The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:53 am


On one occasion the Blessed One entered the assembly hall and the brethren hushed their conversation.1

When they had greeted him with clasped hands, they sat down and became composed. Then the Blessed One said: "Your minds are inflamed with intense interest; what was the topic of your discussion?"2

And Sāriputta rose and spake: "World-honored master, we were discussing the nature of man's own existence. We were trying to grasp the mixture of our own being which is called Name and Form. Every human being consists of conformations, and there are three groups which are not corporeal. They are sensation, perception, and the dispositions, all three constitute consciousness and[Pg 113] mind, being comprised under the term Name. And there are four elements, the earthy element, the watery element, the fiery element, and the gaseous element, and these four elements constitute man's bodily form, being held together so that this machine moves like a puppet. How does this name and form endure and how can it live?"3

Said the Blessed One: "Life is instantaneous and living is dying. Just as a chariot-wheel in rolling rolls only at one point of the tire, and in resting rests only at one point; in exactly the same way, the life of a living being lasts only for the period of one thought. As soon as that thought has ceased the being is said to have ceased.4

"As it has been said:—'The being of a past moment of thought has lived, but does not live, nor will it live. The being of a future moment of thought will live, but has not lived, nor does it live. The being of the present moment of thought does live, but has not lived, nor will it live.'"5

"As to Name and Form we must understand how they interact. Name has no power of its own, nor can it go on of its own impulse, either to eat, or to drink, or to utter sounds, or to make a movement. Form also is without power and cannot go on of its own impulse. It has no desire to eat, or to drink, or to utter sounds, or to make a movement. But Form goes on when supported by Name, and Name when supported by Form. When Name has a desire to eat, or to drink, or to utter sounds, or to make a movement, then Form eats, drinks, utters sounds, makes a movement.6

"It is as if two men, the one blind from birth and the other a cripple, were desirous of going traveling, and the man blind from birth were to say to the cripple as follows: 'See here! I am able to use my legs, but I have no eyes with which to see the rough and the smooth places in the road.'7

[Pg 114]"And the cripple were to say to the man blind from birth as follows: 'See here! I am able to use my eyes, but I have no legs with which to go forward and back.'8

"And the man blind from birth, pleased and delighted, were to mount the cripple on his shoulders. And the cripple sitting on the shoulders of the man blind from birth were to direct him, saying, 'Leave the left and go to the right; leave the right and go to the left.'9

"Here the man blind from birth is without power of his own, and weak, and cannot go of his own impulse or might. The cripple also is without power of his own, and weak, and cannot go of his own impulse or might. Yet when they mutually support one another it is not impossible for them to go.10

"In exactly the same way Name is without power of its own, and cannot spring up of its own might, nor perform this or that action. Form also is without power of its own, and cannot spring up of its own might, nor perform this or that action. Yet when they mutually support one another it is not impossible for them to spring up and go on.11

"There is no material that exists for the production of Name and Form; and when Name and Form cease, they do not go anywhither in space. After Name and Form have ceased, they do not exist anywhere in the shape of heaped-up music material. Thus when a lute is played upon, there is no previous store of sound; and when the music ceases it does not go anywhither in space. When it has ceased, it exists nowhere in a stored-up state. Having previously been non-existent, it came into existence on account of the structure and stem of the lute and the exertions of the performer; and as it came into existence so it passes away. In exactly the same way, all the elements of being, both corporeal and non-corporeal come into existence after having previously been non-existent; and having come into existence pass away.12

[Pg 115]"There is not a self residing in Name and Form, but the cooperation of the conformations produces what people call a man.13

"Just as the word 'chariot' is but a mode of expression for axle, wheels, the chariot-body and other constituents in their proper combination, so a living being is the appearance of the groups with the four elements as they are joined in a unit. There is no self in the carriage and there is no self in man.14

"O bhikkhus, this doctrine is sure and an eternal truth, that there is no self outside of its parts. This self of ours which constitutes Name and Form is a combination of the groups with the four elements, but there is no ego entity, no self in itself.15

"Paradoxical though it may sound: There is a path to walk on, there is walking being done, but there is no traveler. There are deeds being done, but there is no doer. There is a blowing of the air, but there is no wind that does the blowing. The thought of self is an error and all existences are as hollow as the plantain tree and as empty as twirling water bubbles.16

"Therefore, O bhikkhus, as there is no self, there is no transmigration of a self; but there are deeds and the continued effect of deeds. There is a rebirth of karma; there is reincarnation. This rebirth, this reincarnation, this reappearance of the conformations is continuous and depends on the law of cause and effect. Just as a seal is impressed upon the wax reproducing the configurations of its device, so the thoughts of men, their characters, their aspirations are impressed upon others in continuous transference and continue their karma, and good deeds will continue in blessings while bad deeds will continue in curses.17

"There is no entity here that migrates, no self is transferred from one place to another; but there is a voice uttered here and the echo of it comes back. The teacher[Pg 116] pronounces a stanza and the disciple who attentively listens to his teacher's instruction, repeats the stanza. Thus the stanza is reborn in the mind of the disciple.18

"The body is a compound of perishable organs. It is subject to decay; and we should take care of it as of a wound or a sore; we should attend to its needs without being attached to it, or loving it.19

"The body is like a machine, and there is no self in it that makes it walk or act, but the thoughts of it, as the windy elements, cause the machine to work.20

"The body moves about like a cart. Therefore 'tis said:21

"As ships are by the wind impelled,
As arrows from their bowstrings speed,
So likewise when the body moves
The windy element must lead.22

"Machines are geared to work by ropes;
So too this body is, in fact,
Directed by a mental pull
Whene'er it stand or sit or act.23

"No independent self is here
That could intrinsic forces prove
To make man act without a cause,
To make him stand or walk or move.24

"He only who utterly abandons all thought of the ego escapes the snares of the Evil One; he is out of the reach of Māra.25

"Thus says the pleasure-promising tempter:26

"So long as to the things
Called 'mine' and 'I' and 'me'
Thine anxious heart still clings,
My snares thou canst not flee."27
[Pg 117]"The faithful disciple replies:28

"Naught's mine and naught of me,
The self I do not mind!
Thus Māra, I tell thee,
My path thou canst not find."29

"Dismiss the error of the self and do not cling to possessions which are transient but perform deeds that are good, for deeds are enduring and in deeds your karma continues.30

"Since then, O bhikkhus, there is no self, there can not be any after life of a self. Therefore abandon all thought of self. But since there are deeds and since deeds continue, be careful with your deeds.31

"All beings have karma as their portion: they are heirs of their karma; they are sprung from their karma; their karma is their kinsman; their karma is their refuge; karma allots beings to meanness or to greatness.32

"Assailed by death in life's last throes On quitting all thy joys and woes What is thine own, thy recompense? What stays with thee when passing hence? What like a shadow follows thee And will Beyond thine heirloom be?33

"T'is deeds, thy deeds, both good and bad; Naught else can after death be had. Thy deeds are thine, thy recompense; They are thine own when going hence; They like a shadow follow thee And will Beyond thine heirloom be.34

"Let all then here perform good deeds, For future weal a treasure store; There to reap crops from noble seeds, A bliss increasing evermore."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:54 am


And the Blessed One thus addressed the bhikkhus:1

"It is through not understanding the four noble truths, O bhikkhus, that we had to wander so long in the weary-path of samsāra, both you and I.2

"Through contact thought is born from sensation, and is reborn by a reproduction of its form. Starting from the simplest forms, the mind rises and falls according to deeds, but the aspirations of a Bodhisatta pursue the straight path of wisdom and righteousness, until they reach perfect enlightenment in the Buddha.3

"All creatures are what they are through the karma of their deeds done in former and in present existences.4

"The rational nature of man is a spark of the true light; it is the first step on the upward road. But new births are required to insure an ascent to the summit of existence, the enlightenment of mind and heart, where the immeasurable light of moral comprehension is gained which is the source of all righteousness.5

"Having attained this higher birth, I have found the truth and have taught you the noble path that leads to the city of peace.6

"I have shown you the way to the lake of Ambrosia, which washes away all evil desire.7

"I have given you the refreshing drink called the perception of truth, and he who drinks of it becomes free from excitement, passion, and wrong-doing.8

"The very gods envy the bliss of him who has escaped from the floods of passion and has climbed the shores of Nirvāna. His heart is cleansed from all defilement and free from all illusion.9

"He is like unto the lotus which grows in the water, yet not a drop of water adheres to its petals.10

[Pg 119]"The man who walks in the noble path lives in the world, and yet his heart is not defiled by worldly desires.11

"He who does not see the four noble truths, he who does not understand the three characteristics and has not grounded himself in the uncreate, has still a long path to traverse by repeated births through the desert of ignorance with its mirages of illusion and through the morass of wrong.12

"But now that you have gained comprehension, the cause of further migrations and aberrations is removed. The goal is reached. The craving of selfishness is destroyed, and the truth is attained.13

"This is true deliverance; this is salvation; this is heaven and the bliss of a life immortal."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:54 am


Jotikkha, the son of Subhadda, was a householder living in Rājagaha. Having received a precious bowl of sandalwood decorated with jewels, he erected a long pole before his house and put the bowl on its top with this legend: "Should a samana take this bowl down without using a ladder or a stick with a hook, or without climbing the pole, but by magic power, he shall receive as reward whatever he desires."1

And the people came to the Blessed One, full of wonder and their mouths overflowing with praise, saying: "Great is the Tathāgata. His disciples perform miracles. Kassapa, the disciple of the Buddha, saw the bowl on Jotikkha's pole, and, stretching out his hand, he took it down, carrying it away in triumph to the vihāra."2

[Pg 120]When the Blessed One heard what had happened, he went to Kassapa, and, breaking the bowl to pieces, forbade his disciples to perform miracles of any kind.3

Soon after this it happened that in one of the rainy seasons many bhikkhus were staying in the Vajjī territory during a famine. And one of the bhikkhus proposed to his brethren that they should praise one another to the householders of the village, saying: "This bhikkhu is a saint, he has seen celestial visions; and that bhikkhu possesses supernatural gifts; he can work miracles." And the villagers said: "It is lucky, very lucky for us, that such saints are spending the rainy season with us." And they gave willingly and abundantly, and the bhikkhus prospered and did not surfer from the famine.4

When the Blessed One heard it, he told Ānanda to call the bhikkhus together, and he asked them: "Tell me, O bhikkhus, when does a bhikkhu cease to be a bhikkhu?"5

And Sāriputta replied:6

"An ordained disciple must not commit any unchaste act. The disciple who commits an unchaste act is no longer a disciple of the Sakyamuni.7

"Again, an ordained disciple must not take except what has been given him. The disciple who takes, be it so little as a penny's worth, is no longer a disciple of the Sakyamuni.8

"And lastly, an ordained disciple must not knowingly and malignantly deprive any harmless creature of life, not even an earth-worm or an ant. The disciple who knowingly and malignantly deprives any harmless creature of its life is no longer a disciple of the Sakyamuni.9

"These are the three great prohibitions."10

And the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus and said:11

"There is another great prohibition which I declare to you:12

[Pg 121]"An ordained disciple must not boast of any superhuman perfection. The disciple who with evil intent and from covetousness boasts of a superhuman perfection, be it celestial visions or miracles, is no longer a disciple of the Sakyamuni.13

"I forbid you, O bhikkhus, to employ any spells or supplications, for they are useless, since the law of karma governs all things. He who attempts to perform miracles has not understood the doctrine of the Tathāgata."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:55 am


There was a poet who had acquired the spotless eye of truth, and he believed in the Buddha, whose doctrine gave him peace of mind and comfort in the hour of affliction.1

And it happened that an epidemic swept over the country in which he lived, so that many died, and the people were terrified. Some of them trembled with fright, and in anticipation of their fate were smitten with all the horrors of death before they died, while others began to be merry, shouting loudly, "Let us enjoy ourselves to-day, for we know not whether to-morrow we shall live"; yet was their laughter no genuine gladness, but a mere pretence and affectation.2

Among all these worldly men and women trembling with anxiety, the Buddhist poet lived in the time of the pestilence, as usual, calm and undisturbed, helping wherever he could and ministering unto the sick, soothing their pains by medicine and religious consolation.3

And a man came to him and said: "My heart is nervous and excited, for I see people die. I am not anxious about[Pg 122] others, but I tremble because of myself. Help me; cure me of my fear."4

The poet replied: "There is help for him who has compassion on others, but there is no help for thee so long as thou clingest to thine own self alone. Hard times try the souls of men and teach them righteousness and charity. Canst thou witness these sad sights around thee and still be filled with selfishness? Canst thou see thy brothers, sisters, and friends suffer, yet not forget the petty cravings and lust of thine own heart?"5

Noticing the desolation in the mind of the pleasure-seeking man, the Buddhist poet composed this song and taught it to the brethren in the vihāra:6

"Unless refuge you take in the Buddha and find in Nirvāna rest
Your life is but vanity—empty and desolate vanity.
To see the world is idle, and to enjoy life is empty.
The world, including man, is but like a phantom, and the hope of heaven is as a mirage.7

"The worldling seeks pleasures fattening himself like a caged fowl.
But the Buddhist saint flies up to the sun like the wild crane.
The fowl in the coop has food but will soon be boiled in the pot.
No provisions are given to the wild crane, but the heavens and the earth are his."8

The poet said: "The times are hard and teach the people
a lesson; yet do they not heed it." And he composed
another poem on the vanity of worldliness:9

"It is good to reform, and it is good to exhort people to reform.
The things of the world will all be swept away.
Let others be busy and buried with care.
My mind all unvexed shall be pure.10

[Pg 123]"After pleasures they hanker and find no satisfaction;
Riches they covet and can never have enough.
They are like unto puppets held up by a string.
When the string breaks they come down with a shock.11

"In the domain of death there are neither great nor small;
Neither gold nor silver is used, nor precious jewels.
No distinction is made between the high and the low.
And daily the dead are buried beneath the fragrant sod.12

"Look at the sun setting behind the western hills.
You lie down to rest, but soon the cock will announce morn.
Reform to-day and do not wait until it be too late.
Do not say it is early, for the time quickly passes by.13

"It is good to reform and it is good to exhort people to reform.
It is good to lead a righteous life and take refuge in the Buddha's name.
Your talents may reach to the skies, your wealth may be untold—
But all is in vain unless you attain the peace of Nirvāna."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:55 am


The Buddha said: "Three things, O disciples, are characterized by secrecy: love affairs, priestly wisdom, and all aberrations from the path of truth.1

"Women who are in love, O disciples, seek secrecy and shun publicity; priests who claim to be in possession of special revelations, O disciples, seek secrecy and shun[Pg 124] publicity; all those who stray from the path of truth, O disciples, seek secrecy and shun publicity.2

"Three things, O disciples, shine before the world and cannot be hidden. What are the three?3

"The moon, O disciples, illumines the world and cannot be hidden; the sun, O disciples, illumines the world and cannot be hidden; and the truth proclaimed by the Tathāgata illumines the world and cannot be hidden. These three things, O disciples, illumine the world and cannot be hidden. There is no secrecy about them."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:55 am


And the Buddha said: "What, my friends, is evil?1

"Killing is evil; stealing is evil; yielding to sexual passion is evil; lying is evil; slandering is evil; abuse is evil; gossip is evil; envy is evil; hatred is evil; to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things, my friends, are evil.2

"And what, my friends, is the root of evil?3

"Desire is the root of evil; hatred is the root of evil; illusion is the root of evil; these things are the root of evil.4

"What, however, is good?5

"Abstaining from killing is good; abstaining from theft is good; abstaining from sensuality is good; abstaining from falsehood is good; abstaining from slander is good; suppression of unkindness is good; abandoning gossip is good; letting go all envy is good; dismissing hatred is good; obedience to the truth is good; all these things are good.6

"And what, my friends, is the root of the good?7

"Freedom from desire is the root of the good; freedom from hatred and freedom from illusion; these things, my friends, are the root of the good.8

[Pg 125]"What, however, O brethren, is suffering? What is the origin of suffering? What is the annihilation of suffering?9

"Birth is suffering; old age is suffering; disease is suffering; death is suffering; sorrow and misery are suffering; affliction and despair are suffering; to be united with loathsome things is suffering; the loss of that which we love and the failure in attaining that which is longed for are suffering; all these things, O brethren, are suffering.10

"And what, O brethren, is the origin of suffering?11

"It is lust, passion, and the thirst for existence that yearns for pleasure everywhere, leading to a continual rebirth! It is sensuality, desire, selfishness; all these things, O brethren, are the origin of suffering.12

"And what is the annihilation of suffering?13

"The radical and total annihilation of this thirst and the abandonment, the liberation, the deliverance from passion, that, O brethren, is the annihilation of suffering.14

"And what, O brethren, is the path that leads to the annihilation of suffering?15

"It is the holy eightfold path that leads to the annihilation of suffering, which consists of, right views, right decision, right speech, right action, right living, right struggling, right thoughts, and right meditation.16

"In so far, O friends, as a noble youth thus recognizes suffering and the origin of suffering, as he recognizes the annihilation of suffering, and walks on the path that leads to the annihilation of suffering, radically forsaking passion, subduing wrath, annihilating the vain conceit of the "I-am," leaving ignorance, and attaining to enlightenment, he will make an end of all suffering even in this life."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:49 am


The Buddha said: "All acts of living creatures become bad by ten things, and by avoiding the ten things they become good. There are three evils of the body, four evils of the tongue, and three evils of the mind.1

"The evils of the body are, murder, theft, and adultery, of the tongue, lying, slander, abuse, and idle talk; of the mind, covetousness, hatred, and error.2

"I exhort you to avoid the ten evils:3

"I. Kill not, but have regard for life.4

"II. Steal not, neither do ye rob; but help everybody to be master of the fruits of his labor.5

"III. Abstain from impurity, and lead a life of chastity.6

"IV. Lie not, but be truthful. Speak the truth with discretion, fearlessly and in a loving heart.7

"V. Invent not evil reports, neither do ye repeat them. Carp not, but look for the good sides of your fellow-beings, so that ye may with sincerity defend them against their enemies.8

"VI. Swear not, but speak decently and with dignity.9

"VII. Waste not the time with gossip, but speak to the purpose or keep silence.10

"VIII. Covet not, nor envy, but rejoice at the fortunes of other people.11

"IX. Cleanse your heart of malice and cherish no hatred, not even against your enemies; but embrace all living beings with kindness.12

"X. Free your mind of ignorance and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to scepticism or to errors. Scepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life eternal."
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:50 am


And the Blessed One said to his disciples:1

"When I have passed away and can no longer address you and edify your minds with religious discourse, select from among you men of good family and education to preach the truth in my stead. And let those men be invested with the robes of the Tathāgata, let them enter into the abode of the Tathāgata, and occupy the pulpit of the Tathāgata.2

"The robe of the Tathāgata is sublime forbearance and patience. The abode of the Tathāgata is charity and love of all beings. The pulpit of the Tathāgata is the comprehension of the good law in its abstract meaning as well as in its particular application.3

"The preacher must propound the truth with unshrinking mind. He must have the power of persuasion rooted in virtue and in strict fidelity to his vows.4

"The preacher must keep in his proper sphere and be steady in his course. He must not flatter his vanity by seeking the company of the great, nor must he keep company with persons who are frivolous and immoral. When in temptation, he should constantly think of the Buddha and he will conquer.5

"All who come to hear the doctrine, the preacher must receive with benevolence, and his sermon must be without invidiousness.6

"The preacher must not be prone to carp at others, or to blame other preachers; nor speak scandal, nor propagate bitter words. He must not mention by name other disciples to vituperate them and reproach their demeanor.7

"Clad in a clean robe, dyed with good color, with appropriate undergarments, he must ascend the pulpit[Pg 128] with a mind free from blame and at peace with the whole world.8

"He must not take delight in quarrelous disputations or engage in controversies so as to show the superiority of his talents, but be calm and composed.9

"No hostile feelings shall reside in his heart, and he must never abandon the disposition of charity toward all beings. His sole aim must be that all beings become Buddhas.10

"Let the preacher apply himself with zeal to his work, and the Tathāgata will show to him the body of the holy law in its transcendent glory. He shall be honored as one whom the Tathāgata has blessed. The Tathāgata blesses the preacher and also those who reverently listen to him and joyfully accept the doctrine.11

"All those who receive the truth will find perfect enlightenment. And, verily, such is the power of the doctrine that even by the reading of a single stanza, or by reciting, copying, and keeping in mind a single sentence of the good law, persons may be converted to the truth and enter the path of righteousness which leads to deliverance from evil.12

"Creatures that are swayed by impure passions, when they listen to the voice, will be purified. The ignorant who are infatuated with the follies of the world will, when pondering on the profundity of the doctrine, acquire wisdom. Those who act under the impulse of hatred will, when taking refuge in the Buddha, be filled with good-will and love.13

"A preacher must be full of energy and cheerful hope, never tiring and never despairing of final success.14

"A preacher must be like a man in quest of water who digs a well in an arid tract of land. So long as he sees that the sand is dry and white, he knows that the water is still far off. But let him not be troubled or give up[Pg 129] the task as hopeless. The work of removing the dry sand must be done so that he can dig down deeper into the ground. And often the deeper he has to dig, the cooler and purer and more refreshing will the water be.15

"When after some time of digging he sees that the sand becomes moist, he accepts it as a token that the water is near.16

"So long as the people do not listen to the words of truth, the preacher knows that he has to dig deeper into their hearts; but when they begin to heed his words he apprehends that they will soon attain enlightenment.17

"Into your hands, O ye men of good family and education who take the vow of preaching the words of the Tathāgata, the Blessed One transfers, intrusts, and commends the good law of truth.18

"Receive the good law of truth, keep it, read and reread it, fathom it, promulgate it, and preach it to all beings in all the quarters of the universe.19

"The Tathāgata is not avaricious, nor narrow-minded, and he is willing to impart the perfect Buddha-knowledge unto all who are ready and willing to receive it. Be ye like unto him. Imitate him and follow his example in bounteously giving, showing, and bestowing the truth.20

"Gather round you hearers who love to listen to the benign and comforting words of the law; rouse the unbelievers to accept the truth and fill them with delight and joy. Quicken them, edify them, and lift them higher and higher until they see the truth face to face in all its splendor and infinite glory."21

When the Blessed One had thus spoken, the disciples said:22

"O thou who rejoicest in kindness having its source in compassion, thou great cloud of good qualities and of benevolent mind, thou quenchest the fire that vexeth living beings, thou pourest out nectar, the rain of the law!23

[Pg 130]"We shall do, O Lord, what the Tathāgata commands. We shall fulfil his behest; the Lord shall find us obedient to his words."24

And this vow of the disciples resounded through the universe, and like an echo it came back from all the Bodhisattas who are to be and will come to preach the good law of Truth to future generations.25

And the Blessed One said: "The Tathāgata is like unto a powerful king who rules his kingdom with righteousness, but being attacked by envious enemies goes out to wage war against his foes. When the king sees his soldiers fight he is delighted with their gallantry and will bestow upon them donations of all kinds. Ye are the soldiers of the Tathāgata, while Māra, the Evil One, is the enemy who must be conquered. And the Tathāgata will give to his soldiers the city of Nirvāna, the great capital of the good law. And when the enemy is overcome, the Dharma-rāja, the great king of truth, will bestow upon all his disciples the most precious crown which jewel brings perfect enlightenment, supreme wisdom, and undisturbed peace."26
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:51 am



This is the Dhammapada, the path of religion pursued by those who are followers of the Buddha:1

Creatures from mind their character derive; mind-marshalled are they, mind-made. Mind is the source either of bliss or of corruption.2

By oneself evil is done; by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone; by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself, no one can purify another. 3 You yourself must make an effort. The Tathāgatas are only preachers. The thoughtful who enter the way are freed from the bondage of Māra.4

He who does not rouse himself when it is time to rise; who, though young and strong, is full of sloth; whose will and thoughts are weak; that lazy and idle man will never find the way to enlightenment.5

[Pg 132]If a man hold himself dear, let him watch himself carefully; the truth guards him who guards himself.6

If a man makes himself as he teaches others to be, then, being himself subdued, he may subdue others; one's own self is indeed difficult to subdue.7

If some men conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, and if another conquer himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.8

It is the habit of fools, be they laymen or members of the clergy, to think, "this is done by me. May others be subject to me. In this or that transaction a prominent part should be played by me." Fools do not care for the duty to be performed or the aim to be reached, but think of their self alone. Everything is but a pedestal of their vanity.9

Bad deeds, and deeds hurtful to ourselves, are easy to do; what is beneficial and good, that is very difficult.10

If anything is to be done, let a man do it, let him attack it vigorously!11

Before long, alas! this body will lie on the earth, despised, without understanding, like a useless log; yet our thoughts will endure. They will be thought again, and will produce action. Good thoughts will produce good actions, and bad thoughts will produce bad actions.12

Earnestness is the path of immortality, thoughtlessness the path of death. Those who are in earnest do not die; those who are thoughtless are as if dead already.13

Those who imagine they find truth in untruth, and see untruth in truth, will never arrive at truth, but follow vain desires. They who know truth in truth, and untruth in untruth, arrive at truth, and follow true desires.14

As rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, passion will break through an unreflecting mind. As rain does not break through a well-thatched house, passion will not break through a well-reflecting mind.15

[Pg 133]Well-makers lead the water wherever they like; fletchets bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people fashion themselves; wise people falter not amidst blame and praise. Having listened to the law, they become serene, like a deep, smooth, and still lake.16

If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.17

An evil deed is better left undone, for a man will repent of it afterwards; a good deed is better done, for having done it one will not repent.18

If a man commits a wrong let him not do it again; let him not delight in wrongdoing; pain is the outcome of evil. If a man does what is good, let him do it again; let him delight in it; happiness is the outcome of good.19

Let no man think lightly of evil, saying in his heart, "It will not come nigh unto me." As by the falling of water-drops a water-pot is filled, so the fool becomes full of evil, though he gather it little by little.20

Let no man think lightly of good, saying in his heart, "It will not come nigh unto me." As by the falling of water-drops a water-pot is filled, so the wise man becomes full of good, though he gather it little by little.21

He who lives for pleasure only, his senses uncontrolled, immoderate in his food, idle, and weak, him Māra, the tempter, will certainly overthrow, as the wind throws down a weak tree. He who lives without looking for pleasures, his senses well-controlled, moderate in his food, faithful and strong, him Māra will certainly not overthrow, any more than the wind throws down a rocky mountain.22

The fool who knows his foolishness, is wise at least so far. But a fool who thinks himself wise, he is a fool indeed.23

To the evil-doer wrong appears sweet as honey; he looks upon it as pleasant so long as it bears no fruit; but[Pg 134] when its fruit ripens, then he looks upon it as wrong. And so the good man looks upon the goodness of the Dharma as a burden and an evil so long as it bears no fruit; but when its fruit ripens, then he sees its goodness.24

A hater may do great harm to a hater, or an enemy to an enemy; but a wrongly-directed mind will do greater mischief unto itself. A mother, a father, or any other relative will do much good; but a well-directed mind will do greater service unto itself.25

He whose wickedness is very great brings himself down to that state where his enemy wishes him to be. He himself is his greatest enemy. Thus a creeper destroys the life of a tree on which it finds support.26

Do not direct thy thought to what gives pleasure, that thou mayest not cry out when burning, "This is pain." The wicked man burns by his own deeds, as if burnt by fire.27

Pleasures destroy the foolish; the foolish man by his thirst for pleasures destroys himself as if he were his own enemy. The fields are damaged by hurricanes and weeds; mankind is damaged by passion, by hatred, by vanity, and by lust.28

Let no man ever take into consideration whether a thing is pleasant or unpleasant. The love of pleasure begets grief and the dread of pain causes fear; he who is free from the love of pleasure and the dread of pain knows neither grief nor fear.29

He who gives himself to vanity, and does not give himself to meditation, forgetting the real aim of life and grasping at pleasure, will in time envy him who has exerted himself in meditation.30

The fault of others is easily noticed, but that of oneself is difficult to perceive. A man winnows his neighbor's faults like chaff, but his own fault he hides, as a cheat hides the false die from the gambler.31

If a man looks after the faults of others, and is always inclined to take offence, his own passions will grow, and he is far from the destruction of passions.32

Not about the perversities of others, not about their sins of commission or omission, but about his own misdeeds and negligences alone should a sage be worried.33

Good people shine from afar, like the snowy mountains; had people are concealed, like arrows shot by night.34

If a man by causing pain to others, wishes to obtain pleasure for himself, he, entangled in the bonds of selfishness, will never be free from hatred.35

Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth!36

For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by not-hatred, this is an old rule.37

Speak the truth, do not yield to anger; give, if thou art asked; by these three steps thou wilt become divine.38

Let a wise man blow off the impurities of his self, as a smith blows off the impurities of silver, one by one, little by little, and from time to time.39

Lead others, not by violence, but by righteousness and equity.40

He who possesses virtue and intelligence, who is just, speaks the truth, and does what is his own business, him the world will hold dear.41

As the bee collects nectar and departs without injuring the flower, or its color or scent, so let a sage dwell in the community.42

If a traveller does not meet with one who is his better, or his equal, let him firmly keep to his solitary journey; there is no companionship with fools.43

Long is the night to him who is awake; long is a mile to him who is tired; long is life to the foolish who do not know the true religion.44

Better than living a hundred years, not seeing the highest truth, is one day in the life of a man who sees the highest truth.45

Some form their Dharma arbitrarily and fabricate it artificially; they advance complex speculations and imagine that good results are attainable only by the acceptance of their theories; yet the truth is but one; there are not different truths in the world. Having reflected on the various theories, we have gone into the yoke with him who has shaken off all sin. But shall we be able to proceed together with him?46

The best of ways is the eightfold path. This is the path. There is no other that leads to the purifying of intelligence. Go on this path! Everything else is the deceit of Māra, the tempter. If you go on this path, you will make an end of pain! Says the Tathāgata, The path was preached by me, when I had understood the removal of the thorn in the flesh.47

Not only by discipline and vows, not only by much learning, do I earn the happiness of release which no worldling can know. Bhikkhu, be not confident as long as thou hast not attained the extinction of thirst. The extinction of evil desire is the highest religion.48

The gift of religion exceeds all gifts; the sweetness of religion exceeds all sweetness; the delight in religion exceeds all delights; the extinction of thirst overcomes all pain.49

Few are there among men who cross the river and reach the goal. The great multitudes are running up and down the shore; but there is no suffering for him who has finished his journey.50

As the lily will grow full of sweet perfume and delight upon a heap of rubbish, thus the disciple of the truly enlightened Buddha shines forth by his wisdom among those who are like rubbish, among the people that walk in darkness.51

Let us live happily then, not hating those who hate us! Among men who hate us let us dwell free from hatred!52

Let us live happily then, free from all ailments among the ailing! Among men who are ailing let us dwell free from ailments!53

Let us live happily, then, free from greed among the greedy! Among men who are greedy let us dwell free from greed!54

The sun is bright by day, the moon shines by night, the warrior is bright in his armor, thinkers are bright in their meditation; but among all the brightest with splendor day and night is the Buddha, the Awakened, the Holy, Blessed.55
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Re: The Gospel of Buddha, by Paul Carus

Postby admin » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:51 am


At one time when the Blessed One was journeying through Kosala he came to the Brahman village which is called Manasākata. There he stayed in a mango grove.1

And two young Brahmans came to him who were of different schools. One was named Vāsettha and the other Bhāradvāja. And Vāsettha said to the Blessed One:2

"We have a dispute as to the true path. I say the straight path which leads unto a union with Brahmā is that which has been announced by the Brahman Pokkharasāti, while my friend says the straight path which leads unto a union with Brahmā is that which has been announced by the Brahman Tārukkha.3

"Now, regarding thy high reputation, O samana, and knowing that thou art called the Enlightened One, the teacher of men and gods, the Blessed Buddha, we have come to ask thee, are all these paths paths of salvation? There are many roads all around our village, and all lead[Pg 140] to Manasākata. Is it just so with the paths of the sages? Are all paths paths to salvation, and do they all lead to a union with Brahmā?4

And the Blessed One proposed these questions to the two Brahmans: "Do you think that all paths are right?"5

Both answered and said: "Yes, Gotama, we think so."6

"But tell me," continued the Buddha, "has any one of the Brahmans, versed in the Vedas, seen Brahmā face to face?"7

"No, sir!" was the reply.8

"But, then," said the Blessed One, "has any teacher of the Brahmans, versed in the Vedas, seen Brahmā face to face?"9

The two Brahmans said: "No, sir."10

"But, then," said the Blessed One, "has any one of the authors of the Vedas seen Brahmā face to face?"11

Again the two Brahmans answered in the negative and exclaimed: "How can any one see Brahmā or understand him, for the mortal cannot understand the immortal." And the Blessed One proposed an illustration, saying:12

"It is as if a man should make a staircase in the place where four roads cross, to mount up into a mansion. And people should ask him, 'Where, good friend, is this mansion, to mount up into which you are making this staircase? Knowest thou whether it is in the east, or in the south, or in the west, or in the north? Whether it is high, or low, or of medium size?' And when so asked he should answer, 'I know it not.' And people should say to him, 'But, then, good friend, thou art making a staircase to mount up into something—taking it for a mansion—which all the while thou knowest not, neither hast thou seen it.' And when so asked he should answer, 'That is exactly what I do; yea I know that I cannot know it.' What would you think of him? Would you not say that the talk of that man was foolish talk?"13

[Pg 141]"In sooth, Gotama," said the two Brahmans, "it would be foolish talk!"14

The Blessed One continued: "Then the Brahmans should say, 'We show you the way unto a union of what we know not and what we have not seen.' This being the substance of Brahman lore, does it not follow that their task is vain?"15

"It does follow," replied Bhāradvāja.16

Said the Blessed One: "Thus it is impossible that Brahmans versed in the three Vedas should be able to show the way to a state of union with that which they neither know nor have seen. Just as when a string of blind men are clinging one to the other. Neither can the foremost see, nor can those in the middle see, nor can the hindmost see. Even so, methinks, the talk of the Brahmans versed in the three Vedas is but blind talk; it is ridiculous, consists of mere words, and is a vain and empty thing."17

"Now suppose," added the Blessed One, "that a man should come hither to the bank of the river, and, having some business on the other side, should want to cross. Do you suppose that if he were to invoke the other bank of the river to come over to him on this side, the bank would come on account of his praying?"18

"Certainly not, Gotama."19

"Yet this is the way of the Brahmans. They omit the practice of those qualities which really make a man a Brahman, and say, 'Indra, we call upon thee; Soma, we call upon thee; Varuna, we call upon thee; Brahmā, we call upon thee.' Verily, it is not possible that these Brahmahns, on account of their invocations, prayers, and praises, should after death be united with Brahmā."20

"Now tell me," continued the Buddha, "what do the Brahmans say of Brahmā? Is his mind full of lust?"21

And when the Brahmans denied this, the Buddha asked:

"Is Brahmā's mind full of malice, sloth, or pride?"22

[Pg 142]"No, sir!" was the reply. "He is the opposite of all this."23

And the Buddha went on: "But are the Brahmans free from these vices?"24

"No, sir!" said Vāsettha.25

The Holy One said: "The Brahmans cling to the five things leading to worldliness and yield to the temptations of the senses; they are entangled in the five hindrances, lust, malice, sloth, pride, and doubt. How can they be united to that which is most unlike their nature? Therefore the threefold wisdom of the Brahmans is a waterless desert, a pathless jungle, and a hopeless desolation."26

When the Buddha had thus spoken, one of the Brahmans said: "We are told, Gotama, that the Sakyamuni knows the path to a union with Brahmā."27

And the Blessed One said: "What do you think, O Brahmans, of a man born and brought up in Manasākata? Would he be in doubt about the most direct way from this spot to Manasākata?"28

"Certainly not, Gotama."29

"Thus," replied the Buddha, "the Tathāgata knows the straight path that leads to a union with Brahmā. He knows it as one who has entered the world of Brahmā and has been born in it. There can be no doubt in the Tathāgata."30

And the two young Brahmans said: "If thou knowest the way show it to us."31

And the Buddha said:32

"The Tathāgata sees the universe face to face and understands its nature. He proclaims the truth both in its letter and in its spirit, and his doctrine is glorious in its origin, glorious in its progress, glorious in its consummation. The Tathāgata reveals the higher life in its purity and perfection. He can show you the way to that which is contrary to the five great hindrances.33

"The Tathāgata lets his mind pervade the four quarters of the world with thoughts of love. And thus the whole wide world, above, below, around, and everywhere will continue to be filled with love, far-reaching, grown great, and beyond measure.34

"Just as a mighty trumpeter makes himself heard—and that without difficulty—in all the four quarters of the earth; even so is the coming of the Tathāgata: there is not one living creature that the Tathāgata passes by or leaves aside, but regards them all with mind set free, and deep-felt love.35

"And this is the sign that a man follows the right path: Uprightness is his delight, and he sees danger in the least of those things which he should avoid. He trains himself in the commands of morality, he encompasseth himself with holiness in word and deed; he sustains his life by means that are quite pure; good is his conduct, guarded is the door of his senses; mindful and self-possessed, he is altogether happy.36

"He who walks in the eightfold noble path with unswerving determination is sure to reach Nirvāna. The Tathāgata anxiously watches over his children and with loving care helps them to see the light.37

"When a hen has eight or ten or twelve eggs, over which she has properly brooded, the wish arises in her heart, 'O would that my little chickens would break open the egg-shell with their claws, or with their beaks, and come forth into the light in safety!' yet all the while those little chickens are sure to break the egg-shell and will come forth into the light in safety. Even so, a brother who with firm determination walks in the noble path is sure to come forth into the light, sure to reach up to the higher wisdom, sure to attain to the highest bliss of enlightenment."38
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