92-97
• Log 98-102
• Log 103-107
• Log 108-113
• Log 114
• Scriptural Parallels and Echoes

Jesus said: I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I guard it until it (the world) is afire....

Jesus said to them: If you fast, you will beget sin for yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give alms, you will do evil to your spirits....

When you see Him who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves upon your face and adore Him: He is your Father. Jesus said: Men possibly think that I have come to throw peace upon the world and they do not know that I have come to throw divisions upon the earth, fire, sword, war. For there shall be five in a house: three shall be against two and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father, and they will stand as solitaries....

When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female (not) be female, when you make eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place of a foot, (and) an image in the place of an image ....

If you fast not from the world, you will not find the Kingdom; if you keep not the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father....

And my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their heart and do not see that empty they have come into the world (and that) empty they seek to go out of the world again....

You have become as the Jews, for they love the tree, they hate its fruit and they love the fruit, they hate the tree....

Jesus said: Whoever blasphemes against the Father, it shall be forgiven him, and whoever blasphemes against the Son, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, either on earth or in heaven....

Jesus said: If they say to you: "From where have you originated?", say to them: "We have come from the Light, where the Light has originated through itself. It stood and it revealed itself in their image". If they say to you: "(Who) are you?", say: "We are His sons and we are the elect of the Living Father". If they ask you: "What is the sign of your Father in you?", say to them: "It is a movement and a rest"....

Jesus said: Whoever does not hate his father and his mother will not be able to be a disciple to Me, and (whoever does not) hate his brethren and his sisters and (does not) take up his cross in My way will not be worthy of Me....

I am He who is from the Same, to Me was given from the things of My Father. Therefore I say, if he is the Same, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness....

What thy right (hand) will do, let not thy left (hand) know what it does....

Jesus said: Blessed are you when you are hated and persecuted; and no place will be found there where you have been persecuted....

Jesus said: I shall destroy this house and no one will be able to build it again....

I am not a divider, am I?....

Jesus said: Many are standing at the door, but the solitary are the ones who will enter the bridal chamber....

Jesus said: I am the Light that is above them all, I am the All, the All came forth from Me and the All attained to Me....

Jesus said: Adam came into existence from a great power, great wealth, and (yet) he did not become worthy of you. For if he had been worthy, he would not have tasted death....

Wretched is the body which depends upon a body, and wretched is the soul which depends upon these two....

Come to Me, for easy is My yoke and My lordship is gentle, and you shall find repose for yourselves....

Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man who wishes to kill a powerful man. He drew the sword in his house, he stuck it into the wall, in order to know whether his hand would carry through; then he slew the powerful (man)....

Whoever does not hate his father and his mother in My way will not be able to be a disciple to me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother in My way will not be able to be a disciple to me, for My mother [ ] but My true Mother gave me the Life....

Whoever knows father and mother shall be called the son of a harlot....

Whoever has found the world and become rich, let him deny the world....

Jesus said: Woe to the flesh which depends upon the soul; woe to the soul which depends upon the flesh....

Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go out from among us, because women are not worthy of the Life. Jesus said: See, I shall lead her, so that I will make her male, that she too may become a living spirit, resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

-- The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillaumont, Henri-Charles Puech, Gilles Quispel, Walter Till, and Yassah 'Abd Al Masih

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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:34 am

First publication -- by the international team of scholars -- of the newly discovered sayings attributed to Jesus.


"Comparable in importance to the Dead Sea Scrolls and of even great significance to students of the first three Gospels and their literary sources. " -- Oscar Cullmann

Coptic Text Established and Translated by A. Guillaumont, Henri-Charles Puech, Gilles Quispel, Walter Till, and Yassah 'Abd Al Masih

Inside Cover

The Story of the Discovery and Translation of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS

The remains of an extraordinary Coptic library, lost for 16 centuries and discovered in 1945 in a ruined tomb near Hag Hamadi, Upper Egypt, has yielded an extensive collection of logia, an anthology of 114 "sayings of Jesus, " now published for the first time in their entirety. Preserved by dry sands covering what was apparently a thriving Gnostic community, 13 leather-bound papyrus volumes were found in jars in a cliffside by Egyptian peasants. Alone among the 49 works contained in them, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS has created a stir similar to that which followed the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls and has engaged the attention of the public at large as well as that of the learned world.

This document, containing many sayings never before seen, in addition to those resembling New Testament and patristic texts, is an exceptional find. It is one of the earliest manuscripts related to the New Testament, and is based in fact, according to the editor-translators, on "a work the primitive text of which must have been produced in Greek about 140 A. D. "

In addition, there is a prologue attributing their recording and preservation to the apostle "Didymos Judas Thomas. "

Related to the logia of the Synoptic Gospels and apparently sharing the same or similar sources, the parables and other sayings in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS are open to consideration as possibly containing genuine words of Jesus heretofore unknown. They may supply the "missing link" in the study of ancient manuscripts and texts which connects the known Gospels with Gnostic, Patristic, Manichaean and even Cathare literature.

This authoritative translation has been obtained through the unremitting efforts of an international team of five Coptic and Hebrew scholars who are specialists in Gnosticism and primitive Christian literature. It is based on a most minute reading of the manuscript itself, which has been corrected and reconstituted with the use of infra-red photographs which are, as Professor Piper points out, "clear than the original itself. " Here is a complete translation in English, as literal as possible, easy to read and refer to, with the original text in Coptic characters on opposite pages, reproduced line for line and page for page. This is preceded by the translators' brief introduction and followed by a summary listing of the parallels between the new sayings and Biblical passages.

Upon the advice of the translator-editors, this most important portion of the rich Coptic material is the first to be released to the public in an unprecedented international publishing event, with conjoint publication in five languages and six editions.

With this first publication of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS in Europe and America, a great number of interests will be served simultaneously. Among them:

1. A desire among the public to learn more of early Christianity and its setting.

2. Eagerness among the followers of the teachings of Jesus for more light on his actual sayings and influence.

3. The fascination of ancient manuscripts and archaeological discoveries aroused by the Dead Sea Scrolls and other recent findings.

"Having worked with the translators at some length last year in Holland, I am glad to commend this publication. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS will exert considerable influence on a number of scholarly fields. It advances our knowledge of developing second-century Gnosticism; it offers many important implications for the history of the text of the New Testament; it provides help in advancing the form-critical analysis of the history of the sayings of Jesus; it underscores the importance of the Jewish-Christian church during the first two centuries.

"All in all, its publication is of far-reaching significance. It is bound to be the storm-center of debate, both academic and popular, and bound also to provide new material for new conceptions of the history of the Gospels. "

-- Paul Minear, Professor of New Testament, Yale Divinity School


"Constituting another surprising and major archeological discovery of our time, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS provides new material for a study of the transmission and transformation of the words of Jesus in the early Christian centuries. "

-- Jack Finegan, Professor of New Testament Literature and Interpretation, Pacific School of Religion


"The publishing of the text and translation of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS will be welcomed by students of the New Testament and of Christian origins. Confirmation of the canonical Gospel material will be of special interest to some. The Gnostic influence on early Egyptian Christianity will intrigue others. The genuineness of sayings attributed to Jesus but otherwise unknown will provoke widespread discussion. "

-- Everett F. Harrison, Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary


"THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS is probably the most important source for our knowledge of the beginnings of Christianity in Egypt. Other sources do not reach beyond the end of the second century, whereas this document, or its nucleus, probably originated early in the second or late in the first century. In their study of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS, scholars had thus far to rely on a very unsatisfactory edition of the Coptic text, which had many gaps and led to erroneous translations and interpretations. The Puech edition is based upon infra-red photographs which are clearer than the original itself. "

-- Otto A. Piper, Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Princeton Theological Seminary


"Of unexcelled importance in the reconstruction of the history of Christianity in the first and second centuries A. D. , these Gnostic manuscripts will not revolutionize that reconstruction wholesale, but they will, when thoroughly studied, clarify one of the most controversial issues under consideration during the last four decades in this field. "

-- Paul Schubert, Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation, Yale Divinity School


"Any new material in such an important area as the teachings of Jesus is absolutely priceless to the scholar and minister. A good translation with the text of THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS is a great service to scholarship. "

-- James R. Branton, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Colgate-Rochester Divinity School


"For many THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THOMAS will be the most fascinating of the documents discovered near Chenoboskion. Admittedly, many are familiar from the Synoptics, but the new Gospel sometimes gives them with a different slant. A few of those entirely unfamiliar may be as authentic as some in our canonical Gospels. Above all, this document has caught the tradition just as it was being 'Gnosticized. ' Here is work for the research expert and enjoyment for the ordinary reader. "

-- Harvey K. McArthur, Professor of New Testament, Hartford Theological Seminary
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:34 am


What follows is nothing more than a fragment of a work which is much more extensive and complete: a critical, scholarly edition of The Gospel according to Thomas, which will include a long introduction devoted to the various problems -- philological, historical and exegetical -- which have been raised by the document, as well as the Coptic text of the writing, a translation in German, French or English, a commentary consisting of detailed notes, and an index of Coptic and Greek terms. This volume will be published in the near future. In view, however, of certain technical difficulties which have delayed the printing and publication of the larger work, we think it wise to make available in advance this extract. The Gospel according to Thomas is a document so important, the announcement of its discovery and what has already been said concerning it have evoked so great a curiosity on the part of the general public and so great an interest on the part of the scholarly world, that it is impossible for us to delay its publication further or to decide otherwise.

By extracting this section of the coming edition and by publishing it beforehand, we have intended above all to furnish a preliminary working tool for purposes of instruction and research, so that our colleagues may proceed on the solid ground provided by the text itself, here transcribed and occasionally reconstructed, and may more easily judge its translation, which has been made as literal as possible.

The numerals which appear at the top and in the margin of the left-hand pages refer to the plates of the photographic edition of the manuscript, which we owe to Dr. Pahor Labib (Coptic Gnostic Papyri in the Coptic Museum at Old Cairo, vol. I, Cairo 1956, pl. 80, line 10-pl. 99, line 28). The numerals which appear at the top of the right-hand pages, or have been inserted within parentheses on these pages, correspond to the numbers of the 114 logia, which represent our enumeration within this collection of "Sayings of Jesus", which comprise almost exclusively the present "Gospel".

The critical apparatus and the notes refer only to the constitution and the primary interpretation of the text. A summary list of scriptural parallels or echoes has been added in the form of an appendix. The variants, the extra-canonical parallels, the testimonies of the indirect tradition relative to this or that logion, the Semitisms which here or there lie beneath the surface, and other analogies, will be expounded in the commentary of the authoritative edition.

The manuscript, now preserved in the Coptic Museum of Old Cairo, has been collated there, in October 1956, by three of us. It belongs to one of the thirteen volumes which together form the Gnostic library found, about 1945, in the neighborhood of Nag-Hamadi (Upper Egypt); this volume is Codex III of our classification. The Codex must probably be dated either in the second half of the Fourth Century A. D. or in the beginning of the Fifth Century A. D. But the original of The Gospel according to Thomas -- the second of the seven writings contained in this volume -- goes back much earlier. We are dealing here with a translation or an adaptation in Sahidic Coptic of a work the primitive text of which must have been produced in Greek about 140 A. D., and which was based on even more ancient sources.

The English text of this edition has been read by Paul S. Minear of Yale University Divinity School.

For further details see:

H.-Ch. PUECH, Une collection de Paroles de Jesus recemment retrouvee: L'Evangile selon Thomas, in Comptes Rendus de l'Academie demie des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres (Institut de France); 1957, pp. 146-167.

H.-Ch. PUECH, Das Thomas-Evangelium, in E. Hennecke-W. Schneemelcher, Neutestamentliche Apokryphen [3], t. I, Tubingen, 1959, pp. 199-223.

G. QUISPEL, The Gospel of Thomas and the New Testament, in Vigiliae Christianae, XI, 1957, pp. 189-207.

G. QUISPEL, L'Evangile selon Thomas et les Clementines, ibid., XII, 1958, pp. 181-196.

A. GUILLAUMONT, Semitismes dans les logia de Jesus retrouves a Nag-Hamadi, in Journal Asiatique, CCXLVI, 1958, pp. 113-123.

W. C. TILL, New Sayings of Jesus in the Recently Discovered Coptic, "Gospel of Thomas", in Bulletin of the John Rylands Library XLI, 1959, pp. 446-458.
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:35 am

Log. 1-4



10 These are the secret words which the Living Jesus
spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote.
12 (1) And He said :
Whoever finds the explanation () of these words will
14 not taste death. (2) Jesus said:
Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he
16 finds, and when () he finds, he will
be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will
18 marvel and he will
reign over the All. (3) Jesus said: If
20 those who lead you say to you:
"See, the Kingdom is in heaven",
22 then the birds of the heaven will precede you.
If they say to you: "It is in the sea (),"
24 then the fish will precede you.
But () the Kingdom is within you and
26 it is without you. If () you (will)
know yourselves, then () you will be known


and you will know that you are
2 the sons of the Living Father. But () if
you do not know yourselves, then you
4 are in poverty and you
are poverty. (4) Jesus said: The man old in days will not
6 hesitate to ask
a little child of seven
8 days about the place () of Life, and
he will live. For many who are first shall become last
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:36 am

Log. 5-8


10 and they shall become a single one. (5) Jesus said:
Know what is in thy sight,
12 and what is hidden from thee will be revealed
to thee. For () there is nothing hidden which will
14 not be manifest. (6) His disciples () asked Him,
they said to Him: Wouldst thou that we fast (),
16 and how should we pray (and) should we give alms ():
and what diet should we observe ()?
18 Jesus said: Do not lie;
and do not do what you hate, for
20 all things are manifest before Heaven.
For () there is nothing hidden that shall not
22 be revealed and there is nothing covered that
shall remain without being uncovered. (7) Jesus said:
24 Blessed () is the lion which
the man eats and the lion
26 will become man; and cursed is the man
whom the lion eats and
28 the lion will become man. (8) And He said:
The Man is like a wise fisherman
30 who cast his net
into the sea (), he drew it up
32 from the sea () full of small fish;
among them he found a large (and) good fish,



11 "what" or "him who".
15 read: "How wouldst thou".
20 "Heaven": perhaps originally "the Truth".
28 read: "the man will become lion".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:37 am

Log. 9-11


34 that wise fisherman, he threw
all the small fish


down into the sea (), he chose the large
2 fish without () regret. Whoever has ears
to hear let him hear. (9) Jesus said: See,
4 the sower went out, he filled his hand,
he threw. Some (seeds) () fell on the road;
6 the birds came, they gathered them. Others
fell on the rock () and did not strike root
8 in the earth and did not produce ears.
And others fell on the thorns;
10 they choked the seed and the worm ate them.
And others fell on the good earth;
12 and it brought forth good fruit ();
it bore sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.
14 (10) Jesus said: I have cast fire upon
the world (), and see, I guard it
16 until it (the world) is afire. (11) Jesus said: This heaven shall
pass away () and the one above it shall pass away ().
18 and the dead are not alive and the living
shall not die. In the days when you devoured
20 the dead, you made it alive;
when () you come into light,
22 what will you do? On the day when you



14 "I have cast"; read probably: "I have come to cast" (comp. p. 83, 32).
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:37 am

Log. 12-13


were one, you became two. But () when ()
24 you have become two, what will you do?
(12) The disciples () said to Jesus:
26 We know that thou wilt go away from us. Who is it
who shall be great over us? Jesus said to them:
28 Wherever you have come, you will
go to James the righteous ()
30 for whose sake heaven and earth came into being. (13) Jesus said
to His disciples (): Make a comparison to Me and
32 tell Me whom I am like. Simon Peter
said to Him: Thou art like a
34 righteous () angel (). Matthew said to Him:


Thou art like a wise () man of understanding.
2 Thomas said to Him:
Master, my mouth will not at all () be capable
4 of saying whom Thou art like. Jesus said:
I am not thy Master, because () thou hast drunk, thou hast become drunk
6 from the bubbling spring () which I
have measured out. And He took him, He withdrew (),
8 He spoke three words to him.
Now () when Thomas came to his companions, they asked him:
10 What did Jesus say to thee? Thomas said to them:
If I tell you one of the words
12 which He said to me, you will take up stones and
throw at me; and fire will come from



7 "measured"; perhaps: "dug",
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:39 am

Log. 14-16


14 the stones and burn you up.
(14) Jesus said to them: If you fast (), you will
16 beget sin for yourselves, and if you
pray, you will be condemned (), and
18 if you give alms (), you will do
evil () to your spirits (). And if you
20 go into any land and
wander in the regions (), if they receive ()
22 you, eat what they set before you,
heal () the sick among them.
24 For () what goes into your mouth
will not defile you, but () what
26 comes out of your mouth, that is what
will defile you. (15) Jesus said: When ()
28 you see Him who was not born
of woman, prostrate yourselves upon
30 your face and adore Him: He
is your Father. (16) Jesus said:
32 Men possibly () think that I have come to throw
peace () upon the world () and
34 they do not know that I have come to throw
divisions upon the earth, fire, sword,
36 war (). For () there shall be five


in a house: three shall be against
2 two and two against three, the father
against the son and the son against the father,


JESUS: Do not believe that I am here to bring peace unto earth. I am here not to bring peace but the sword!

BLIND MAN 1: Lord, a bird has just passed. I recognized it by the sound of its wings.

JESUS: For I am here to oppose son against father, daughter against mother, and step-daughter against step-mother. In truth, in truth, I tell you: man will have for enemies the people of his own family.

BLIND MAN 2: Son of David, show me what is white and what is black?

JESUS: Whoever loves his father and mother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever loves his son and daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

-- The Milky Way, directed by Luis Bunuel
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:40 am

Log. 17-19


4 and they will stand as solitaries ().
(17) Jesus said: I will give you what
6 eye has not seen and what ear
has not heard and what hand has not touched
8 and (what) has not arisen in the heart
of man. (18) The disciples () said to Jesus: Tell
10 to us how our end will be.
Jesus said: Have you then () discovered
12 the beginning () so that you inquire about
the end? For where the beginning () is,
14 there shall be the end. Blessed () is
he who shall stand at the beginning (), and
16 he shall know the end and he shall not taste
death. (19) Jesus said: Blessed () is
18 he who was before he came into being.
If you become disciples () to Me
20 and hear My words, these stones
will minister () to you.
22 For () you have five trees in Paradise (),
which are unmoved in summer (or) in winter
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:40 am

Log. 20-21


24 and their leaves do not fall.
Whoever knows them will not taste death.
26 (20) The disciples () said to Jesus: Tell
us what the Kingdom of Heaven is
28 like. He said to them: It is like
a mustard-seed, smaller than ()
30 all seeds. But () when () it
falls on the tilled earth, it
32 produces a large branch and becomes
shelter () for <the>birds of heaven.
34 (21) Mary said to Jesus: Whom are thy disciples ()
like? He said: They are like


little children who have installed themselves in a field
2 which is not theirs. When () the owners of the field come,
they will say: "Release to us our field".
4 They take off their clothes before them
to release it (the field) to them and to give back
6 their field to them. Therefore () I say:
If the lord of the house knows that the thief is coming,
8 he will stay awake before he comes and will not
let him dig through into his house of his
10 kingdom to carry away his goods (). You
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