The Choice of a Mate, by Anthony M. Ludovici

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Choice of a Mate, by Anthony M. Ludovici

Postby admin » Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:06 am


Adam's Apple, the, significance of, 430, 490

Adler, can find no biological reason against incest, 98; his INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY , 310; description of his system, 311, 312

Adrenal, description of hypo- and hyper-adrenal types, 291, 292

Alcibiades, loved by Socrates, 22

Allergy, description of those suffering from, 275, 276

America, a land of infertile women, 435; cruel sex-life of normal women in, 438; result of questionnaires regarding desirable traits in a wife sent out in, 461

Appearance, a sound guide only in inbred stock, 162

Arabs, practised incest, 85

Aristotle, his only objection to incestuous marriages, 46, 95; views of, on relative ages of man and wife, 113; opposed Socratic doctrine of unimportance of visible man, 156, 159, 160; on unity of body and soul, 239; tried to connect every feature with its supposed corresponding mental quality, 243; guided by common man's approach to physiognomy, 261; on fat men and women, 264; founder of scientific expressionism, 319; on hazel eyes as sign of courage, 345; on right age for men to marry, 387, 390; condemned the athlete, 414

Artist, the, to be avoided as a mate, 410; longevity of, 417

Asthenic Type, the, described, 277; diseases of, 281; temperament of, 282, 283; examples of, 283; often introverts, 316

Athleticism, probably unfavourable to woman's sex development, 287; undesirable, 414; sublimates sex, 429; undesirable for women, 477; masculoid women and, 477 n., 478; unfavourable to maternity, 478, 481; leads to dysmenorrhœa, 479, 480; makes girls masculoid, 480

Athletic Type, the, described, 278; diseases of, 281; the male, condemned by Aristotle, 414

Augustine, his objection to incest not biological, 97, 98;

Augustus, the Emperor, abhorred dwarfs, cripples, etc., 182

Balzac, on the difficulty of lasting love 1; on the cruelty of marriage, 2 n.; on the reason for the rarity of happy marriages, 5 n.; his misguided description of the ideal wife, 172, 173, 174; on danger of unsavouriness in marriage, 198 n.; describes typically feminine heroine as having long hair, 266; on the last year a man can marry a young woman, 387; on the erotic disposition, 404; on importance of the first night, 464

Beauty, falsely maintained to be "only skin deep," 24; Prynne's attack on, 51; increased by inbreeding, 60; destroyed by cross-breeding, 144; "skin deep" a Socratic sophistry, 153; to be sought in mating, 153; Spencer's defence of, 160, 161; lures to life, 165; applies only within a race or caste, 168, 169, 176, 177; must be related with health, 172, 227; never stupid, 174, 175; mistaken ideas of, 176; held in high esteem in ancient civilizations, 177; condemned by the Christian Fathers, 182, 183; love of, during the Renaissance, 185; condemned by various poets and writers, 186, 187; defence of by various writers, 188, 189; of certain great men and women, 189; various types of, 189, 190; denotes desirability of body and mind, 202; the visible expression of health and desirability, 213, 227; incompatible with meanness of feature, 215; one feature alone cannot constitute, 215; most important element of, fitness to bear healthy children, 344

Behaviour, inferences to be drawn from, 340

Biological Proletariat, their ugliness, 145; taints merely concealed in, 146, 147

Birth Control, lower birth-rate of upper classes not fundamentally due to, 69, 370; prevents women from expressing sex normally, 452

Black-sheep Rule, the, 163, 172, 189, 190

Blonds, more difficult to rear, 327; suffer from rheumatism, 328; lower sexuality among blonds, 331; fascination of, 332, 333; inferior recuperative power of, 332 n.; less sensitive and more enterprising, 334

Body, the, discussed, 224, 225; unity of, and soul, 239, 240

Borgias, the, not degenerate, 78

Bottomley, Horatio, not a degenerate, 78, 230

Boyish Figure, morbid cult of, for girls, condemned, 453; responsible for tuberculosis, hysteria, etc., 454

Breath of Promise action, the folly of, 41, 42

Breasts, beauty of the female retained by suckling, 332; desirable size of, 487; puritanical attempts to reduce size of, 487; over-development of, undesirable, 488

Breath, foul, an obstacle to marriage among certain peoples, 196, 197

British Isles, the, races of, 325, 327

Britons, the, practised incest, 84

Broadmindedness, undesirable, 460

Brows, significance of high and low, 261–264; some examples of, among famous men, 262

Brunetness, reason for increase of, 328, 329; earlier onset of puberty in brunettes, 330; their supposed fickleness, 331; superior recuperative power of brunets, 332 n.

Buckingham, Duke of, and Prince Charles's marriage, 437

Burke, on expression, 320

Byron, on the boldness of deformed persons, 172 n.; believed in attraction at first sight, 201; unhappily married, 411

Cæsar, Julius, preferred fat men as associates, 264; belonged to the cerebral type, 393; unhappily married, 411

Cæsarian Sections, high percentage of, in older women, 445; increase of, 447

Cancer, may be caused by cross-breeding, 143, 144; statistics of, 416, 417; of the breast common in unmarried women, 441; also of the womb, 442

Carlyle, his popularity a proof of his lack of profundity, 376

Cast, of the eyes, significance of the inward, 252, 253; and outward, 253, 254

Castration, among the early Christians, 27

Castration Complex, the, influence of, on a girl's behaviour, 317; prostitution due to, 368; girl with, to be avoided, 462, 463

Cat, the, peculiar character traits in, 242; trusts its claws, 244

Cattle, famous breeds of, all inbred, 68

Character, ruined by cross-breeding, 128, 134; ideal man's, 400–402; ideal girl's, 455–462

Charity, interference of, responsible for degeneration, 123

Cheiromancy, approach from the visible to the invisible from, 335, 336

Cheiropompholyx, characteristics of, those suffering from, 275

Childbirth, difficulty of, due to crossbreeding, 141, 142; torture during, not normal, 247; often difficult if husband is much bigger than wife, 428; dangers of, increase with age of mother, 446, 447; deaths in, do not tend to decrease in spite of alleged scientific improvements, 447

Children, generally positive, 252; characteristics of popular, 259; boys and girls compared, 259, 260; many, associated with later onset of menopause, 372; desire for, does not necessarily denote sexual ardour, 407, 408; of young mothers more long-lived, 447; gifted, of young mothers and old fathers, 449; survival rate of, greatest in girls married young, 450, 451; superiority of, of young parents, 451

Chile, happy blend of races in, 123

China, choice in mating immaterial in, owing to great similarity of personalities, 6; happy marriage in, 7; type with inward cast deliberately cultivated in, 253

Chins and Jaws, discussed, 216, 217; development of chin concomitant with development of thought, 323

Choice in Mating, due to increase of individual differentiation, 6; its difficulty, 6

Christianity, unhealthy values of, 20, 21; hostile to sex, 21; a cold storage depot for all the morbidity or antiquity, 21; its debt to Greece, 22; Socratic influence on, 23; its sex-phobia, 26–30; some modern defenders of, against charge of sex-phobia, 28; makes young people ashamed of sex, 30; encourages bias in favour of low sexuality, 31; sex-phobia of, has poisoned the art of life, 32; false psychology of, 37; responsible for idea of "unselfishness," 40; incest forbidden by, 92; according to, ideal marriage that of Joseph and Mary, 100; favours cross-breeding, 122; believes the body is of no consequence, 156, 157; led to long neglect or human "points," 159; causes beauty to be suspected as a mask for wickedness, 164; popularised the Socratic revolt of the ugly, 165; hostility to life implicit in, 165; abandoned the Greek view of life, 180; Stoic doctrines prepared the way for, 181; monstrous marriages possible owing to, 226; basic error of, in separating body and soul, 241; bound to Socrates as the first Christian, 348; unfortunate that its tenets should have hailed from a nation of homosexuals, 354; influence of its ascetic ideal has helped to produce a monstrous female form, 362, 365; helped to produce the modern asthenic female, 365, 366; neglects physical side of marriage, 405

Christian Fathers, the, condemnation of beauty by, 182, 183

Christian Scientists, narcissistic girls often become, 463

Church, the, eager to restrict marriage as far as possible, 100, 101; derived profit from dispensations allowing prohibited marriages, 101; no biological precaution behind the prohibitions, 101 n.; quite ready to bless union of degenerates, 101, 102

Cinderella, her desirability biologically possible, 163 n.

Class, of the mate, 402, 462

Claustrophobia, a case of, described, 300, 301; its influence on choice of a career, 317

Clean-shaving, desirable, 378; in Greece and Rome, 379; preferable in men, 412

Clothes, approach from the visible to the invisible from, 336, 337; Carlyle's omissions in his essay on the subject, 376; unsoundness of different, for the sexes, 376, 377, 378, 379; epicene, in various countries, 379, 380; desirable male, 380–383

Colon, the, hardening of, responsible for various mental troubles, 305

Cocks, fighting, famous breeds or, all inbred, 68 n.

Complexes, to be avoided in the mate, 402, 403, 462

Consanguinity, opposition to, in mating, unhealthy and democratic, 43; study of, necessary, 51; opposition to, in mating not based on biological grounds, 92–102; not per se cause of disaster in mating, 103

Cook, Captain, praised fine physique of Polynesians, an inbred race, 90

Cousin, low incidence of morbidity in, marriages, 148, 149; marriage with, desirable, 152

Criminals, not necessarily degenerate, 230, 231; some great men who might have been, 230

Cro-Magnons, admired the typically female form, 356, 357

Cross-breeding, the offspring of, killed, 55; results of, described, 57–59; cattle-breeding in Germany ruined by, 66; merely hides defects, 71, 72; claim that, increases vigour and size, 109, 113; results in heterosis, 114; inimical to production of genius, 117; no virtue in, 118; advocated by Christian sentimentalists, 122; undesirable from the standpoint of world eugenics, 124–128; classical warnings against, 134; destroys instinct, 135; leads to degeneracy and disease, 135; and reversion, 135–137; and disharmony, 138; and separate inheritance of bodily parts, 138–140; and consequent disease, 141; often responsible for difficult childbirth, 141, 142; leads to disequilibrium of nervous system and endocrine balance, 142, 143; possibly leads to cancer, 143, 144; and diabetes, 145 n.; and ugliness, 144, 145; disseminates and conceals taints, 146, 147

Culture, beautiful and harmonious the creation of beautiful and harmonious people, 52; originally created in enclosed areas and islands, 52; the product of incestuous peoples, 150

Dancing, a sublimating expedient, 489

Darwin, on instinct to segregate in animals, 53, 54; and in man, 55; opposed to inbreeding and incest, 56, 92, 105; on inbreeding in plants 63; and animals, 64, 66; his condemnation of inbreeding due to ethico-theological superstition, 66, 69; confuted those who declared depopulation of Melanesia and Polynesia was due to inbreeding, 91 n.; his explanation of exogamy, 105; on cross-breeding for size, 114; agreed that cross-breeding ruined character, 128, 134; showed that outbreeding leads to reversion, 135; his experiments on pigeons, 135, 136; on the degraded state of crossed races of men, 156, 157; on idiots, 167 n.; on ugliness as a state of reversion, 171, 172; on primitive instinct for beauty, 176; his youthful tendency to deception, 230; on nature being more important than nurture, 245; an extravert, 314; fairly happily married, 411; regarded very hairy men as reversions, 412; believed in telegony, 491

David, King, descended from incestuous union, 85

Degas, admired the typically female term, 357, 373

Degeneracy, not necessarily due to immorality, 78; not caused by incest and inbreeding, 94; caused by cross-breeding, 135; care required in interpretation of stigmata of, 227–229

Deportment, importance of, 403, 404; particularly important for girls, 463, 464

De Quincey, on sexual repression, viii; on love of the picturesque, 18; connected madness with the digestive organs, 310

Diabetes, possibly due to cross-breeding, 143 n.; particularly dangerous because invisible, 207; increase of, 234, 273; increase of among women owing to labour-saving devices, 274; due to indolence and over-eating, 274, 456

Disease, tendency to avoid a partner suffering from the same hereditary, 50, 51; caused by cross-breeding, 135, 141; due to disproportion of bodily parts, 141, 142; sometimes "sex-linked," 202, 203; list of some hereditary diseases, 203–206; various kinds of, associated with over and under weight, 269, 270; and with sex, 271, 272

Divorce, less frequent among Jews than Gentiles, 7; increase of, in England and America, 7 n.; in France greater among people of Teutonic stock, 331

Don Juan, vain rather than passionate, 407

Draper, Dr. George, on similarity of people suffering from the same diseases, 270–272; on diabetes, 273

Ears, discussed, 219, 220

Education, of the mate, 404, 464

Egyptians, the ancient, their abhorrence of the stranger, 55; incest practised among all classes of, 72– 80; their love of beauty, 177; shaved the body for the sake of savouriness, 198; their changing canon for the human figure, 360; their civilization built on the ideal man, 399

Electra Complex, the, explained, 298; girl suffering from, to be avoided, 462

Ellis, Havelock, on female frigidity, 370–371; on woman's knock-knees, 482–483

Endocrine Glands, their influence on sexual development and function, 288; their importance may be exaggerated, 289

Endocrinology, approach from visible to invisible from, 285–295

Endogamy, in mediæval England and civilized countries to-day, 154

Engagement, usefulness of the period of, 41

England, free choice in marriage not allowed in feudal, 15; incestuous desires of fathers in, 111; her greatness due to inbreeding, 119, 122, 123; discussion of the people of, 119–121; decline of, 122; morbidity in, worse than on the Continent, 145 n.; endogamy in mediæval, 154; sex life of normal women in, 438 n.; average age for marriage of women in, 440; instances of early marriage of girls in, 444, 445; steady decline in marriage of girls under twenty in, 448

English, the, their stock, 346; their ethnic affinity with the Greeks, 347; admiration of the modern, for the boyish figure in women, 364; normal age for menarche in, girls, 435

Environment, does not create qualities, 245; approach from visible to invisible from, 318, 319; not so important as heredity, 319

Erotic Disposition, of the mate, 404, 408, 464

Ethnology, approach from visible to invisible from, and anthropology, 325–334

Eugenic Laws, in various parts of the world, 209, 210; their abuse, 210; difficulty of applying them, 211

Eugenics Society, the, should attack Christian and Socratic values, 26; dangerous to have Puritans on Council of, 178

Eunuchoidism, influence of ductless glands on, 286; the expression of unduly prolonged immaturity, 287; described, 294, 295; tall men not necessarily more inclined to, than short, 428, 429; caused by excessive horse-riding, 429

Eunuchs, and eunuchoids, their disproportionately long legs, 363; the reason for this, 364; the production of the Mexican, 430

Europe, the races of, 325, 326

Expressionism, approach from visible to invisible from scientific, 319–325

Exogamy, spreads impurity, 92; laws favouring, after decay of Persia and Egypt, 99; exogamic laws in force at dawn of our era, 100, 102; some explanations of origin of, 106, 107

Extravagance, a male quality, 400

Extraversion, explained, 312, 313, 315; Dr. Crookshank's classification of extraverts, 316

Eyes, the, discussed, 220, 221; deductions to be made from, 323, 324; men of great intellect have bright, 324; hazel, a sign of courage, 345

Eyebrows, discussed, 265, 266; plucking of, may conceal vital defect, 474–476

Faces, Cleopatra on round, 264; significance of, 322, 323

Fat, the, good-nature of, 264; less prolific than the lean, 264

Fathers, incestuous desires of, 112, 453; unconscious jealousy of Anglo-Saxon, 392

Features, of the mate, 408, 409, 467, 468

Feminism, in Europe and America, 364, 365; contemporaneous with increase of stature, 372, 373; never successful in France, 373; occurs in periods when women are masculoid, 575 n.; associated with plutocracy, 468

Feminists, regard age of onset of catamenia as unimportant, 433; try to delay marriage of girls, 430, 437, 452; insist on assimilating female to male, 449

Fertility, greater, of women married young, 450

Fibroids, uterine, related to sterility, 442, 443

Figure, changing canon of proportions of the human, 359, 360

Finance, importance of, in marriage, 409, 468

Fingers, importance of bulbs on, 255, 256

First-born, the slight: superiority of, 257; more sensitive to pain 258

France, free choice in marraige not allowed in feudal, 15; incest practised in, 88, 89; has never had successful woman's movement, 373; early marriage of girls in, up to Renaissance, 444, 445

Freckles, associated with adrenal inadequacy and tuberculosis, 290

Freud, on incest, 107, 108, 110; his position explained, 296; attacks on, 293; dealt with repressions, 299; limits to the therapeutic value of his system, 300

Frigidity, in Anglo-Saxon women, 364; comparatively common in European and American women, 366; rare among savage women, 367; not to be described to the fact that ardent women become prostitutes, 368; more common in the upper classes, 369; sometimes an extra-menstrual phenomenon, 370 n.; sometimes due to dissatisfaction with mate, 371; women who display, invariably masculoid or infantile, 374; statistics of, in women, 489

Genetic Power, decline of, 14–16, 375; lower birth-rate due to decline of, 369; wearing of trousers partly responsible for decline of, in men, 382

Genius, possibility of, arising from mixed breeding, 46, 60; non-recurrence of, explained, 117; due to heterosis, 117; the, to be avoided as a mate, 410; instances of the, as a bad husband, 410, 411; some unmarried men of, 411

Germany, cattle-breeding in, ruined by cross-breeding, 66; eugenic laws in, 209

Giants, bred by cross-breeding, 113

Gibbon, on love of mountains, 18

Gifts, in the mate, 409–411, 469

Gipsies, inbred from inferior stock, 128

Goethe, foreshadowed Darwinism, viii; his brow, 262; his sister suffered from allergy, 276; inspired Lavater, 319, 320; believed in graphology, 341; his preference for the male form derived from Greece, 355, 356; unconsciously laboured under Greek male-homosexual bias, 357, 483; belonged to the cerebral type, 393; his marriage, 411; son of a young mother and middle-aged father, 449

Gonorrhœa, a cause of sterility, 391

Graphology, approach from visible to invisible from, 341–343

Greece, ancient, marriage in, dependent on parental authority, 8; our standards still mainly those of, 344; institutions in, enabled a young man to remain safely unmarried, 389

Greeks, the ancient, believed in "like to like" in mating, 44 n.; their abhorrence of the stranger, 55; practise incest, 85; their love of beauty, 177, 179; made no distinction between "good" and "beautiful," 179, 180; shaved the body for the sake of savouriness, 198; their ethnic origins, 344; their admiration of the blond, 345, 346; their "monstrification" of the female form, 347 n.; their pronounced sensual tastes, 348, 349; a nation of homosexuals, 349–354, 483; morbid elements in their culture, 353, 354; lengthened the female leg in their art, 355; their changing canon for the human figure, 360; how their male-homosexual bias has influenced modern mating, 362; helped to produce the modern asthenic female, 365, 366; and the virago, 375; their epicene clothing, 379

Gregory, his admiration of slaves from England, 347

Hæmophilia, "sex-linked," 201

Hair, discussed, 217, 218; long, indicative of feminity, 266; regarded as revelatory by Kretschmer, 280; popularity of red, 350; men with too much, to be avoided as mates, 411, 412; luxuriant, associated with sexual vigour in women, 469, 470

Hands, discussed, 222, 223, 255; men should have large, 412; women should have large and supple, 470

Handwriting, associated with health, 258 n.; see Graphology

Heads, discussed, 277; long, male rather thin female, 327; the brachycephalic less sensitive to pain, 329; men should have larger, than women, 413; women with large, to be avoided, 470

Health, absolutely essential in marriage, 191, 192, 413, 470; low modern standard of, 196; handwriting associated with, 258 n.; correlation of, with intelligence, 259; the greatest asset in life, 260; the common man at sea regarding, 267; mistaken idea of, 267

Heine, on sex-phobia of Christianity, viii; said beautiful women were not so dangerous as ugly ones, 174

Henry VIII, not a degenerate, 78; a potential criminal, 230; bluff but deceitful, 409

Heredity, study of, necessary in mating, 51; the principle of, proved by the cases of Napoleon and Marcus Aurelius, 60; more important than environment, 319; approach from visible to invisible from, 319

Hesiod, on right age for a man to marry 387; on right age for a girl to marry, 438

Heterosis, produced by cross-breeding, 114, 145; confined to the first generation, 115; among Europeans through mixing, 116; possibly due to an anomaly of the endocrine glands, 116 n.; genius due to, 117; no argument against inbreeding, 117

Hindus, the "Saakhini" woman of the ancient, a masculoid female, 465, 466

Hippocrates, ascribed eunuchoidism to excessive horse-riding, 429

History, approach from visible to invisible through, and biography, 256

Hitler, his eugenic reforms, 212

Homosexuality, in ancient Greece, 349; cases of, there, 349, 350; tolerated and legalized there, 350; forbidden to slaves, 350; excuses made by Greek scholars for, 351–353; its educative aspects, 351–353; influenced Greek taste in human morphology, 354

Humour, sense of, undesirable, 400, 455

Horse, the, famous breeds of, all inbred, 67

Horse-riding, excess of, and production of eunuchoid men, 429–430

Huxley, Thomas, infected by Christian values, 26 n.

Hybrid, the, dubious health of, 114 n.; vigour of, confined to the first, generation, 115; regarded by Romans as a fool, 144 n.

Hypoplasia, of female reproductive organs common, 434, 435

Immorality, no proof of degeneracy, 78

Impotence, stigmata of, in man, 405

Inbreeding, practised in ancient civilizations, 53; and in healthy cultivated man and primitive peoples, 53–55; attitude of science towards, 56; results to, cross-bred stocks by, 60; merely the stabilization of the germ-plasm, 61 n., 71; evil results not due to, 61 n., 65 n.; close, in plants, 63; in animals, 64, 65; should be carried on with constant selection, 66; catttle in Germany improved by, 66; Darwin's disapproval of, condemned by recent experiments, 69–71; purifies, 71, 72; among various civilized peoples, 90, 91; some champions of, 103–105 and 147–150; not contrary to law of nature, 104; some opponents of, 105, 106; claim that royal and aristocratic families have degenerated through, 110; this claim not substantiated, 130, 131; favours health, 133, 134; encouragement of, the only way to effect eugenic reform, 147–149

Incas, the, practised incest, 84, 85

Incest, beneficial to mankind, vii; practised among all classes in ancient Egypt, 72–73; practised by the Pharaohs, 73–76; the Ptolemies, 77–79; the Persians, 80–82; the Phœnicians, 82; the Assyrians, 82; the Scythians, 82; the Tatars, 82; the Arabs, 85; The Jews, 83; the Britons and various other peoples, 84; the Incas, 84, 85; the Greeks, 85; various civilized and semi-civilized peoples, 86–88; forbidden by Christians, 92, 93; some opponents and advocates of, 92–93; no sound biological reasons against, 93–99; irrational prohibition of, 93, 94; horror of, ascribed to natural abhorrence, 99; objection to, arose in some superstition, 107; some explanations of the objection to, 108; held to be "unnatural," 109, 110; this refuted by Freud, 110, 111; instinct in favour of, 111; the author's consistent advocacy of, 150

India, marriage in, not free, 7; dependent on parental authority, 8; love of beauty in, 177

Infanticide, should be legalized on practice of inbreeding being adopted, 149, 213

Infantilism, girls suffering from, to be avoided, 467

Inferiority Feelings (or Complex), of the unsound, 155; Adler's treatment of, 311; the Adlerian devil, 312; may lead to asocial conduct, 317; revealed by undue insistence on family arms, etc., 339; and by buying attachment, 339; to be avoided in the mate, 402; desire for children sometimes a sign of, 407; girl with, to be avoided, 459

Insanity, generally has a physical origin, 303–308; connected with the digestive organs, 310

Instinct, "primary" and "secondary," 3, 4; incalculable in modern civilized man, 4; "primary," does not to-day control choice of a mate, 5; aberrant types rejected by, in a state of nature, 12; in favour of incest, 111; destroyed by cross-breeding, 135

Intelligence, connected with athletic power, 258; diplomas no proof of, 469

Introversion, explained, 312–315; Dr. Crookshank's classification of introverts, 316; connected with inferiority complex, 318

Intuition, knowledge of man through, 261

Japan, happy blend of races in, 123; love of beauty in, 177, 178; type with inward cast deliberately cultivated in, 253; clothes almost epicene in, 380; marriage age for girls in, 438; wise steps taken for limiting athleticism for women in, 480, 481

Jealousy, not necessarily proof of ardent passions, 408

Jesus Christ, impossibility of proving what he really said, 27; ugliness of, 165; ugly and biologically inferior, 183, 184

Jews, the, marriages of, frequently dependent on parental authority, 7–9; high percentage of happy marriages among, 7; required consent of both parties to marriage, 9; comparative sterility of marriages between, and Christians, 46; their abhorrence of the stranger, 55; practised incest, 85; their belief in going down a social step to choose a wife, 155; their love of beauty, 177–179; their beauty a stimulus to the Romans, 178; made foul breath an objection to marriage, 196; blemishes constituted sufficient reason for divorce among the ancient, 207; their regard for the first-born, 257; took physical side of marriage seriously, 405; insisted on early marriage for girls, 437

Jung, his system described, 312–316; associated inferiority feelings with his introverted type, 318

Kant, a normal introvert, 314

Kilt (or skirt), most suitable garment for men, 380; still worn by Greeks and Scots, 381, 383

Kisar, the Hybrids of, show no sign of heterosis, 115; condemned, 125; their health due to favourable external conditions, 126; have no correlation of the racial characters inherited, 139, 140, 146

Knock-knees, specific in women, 482; ridiculous to call them unæsthetic, 482, 484; case of foolish attempt to "cure," in a girl, 484 n.

Kretschmer, on the impracticability of popular physiognomy, 243; on qualities being adaptations, 244, 245; on the face as a reliable guide, 263 n.; his three types, 276–278; regards hair as revelatory, 280; examples given by, 283

La Bruyère, 157–158, 371; on make-up, 471–472

Larochefoucauld, on psycho-physical wholeness, 162 n.: on the desirability of fine passions, 254 n.; on decline of genetic instincts, 369 n.; on jealousy, 408

Lavater, his attempt to codify human characteristics, 261; on the significance of eyebrows, 265; on expressionism, 319, 320

Legs, the, discussed, 224, 225

Leg-Trunk Ratio, the, in Greek art, 360, 361; reason for the typically female, 363; masculoid, of English women, 373; in the man, 419–421; tables of, 481 n.

Leonardo da Vinci, believed parity and not disparity was attractive, 48

Liberalism, opposed to purity of blood, 103

Lombroso, on the stigmata of degeneration, 226–231; his findings not altogether discredited, 268

Lords, the House of, members of, not degenerate through inbreeding, 132, 133

Love, sexual, largely subjective, 12, 15; difference of, in men and women, 33–35; should be selfish, 40; propinquity foundation of, 12; at first sight, 201

Lustre, defined, 199; essential to healthy mating, 200, 248

Luther, felt God should have arranged a more decent method of human procreation, 28; his bright eyes, 324

Make-up, does, not attract men, 471, 475; universally practised, 471; unsavoury, 472; disorders due to 472–474; hides defects and therefore deceives, 474–476; men should prefer girls who do not use, 476

Man, sexual experience prior to marriage essential for, 35; dangers of vanity in, 36; approach from visible to invisible by the common 261–267; how it goes astray, 261; its approach to soundness, 264; confirmed by modern science, 266; unreliable concerning health, 267; valuation of, should be biological, 344; his potency undermined by wearing trousers, 380, 381; the limit of age at which a, can marry a young woman, 386; should be older than his wife, 389–392; desirable type of, a healthy leptosome, 398, 399; the ideal, described, 399, 400; the gifted, a desirable mate, 409, 410

Manners, should be instinctive, 413, 414, 476

Mantegazza, on eyebrows, 265; on health, 267; on signs of intelligence and stupidity, 322; on faces, 322

Manu, Laws of, condemn unsavouriness in the mate, 198; insist on blemishes being declared before marriage, 207; on right age for a man to marry, 387; on right age for a girl to marry, 438

Marcus Aurelius, that he produced no genius as son, a proof of the hereditary principle, 60; possibly a case of heterosis, 117

Marriage, not a solution of the problem of happiness, 1; probably originally confined to important people, 2; necessary for social order, 3; happy, among Jews, Chinese and Indians, 7; 90 per cent of marriages unhappy, 7 n.; parental authority necessary for, among the Jews, and in England, India, Greece and Rome, 8, 9; free choice in, due to increase of differentiation, romanticism and decline of genetic instinct, 9; very frequent among people of the same locality, 12, 13; varying results of withholding freedom of choice in, 14; freedom of choice in, now necessary, 15; guidance cannot ensure happy, 17; of like people desirable and normal, 43–49, 150, 152, 213, 214, 248, 325; the advocates of, between unlike people, 47–49; the ideal, according to the early Church, 100; of sound and unsound undesirable, 152; ugliness to be avoided in, 153; beauty and health to be sought in, 153; with persons of same class desirable, 154, 155; happiness and unhappiness in, often hereditary, 190; health absolutely essential in, 192; savouriness essential to happy, 195–200; lustre desirable in the mate, 200; blemishes to be revealed before, among certain peoples, 207; advisability of medical examination before, 208, 213; this already done in some countries, 209; its dangers, 210; cases of, with human rubbish due to Christian values, 226; the fertile, happier than the sterile, 260; right age for man, 388, 392; sexual discontent as cause of unhappy, 405, 406; childless, often fault of:he husband, 407 n.; proper age for the, of girls, 436, 444; postponement of, numbs the mechanisms involved, 439; instances of early, of girls in England, 444, 445; desirable results of early, 445; cases quoted, 445; steady decline of, of girls under 20 in England, 448; of couple of same age undesirable, 449 n.; early, of woman leads to greater fertility, 450; delayed, of women condemned, 453

Married couples, likeness between, 48

Masculine Tastes, girls with marked, to be avoided, 459, 460

Masochism, may account for "unselfishness," 37; may lead to choice of an inferior mate, 214; in male and female, 456

Masturbation, does not necessarily lead to frigidity, 367

Medicine, interference of, leads to multiplication of unsound stocks, 16; responsible for degeneration, 123; preparing an inferno for future generations, 193; increase of diabetes owing to, 234, 235; medical degree does not necessarily make good judge of human nature 248; approach from visible to invisible from, 267–275

Menopause, the, abnormal mental reactions during, 285

Menstruation, earlier in brunettes, 330; except in Holland, 331; early, a sign of sexual vigour, 371, 372; early onset of, associated with longer sexual life, 435; every, to some extent abortive pregnancy, 439; painful, common among single women, 443; disorders of, due to athleticism, 479, 480

Metabolism, different in men and women, 287; question whether increased, is favourable to women's sex development, 287, 374 n.

Milton, his condemnation of beauty, 186, 187

Mind, pernicious doctrine of, being superior to body, 51

Misalliances, cases of, among animals, 11

Missionaries, spread sex-phobia among savages, 29; responsible for degeneration and depopulation in certain areas, 30

Moors, the, arranged marriages of girls without their consent, 9

Moses, the fruit of incest, 85

Motherhood, not "unselfish," 39

Motor-cars, unselective sacrifice due to deaths from, 148

Mouths, discussed, 218, 219; that denote gastronomical sensuality, 325

Muscular development, should not be too great, 414; not desirable in women, 476, 477

Nails, discussed, 222, 223

Napoleon, that he produced no genius as son, a proof of the hereditary principle, 60; possibly a case of heterosis, 117; a potential criminal, 230; not a first-born child, 257 n.; his bright eyes, 324; unhappily married, 411

Narcissism, a girl suffering from, to be avoided, 463

Nationality, of the mate, 415, 481

Neck, the, discussed, 224, 464

Negativism, discussed, 250, 251; description of the negative person, 251, 252; responsible for ready absorption of Christian notion of sin, 252

Negroes, despised by Montesquieu for their flat noses, 216; their women and masturbation, 367; their women and insistence on adequate sexual congress, 406; their pride in sexual potency, 408

Newman, Sir George, his report on the health of the school-child, 147 n.

Nietzsche, maligned by the Church, 25; his "will to power," 311; an abnormal introvert, 314; unmarried, 411

Nineteenth Century, the darkest age of English history, 56, 69

Normal, the, is not the average or customary, 246; definition of, 247

Norfolk Islanders, the, inbreeding among, 87; size of, 115; good results of inbreeding among, 123, 124; their superior adaptation, 129

Noses, discussed, 215, 216; desirability of large, 266

Nurture, always less important than nature, 191, 319

Obesity, gonodal, 264; a sign of eunuchoidism, 265; and health, 268–270

Occupation, of the mate, 415–418; disease and, 415, 416; occupations favourable to illicit intercourse, 418; of women after marriage undesirable, 481

Œdipus Complex, the, explained, 298; prostitution due to, 368; to be avoided in the mate, 402

Origen, emasculated himself, 27, 100

Outward Cast, of the eyes, significance of, 221

Overweight, significance of, at various ages, 208; connected with various diseases, 269, 270

Ovid, on desirability of similarity of tastes between lovers, 44 n.; his sympathy with the desire for incest, 95, 96, 97; his idea of beauty confused, 180, 181; on the damaging effects of unsavouriness in love, 197, 198

Paley, on the importance of health in marriage, 192

Palmistry, no guide, 335

Parathyroid-centred personality, described, 295

Paul, a Socratic body-hater, 24

Peers, created, fairer than hereditary, 334

Persia, incest practised in, 80–82

Pharaohs, the, practised incest, 73–76

Phrenology, approach from visible to invisible from, 334–335

Physiognomy, held by antiquity to be a useful guide to character, 156; importance attached to, even by Christian Fathers, 156; discouraged owing to association with quackery, 156, 157; uncertainty of certain great writers about, 157, 158; belief of certain great people in, 158, 159; still plays a part in choice of candidates for certain posts, 159 n.; recent advances in, 160; modern science of, based on objective data, 162; rules of, require cautious application in random-bred stocks, 164; problem of, difficult, 242; popular, misleading, 243

Picturesque, modern love of the, 18

Pigmentation, in the mate, 418, 419, 481

Pitcairn Islanders, the, inbreeding among, 87; their increase of height due to heterosis, 115; pood results of inbreeding among, 123

Pituitary, descriptions of the hypo- and hyper-pituitary types, 291–293

Pity, good and bad, 25; danger of uncontrolled Christian, 26

Plastic Surgery, undesirable, 232–234

Plato, his dualism, 22; a middle-class Liberal, 23; advocated marriage of unlike people, 47; his only objection to incest, 95; unfortunately survived to perpetuate base Socratic doctrines, 179; on desirability of knowing all about a possible mate, 191; became negative in old age, 249; a homosexual, 340; the SYMPOSIUM an exaltation of homosexual love, 351

Positiveness, desirable in the male, 248; discussion of, 249; description of the positive person, 250, 251; difficulty of inculcating Christian idea of sin upon a positive person, 251

Pride, desirability of family, 151

Proportions, bodily, of the mate, 418–429; the Hindu canon, 420; the Egyptian canons, 421; table of correlations, 422; of the female, 481, 482; female, not unæsthetic; table of female, 486, 487

Prostitution, male, in Greece, 350; reasons for girls taking to, 367, 368; suggestion that the more ardent women take to, 367; this view unacceptable, 368; the servant class chief recruits to, 369

Protestantism, sex-phobia of, 28

Prynne, his attack on beauty, 31

Psychiatry, approach from visible to invisible from, 276–285

Psycho-Analysis, and incest, 107; teaches that a child's first sexual selection is incestuous, 110, 11; approach from visible to invisible from, 296–318; limits of its therapeutic value, 300, 302, 307, 308, 310, 312

Ptolemies, the, incest practised by, 77–79; their immorality discussed, 77–80

Ptosis, description of case of, 205, 206

Pyknic Type, the, described, 278–280; diseases of, 281; temperament of, 281, 282; examples of, 283; often extravert, 316

Queens of England, chosen for beauty in the Middle Ages, 184 n.

Race, of the mate, 424, 488

Reflexes, artificially conditioned, 4; differentiate modern men, 5; machinery for rearing, 10; should be formed to operate towards wise and healthy choice in mating, 16; mainly operative to-day in choice of a mate, 18; largely responsible for taste, 20

Reheboth, the Bastards of, their terrifying ugliness, 124; their health due to favourable environment, 126; their satisfactory adaptation due to their Hottentot blood, 129

Religion, of the mate, 424; the man should be able to impose his, on his wife, 488

Renaissance, the, love of beauty during, 185

Renoir, admired the typically female form, 357, 373

Reputation, approach from visible to invisible from, 341

Reversion, due to cross-breeding, 135–137; explained, 136 n.

Rickets, signs of, overcome, 485; but difficult to detect, 486

Rodin, his IRIS, 21; employed English girls as models for their masculoid trunk-leg ratio, 373; his L'AGE D'ARAIN nearest approach in modern sculpture to ideal man, 399; unmarried, 411

Romans, the, attitude of, towards incest, 96, 97; regarded hybrids as fools, 144; their belief in physiognomy, 156; stimulated by beauty of the Jews, 178; admired more rugged type of beauty than the Greeks, 180; infanticide of deformed and crippled children among, 181, 182; aware of danger of unsavouriness in mating, 197; probably connected large noses with large external genitalia, 215 n.; their admiration of the blond, 346; their epicene clothing, 376 n., 379; encouraged early marriage, 387; took physical side of marriage seriously, 405

Romanticism, one of the reasons for free choice in marriage, 9

Rome, parental consent essential for marriage in, 9; marriage age for girls in, 438; cruelty of women in imperial, 457, 458

Rose-among-Thorns, rule, the, 162, 163, 189, 190, 229

Rousseau, created romantic values, 19

Royal Families, degeneracy of, not due to inbreeding, 130; their dysgenic marriages, 130–132

Sadism, man's, normally expressed in relation to woman, 456; woman's, normally expressed in relation to her child, 452 n., 456; normal and perverted, 456, 457; cases of perverted in women, 457, 458

Sailors, have smaller hips than soldiers, 478

Savouriness, defined, 194; essential for happy marriage, 195, 248; mistakenly associated only with fairness, 418

Saxons, their abhorrence of the stranger, 55; practised incest, 84

Schiller, on the limits of physiognomy, 320

Schopenhauer, summed up modern doctrine of repressions in psychology, viii; believed the visible to be a reliable guide to the invisible man, 158, 159, 160; believed in love at first sight, 201; on expression as feature in the making, 320, 321; on brunets, 329; foolishly described female form as unæsthetic, 355, 356; unconsciously laboured under Greek male-homosexual bias, 357, 483; unmarried, 411; on dramatic impression produced by adolescent girls, 440; son of a man twenty years older than his wife, 449

Science, should be checked by tradition, vi, 56; its democratic and fool-proof method, 138; proves that physical characters can be inherited separately, 138; returning to belief in the unity of body and soul, 239

Selfishness, mistaken ideas regarding, 36; explained, 37; some aspects of, 38; all most beautiful and vital actions are selfish, 38

Shakespeare, no scientific objection to incest until time of, 98; his uncertainty about physiognomy, 157; mistakenly connected beauty with falsity, 176; his Socratic condemnation of beauty, 186 n.; believed in love at first sight, 201; on low brows, 261; his brow, 262; on eyebrows, 265; advised woman to marry her senior, 389; unhappily married, 411

Sin, not nearly so objectionable in the mate as disease, 154, 192; doctrine of, made physical beauty negligible, 182; difficulty of inculcating Christian idea of, on positive people, 251; but easily absorbed by negative people, 252

Skin, discussed, 223, 224

Socrates, his dualism, 22; the most repulsive of men, 22; exalted soul above body, 22, 23, 354; responsible for introducing purely moral valuation of man, 24; a Christian before Christ, 24 n.; his pernicious influence on modernity, 25, 26; lied unscrupulously to save his self-esteem, 51 n.; said incest produced defective children, 95; deluded the world into believing body of no importance, 155, 156; bolstered up self-esteem of the ugly, 164; fostered the ugly man's insurrection, 165; tried to corrupt the taste of the Greeks, 179, 180; his influence on the Christian Fathers, 182; made a science of physiognomy impossible, 243; the Christian bound to, although loathing much about him, 348; a homosexual, 349

Spencer, Herbert, in favour of inbreeding, 93, 94; on the unstable equilibrium of mixed constitutions, 138, 139; his valuable essay on personal beauty, 160, 161 182; on the correlation between visible and invisible man, 166, 167; on expression as feature in the making, 321; declared beauty not skin deep, 322; unmarried, 411; believed in telegony, 491

Spenser, Edmund, his uncertainty regarding beauty, l85, 186

Spinster, the "impossible," more numerous in "positive" countries like France and Italy, 249; the "negative," likely to inveigh against the world, 250; the born, frequent among the strongly schizoid, 374; her unconscious jealousy of the young woman, 392; quickly fades, 440

Sport, not necessarily manly, 400, 401; undesirable for women, 479, 480

Statistics, approach from visible to invisible through, 256, 260

Stature, of the mate, 424–429; medium, preferable, 425; the man should be and usually is taller than the woman, 426, 427; of women, 488

Stendhal, his definition of beauty, 190; on the search for beauty in love, 201; on strength of character and constancy, 398 n.; on the vanity of Don Juan, 407 n.; on timidity and love, 466 n.; on blue stockings, 469 n.

Stigmata of Degeneration, discussed, 227, 228

Stock, importance of, 153, 154, 191, 203, 429, 489; appearance reliable or unreliable guide according to nature of, 162

Sublimation, as an alternative to sexual experience, 391, 429–430, 489

Sukie, lessons drawn from behaviour of the bitch, 5, 6, 18, 19

Syphilis, constitutional effects of inherited, 205; danger of, in the unmarried man, 391

Talleyrand, his cynical description of marriage, 195

Teeth, Augustus's ill-kept, 180 n.; discussed, 218, 219

Telegony, opinions for and against its existence, 490–493

Tertullian, his objection to incest not biological, 97

Thumb, importance of a long, 222, 255

Thymo-Centric, the, personality described, 294

Thyroid, description of the hypo- and hyper-thyroid types, 292–293; the hypothyroid types and their eyebrows, 474–5

Transvestitism, 338; accounts for only a certain amount of adoption of male attire by girls, 379

Trent, Council of, set celibacy above matrimony, 27

Trouser, the, most injurious to men, 381, 382; an ancient garment for men in Europe, 383 n.

Tuberculosis, nails in, 222, 223; long neck associated with, 224; and under weight, 269; common among freckled people, 290; in girls due to cult of boyish figure, 454

Twins, study of identical, 318

Types, MacAuliffe's four, 393; described, 393–395; Weidenreich's two main, 395–396; Stockard's, described, 396, 397; Crookshank's table of equivalent, 397, 398

Ugliness, produced by cross-breeding, 145; to be avoided in mating, 153; connected with mental inferiority, 161; instinctive dislike of, 164; of inmates of hospital wards and lunatic asylums, 166; applies only within a race or caste, 168, 169; instances where the word is misapplied to-day, 168, 169; alleged, of certain historical characters explained, 170, 171; as a state of reversion rightly to be rejected, 171, 172; must be related with ill-health, 172; an incitement to courage, 173; resentfulness caused by, 173; cannot be "charming," 174; a visible expression of morbidity, 213, 227

Unconscious Mind, the, its ingredients, 296; power of, 297

Untruthfulness, promoted by the nervous temperament, infantilism and vanity, 284, 285

Vanity, danger of, in young men and women, 36; prominent in habitual liars, 284, 285; excludes passion, 406

Vice Versâ, Anstey's, a pitfall for Christians, 240

Victoria, Queen, at her Diamond Jubilee, England full of tendencies of decline, 122

Virgin, reasons why only the, should be chosen as wife, 495

Virtue, often due to lack of opportunity, 245

Visceroptosis, its exasperating influence on the psyche, 309

Vivacity, undesirability of, in women, 459

Voice, of the mate, 430; women with baritone notes in, to be avoided, 490

Wheat, self-pollination of, and other cereals, 63

Widower, the, a desirable husband, 391

Widows, and telegony, 490–493; their remarriage deplored, 493; statistics regarding remarriage of, 494

Woman, the strength of her sexual impulses, 35; more easily educated in choice of a mate, 35; danger of vanity in, 36; valuation of, should be biological, 344; distortion of her proportions in Greek art, 347 n.; her form should not be judged by male standards, 355; the typically female form admired by certain peoples, 356, 357; her short femur responsible for her shorter stature, 358, 359; description of the masculoid, 466

Women, explanation of their alleged indifference to male beauty, 171; beautiful, not so dangerous as ugly, 174; their attitude towards savouriness in men, 199; greater frigidity among, than among men, 366; late-menstruating, usually have earlier menopause, 372; increase of stature in, with boyish figure, 375; masculoid proportions of English, 375, 374; small, more fertile, 375; right age for marriage of, 389; ill-health of, due to lack of passion in mate, 407; inclined to dislike beards, 412; some famous sons of young, 449; normal, spoilt by waiting too long for marriage, 452; preponderance of, in lunatic asylums, 455; not angels, 455; not more "unselfish" or moral than men, 456, 458; should be doe-like rather than vivacious, 459; the orgasm not all-sufficient for, 465, 495; with large hips admired, 483 n., 484

Wrinkles, deductions to be drawn from, 323, 324

Xenophon, a dolt, 23

Xenophanes, exalted soul above body, 22

Zeno, in favour of incest, 96
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