The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:28 am


OUR sacrifice, God Savitar, speed onward: speed to his share
the sacrifice's patron.
May the celestial Gandharva, cleanser of thought and will,
make clean our thought and purpose: the Lord of Speech
sweeten the food we offer.
2 Thee, firmly set, settled in man, in spirit.
Taken upon a base art thou. I take thee, draught acceptable
to Indra. This is thy home. Thee, welcomest to Indra.
Thee Set in waters, butter, realm of ether. Taken upon
Thee seated in the sky, earth, air's mid-region, among the
Gods and in the vault of heaven. Taken, etc. as above:
3 The strength-arousing essence of the waters, gathered in
the Sun, Essence of waters’ essence, that, most excellent,
I take for you.
Taken, etc., as above.
4 Cups of strength-giving sacrifice, inspirers of the sage's
Of you, the handleless, have I collected all the sap and
Taken, etc., as above.
United are ye twain: with bliss unite me. Parted are ye:
keep me apart from evil.

p. 72

5 Thou art the thunderbolt of Indra, winner of wealth: with
thee may this man win him riches.
In gain of wealth we celebrate with praises her, Aditi by
name, the Mighty Mother,
On whom this Universe of life hath settled. Thereon God
Savitar promote our dwelling!
6 Amrit is in the Waters, in the Waters healing medicine.
Yea, Horses! at our praises of the Waters grow ye fleet
and strong.
Whatever wave, O ye celestial Waters, wealth-giving,
towering high, and swiftly rushing, is yours, therewith
may this man win him riches.
7 It was the wind, or it was thought, or the Gandharvas
These at the first harnessed the horse: they set the power
of speed in him.
8 Steed, being yoked grow wind-swift: be beauteous as Indra's
right-hand steed.
Omniscient Maruts harness thee! Tvashtar put swiftness in
thy feet!
9 What speed, O Horse, was laid in thee in secret, what
passed in wind, bestowed upon the falcon,
With that same strength be strong for us, O Courser,
wealth-winning and victorious in battle.
Starting to run your course, winners of riches, smell ye
Brihaspati's portion, O ye Horses.
10 By impulse of God Savitar, true Impeller, may ascend
Brihaspati's highest heaven.

p. 73

By impulse of God Savitar, true Impeller, may I ascend
the highest heaven of Indra.
By impulse of God Savitar, true Impeller, Brihaspati's
highest heaven have I ascended.
By impulse of God Savitar, true Impeller, I have ascended
Indra's loftiest heaven.
11 Brihaspati, win the prize. Lift up your voices to Brihaspati.
Make ye Brihaspati win the prize.
Do thou, O Indra, win the prize. To Indra lift your voices
up. Make Indra winner of the prize.
12 True hath been this your league whereby ye made
Brihaspati win the prize.
Brihaspati have ye caused to win the prize. Be freed, ye
Faithful was this your league whereby ye have made Indra
win the prize.
Ye have made Indra win the prize. Be ye set free, ye
13 Through impulse of God Savitar, true Impeller, mine be
Brihaspati's prize who winneth prizes.
On to the goal, ye Steeds, winners of prizes, blocking the
ways and meting out the courses!
14 Bound by the neck and at the flanks and in the mouth,
that vigorous Courser lends new swiftness to his sped.

p. 74

Drawing himself together as his strength allows, Dadhikrâs
speeds along the windings of the paths. All-hail!
15 His pinion, rapid runner, fans him on his way, as of a bird
that hastens onward to its aim,
And, as it were a falcon's gliding through the air, strikes
Dadhikrâvan's side as he speeds on with might. All-hail!
16 Bless us the Coursers when we call, while slowly they move,
strong singers, to the Gods’ assembly.
Crushing the wolf, the serpent, and the demons, may they
completely banish all affliction. All-hail!
17 May all those vigorous Coursers listen to our cry, hearers
of invocation, speeders on their way;
Winners of thousands, fain to win where meed is won, who
gather of themselves great wealth in every race.
18 Deep-skilled in Law Eternal, wise, immortal, O Coursers,
help us in each fray for booty.
Drink of this meath, be satisfied, be joyful: then go on
paths which Gods are wont to travel.
19 To me come plenteous growth of wealth! Approach me
these, Heaven and Earth, who wear each form and figure!
Hither may Father come to me, and Mother. Soma with
immortality approach me!
20 To the Friend, Hail! To the Good Fiend, Hail! To the
Later-born, Hail! To Resolution, Hail! To the Vasu, Hail!
To the Lord of Days, Hail! To the Failing Day, Hail!
To the Failing sprung from the Transitory, Hail! To the
Transitory sprung from the Final, Hal! To the Final
Mundane, Hail! To the Lord of the World, Hail! To the
Sovran Lord, Hail!

p. 75

21 May life succeed through sacrifice. May life-breath thrive
by sacrifice. May the eye thrive by sacrifice. May the
ear thrive by sacrifice. May the back thrive by sacrifice.
May sacrifice thrive by sacrifice.
We have become the children of Prajâpati. Gods, we have
gone to heaven. We have become immortal.
22 In us be your great might and manly vigour, in us be your
intelligence and splendour.
Obeisance to our Mother Earth! Obeisance to our Mother
This is thy Sovranty. Thou art the ruler, thou art controller,
thou art firm and stedfast.
Thee for land-culture, thee for peace and quiet, thee for
wealth, thee for increase of our substance.
23 Of old the furtherance of strength urged onward this Sovran
Soma in the plants and waters.
For us may they be stored with honey: stationed in front
may we be watchful in the kingdom. All-hail!
24 The furtherance of strength extended over this heaven and
all the worlds as sovran ruler.
He, knowing, makes the churl a bounteous giver: wealth
may he grant us with full store of heroes. All-hail
25 Surely the furtherance of strength pervaded all these
existing worlds in all directions.
From olden time the King moves round, well knowing,
strengthening all the people and our welfare.
26 As suppliants, for aid we grasp Soma the King, and Agni, the
Âdityas, Vishnu, Sûrya, and the Brahman-priest Brihaspati.

p. 76

27 Urge Aryaman to send us gifts, and Indra. and Brihaspati,
Yak, Vishnu, and Sarasvatî, and the strong Courser Savitar.
28 Agni, speak kindly to us here, be graciously inclined to us.
Winner of thousands, grant us boons, for thou art he who
giveth wealth.
29 Let Aryaman vouchsafe us wealth, and Pûshan, and
May Vâk the Goddess give to us. All-hail!
30 Thee by the radiant Savitar's impulsion, with arms of
Asvins, with the hands of Pûshan.
To Vâk Sarasvatî's controlling guidance, hers the controlling
leader, I consign thee.
I with Brihaspati's supreme dominion endow thee by the
balm of consecration
31 With the monosyllable Agni won vital breath: may I win
that. With the dissyllable the Asvins won bipeds: may
I win those. With the trisyllable
Vishnu won the three worlds: may I win those. With
quadrisyllabic metre
Soma won four-footed cattle: may I win those.
32 With five-syllable metre Pûshan won the five regions: may
I win them.
With six-syllable metre Savitar won the six seasons: may
I win them.
With seven-syllable metre the Maruts won the seven
domestic animals:
May I win them. With octosyllabic metre Brihaspati won
the Gâyatrî: may I win that.
33 With nine-syllable metre Mitra won the Trivrit Stoma:
may I win that. With decasyllabic metre Varuna won
Virâj: may I win that.

p. 77

With hendecasyllabic metre Indra won Trishtup: may I
win that.
With dodecasyllabic metre the All-Gods won Jagatî: may
I win that.
34 The Vasus by thirteen-syllable metre won the Thirteenfold
Stoma: may I win that. The Rudras by fourteen-syllable
metre won the fourteenfold Stoma: may I win that. The
Âdityas with fifteen-syllable metre won the Fifteenfold
Stoma: may I win that. Aditi with sixteen-syllable metre
won the Sixteenfold Stoma: may I win that. Prajâpati
with seventeenfold metre won the Seventeenfold Stoma:
may I win that.
35 This is thy portion, Nirriti! Accept it graciously. All-hail!
To Gods whose guide is Agni, to the eastward-seated Gods,
To Gods whose guide is Yama, to the southward-seated
Gods, All-hail!
To Gods whose guides are the All-Gods, those who are seated
westward, Hail!
Hail to the northward-seated Gods, to those whose guides
are Mitra and Varuna or the Marut host!
To Gods whose guide is Soma, who, worshipful, sit on high,
36 Gods who have Agni as their guide, whose seat is eastward,
Hail to them!
Gods who have Yama as their guide, whose seat is southward,
Hail to them!
Gods who have All-Gods as their guides, whose seat is westward,
Hail to them!
Gods who have Mitra-Varuna for guides, north-seated,
Hail to them!
Gods who have Soma as their guide, high-seated, worshipful,
Hail to them!
37 Agni, subdue opposing bands and drive our enemies away.
Invincible, slay godless foes: give splendour to the worshipper.

p. 78

38 Thee at the radiant Savitar's impulsion, with Asvins’ arms
and with the hands of Pûshan,
I offer with the strength of the Upâmsu. Slain is the demon
brood. All-hail!
Thee for the slaughter of the brood of demons. The demons
have we slain, have slain. So-and-So, So-and-So is slain.
39 Savitar quicken thee for sway of rulers, Agni of householders,
of the trees Soma,
Brihaspati of Speech, for lordship Indra, Rudra for cattle,
Mitra for true-speaking, Varuna for the sway of Law's
40 Gods, quicken him that none may be his rival, for mighty
domination, mighty lordship,
Him, son of Such-a-man and Such-a-woman, of Such-a-tribe.
This is your King, ye Tribesmen. Soma is Lord and King
of us the Brâhmans.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:28 am


1 THE Gods drew waters with their store of sweetness, succulent and observant, king-creating, Wherewith they sprinkled Varuna and Mitra, wherewith they guided Indra past his foemen.
2 Wave of the male art thou, giver of kingship. Do thou— All-hail!—bestow on me the kingdom. Wave of the male art thou, giver of kingship. Do thou on So-and-So bestow the kingdom. Thou hast a host of males, giver of kingship. Do thou— All-hail!—bestow on me the kingdom. A host of males hast thou, giver of kingship. Do thou on So-and-So bestow the kingdom.
3 Swift at your work are ye, givers of kingship. Do ye— All-hail!—bestow on me the kingdom. Swift at your work are ye, givers of kingship. Do ye on So-and-So bestow the kingdom. Endowed with strength are ye, givers of kingship, etc. O’erflowing floods are ye, etc. The Waters’ Lord art thou, giver of kingship. Do thou, etc. The Waters’ Child art thou, etc.
4 With sun-bright skins are ye, givers, etc. Brilliant as Suns are ye, etc. Bringers of joy are ye, etc. Dwellers in cloud are ye, etc. Desirable are ye, etc. Most powerful are ye, etc. Endowed with might are ye, etc. Man-nourishing are ye, etc. All-nourishing are ye, etc. Self-ruling Waters are ye, giving kingship. On So-and-So do ye bestow the kingdom. Together with the sweet let sweet ones mingle, obtaining for the Kshatriya mighty power. Rest in your place inviolate and potent, bestowing on the Kshatriya mighty power.
5 Brilliance of Soma art thou: may my brilliance grow like thine. To Agni Hail! To Soma Hail! To Savitar Hail! To Sarasvatî Hail! To Pûshan Hail! To Brihaspati Hail! To Indra Hail! To the Noise Hail! To Fame Hail To Amsa Hail! To Bhaga Hail! To Aryaman Hail!
6 Ye are two strainers, Varuna's own possession. I make you pure at Savitar's impulsion, with flawless strainer, with the beams of Sûrya. Thou, friend of speech, heat-born, art undefeated. Soma's share art thou. Hail, ye king producers!
7 Sharers in joy are these majestic Waters, inviolate, industrious, investing. In these as homes hath Varuna made his dwelling, he, Child of Waters, in the best of mothers.
8 Thou art the inner caul of princely power, Thou art the outer caul of princely power. Of princely power thou art the womb, the navel. Thou art the Vritra-slaying arm of Indra. Mitra's art thou, thou Varuna's possession. With thee to aid may this man slaughter Vritra. Cleaver art thou; thou Render; thou art Shaker. Protect him ye in front, protect him rearwards; protect him sidewards; from all quarters guard him.
9 Visible, O ye men, Informed is Agni, Master of the Household. Informed is Indra of exalted glory. Informed are Mitra-Varuna, Law-Maintainers. Informed is Pûshan, Lord of all Possessions. Informed are Heaven and Earth, the All-propitious. Informed is Aditi who gives wide shelter.
10 Appeased by sacrifice are biting creatures, Ascend the East. May Gâyatrî protect thee, the psalm Rathantara, the triple praise-song, the season Spring, and the rich treasure,
11 Ascend the South. Be thy protectors Trishtup, the Brihat Sâman, the fifteenfold praise-song, the Reason Summer, and the treasure Kingship.
12 Ascend the West. May Jagatî protect thee, the psalm Vairûpa, the seventeenfold praise-song, the Rain-time, and that store of wealth, the People.
13 Ascend the North. Thy guardians be Anushtup, Vairâja psalm, the twenty-onefold praise-song, the season Autumn, that rich treasure Fruitage.
14 Ascend the Zenith. Pankti be thy keeper, Sâkvara, Raivata the pair of Sâmans, Praise-songs the thirty-threefold and thrice-ninefold, both seasons, Winter, Dews, that treasure lustre. The head of Namuchi hath been cast from me.
15 Brilliance of Soma art thou, may my brilliance grow like thine. Save me from death. Vigour art thou, victory, everlasting life.
16 With golden bodies, at the flush of morning, ye rise on high, two Sovran Lords, and Sûrya. Ascend your car, O Varuna and Mitra: thence view infinity and limitation. Thou art Mitra, thou art Varuna.
17 Thee with the strength of Soma, Agni's lustre, with Sûrya's splendour, Indra's might I sprinkle. Be Lord of princes: safe past arrows guard him.
18 = IX. 40.
19 Forth from the summit of the bull, the mountain, pouring spontaneously, the ships keep moving. They, lifted up, have turned them back and downward, still flowing onward, after Ahibudhnya. Thou art the stepping-forth of Vishnu: thou art Vishnu's outstep; Vishnu's step art thou.
20 Prajâpati, thou only comprehendest all these created forms, and none beside thee. Give us our heart's desire when we invoke thee. So-and-So's father is this man. Sire of this man is So-and-So. May we—All-hail!—be lords of rich possessions. What active highest name thou hast, O Rudra, therein thou art an offering, art an offering at home. All-hail!
21 Indra's bolt art thou. I by the direction of Mitra-Varuna, Directors, yoke thee. I, the uninjured Arjuna, mount thee for firmness, thee for food. By quickening of the Maruts be thou victor. May we obtain by mind: with power united.
22 Let us not, Indra, conqueror of the mighty, unfit through lack of prayer fail to obtain thee. Ascend the car which thou whose hand bears thunder controllest, and the reins with noble horses.
23 All hail to Agni, Master of the Household! All-hail to Soma, Sovran of the Forest! All-hail to the great vigour of the Maruts! All-hail to the effectual might of Indra! Injure me not, O Mother Earth, and may I never injure thee.
24 The Hamsa throned in light, the Vasu in mid-air, the Priest beside the altar, Guest within the house, Dwelling in noblest place, mid men, in truth, in sky, born of flood, kine, truth, mountain, He is mighty Law.
25 So great art thou: life art thou; give me life, Mate art thou: thou art splendour; give me splendour. Strength art thou: give me strength. I draw you downward, two arms of Indra mighty in achievement.
26 Fair art thou, good to sit on, womb of kingship. Sit on the fair one, sit on that which offers a pleasant seat: sit in the womb of kingship.
27 Varuna, Law's maintainer, hath sat down among his people, he Most wise, for universal sway.
28 Supreme Lord art thou. May these five regions of thine be prosperous. Brahman! Thou art Brahman, Savitar art thou, faithful in impulsion, Varuna art thou, he whose power is real. Indra art thou, whose strength is of the people. Rudra art thou, the very kind and gracious. Doer of much, Improver, Wealth-increaser! Indra's holt art thou. Be therewith my vassal.
29 May spacious Agni, Lord of Duty, gladly, vast Agni, Duty's Lord, accept the butter. All-hail! Hallowed by Svâhâ, with the beams of Sûrya, strive for his central place among the kinsmen.
30 I creep forth urged onward by Savitar the Impeller; by Sarasvatî, Speech; by Tvashtar, created forms; by Pûshan, cattle; by this Indra; by Brihaspati, Devotion; by Varuna, power; by Agni, Brilliance; by Soma, the King; by Vishnu the tenth Deity.
31 Get dressed for the Asvins. Get dressed for Sarasvatî: Get dressed for Indra the Good Deliverer: Soma the Wind, purified by the strainer, Indra's meet friend, hath gone o’erflowing backward.
32 What then? As men whose fields are full of barley reap the ripe corn, removing it in order, So bring the food of these men, bring it hither, who pay the Sacred Grass their spoken homage. Taken upon a base art thou. Thee for the Asvins. Thee for Sarasvatî, and thee for Indra, for the Excellent Protector.
33 Ye Asvins, Lords of Splendour, drank full draughts of grateful Soma juice, And aided Indra in his deeds with Namuchi of Asura birth.
34 As parents aid a son, both Asvins aided thee, Indra, with their wondrous powers and wisdom. When thou with might hadst drunk the draught that gladdens, Sarasvatî, O Bounteous Lord, refreshed thee.
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Posts: 36229
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:28 am


HARNESSING, first of all, the mind, Savitar having stretched
the thought
With reverent look upon the light of Agni bore them up
from earth.
2 By impulse of God Savitar we with our spirit harnessed strive
With might to win the heavenly.
3 Savitar, having harnessed Gods who go to light and heavenly
Who will create the lofty light—Savitar urge them on their
4 The priests of him the lofty priest well skilled in hymns,
harness their spirit, yea, harness their holy thoughts.
He only, skilled in rules, assigns their priestly tasks. Yea,
lofty is the praise of Savitar the God.
5 I yoke with prayer your ancient inspiration: may the laud
rise as on the prince's pathway.
All Sons of the Immortal One shall hear it, who have resorted
to celestial dwellings.

p. 88

6 Even he, the God whose going forth and majesty the other
Deities have followed with their might,
He who hath measured the celestial regions out by his great
power, he is the Courser Savitar.
7 Our sacrifice, God Savitar! speed forward: speed to his share
the sacrifice's patron.
May the celestial Gandharva, Cleanser of thought and will,
make clean our thoughts and wishes.
The Lord of Speech sweeten the words we utter!
8 God Savitar, speed this God-loved sacrifice of ours,
friend-finding, ever-conquering, winning wealth and heaven.
Speed praise-song with the sacred verse, Rathantara with
Gâyatra, Brihat that runs in Gâyatra. All-hail!
9 By impulse of God Savitar I take thee, with arms of Asvins,
with the hands of Pûshan, in Angiras’ manner, with
Gâyatrî metre.
From the earth's seat bring thou Purîshya Agni, as Angiras
was wont, with Trishtup metre.
10 Spade art thou; woman art thou. Ours be power with thee
to dig out Agni in his dwelling, as Angiras was wont, with
Jagatî metre.
11 Savitar, bearing in his hand the gold spade which he took
Looking with reverence on the light of Agni, raised it from
the earth,
With the Anushtup metre and as Angiras was wont to do.
12 Run hither, urged to speed, O Horse, along the most extended

p. 89

Thy loftiest birthplace is in heaven. thy navel is in air's
mid-realm, the womb that bare thee is on earth.
13 Upon this course, O lords of wealth, harness; ye twain, the
Ass who bears
Agni, and kindly favours us.
14 In every need, in every race we call, as friends, to succour us,
Indra, the mightiest of all.
15 Come speeding on and trampling imprecations; come
gladdening to the chieftainship of Rudra.
Speed through the wide air thou whose paths are pleasant,
with Pûshan for thy mate, providing safety.
16 From the Earth's seat, like Anginas, bring thou Purîshya
Agni forth.
After the wont of Angiras we to Purîshya Agni go.
Agni Purîshya we will bear after the went of Angiras.
17 Agni hath looked along the van of Mornings, looked on the
days, the earliest Jâtavedas,
And many a time along the beams of Sûrya: along the heaven
and earth hast thou extended.
18 The Courser, started on his way, shakes from him all hostilities.
He longs to look with reverent eye on Agni is the mighty.

p. 90

19 O Courser, having come to earth, seek Agni with a longing
Tell us by trampling on the ground where we may dig him
from the earth.
20 Heaven is thy back, the earth thy seat, the air thy soul,
the sea thy womb.
Looking around thee with thine eye trample the adversaries
21 Wealth-giver, Courser, from this place step forth to great
May we enjoy Earth's favour while we dig forth Agni from
22 Down hath he stepped, wealth-giver, racer, courser. Good
and auspicious room on earth thou madest.
Thence let us dig forth Agni, fair to look on, while to the
loftiest vault we mount, to heaven.
23 I thoughtfully besprinkle thee with butter, thee dwelling
near to all existing creatures.
Broad, vast through vital power that moves transversely,
conspicuous, strong with all the food that feeds thee.
24 I sprinkle him who moves in all directions: may he accept
it with a friendly spirit.
Agni with bridegroom's face and lovely colour may not be
touched when all his form is fury.
25 Round the oblation bath he paced, Agni the wise, the Lord
of Strength,
Giving the offerer precious boons.
26 We set thee round us as a fort, victorious Agni, thee a Sage,
Of hero lineage, day by day destroyer of our treacherous foes.
27 Thou, Agni, with the days, fain to shine hitherward, art
brought to life from out the waters, from the stone,

p. 91

From out the forest trees and herbs that grow on ground.
thou, Sovran Lord of men, art generated pure.
28 At Savitar's, the Shining One's, impulsion, with arms of
Asvins and with hands of Pûshan,
As Angiras was wont to do, I dig thee forth from the seat
of Earth, Agni Purîshya.
Thee, Agni, luminous and fair of aspect, resplendent with
imperishable lustre, gracious to living creatures, never
As Angiras was wont to do, we dig thee forth from the seat
of Earth, Agni Purîshya.
29 Thou art the Waters’ back, the womb of Agni, around the
ocean as it swells and surges.
Waxing to greatness, resting on the lotus, spread thou in
amplitude with heaven's own measure.
30 Yea are a shelter and a shield, uninjured both, and widely
Do ye; expansive, cover him: bear ye Purîshya Agni up.
31 Cover him, finders of the light, united both with breast and
Bearing between you Agni, the refulgent, everlasting One.
32 Thou art Purîshya, thou support of all. Atharvan was the
first, Agni, who rubbed thee into life.
Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth by rubbing from the
lotus, from
The head of Visva, of the Priest.
33 Thee too as Vritra-slayer, thee breaker of forts, the Sage
Son of Atharvan, lighted up.

p. 92

34 Pâthya the Bull, too, kindled thee the Dasyus’ most
destructive foe,
Winner of spoil in every fight.
35 Sit, Hotar, in the Hotar's place, observant: lay down the
sacrifice in the place of worship.
Thou, dear to Go is, shalt serve them with oblation. Agni,
give long life to the Sacrificer.
36 Accustomed to the Hotar's place, the Hotar hath seated him,
bright, splendid, passing mighty,
Whose foresight keeps the Law from violation, excellent,
pure-tongued, bringing thousands, Agni.
37 Seat thee, for thou art mighty: shine, best entertainer of
the Gods.
Worthy of sacred food, praised Agni! loose the smoke, ruddy
and beautiful to see.
38 Pour heavenly Waters honey-sweet here for our health, for
Forth from the place whereon they fall let plants with goodly
berries spring.
39 May Vâyu Mâtarisvan heal and comfort thy broken heart as
there supine thou liest.
Thou unto whom the breath of Gods gives motion, to Ka,
yea, unto thee, O God, be Vashat!
40 He, nobly born with lustre, shield and refuge, hath sat down
in light.
O Agni, Rich in Splendour, robe thyself in many-hued attire.
41 Lord of fair sacrifice; arise! With Godlike thought protect
us well.

p. 93

With great light splendid to behold come, Agni, through
sweet hymns of praise.
42 Rise up erect to give us aid, stand up like Savitar the God;
Erect as strength-bestower when we call aloud, with unguents
and with priests on thee.
43 Thou, being horn, art Child of Earth and Heaven, parted, fair
Babe, among the plants, O Agni.
The glooms of night thou, brilliant child, subduest, and art
come forth, loud roaring, from the Mothers.
44 Steady be thou, and firm of limb. Steed, be a racer fleet of
Broad be thou, pleasant as a seat, bearing the store which
Agni needs.
45 Be thou propitious, Angiras, to creatures of the human race.
Set not on fire the heaven and earth, nor air's mid-region,
nor the trees.
46 Forth with loud neighing go the Steed, the Ass that shouteth
as he runs.
Bearing Purîshya Agni on, let him not perish ere his time,
Male bearer of male Agni, Child of Waters, Offspring of the
Sea. Agni, come hither to the feast.
47 The Law the Truth, the Law the Truth. As Angiras was
wont to do, we bear Purîshya Agni on.
Ye Plants, with joyous welcome greet this Agni, auspicious
One who cometh on to meet you.
Removing all distresses and afflictions, here settle down and
banish evil purpose.

p. 94

48 Welcome him joyfully, ye Plants, laden with bloom and
goodly fruit.
This seasonable Child of yours hath settled in his ancient
49 Resplendent with thy wide-extending lustre dispel the terrors
of the fiends who hate us.
May lofty Agni be my guide and shelter, ready to hear our
call, the good Protector.
50 Ye, Waters, are beneficent, so help ye us to energy
That we may look on great delight.
51 Give us a portion of the sap, the most propitious that ye
Like mothers in their longing love.
52 To you we gladly come for him to whose abode ye lead us
And, Waters, give us procreant strength.
53 Mitra, having commingled earth and ground together with
the light
For health to creatures mix I thee Omniscient and nobly
54 The Rudras, having mixed the earth, set all aglow the lofty
Bright and perpetual their light verily shines among the
55 The lump of clay that hath been mixed by Vasus, Rudras,
by the wise,
May Sinîvâlî with her hands soften and fit it for the work.
56 May Sinîvâlî with fair braids, with beauteous crest, with
lovely locks,
May she, O mighty Aditi, bestow the Fire-pan in thy hands.

p. 95

57 Aditi shape the Fire-pan with her power, her arms, her
And in her womb bear Agni as a mother, in her lap, her
58 With Gâyatrî, like Angiras the Vasus form and fashion thee!
Stedfast art then, thou art the Earth. Establish in me progeny,
command of cattle, growth of wealth, kinsmen for
me the worshipper.
With Trishtup may the Rudras, like Angiras, form and
fashion thee.
Stedfast art thou, thou art the Air. Establish in me, etc.,
as above.
With Jagatî, like Angiras, Âdityas form and fashion thee!
Stedfast art thou, thou art the Sky. Establish in me, etc.
Friends of all men, the All-Gods with Anushtup form thee
Stedfast art thou, thou art the Quarters. Establish in me,
59 The zone of Aditi art thou. Aditi seize thy hollow space.
She, having made the great Fire-pan, a womb for Agni,
formed of clay,
Aditi, gave it to her Sons and, Let them bake it, were her
60 The Vasus make thee fragrant, as Angiras did, with Gâyatrî!
The Rudras make thee fragrant with the Trishtup, as did
With Gâyatrî, like Angiras, may the Âdityas perfume thee.
Dear to all men, may the All-Gods with the Anushtup
sweeten thee, as Angiras was wont to do.
May Indra make thee odorous. May Varuna make thee
odorous. May Vishnu make thee odorous.

p. 96

61 Pit! Angiras-like may Aditi the Goddess, beloved by all
Gods, dig thee in Earth's bosom.
Pan! Angiras-like may the Gods’ heavenly Consorts, dear
to all Gads, in the Earth's bosom place thee.
Pan! Angiras-like may Dhishanâs, Divine Ones, dear to alt
Gods, in the Earth's bosom light thee.
Pan! Angiras-like may the divine Varûtrîs, dear to all Gods,
in the earth's bosom heat thee,
Pan! Angiras-like may the celestial Ladies, dear to all Gods,
in the earth's bosom bake thee.
Angiras-like may the celestial Matrons, beloved by all the
Gods, with unclipped pinions, within the lap of Earth,
O Fire pan, bake thee.
62 The gainful grace of Mitra, God, supporter of the race of
Is glorious, of most wondrous fame.
63 With lovely arms, with lovely hands, with lovely fingers
may the God Savitar make thee clean, yea, by the power
be hath.
Not trembling on the earth fill thou the regions, fill the
Quarters full.
64 Having arisen wax thou great, yea, stand thou up
To thee, O Mitra, I entrust this Fire-pan for security. May
it remain without a break.
65 Thee may the Vasus, Angiras-like, fill with the metre
Thee may the Rudras, Angiras-like, fill with the Trishtup
metre full.

p. 97

Thee may Âdityas, Angiras-like, fill with the metre Jagatî.
With the Anushtup metre may the All-Gods, dear to all
men, fill thee full, as Angiras was wont.
66 Intention, Agni. Motive, Hail! Mind, Wisdom, Agni, Motive,
Thought, Knowledge, Agni, Motive, Hail! Rule of Speech,
Agni, Motive, Hail!
To Manu Lord of creatures, Hail! To Agni dear to all men,
67 May every mortal man elect the friendship of the guiding God.
Each one solicits him for wealth: let him seek fame to
prosper him. All-hail!
68 Break not, nor suffer any harm. Endure, O Mother, and
be brave;
This work will thou and Agni do.
69 Be firm for weal, O Goddess Earth. Made in the wonted
manner thou
Art a celestial design.
Acceptable to Gods he this oblation. Arise thou in this
sacrifice uninjured.
70 Wood-fed, bedewed with sacred oil, ancient, Invoker,
The Son of Strength, the Wonderful.
71 Abandoning the foeman's host, pass hither to this company:
Assist the men with whom I stand.
72 From the remotest distance come, Lord of the Red Steeds,
Do thou Purîshya, Agni, loved of many, overcome our foes.

p. 98

73 O Agni, whatsoever be the fuel that we lay on thee,
May that he butter unto thee. Be pleased therewith, Most
Youthful God.
74 That which the termite eats away, that over which the
emmet crawls—
Butter be all of this to thee. Be pleased therewith, Most
Youthful God.
75 Bringing to him, with care unceasing, fodder day after day
as to a stabled courser,
Joying in food and in the growth of riches, may we thy
neighbours, Agni, ne’er be injured.
76 While on earth's navel Agni is enkindled, we call, for
ample increase of our riches,
On Agni joying in the draught, much-lauded, worshipful;
victor conquering in battle.
77 Whatever hosts there are, fiercely assailant, charging in
lengthened lines, drawn up in order,
Whatever thieves there are, whatever robbers, all these I
cast into thy mouth, O Agni.
78 Devour the burglars with both tusks, destroy the robbers
with thy teeth.
With both thy jaws, thou Holy One, eat up those thieves
well champed and chewed.
79 The burglars living among men, the thieves and robbers in
the wood,
Criminals lurking in their lairs, these do I lay between thy
80 Him who would seek to injure us, the man who looks oh
us with hate
Turn thou to ashes, and the man who slanders and would
injure us.

p. 99

81 Quickened is this my priestly rank, quickened is manly
strength and force,
Quickened is his victorious power of whom I am the Household
82 The arms of these men have I raised, have raised their
lustre and their strength
With priestly power I ruin foes and lift my friends to high
83 A share of food, O Lord of Food, vouchsafe us, invigorating
food that brings no sickness.
Onward, still onward lead the giver. Grant us maintenance
both for quadruped and biped.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:29 am


FAR hath he shone abroad like gold to look on, beaming
imperishable life for glory.
Agni by vital powers became immortal when his prolific
Father Dyaus begat him.
2 Night and Dawn, different in hue, accordant, meeting
together, suckle one same infant.
Golden between the heaven and earth he shineth. The
wealth-possessing Gods supported Agni.
3 The Sapient One arrays himself in every form: for quadruped
and biped he hath brought forth good.
Excellent Savitar hath looked on heaven's high vault: he
shineth after the outgoings of the Dawn.
4 Thou art the goodly-pinioned Bird: thou hast the Trivrit for
thy head.
Gâyatra is thine eye, thy wings are Brihat and Rathantara.
The hymn is self, the metres are his limbs, the formulas his
The Vâmadevya Sâman is thy form, the Yajñâyajñiya thy
tail, the fire-hearths are thy hooves.
Thou art the goodly-pinioned Bird: go skyward, soar to
heavenly light.

p. 101

5 Thou art the riyal-slaying stride of Vishnu. Mount the
Gâyatra metre: stride along the earth.
Thou art the foe-destroying stride of Vishnu. Mount the
Trishtup metre: stride along mid-air.
Thou art the traitor-slaying stride of Vishnu. Mount the
Jagatî metre: stride along the sky.
Thou art the foeman-slaying stride of Vishnu. Mount
Anushtup metre: stride along the Quarters.
6 Agni roared out like Dyaus what time he thunders: licking
full oft the earth round plants he flickered.
At once, when born, he looked about, enkindled: he shineth
forth between the earth and heaven.
7 Return to me, thou still-returning Agni, with life, with
lustre, progeny, and treasure,
With profit, wisdom, riches, and abundance.
8 A hundred, Agni Angiras! be thy ways, a thousand thy
With increment of increase bring thou back to us what we
have lost. Again bring hitherward our wealth.
9 Return again with nourishment; Agni, again with food and
life. Again preserve us from distress.
10 Agni, return with store of wealth. Swell with thine overflowing
stream that feedeth all on every side.
11 I brought thee: thou hast entered in. Stand stedfast and
Lot all the people long for thee. Let not thy kingship fall
12 Varuna, from the upmost bond release us, let down the
lowest and remove the midmost.
So in thy holy law may we made sinless belong to Aditi, O
thou Âditya.

p. 102

13 High hath the Mighty risen before the Mornings, and come
to us with light from out the darkness.
Fair-shapen Agni with white-shining splendour hath filled
at birth all human habitations.
14 The Hamsa homed in light, the Vasu in mid-air, the Priest beside the altar, Guest within the house, Dweller in noblest place, mid men, in truth, in sky, born of flood, kine, truth, mountain, he is holy Law. The Great.
15 Knowing all holy ordinances, Agni, be seated in the lap of
this thy mother.
Do not with heat or glowing flame consume her: shine thou
within her with refulgent lustre.
16 Within this Fire-pan with thy light, O Agni, in thy proper seat,
Glowing with warmth, be gracious thou, O Jâtavedas, unto her.
17 Being propitious unto me, O Agni, sit propitiously.
Having made all the regions blest, in thine own dwelling
seat thyself.
18 First Agni sprang to life from out of heaven, the second
time from us came Jâtavedas.
Thirdly the Manly-souled was in the waters. The pious
lauds and kindles him Eternal.
19 Agni, we know thy three powers in three stations, we know
thy forms in many a place divided.
We know what name supreme thou hast in secret: we know
the source from which thou hast proceeded.
20 The Manly-souled lit thee in sea and waters, Man's Viewer
lit thee in the breast of heaven.
There as thou stoodest in the third high region the Bulls
increased thee in the waters’ bosom.

p. 103

21 Agni roared out, etc. (verse 6 repeated).
22 The spring of glories and support of riches, rouser of
thoughts and guardian of the Soma,
Good Son of Strength, a King amid the waters, in forefront
of the Dawns he shines enkindled.
23 Germ of the world, ensign of all creation, he sprang to life
and filled the earth and heaven.
Even the firm rock he cleft when passing over, when the
Five Tribes brought sacrifice to Agni.
24 So among mortals was immortal Agni stablished as cleansing,
wise, and eager envoy.
He waves the red smoke that he lifts above him, striving
to reach the heaven with radiant lustre.
25 Far hath he shone, etc. (verse 1 repeated).
26 Whoso this day, O God whose flames are lovely, makes thee
a cake, O Agni, mixed with butter,
Lead thou and further him to higher fortune, to bliss bestowed
by Gods, O thou Most Youthful.
27 Endow him, Agni, with a share of glory, at every, song of
praise sung forth enrich him.
Dear let him be to Sûrya, dear to Agni, preëminent with son
and children's children.
28 While, Agni, day by day men pay thee worship they win
themselves all treasures worth the wishing.
Allied with thee, eager and craving riches, they have disclosed
the stable filled with cattle.
29 Agni, man's gracious Friend, the Soma's keeper, Vaisvânara,
hath been lauded by the Rishis.
We will invoke benignant Earth and Heaven: ye Deities,
give us wealth with hero children.
30 Pay service unto Agni with your fuel, rouse your Guest
with oil:
In him present your offerings.

p. 104

31 May all the Gods, O Agni, bear thee upward with their earnest
Not to be looked on, rich in light, be thou propitious unto us,
32 Agni, go forth resplendent, thou with thine auspicious flames
of fire.
Shining with mighty beams of light harm not my people
with thy form.
33 Agni roared out, etc. (verse 21 repeated.)
34 Far famed is this the Bharata's own Agni: he shineth like
the Sun with lofty splendour.
He who hath vanquished Pûru in the battle, the heavenly
Guest hath shone for us benignly.
35 Receive these ashes, ye celestial Waters, and lay them in a fair place full of fragrance. To him bow down the nobly-wedded Matrons! Bear this on waters as her son a mother.
36 Agni, thy home is in the floods: into the plants thou forcest way, And as their child art born anew.
37 Thou art the offspring of the plants, thou art the offspring of the trees: The offspring thou of all that is, thou, Agni, art the Waters’ Child,

38 With ashes having reached the womb, the waters, Agni
and the earth,
United with the mothers, thou blazing hast seated thee again.
39 Seated again upon thy seat, the waters, Agni! and the earth,
In her, thou, most auspicious One, liest as in a mother's lap

p. 105

40, 41 Return again, etc. Agni, return, etc. (verses 9 and 10
42 Mark this my speech, Divine One, thou Most Youthful,
offered to thee by him who gives most freely:
One hates thee, and another sings thy praises. I thine
adorer laud thy form, O Agni.
43 Be thou for us a liberal Prince, Giver and Lord of precious
Drive those who hate us far away.
To the Omnific One All-hail!
14 Again let the Âdityas, Rudras, Yams, and Brahmans with
their rites light thee, Wealth-bringer!
Increase thy body with presented butter: effectual be the
Sacrificer's wishes.
45 Go hence, depart, creep off in all directions, both ancient
visitors and recent comers:
Yama hath given a place on earth to rest in. This place
for him the Fathers have provided.
46 Knowledge art thou: accomplishment of wishes. In me be
the fulfilment of thy wishes.
Thou art the ashes, thou the mould of Agni. Rankers are
ye, rankers around. Rankers right upward, be ye fixed.

p. 106

47 This is that Agni where the longing Indra took the pressed
Soma deep within his body.
Winner of spoils in thousands like a courser, with prayer art
thou exalted, Jâtavedas.
48 The splendour which is thine in heaven, O Agni, in earth, O
Holy One, in plants, in waters,
Wherewith thou hast o’erspread mid-air's broad region, that
light is brilliant, billowy, man-surveying.
49 O Agni, to the flood of heaven thou mountest, thou tallest hither Gods, the thought-inspirers. The waters, those beyond the light of Sûrya, and those that are beneath it here, approach thee.
50 May the Purîshya Agnis in accord with those that spring from floods, May they, benevolent, accept the sacrifice, full, wholesome draughts.

51 As holy food, Agni, to thine invoker give wealth in cattle,
lasting, rich in marvels.
To us be born a son and spreading offspring. Agni, be this
thy gracious will to us-ward.
52 This is thine ordered place of birth whence, sprung to life,
thou shonest forth.
Knowing this, Agni, mount on high and cause our riches to
53 Ranker art thou: Angiras-like sit steady with that Deity.
Ranker-round art thou: Angiras-like sit steady with that

p. 107

54 Fill up the room, supply the void, then settle steady in thy
Indr-Âgni and Brihaspati have set thee down in this abode.
55 The dappled kine who stream with milk prepare his draught
of Soma juice—
Clans in the birthplace of the Gods, in the three luminous
realms of heaven.
56 All sacred songs have magnified Indra expansive as the sea,
The best of warriors borne on cars, the Lord, the very Lord
of Strength.
57 Combine ye two and harmonize together, dear to each other,
brilliant, friendly-minded,
Abiding in one place for food and vigour.
58 Together have I brought your minds, your ordinances, and
your thoughts.
Be thou our Sovran Lord, Agni Purîshya; give food and
vigour to the Sacrificer.
59 Thou art Purîshya Agni, thou art wealthy, thou art prosperous.
Having made all the regions blest, here seat thee in thine
own abode.
60 Be ye one-minded unto us, both of one thought, free from
Harm not the sacrifice, harm not the Patron of the sacrifice.
Be gracious unto us to-day, ye knowers of all things that be.
61 Even as a mother bears her son, Earth, Ukhâ hath borne
within her womb Purîshya Agni.
Maker of all, accordant with the All-Gods and Seasons, may
Prajâpati release her.
62 Seek him who pours not, offers not oblation; follow the
going of the thief and robber.

p. 108

This is thy way; leave us and seek some other. To thee,
O Goddess Nirriti, be homage.
63 To thee, sharp-pointed Nirriti, full homage! Loose and
detach this iron bond that binds him.
Unanimous with Yama and with Yamî to the sublimest
vault of heaven uplift him.
64 Thou, Awful One, thou in whose mouth I offer for the unloosing
of these binding fetters,
Whom people hail as Earth with their glad voices, as Nirriti
in every place I know thee.
65 The binding noose which Nirriti the Goddess hath fastened
on thy neck that none may loose it,
I loose for thee as from the midst of Âyus. Sped forward
now, eat thou the food we offer:
To Fortune, her who hath done this, be homage.
66 Establisher, the gatherer of treasures, he looks with might
on every form and figure.
Like Savitar the God whose laws are constant, like Indra,
he hath stood where meet the pathways.
67 Wise, through desire of bliss with Gods, the skilful bind the
traces fast, and lay the yokes on either side.
68 Lay on the yokes and fasten well the traces; formed is the
furrow sow the seed within it.
Through song may we find hearing fraught with plenty:
near to the ripened grain approach the sickle.

p. 109

69 Happily let the shares turn up the ploughland, happily go
the ploughers with the oxen!
Suna and Sîra, pleased with our oblation, cause ye our
plants to bear abundant fruitage.
70 Approved by Visvedevas and by Maruts, balmed be the
furrow with sweet-flavoured fatness.
Succulent, teeming with thy milky treasure, turn hitherward
to us with milk, O Furrow.
71 The keen-shared plough that bringeth bliss, good for the
Soma-drinker's need,
Shear out for me a cow, a sheep, a rapid drawer of the car,
a blooming woman, plump and strong!
72 Milk out their wish, O Wishing-Cow, to Mitra and to Varuna,
To Indra, to the Asvins, to Pûshan, to people and to plants.
73 Be loosed, inviolable, Godward-farers! We have attained
the limit of this darkness: we have won the light.
71 The year together with the darksome fortnights; Dawn with
the ruddy-coloured cows about her; the Asvins with
their wonderful achievements; the Sun together with his
dappled Courser; Vaisvânara with Idâ and with butter.
75 Herbs that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than
the Gods,—
Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred
powers and seven.

p. 110

76 Ye, Mothers, have a hundred homes, yea, and a thousand are
your growths.
Do ye who have a thousand powers free this my patient from
77 Be glad and joyful in the Plants, both blossoming and bearing
Plants that will lead us to success like mares who conquer in
the race.
78 Plants, by this name I speak to you, Mothers, to you the
Steed, cow, and garment may I win, win back thy very self,
O man.
79 The Holy Fig tree is your home, your mansion is the Parna
Winners of cattle shall ye be if ye regain for me this man.
80 He who hath store of Herbs at hand like Kings amid a crowd
of men,—
Physician is that sage's name, fiend-slayer, chaser of disease.
81 Herbs rich in Soma, rich in steeds, in nourishment in strengthening
All these have I provided here, that this man may be whole
82 The healing virtues of the Plants stream forth like cattle
from the stall,—
Plants that shall win me store of wealth, and save thy vital
breath, O man.
83 Reliever is your mother's name, and hence Restorers are ye
Rivers are ye with wings that fly: keep far whatever brings
84 Over all fences have they passed, as steals a thief into the fold.
The Plants have driven from the frame whatever malady was
85 When, bringing back the vanished strength, I hold these herbs
within my hand,
The spirit of disease departs ere he can seize upon the life.
86 He through whose frame, O Plants, ye creep member by
member, joint by joint,
From him ye drive away disease like some strong arbiter of
87 Fly, Spirit of Disease, begone, with the blue jay and kingfisher.
Fly, with the wind's impetuous speed, vanish together with
the storm.

p. 111

88 Help every one the other, lend assistance each of you to
All of you be accordant, give furtherance to this speech of
89 Let fruitful Plants, and fruitless, those that blossom, and
the blossomless,
Urged onward by Brihaspati, release us from our pain and
90 Release me from the curse's plague and woe that comes from
Free me from Yama's fetter, from sin and offence against the
91 What time, descending from the sky, the Plants flew earthward,
thus they spake:
No evil shall befall the man whom while he liveth we
92 Of all the many Plants whose King is Soma, Plants of hundred
Thou art the Plant most excellent, prompt to the wish, sweet
to the heart.
93 O all ye various Herbs whose King is Soma, that o’erspread
the earth,
Urged onward by Brihaspati, combine your virtue in this
94 All Plants that hear this speech, and those that have
departed far away,
Come all assembled and confer your healing power upon
this Herb.
95 Unharmed be he who digs you up, unharmed the man for
whom I dig:
And let no malady attack biped or quadruped of ours.
96 With Soma as their Sovran Lord the Plants hold colloquy
and say:
O King, we save from death the man whose cure a Brâhman
97 Most excellent of all art thou, O Plant: thy vassals are the
Let him be subject to our power, the man who seeks to
injure us.
98 Banisher of catarrh art thou, of tumours and of hemorrhoids;
Thou banished Pâkâru and Consumption in a hundred

p. 112

99 Thee did Gandharvas dig from earth, thee Indra and
King Soma, knowing thee, O Plant, from his Consumption
was made free.
100 Conquer mine enemies, the men who challenge me do thou
Conquer thou all unhappiness: victorious art thou, O Plant.
101 Long-lived be he who digs thee, Plant, and he for whom I
dig thee up.
So mayst thou also, grown long-lived, rise upward with a
hundred shoots.
102 Most excellent of all art thou, O Plant; thy vassals are the
Let him be subject to our power, the man who seeks to
injure us.
103 May he not harm me who is earth's begetter, nor he whose
laws are faithful, sky's pervades;
Nor he who first begot the lucid waters. To Ka the God
let us present oblation.
104 Turn thyself hitherward, O Earth, to us with sacrifice and
Thy covering skin Agni, urged forth, hath mounted.
105 All, Agni, that in thee is bright, pure, cleansed, and meet
for sacrifice,
That do we bring unto the Gods.
106 I from this place have fed on strength and vigour, the
womb of holy Law, stream of the mighty.
In cows let it possess me and in bodies. I quit decline and
lack of food, and sickness.
107 Agni, life-power and fame are thine: thy fires blaze mightily,
thou rich in wealth of beams!
Sage, passing bright, thou givest to the worshipper, with
strength, the food that merits laud.
108 With brilliant, purifying sheen, with perfect sheen thou
liftest up thyself in light.
Thou, visiting both thy Mothers, aidest them as Son: thou
joinest close the earth and heaven.

p. 113

109 O Jâtavedas, Son of Strength, rejoice thyself, gracious, in
our fair hymns and songs.
In thee are treasured various forms of strengthening food,
born nobly and of wondrous help.
110 Agni, spread forth, as Ruler, over living things: give wealth
to us, Immortal God.
Thou shinest out from beauty fair to look upon: thou
leadest us to conquering power.
111 To him, the wise, who orders sacrifice, who hath great riches
under his control,
Thou givest blest award of good, and plenteous food, givest
him wealth that conquers all.
112 The men have set before them for their welfare Agni, strong,
visible to all, the Holy.
Thee, Godlike One, with ears to hear, most famous, men's
generations magnify with praise-songs.
113 Soma, wax great. From every side may vigorous powers
unite in thee.
Be in the gathering-place of strength.
114 In thee be juicy nutriments united, and power and mighty
foe-subduing vigour.
Waxing to immortality, O Soma, win highest glory for
thyself in heaven.
115 Wax, O most gladdening Soma, great through all thy
filaments, and be
A friend of most illustrious fame to prosper us.
116 May Vatsa draw thy mind away, even from thy loftiest
Agni, with song that yearns for thee.
117 Agni, best Angiras, to thee all people who have pleasant
Apart have turned to gain their wish.
118 In dear homes, Agni, the desire of all that is and is to be,
Shines forth the One Imperial Lord.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:29 am


I TAKE within me Agni first, for increase of my wealth, good offspring, manly strength: So may the Deities wait on me.
2 Thou art the waters’ back, the womb of Agni, around the ocean as it swells and surges. Waxing to greatness, resting on the lotus, spread forth in amplitude with heaven's own measure.
3 Eastward at first was Brahma generated. Vena o’erspread the bright Ones from the summit, Disclosed his deepest nearest revelations, womb of existent and of non-existent
4 In the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born Only Lord of all created being. He fixed and holdeth up this earth and heaven. Worship we Ka the God with our oblation.
5 The Drop leaped onward through the earth and heaven, along this place and that which was before it. I offer up, throughout the seven oblations, the Drop still moving to the common dwelling.
6 Homage be paid to Serpents unto all of them that are on earth, To those that dwell in air, to those that dwell in sky be homage paid.
7 To those that are the demons’ darts, to those that live upon the trees, To all the Serpents that lie low in holes be adoration paid.
8 Or those that are in heaven's bright sphere, or those that dwell in the Sun's beams: Serpents, whose home has been prepared in waters, homage unto them!
9 Put forth like a wide-spreading net thy vigour: go like a mighty King with his attendants. Thou, following thy swift net, shootest arrows: transfix the fiends with darts that burn most fiercely.
10 Forth go in rapid flight thy whirling weapons: follow them closely glowing in thy fury. Spread with thy tongue the wingèd flames, O Agni: unfettered cast thy firebrands all around thee.
11 Send thy spies forward, fleetest in thy motion: be, ne’er deceived, the guardian of this people, From him who, near or far, is bent on evil, and let no trouble sent from thee o’ercome us.
12 Rise up, O Agni, spread thee out before us, burn down our foes, thou who hast sharpened arrows. Him, blazing Agni! who hath worked us mischief, consume thou utterly like dried-up stubble.
13 Rise, Agni, drive off those who fight against us: make manifest thine own celestial vigour. Slacken the strong bows of the demon-driven: destroy our foemen whether kin or stranger. I settle thee with Agni's fiery ardour.
14 Agni is head and height of heaven, the Master of the earth is he: He quickeneth the waters’ seed. I settle thee with the great strength of Indra.
15 Thou art the leader of the rite and region to which with thine auspicious teams thou tendest. Thy light-bestowing head to heaven thou liftest, making thy tongue the oblation-bearer, Agni!
16 Steady art thou, sustainer, laid by Visvakarman in thy place. Let not the ocean nor the bird harm thee: unshaking, steady earth.
17 Thee let Prajâpati settle on the waters’ back, in Ocean's course, Thee the capacious, widely spread. Thou art the Wide One: spread thee wide
18 Thou art the earth, the ground, thou art the all-sustaining Aditi, she who supporteth all the world. Control the earth, steady the earth, do thou the earth no injury.
19 For all breath, out-breath; through-breath, upward-breathing, for high position, for prescribed observance, May Agni keep thee safe with great well-being, with the securest shelter. As aforetime with Angiras, with that Deity lie steady.
20 Upspringing from thine every joint, upspringing from each knot of thine, Thus with a thousand, Dûrvâ! with a hundred do thou stretch us out.
21 Thou spreading with a hundred, thou that branched with a thousand shoots, Thee, such, with our oblation will we worship, O celestial Brick.
22 Thy lights, O Agni, in the Sun that with their beams o’erspread the sky,— With all of those assist thou us to-day to light and progeny.
23. Lights of yours in the Sun, O Gods, or lights that are in kine and steeds, O Indra-Agni, with all those vouchsafe us light, Brihaspati!
24 The Far-Refulgent held the light. The Self-Refulgent held the light. Thee, luminous, may Prajâpati settle upon the back of Earth. Give, to all breathing, all the light, to out-breath, to diffusive breath. Thy Sovran [Sovereign] Lord is Agni. With that Deity, as with Angiras, lie firmly settled in thy place.
25 Madhu and Mâdhava, the two Spring seasons—thou art the innermost cement of Agni. May Heaven and Earth, may Waters, Plants and Agnis help, separate, accordant, my precedence. May all the Fires ’twixt heaven and earth, one-minded, well-fitted, gather round these two Spring seasons, As the Gods gathering encompass Indra: firm with that
Deity, Angiras-like, be seated.
26 Thou art Ashâdhâ, Conquering One. Conquer our foemen, conquer thou the men who fain would-fight with us. A thousand manly powers hast thou: so do thou aid and quicken me.
27 The winds waft sweets, the rivers pour sweets for the man who keeps the Law: So may the plants be sweet for us.
28 Sweet be the night and sweet the dawns, sweet the terrestrial atmosphere: Sweet be our Father Heaven to us.
29 May the tall tree be full of sweets for us and, and full of sweets the Sun: May our milch-kine be sweet for us.
30 Seat thyself in the deepness of the waters, lest Sûrya, lest Vaisvânara Agni scorch thee. With wing unclipped, survey created beings: may rain that cometh down from heaven attend thee.
31 He crept across the three heaven-reaching oceans, the Bull of Bricks, the Master of the Waters. Clad in the world with his, the Well-Made's, vesture, go whither those before thee have departed.
32 May Heaven and Earth, the Mighty Pair, besprinkle this our sacrifice, And feed us full with nourishments.
33 Look ye on Vishnu's works whereby the Friend of Indra, close allied, Hath let his holy ways be seen.
34 Firm art thou, a sustainer. Hence engendered, forth from these wombs at first came Jâtavedas. By Gâyatrî, by Trishtup, by Anushtup, may he who knows bear to the Gods oblation.
35 Take thou thine ease for food, for store of riches, for might in splendour, and for strength and offspring. Thou art all-ruling, independent Ruler: both fountains of Sarasvatî protect thee!
36 O radiant Agni, harness thou thy steeds which are most excellent! They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
37 Yoke, Agni, as a charioteer, thy steeds who best invoke the Gods: As ancient Hotar take thy seat.
38 Like rivers our libations flow together, cleansing themselves in inmost heart and spirit. I look upon the flowing streams of butter: the golden reed is in the midst of Agni.
39 Thee for the praise-verse, thee for sheen, thee for bright splendour, thee for light. This hath become the energetic spirit of all the world and of Vaisvânara Agni.
40 Agni, all-luminous with light, splendid with splendour, golden One. Giver of thousands art thou: for a thousand thee.
41 Balm thou with milk the unborn babe Âditya, wearing all forms, creator of a thousand. Spare, him with heat, nor plot against him: give him a hundred years of life while thou art building.
42 The wind's impetuous rush, Varuna's navel! the horse that springs to life amid the waters! The rivers’ tawny child, based on the mountain, harm not, O Agni, in the loftiest region.
43 Unwasting Drop, red, eager, pressing forward, Agni I worship with repeated homage. Forming thyself with joints in proper order, harm not the Cow, Aditi widely ruling!
44 Her who is Tvashtar's guardian, Varuna's navel, the Ewe brought forth from out the loftiest region, The Asura's mighty thousandfold contrivance, injure not in the highest sphere, O Agni.
45 The Agni who from Agni had his being, from heat of Earth or also heat of Heaven, Whereby the Omnific One engendered creatures, him may thy fierce displeasure spare, O Agni.
46 The brilliant presence of the Gods hath risen, the eye of Mitra, Varuna, and Agni. The soul of all that moveth not or moveth, the Sun hath filled the air, and earth and heaven.
47 Injure not, thousand-eyed, while thou art building for sacrifice, this animal, the biped. Accept as pith man's counterfeit the victim, Agni: therewith building thy forms, be settled. Let thy flame reach man's counterfeit: let thy flame reach the man we hate.
48 Harm not this animal whose hooves are solid, the courser neighing in the midst of coursers. I dedicate to thee the forest Gaura: building thy bodies up with him be settled.
Let thy flame reach the Gaura, let thy flame reach him whom we detest.
49 Thousandfold, with a hundred streams, this fountain, expanded in the middle of the waters, Infinite, yielding butter for the people, harm not, O Agni, in the highest region. This wild bull of the forest I assign thee: building thy bodies up therewith be settled. Let thy flame reach the wild bull, etc. (as in 48).
50 This creature clothed in wool, Varuna's navel, the skin of animals quadruped and biped, The first that was produced of Tvashtar's creatures, O Agni, harm not in the highest region. The forest buffalo do I assign thee: building, etc., as above mutato mutando.
51 From Agni's warmth the he-goat had his being: he looked at first upon his generator. Thereby the Gods at first attained to Godhead: those meet for worship to the height ascended. The forest Sarabha do I assign thee: building, etc.
52 Do thou, Most Youthful God, protect the men who offer, hear their songs, Protect his offspring and himself.
53 I set thee in the passage of the waters. I set thee in the swelling of the waters. I set thee in the ashes of the waters. I set thee in the lustre of the waters. I set thee in the way which waters travel. I set thee in the flood, the place to test in. I set thee in the sea, the place to rest in. I set thee in the stream, the place to rest in. I set thee in the water's habitation. I set thee in the resting-place of waters. I set thee in the station of the waters. I set thee in the meeting-place of waters. I set thee in the birthplace of the waters. I set thee in the refuse of the waters. I set thee in the residence of waters. I settle thee with the Gâyatrî metre. I settle thee with the Trishtup metre. I settle thee with the Jagatî metre. I settle thee with the Anushtup metre. I settle thee with the Pankti metre.
54 This, in front, is Bhuva. His offspring, Breath, is Bhauvâyana. Spring is Prânâyana. The Gâyatrî is the daughter of Spring. From the Gâyatrî comes the Gâyatra tune. From the Gâyatra the Upâmsu. From the Upâmsu the Trivrit. From the Trivrit the Rathantara. The Rishi Vasishtha. By thee, taken by Prajâpati, I take vital breath for creatures.
55 This on the right, the Omnific. His, the Omnific's offspring, Mind. Summer sprang from Mind. The Trishtup is the daughter of Summer. From the Trishtup came the Svâra song. From the Svâra the Antaryâma. From the Antaryâma the Pañchadasa. From the Pañchadasa the Brihat. The Rishi Bharadvâja. By thee, taken by Prajâpati, I take Mind for creatures.
56 This on the western side, the All-Embracer. His, the All-Embracer's offspring, the Eye. The Rains sprang from the Eye. The Jagatî is the daughter of the Rains. From the Jagatî came the Riksama. From the Riksama the Sukra. From the Sukra the Saptadasa. From the Saptadasa the Vairûpa. The Rishi Jamadagni. By thee, taken by Prajâpati, I take the Eye for creatures.
57 This on the north side, heaven. This, heaven's offspring, the Ear. Autumn, the daughter of the Ear. The Anushtup sprang from Autumn. From the Anushtup came the Aida. From the Aida the Manthin. From the Manthin the Ekavimsa. From the Ekavimsa the Vairâja. The
Rishi Visvâmitra. By thee, taken by Prajâpati, I take the Ear for creatures.
58 This above, Intellect. Its, Intellect's offspring, Speech. Winter the offspring of Speech. Pankti sprang from Winter. From Pankti the Nidhanavat. From the Nidhanavat came the Âgrayana. From the Âgrayana the Trinava and the Trayastrimsa. From the Trinava and
the Trayastrimsa the Sâkvara and the Raivata. The Rishi Visvakarman. By thee, taken by Visvakarman, I take Speech for people. Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred songs, etc., three texts repeated from XII. 54-56.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:29 am


WITH stedfast site and birthplace thou art stedfast: settle
thou duly in thy stedfast birthplace, rejoicing in the
Ukhya's first appearance.
Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus, seat thee.
2 Nesting, intelligent, dripping with butter, in the auspicious
seat of earth be seated.
Let Rudras, Vasus welcome thee with praises: fill full these
prayers for our propitious fortune.
Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus, seat thee.
3 Here, Guard of Strength, with thine own powers be seated
for the Gods’ happiness and great enjoyment.
Even as a father to his son, be friendly: with easy entrance
enter with thy body. Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus
seat thee:
4 Thou art the filling-stuff of earth called Apsas. May all the
Gods celebrate thee with praises.
Enriched with songs of praise, Prishthas and butter, sit here
and give us wealth with store of children.
Here let the Asvins, etc.
5 Upon the back of Aditi I lay thee the sky's supporter, pillar
of the Quarters,
Queen over creatures. Wave and drop of waters art thou;
and Visvakarman is thy Rishi.
6 Sukra and Suchi, seasons, both, of summer—thou art the
innermost cement of Agni.
May Heaven and Earth, may Waters, Plants and Agnis help,
separate, accordant, my precedence.

p. 125

Let all the Agnis ’twixt the earth and heaven gather together
round these summer seasons, as the Gods gather in their
hosts round Indra,
Firm, with that Deity, Angiras-like, be seated.
7 Associate with the Seasons, with the Modes with the Gods,
with the health-establishing Gods—may the Asvins the
Adhvaryus settle thee here for Agni Vaisvânara.
Associate.............with the Vasus, etc.
Associate.............with the Rudras, etc.
Associate.............with the Âdityas, etc.
Associate.............with the Visvedevas, etc.
8 Guard thou my breath. Guard my out-breathing. Guard
my through-breathing. Illume mine eye with far-reaching
vision. Give power of hearing to mine ear. Pour
forth waters. Quicken plants. Protect bipeds. Protect
quadrupeds. Send rain from heaven.
9 The head is vital vigour. Prajâpati became the metre.
Royalty is vital vigour, health-giving metre. The Supporter
is vital vigour, the Sovran Lord the metre. Visvakarman
is vital vigour, Parameshthin the metre. The he-goat is
vital vigour, excellent the metre. The bull is vital vigour,
extensive the metre. Man is vital vigour, languid the
metre. The tiger is vital vigour, invincible the metre. The
lion is vital vigour, covering the metre. The four-year
bull is vital vigour, Brihatî the metre. The ox is vital
vigour, Kakup the metre. The steer is vital vigour,
Satobrihatî the metre.

p. 126

10 The bullock is vital vigour, Pankti the metre. The milch-cow
is vital vigour, Jagatî the metre. The eighteen-month
calf is vital vigour, Trishtup the metre. The two
year old steer is vital vigour, Virâj the metre. The
thirty-month old ewe is vital vigour, Gâyatrî the metre. The
three year old steer is vital vigour, Ushnih the metre.
The four year old ox is vital vigour, Anushtup the metre.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. are three texts repeated from XII. 54-56.
See also XIII. 58.
11 Indra and Agni, in its place securely set the unshaking brick.
Thou with thy back sunderest heaven and the broad earth
and firmament.
12 On the air's back let Visvakarman set thee, thee the capacious,
thee the far-extended.
Control the air, fix firm the air, do thou the air no injury.
For all breath, out-breath, through-breath, upward breathing,
for high position, for prescribed observance,
May Vâyu keep thee safe with great well-being, with securest
shelter. In the manner of Angiras, with that Deity
lie steady.
13 Queen art thou, Quarter of the East. Wide-ruler, Quarter
of the South. West Quarter, thou art Sovran. Thou
Autocrat, Quarter of the North.
Queen Paramount art thou, the Lofty Point.
14 On the air's back may Visvakarman set thee luminous.
Control all light for all breath, for out-breath, up-breath,
Thy Lord is Vâyu, with that Deity, Angiras-like, lie firm.
15 Two Rainy Seasons, Nabhas and Nabhasya—thou art the
innermost cement of Agni, etc. (as in XIII. 25).

p. 127

16 Isha and Ûrja, two Autumnal Seasons—thou art the innermost
cement of Agni, etc.
17 Preserve my life. Preserve my breath. Guard mine
out-breath. Preserve mine eyes. Preserve mine ears.
Strengthen my voice. Quicken my mind. Preserve my
self. Vouchsafe me light.
18 Mâ metre. Pramâ metre. Pratimâ metre. Âsrivayas metre.
Pankti metre. Ushnih metre. Brihatî metre. Anushtup
metre. Virâj metre. Gâyatrî metre, Trishtup metre.
Jagatî metre.
19 Earth metre. Sky metre. Heaven metre. Years metre.
Nakshatras metre. Vâk metre. Mind metre. Husbandry
metre. Gold metre. Cow metre. She-goat metre. Horse
20 The Deity Agni. The Deity Vita. The Deity Sûrya. The
Deity Moon. The Deity Vasus. The Deity Rudras. The
Deity Âdityas The Deity Maruts. The Deity Visvedevas.
The Deity Brihaspati. The Deity Indra. The Deity
21 Chief art thou, bright, supporting, firm, thou art the great
sustainer, Earth.
Thee for life, thee for lustre, thee for tillage, thee for peace
and rest.
22 Controller, brilliant art thou, managing controller, firm
sustainer. For strength, for energy thee, for riches thee,
for prosperity thee.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. (as in 10).

p. 128

23 This Swift, the triple praise-song. The Shining, the
Pañchadasa hymn. Heaven, the Saptadasa. The Supporter, the
Ekavimsa. Speed, the Ashtâdasa. Ardour, the Navadasa.
Triumphant Onset, Savimsa, Vigour, Dvâvimsa. Maintenance,
Trayovimsa. Womb, Chaturvimsa. Embryos,
Pañchavimsa. Energy, the Trinava. Intention, the Ekatrimsa.
The Basis, the Trayastrimsa. The Bright One's
Station, the Chatustrimsa. The Vault of Heaven, the
Shattrimsa. The Revolving One, the Ashtâchatvârimsa.
The Support, the Four-divisioned praise-song.

p. 129

24 Thou art the portion of Agni, chief control of Consecration.
The Priesthood is saved; the Trivrit Stoma.
Thou art the portion of Indra, the sovranty of Vishnu. The
Nobility is saved; the Pañchadasa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Man-beholders; the supremacy of
the Creator; the birthplace is saved; the Saptadasa Stoma.
Thou art the share of Mitra, the sovranty of Varuna. Rain
of heaven and wind are saved; the Ekavimsa Stoma.
25 Thou art the share of the Vasus, the sovranty of the Rudras.
Quadrupeds are saved; the Chaturvimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Âdityas; the sovranty of the Maruts.
The Embryos are saved; the Pañchavimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of Aditi; the sovranty of Pûshan.
Strength is saved; the Trinava Stoma.
Thou art the share of God Savitar; the sovranty of Brihaspati.
The universal Quarters are saved; the Chatushtoma
26 Thou art the share of the Yavas; the sovranty of the Ayavas.
Creatures are saved; the Chatuschatvârimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Ribhus; the sovranty of the
Visvedevas. The Being is saved; the Trayastrimsa Stoma.
27 Sahas, Sahasya, the two Winter Seasons—thou art the innermost
cement of Agni, etc. (as in XIII. 25).
28 With one they praised; creatures were produced. Prajâpati
was over-lord.
With three they praised; the Priesthood was created. Brihaspati
was over-lord.

p. 130

With five they praised; beings were created. The Lord of
Beings was over-lord.
With seven they praised; the Seven Rishis were created.
Dhâtar was over-lord.
29 With nine they praised; the Fathers were created. Aditi
was Sovran Lady.
With eleven they praised; the Seasons were created. The
Season-Lords were over-lords.
With thirteen they praised; the Months were created. The
Year was over-lord.
With fifteen they praised; the Nobility was created. Indra
was over-lord.
With seventeen they praised; domestic animals were created.
Brihaspati was over-lord.
30 With nineteen they praised; Sûdra and Arya were created.
Day and Night were Sovran Ladies.
With twenty-one they praised; solid-hoofed animals were
created. Varuna was over-lord.
With twenty-three they praised; small animals were created.
Pûshan was over-lord.
With twenty-five they praised; forest animals were created.
Vâyu was over-lord.
With twenty-seven they praised; earth and heaven came
apart. Vasus, Rudras, Âdityas followed separately, so
they were over-lords.
31 With twenty-nine they praised; Trees were created. Soma
was over-lord.
With thirty-one they praised; creatures were created. The
Yavas and the Ayavas were over-lords.
With thirty-three they praised; living beings. were happy.
Prajâpati, the Supreme in Place, was over-lord.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. Repeated from XII. 14-16.
Site Admin
Posts: 36229
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:30 am


WITH stedfast site and birthplace thou art stedfast: settle
thou duly in thy stedfast birthplace, rejoicing in the
Ukhya's first appearance.
Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus, seat thee.
2 Nesting, intelligent, dripping with butter, in the auspicious
seat of earth be seated.
Let Rudras, Vasus welcome thee with praises: fill full these
prayers for our propitious fortune.
Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus, seat thee.
3 Here, Guard of Strength, with thine own powers be seated
for the Gods’ happiness and great enjoyment.
Even as a father to his son, be friendly: with easy entrance
enter with thy body. Here let the Asvins, the Adhvaryus
seat thee:
4 Thou art the filling-stuff of earth called Apsas. May all the
Gods celebrate thee with praises.
Enriched with songs of praise, Prishthas and butter, sit here
and give us wealth with store of children.
Here let the Asvins, etc.
5 Upon the back of Aditi I lay thee the sky's supporter, pillar
of the Quarters,
Queen over creatures. Wave and drop of waters art thou;
and Visvakarman is thy Rishi.
6 Sukra and Suchi, seasons, both, of summer—thou art the
innermost cement of Agni.
May Heaven and Earth, may Waters, Plants and Agnis help,
separate, accordant, my precedence.

p. 125

Let all the Agnis ’twixt the earth and heaven gather together
round these summer seasons, as the Gods gather in their
hosts round Indra,
Firm, with that Deity, Angiras-like, be seated.
7 Associate with the Seasons, with the Modes with the Gods,
with the health-establishing Gods—may the Asvins the
Adhvaryus settle thee here for Agni Vaisvânara.
Associate.............with the Vasus, etc.
Associate.............with the Rudras, etc.
Associate.............with the Âdityas, etc.
Associate.............with the Visvedevas, etc.
8 Guard thou my breath. Guard my out-breathing. Guard
my through-breathing. Illume mine eye with far-reaching
vision. Give power of hearing to mine ear. Pour
forth waters. Quicken plants. Protect bipeds. Protect
quadrupeds. Send rain from heaven.
9 The head is vital vigour. Prajâpati became the metre.
Royalty is vital vigour, health-giving metre. The Supporter
is vital vigour, the Sovran Lord the metre. Visvakarman
is vital vigour, Parameshthin the metre. The he-goat is
vital vigour, excellent the metre. The bull is vital vigour,
extensive the metre. Man is vital vigour, languid the
metre. The tiger is vital vigour, invincible the metre. The
lion is vital vigour, covering the metre. The four-year
bull is vital vigour, Brihatî the metre. The ox is vital
vigour, Kakup the metre. The steer is vital vigour,
Satobrihatî the metre.

p. 126

10 The bullock is vital vigour, Pankti the metre. The milch-cow
is vital vigour, Jagatî the metre. The eighteen-month
calf is vital vigour, Trishtup the metre. The two
year old steer is vital vigour, Virâj the metre. The
thirty-month old ewe is vital vigour, Gâyatrî the metre. The
three year old steer is vital vigour, Ushnih the metre.
The four year old ox is vital vigour, Anushtup the metre.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. are three texts repeated from XII. 54-56.
See also XIII. 58.
11 Indra and Agni, in its place securely set the unshaking brick.
Thou with thy back sunderest heaven and the broad earth
and firmament.
12 On the air's back let Visvakarman set thee, thee the capacious,
thee the far-extended.
Control the air, fix firm the air, do thou the air no injury.
For all breath, out-breath, through-breath, upward breathing,
for high position, for prescribed observance,
May Vâyu keep thee safe with great well-being, with securest
shelter. In the manner of Angiras, with that Deity
lie steady.
13 Queen art thou, Quarter of the East. Wide-ruler, Quarter
of the South. West Quarter, thou art Sovran. Thou
Autocrat, Quarter of the North.
Queen Paramount art thou, the Lofty Point.
14 On the air's back may Visvakarman set thee luminous.
Control all light for all breath, for out-breath, up-breath,
Thy Lord is Vâyu, with that Deity, Angiras-like, lie firm.
15 Two Rainy Seasons, Nabhas and Nabhasya—thou art the
innermost cement of Agni, etc. (as in XIII. 25).

p. 127

16 Isha and Ûrja, two Autumnal Seasons—thou art the innermost
cement of Agni, etc.
17 Preserve my life. Preserve my breath. Guard mine
out-breath. Preserve mine eyes. Preserve mine ears.
Strengthen my voice. Quicken my mind. Preserve my
self. Vouchsafe me light.
18 Mâ metre. Pramâ metre. Pratimâ metre. Âsrivayas metre.
Pankti metre. Ushnih metre. Brihatî metre. Anushtup
metre. Virâj metre. Gâyatrî metre, Trishtup metre.
Jagatî metre.
19 Earth metre. Sky metre. Heaven metre. Years metre.
Nakshatras metre. Vâk metre. Mind metre. Husbandry
metre. Gold metre. Cow metre. She-goat metre. Horse
20 The Deity Agni. The Deity Vita. The Deity Sûrya. The
Deity Moon. The Deity Vasus. The Deity Rudras. The
Deity Âdityas The Deity Maruts. The Deity Visvedevas.
The Deity Brihaspati. The Deity Indra. The Deity
21 Chief art thou, bright, supporting, firm, thou art the great
sustainer, Earth.
Thee for life, thee for lustre, thee for tillage, thee for peace
and rest.
22 Controller, brilliant art thou, managing controller, firm
sustainer. For strength, for energy thee, for riches thee,
for prosperity thee.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. (as in 10).

p. 128

23 This Swift, the triple praise-song. The Shining, the
Pañchadasa hymn. Heaven, the Saptadasa. The Supporter, the
Ekavimsa. Speed, the Ashtâdasa. Ardour, the Navadasa.
Triumphant Onset, Savimsa, Vigour, Dvâvimsa. Maintenance,
Trayovimsa. Womb, Chaturvimsa. Embryos,
Pañchavimsa. Energy, the Trinava. Intention, the Ekatrimsa.
The Basis, the Trayastrimsa. The Bright One's
Station, the Chatustrimsa. The Vault of Heaven, the
Shattrimsa. The Revolving One, the Ashtâchatvârimsa.
The Support, the Four-divisioned praise-song.

p. 129

24 Thou art the portion of Agni, chief control of Consecration.
The Priesthood is saved; the Trivrit Stoma.
Thou art the portion of Indra, the sovranty of Vishnu. The
Nobility is saved; the Pañchadasa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Man-beholders; the supremacy of
the Creator; the birthplace is saved; the Saptadasa Stoma.
Thou art the share of Mitra, the sovranty of Varuna. Rain
of heaven and wind are saved; the Ekavimsa Stoma.
25 Thou art the share of the Vasus, the sovranty of the Rudras.
Quadrupeds are saved; the Chaturvimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Âdityas; the sovranty of the Maruts.
The Embryos are saved; the Pañchavimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of Aditi; the sovranty of Pûshan.
Strength is saved; the Trinava Stoma.
Thou art the share of God Savitar; the sovranty of Brihaspati.
The universal Quarters are saved; the Chatushtoma
26 Thou art the share of the Yavas; the sovranty of the Ayavas.
Creatures are saved; the Chatuschatvârimsa Stoma.
Thou art the share of the Ribhus; the sovranty of the
Visvedevas. The Being is saved; the Trayastrimsa Stoma.
27 Sahas, Sahasya, the two Winter Seasons—thou art the innermost
cement of Agni, etc. (as in XIII. 25).
28 With one they praised; creatures were produced. Prajâpati
was over-lord.
With three they praised; the Priesthood was created. Brihaspati
was over-lord.

p. 130

With five they praised; beings were created. The Lord of
Beings was over-lord.
With seven they praised; the Seven Rishis were created.
Dhâtar was over-lord.
29 With nine they praised; the Fathers were created. Aditi
was Sovran Lady.
With eleven they praised; the Seasons were created. The
Season-Lords were over-lords.
With thirteen they praised; the Months were created. The
Year was over-lord.
With fifteen they praised; the Nobility was created. Indra
was over-lord.
With seventeen they praised; domestic animals were created.
Brihaspati was over-lord.
30 With nineteen they praised; Sûdra and Arya were created.
Day and Night were Sovran Ladies.
With twenty-one they praised; solid-hoofed animals were
created. Varuna was over-lord.
With twenty-three they praised; small animals were created.
Pûshan was over-lord.
With twenty-five they praised; forest animals were created.
Vâyu was over-lord.
With twenty-seven they praised; earth and heaven came
apart. Vasus, Rudras, Âdityas followed separately, so
they were over-lords.
31 With twenty-nine they praised; Trees were created. Soma
was over-lord.
With thirty-one they praised; creatures were created. The
Yavas and the Ayavas were over-lords.
With thirty-three they praised; living beings. were happy.
Prajâpati, the Supreme in Place, was over-lord.
Fill up the room, etc. The dappled kine, etc. All sacred
songs, etc. Repeated from XII. 14-16.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:30 am


DRIVE our born enemies away, O Agni; drive from us foes
unborn, O Jâtavedas.
Graciously-minded, free from anger, bless us: may we enjoy
my firm thrice-guarding shelter.
Drive off with might our foemen born and living: keep off
these yet unborn, O Jâtavedas.
Benevolent in thought and spirit bless us. May we remain
alive: drive off our foemen.
3 The Sixteenfold Stoma, strength and wealth. The Forty-
fourth Stoma, splendour and wealth.
Apsas art thou, the complement of Agni. As such may all
the Gods greet thee with praises.
Enriched with songs of praise, Prishthas, and butter, sit here
and give us wealth with store of children.
4 Course metre. Space metre. Happy metre, Encompassing
metre. Covering metre. Mind metre. Expanse
metre. River metre. Sea metre. Water metre. Kakup
metre. Trikakup metre. Kâvya metre. Ankupa metre
Aksharapankti metre. Padapankti metre. Vishtârapankti
metre. Kshurabhrâja metre.
5 Covering metre. Clothing metre. Collecting metre. Parting
metre. Brihat metre. Rathantara metre, Group
metre. Vivadhra metre. Swallower metre. Bright metre.
Samstup metre. Anushtup metre. Course metre. Space
metre. Vigour metre. Vigour-giving metre. Emulating
metre. Spacious metre, Inaccessible metre. Slow metre.
Ankânka metre.

p. 132

6 With the ray for truth quicken thou truth. With advance
by duty quicken duty. With following by heaven quicken
heaven. With union by middle air quicken middle air.
With Pratidhi by Earth quicken Earth. With support
by rain quicken rain. With blowing away by day quicken
day. With following by eight quicken night. With
clarified butter by the Vasus quicken the Vasus. With
perception by the Âdityas quicken the Âdityas.
7 With the thread by prosperity quicken prosperity. With
the creeper by revelation quicken revelation. With
refreshment by plants quicken plants. With the best by
bodies quicken bodies. With the invigorating by religious
study quicken religious study. With the victorious by
brilliance quicken brilliance.
8 Thou art Pratipad, for Pratipad thee. Thou art Anupad,
for Anupad thee. Thou art Sampad, for Sampad thee.
Thou art brilliance, for brilliance thee.
9 Trivrit (triple) art thou, thee for Trivrit. Pravrit art thou,
thee for Pravrit. Vivrit art thou, thee for Vivrit. Savrit
art thou, thee for Savrit. Thou art attack, thee for attack.
Thou art concurrence, thee for concurrence. Thou art
ascent, thee for ascent. Thou art upstriding, thee for
upstriding. With Energy as over-lord quicken
10 Thou art the Queen, the Eastern region. The bright Vasus
are thine overlords. Agni is thy warder-off of hostile
weapons. May the Trivrit Stoma assist thee on earth.
The Âjya Uktha fix thee firmly against slipping. The
Rathantara Sâman establish thee in the sky for secure
station. May the first-born Rishis extend thee among the

p. 133

Gods by the measure and amplitude of heaven. May
this Disposer and the Over-Lord extend thee. May all,
concordant, settle thee on the ridge of heaven in the
world of Svarga.
11 Thou art Far-ruling, the Southern region. The bright
Rudras are thine over-lords. Indra is thy warder-off of
arrows. May the Pañchadasa Stoma support thee on
earth. The Praüga Uktha fix thee firmly against slipping.
The Brihat Sâman establish thee in the sky, etc. (the rest
as in 10).
12 Thou art Universal Ruler, the Western region. The Âdityas
are thine over-lords. Varuna is thy warder-off of missiles.
The Saptadasa Stoma support thee on earth. The Marutvatîya
Uktha fix thee firmly against slipping. The
Vairûpa Sâman establish thee, etc. (as above).
13 Thou art Independent Ruler, the Northern region. (The
rest is identical with 12, with the substitution of Maruts
. . . Soma . . . .Vimsa Stoma . . . Nishkevalya Uktha. . . . Vairâja
Sâman for the corresponding names).
14 Thou art Lady-Paramount, the Lofty region. (The rest as
above, Visvedevas. . . Brihaspati . . .Trinava and Trayastrimsa
Stomas . . .Vaisvadeva and Mâruta Ukthas . . . Sâkvara and
Raivata Sâmans being substituted for the corresponding
15 This one in front, golden-tressed, with sunbeams; the leader
of his host and his chieftain are Rathagritsa and Rathaujas,
and Puñjikasthalâ: and Kratusthalâ his Apsarases.
Biting animals are his weapon, homicide his missile weapon;
to them be homage: may they protect us, may
they have mercy upon us. In their jaws we place the
man whom we hate and who hates us.

p. 134

16 This one on the right, the Omnific; the leader of his host
and his chieftain are Rathasvana and Rathechitra, and
Menakâ and Sahajanyâ his Apsarases. Yâtudhânas are
his weapon, Râkshasas his missile weapon; to them be
homage, etc. (as in 15).
17 This one behind, the All-comprising; the leader of his
host and his chieftain are Rathaprota and Asamaratha,
and Pramlochantî and Anumochlantî are his Apsarases.
Tigers are his weapon, Serpents his missile weapon; to
them be homage, etc.
18 This one on the left, Lord of uninterrupted riches; the
leader of his host and his chieftain are Târkshya and
Arishtanemi, and Visvâchî and Ghritâchi his Apsarases.
Water is his weapon, wind his missile weapon; to them
be homage, etc.
19 This one above, Wealth-giver; the leader of his host and his
chieftain are Senajit and Sushena, and Urvasi and Pûrvachitti
his Apsarases. Thundering is his weapon and lightning
his missile weapon; to them be homage, etc.
20 Agni is head and height of heaven, the Master of the earth
is he. He quickeneth the waters’ seed.
21 This Agni is the Master of spoil thousandfold and
hundredfold, the sapient one, the head of wealth.
22 Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth by rubbing from the
lotus-leaf, the head of Visva, of the Priest.

p. 135

23 Guide of the rite art thou and of the region to which with
thine auspicious teams thou tendest.
Thy light-bestowing head to heaven thou liftest, making thy
tongue oblation-bearer, Agni.
24 Agni is wakened by the people's fuel to meet the Dawn who
cometh like a milch-cow.
Like young trees shooting up on high their branches his
flames are rising to the vault of heaven.
25 To him adorable, sage, strong and mighty we have sung
forth our song of praise and homage.
Gavishthira hath raised with prayer to Agni this laud
far-reaching as the gold in heaven.
26 Here by ordainers was this God appointed first Invoker, best
at worship, to be praised at rites;
Whom Apnavâna and the Bhrigus caused to shine bright-coloured
in the wood, spreading to every house.
27 The watchful Guardian of the people hath been born, Agni
the very strong, for fresh prosperity.
With oil upon his face, with high heaven-touching flame, he
shineth splendidly, pure for the Bharatas.
28 Agni, Angirases discovered thee what time thou layest hidden,
fleeing back from wood to wood.
Thou by attrition art produced as conquering, might, and
men, O Angiras, call thee the Son of Strength.
29 Offer to Agni, O my friends, your seemly food, your seemly
To him supremest o’er the folk, the Son of Strength, the
Mighty Lord.
30 Thou, mighty Agni, gatherest up all that is precious for thy
Bring us all treasure as thou art enkindled in libation's place.

p. 136

31 O Agni, loved of many, thou of fame most wondrous, in
their homes
Men call on thee whose hair is flame to be the bearer of
their gifts.
32 With this my reverent hymn I call Agni for you, the Son.
of Strength,
Dear, wisest envoy, served with noble sacrifice, immortal
messenger of all.
33 Immortal messenger of all, immortal messenger of all,
His two red steeds, all-cherishing; he harnesseth: let him,
well-worshipped, urge them fast.
34 Let him well-worshipped urge them fast, let him
well-worshipped urge them fast.
Then hath the sacrifice good prayer and happy end, and
heavenly gift of wealth to men.
35 O Agni, thou who art the Lord of wealth in kine, the Son
of Strength,
Vouchsafe to us, O Jâtavedas, high renown.
36 He, Agni, kindled, good and wise, must be exalted in our
Shine, thou of many forms, shine radiantly on us.
37 O Agni, shining of thyself by night and when the morning
Burn, thou whose teeth are sharp, against the Râkshasas.
38 May Agni, worshipped, bring us bliss, may the gift, Blessed
One! and sacrifice bring bliss,
Yea, may our praises bring us bliss.
39 Yea, may our praises bring us bliss. Show forth the mind
that brings success in war with fiends, wherewith thou
conquerest in fights:
40 Wherewith thou conquerest in fights. Bring down the many
firm hopes of our enemies, and let us vanquish with thine

p. 137

41 I value Agni, that good Lord, the home to which the kind
Whom fleet-foot coursers seek as home, and strong enduring
steeds as home. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
42 ’Tis Agni whom we laud as good, to whom the milch-kine
come in herds,
To whom the coursers swift of foot, to whom our well-born
princes come. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
43 Thou, brilliant God, within thy mouth warmest both ladles
of the oil.
So fill us also in our hymns abundantly, O Lord of Strength.
Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
44 Agni, with lauds this day may we bring thee that which
thou lovest,
Right judgment, like a horse, with our devotions.
45 For thou hast ever been the car-driver, Agni, of noble
Strength, lofty sacrifice, and rightful judgment.
46 Through these our praises come thou to meet us, bright as
the sunlight,
O Agni, well-disposed, with all thine aspects.
47 Agni I hold as Herald, the munificent, the gracious Son of
Strength who knoweth all that live, as holy singer knowing
Lord of fair rites, a God with form erected, turning to the
He, when the flame hath sprung forth from the sacred oil,
the offered fatness, longeth for it with his glow.
48 O Agni, be our nearest Friend, be thou a kind deliverer and
a gracious Friend.
Come as good Agni, come as excellent and give us wealth
most splendidly renowned.
To thee then, O most bright, O radiant God, we come with
prayer for happiness for our friends.

p. 138

49 With what devotion, winning light, the Rishis came, kindling
Agni, to the Holy session,
Even with that in heaven I stablish Agni whom men call
him whose sacred grass is scattered.
50 Gods, let us follow him with wives beside us, with sons, with
brothers, with our gold adornments,
Grasping the sky up in the world of virtue, on the third
height, the luminous realm of heaven.
51 This Agni mounted up to Speech's Centre, Lord of the
Brave, observant, ever-active.
Laid on the back of Earth, may he, resplendent, cast under
foot those who would fight against us.
52 May this most manly Agni, strength-bestower, giver of thousands,
shine with care that fails not.
Resplendent in the middle of the water, make thine approach
to the celestial mansions.
53 Make him go forth from all sides: meet, Approach ye. O
Agni, make the paths for Godward travel.
Making the Parents young with life's renewal, the out spun
thread in thee have they extended.
54 Wake up, O Agni, thou, and keep him watchful. Wish and
fruition, meet, and he, together.
In this and in the loftier habitation be seated, All-Gods!
and the Sacrificer.
55 Convey our sacrifice to heaven that it may reach the God
with that

p. 139

Whereby thou, Agni, bearest wealth in thousands and all
precious things.
6 56 This is thine ordered place of birth whence sprung to life
thou shonest forth.
Knowing this, Agni, rise thou up and cause our riches to
57 Tapa, Tapasya, pair of Dewy Seasons: thou art, etc. (as
in XIII. 25).
58 On the sky's back may Parameshthin lay thee, etc. (as in
XIV. 14).
Thy Lord is Sûrya, etc. (as in XIV. 14).
59 Repeated from XII. 54.
60 Repeated from XII. 55.
61 Repeated from XII. 56.
62 Like a horse neighing, eager for the pasture, when he hath
stepped forth from the great enclosure:
Then the wind following blows upon his splendour, and,
straight, the path is black which thou hast travelled.
63 In Âyu's seat I set thee, in the shadow of the protector in
the heart of Ocean,
Thee luminous, bright with eyes, thee who illumest the sky,
the earth, and air's broad realm between them.
64 On the sky's back may Parameshthin set thee, etc. (as in
XIV. 12, substituting sky for air and Sûrya for Vâyu).
65 Thou art the measure of a thousand. Thou art the representative
of a thousand. Thou art the equivalent of a thousand. Thou art
worth a thousand. Thee for a thousand.
Site Admin
Posts: 36229
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:31 am


HOMAGE be paid unto thy wrath, O Rudra, homage to thy
shaft: to thy two arms be homage paid.
2 With that auspicious form of thine, mild, Rudra! pleasant
to behold,
Even with that most blessèd form, look, Mountain-haunter!
here on us.
3 The shaft which, Mountain-haunter, thou art holding in
thy hand to shoot,
Make that auspicious, Mountain-Lord! Injure not man nor
moving thing.
4 O Dweller on the Mountain, we salute thee with auspicious
That all, yea, all our people may be healthy and well-satisfied.
5 The Advocate, the first divine Physician, hath defended us.
Crushing all serpents, drive away all Yâtudhânis down below.
6 That most auspicious One whose hue is coppery and red
and brown,
And those, the Rudras who maintain their station in the
regions, who surround him in a thousand bands, of these
we deprecate the wrath.
7 May he who glides away, whose neck is azure, and whose
hue is red,
He whom the herdsmen, whom the girls who carry water
have beheld, may he when seen be kind to us.
8 Homage to him the Azure-nested, the thousand-eyed, the
Yea, and his spirit ministers—to them I offer reverence.

p. 141

9 Loosen thy bowstring, loosen it from thy bow's two
And cast away, O Lord Divine, the arrows that are in thy
10 Now stringless be Kapardin's bow, his quiver hold no pointed
The shafts he had have perished and the sheath that held
his sword is bare.
11 Thy weapon, O Most Bountiful, the bow that resteth in thy
With that, deprived of power to harm, protect thou us on
every side.
12 So may the arrow of thy bow, in all directions, pass us by,
And in a place remote from us lay thou the quiver that thou
13 Having unbent thy how O thou hundred-eyed, hundred-quivered
And dulled thy pointed arrows' heads, be kind and gracious
unto us.
14 To thy fierce weapon, now unstrung, be reverent obeisance
Homage be paid to both thine arms, and to thy bow be
15 Do thou no injury to great or small of us, harm not the
growing boy, harm not the full grown man.
Slay not a sire among us, slay no mother here, and to our
own dear bodies, Rudra! do no harm.
16 Harm us not in our seed or in our progeny, harm us not in
our life or in our cows or steeds.
Slay not our heroes in the fury of their wrath. We with
oblations ever call on only thee.
17 Homage to the golden-armed leader of hosts, lord of the
1 regions, to the trees with their green tresses, to the Lord
of beasts be homage; homage to him whose sheen is like
green grass, homage to the radiant Lord of paths, homage
to the golden-haired wearer of the sacrificial cord, homage
to the Lord of the well-endowed.

p. 142

18 Homage to the brown-hued piercer, to the Lord of food be
homage. Homage to Bhava's weapon, homage to the
Lord of moving things! homage to Rudra whose bow is
bent to slay, to the Lord of fields homage, homage to the
charioteer who injures, none, to the Lord of forests be
19 Homage to the red architect, to the Lord of trees homage!
Homage to him who stretched out the earth, to him who
gives relief be homage. Homage to the Lord of Plants,
homage to the prudent merchant! Homage to the Lord
of bushes, to the shouting Lord of foot-soldiers who
makes foes weep be homage.
20 Homage to the runner at full stretch, to the Lord of
ministering spirits, homage! Homage to the conquering,
piercing Lord of assailing bands, homage to the towering
sword-bearer, to the Lord of thieves homage! Homage to
the gliding robber, to the roamer, to the Lord of forests
21 Homage to the cheat, to the arch-deceiver, to the Lord of
stealers homage! Homage to the wearer of sword and
quiver, to the Lord of robbers homage! Homage to the
boltarmed homicides, to the Lord of pilferers homage!
Homage to the sword-bearers, to those who roam at night,
to the Lord of plunderers homage!
22 To the turban-wearing haunter of mountains, Lord of
land-grabbers homage! Homage to you who bear arrows
and to you who carry bows. Homage to you with bent
bows, and to you who adjust your arrows, to you who
draw the bow and to you who shoot be homage!
23 Homage to you who let fly and to you who pierce, homage
to you who sleep and to you who wake, homage to you
who lie and to you who sit, homage to you who stand
and to you who run.
24 Homage to assemblies and to you lords of assemblies,
homage to horses and to you masters of horses, homage to
you hosts that wound and pierce, to you destructive
armies with excellent bands be homage.

p. 143

25 Homage to the troops and to you lords of troops be homage.
Homage to the companies and to you lords of companies, homage.
Homage to sharpers and to you lords of sharpers, homage.
Homage to you the deformed, and to you who wear all forms, homage!
26 Homage to armies and to you the leaders of armies, homage.
Homage to you car-borne and to you who are carless, homage.
Homage to the charioteers and to you drivers of horses, homage.
Homage to you the great and to you the small, homage.
27 Homage to you carpenters, and to you chariot-makers homage.
Homage to you potters and to you blacksmiths, homage.
Homage to you Nishâdas and to you Puñjishthas, homage.
Homage to you dog-leaders, and to you hunters, homage.
28 Homage to dogs, and to you masters of dogs, homage.
Homage to Bhava, and to Rudra homage, homage to Sarva
and to Pasupati, and to Nîlagrîva and Sitikantha, homage.
29 Homage to him with braided hair and to him with shaven
hair, homage! homage to the thousand-eyed and to him
with a hundred bows, homage!
To the mountain-haunter and to Sipivishta, homage!
To the most bountiful, armed with arrows, homage!
30 Homage to the short, and to the dwarf, homage, homage to
the great and to the adult, homage! Homage to the full-grown
and to the growing, to the foremost and to the first
be homage.
31 Homage to the swift, and to the active be homage, and to
the hasty and to the rapid mover be homage! Homage to
him who dwells in waves, and in still waters, to him who
dwells in rivers and on islands.
32 Homage to the eldest and to the youngest, to the first-born
and to the last-born, homage! Homage to the middle-most
and to the immature, to the lowest and to him who
is in the depth, be homage!

p. 144

33 Homage to Sobhya and to the dweller in the magic amulet,
homage! Homage to him who is allied to Yama, to him
who prospers be homage! Homage to the famous and to
the endmost, to him of the sown corn-land and to him of
the threshing-floor be homage.
31 Homage to him in woods and to him in bushes, homage!
Homage to him as sound and to him as echo, homage!
Homage to him with swift armies and to him with swift
chariots, homage! Homage to the hero, and to him who
rends asunder be homage.
35 Homage to him who wears a helmet, and to him who wears
a cuirass, homage! To him who wears mail and defensive
armour, homage! To the renowned one and to him whose
army is renowned be homage, to him who is in drums and
to him who makes himself known by beating them.
36 Homage to the bold one and to the prudent, homage to him
who carries sword and quiver, homage to him who hath
keen arrows and is armed with weapons, homage to him
who hath good weapons and a good bow.
37 Homage to him who dwells on paths and roads, homage to
him who dwells in rugged spots and on the skirts of mountains,
homage to him who dwells in water courses and
lakes, homage to him who dwells in rivers and mores.
38 Homage to him who dwells in wells and pits, homage to him
who dwells in bright sky and sunlight. Homage to him
who dwells in cloud and lightning, homage to him who
dwells in rain and to him who dwells in fair weather.
39 Homage to him who dwells in wind and to him who dwells
in tempest, homage to the dweller in houses and to the
house-protector. Homage to Soma and to Rudra, homage
to the copper-coloured and to the ruddy One.
40 Homage to the giver of weal, and to Pasupati, homage to
the fierce and to the terrific. Homage to him who slays
in front and to him who slays at a distance, homage to
the slayer and to the frequent slayer, homage to the
green-tressed trees, homage to the deliverer.
41 Homage to the source of happiness and to the source of
delight, homage to the causer of happiness and to the causer
of delight, homage to the auspicious, homage to the most

p. 145

42 Homage to him who is beyond and to him who is on this
side, homage to him who crosses over and to him who
crosses back. Homage to him who is in fords and on
river banks, homage to him who is in tender grass and in
43 Homage to him who is in sand and to him who is in running
water, homage to him who is on pebbly ground and to
him who is where still water stands. Homage to him
who wears braided hair and to him whose hair is smooth.
Homage to him who is in deserts and to him who is on
broad roads.
44 Homage to him who is in herds of cattle and to him who
is in cow-pens, homage to him who is on beds and to
him who is in houses. Homage to him who is in hearts,
and to him who is in whirlpools, homage to him who is in
wells and to him who is in abysses.
45 Homage to him who is in dry things and to him who is in
green things. Homage to him who is in dust and to him
who is in vapour. Homage to him who is in inaccessible
places, homage to him who is in creeping plants, homage
to him who is in the earth and to him who is in good soil.
46 Homage to him who is in leaves and to him who is in the
falling of leaves. Homage to him with the threatening
voice and to him who slays, homage to him who troubles
and to him who afflicts. Homage to you arrow-makers
and to you bow-makers, homage to you sprinklers, to the
hearts of the Gods. Homage to the discerners, homage
to the destroyers; homage to the indestructible.
47 Pursuer, Lord of Soma juice, thou cleaver, coloured blue
and red,
Cleave not, destroy not one of these our children, nor of
these our beasts, let nothing that is ours be sick.
48 To the strong Rudra bring we these our songs of praise, to
him the Lord of Heroes, with the braided hair,
That it be well with all our cattle and our men, that in this
village all be healthy and well-fed.
49 Rudra, with that auspicious form of thine which healeth
every day,
Auspicious, healer of disease, be kind to us that we may live.

p. 146

50 May Rudra's missile turn aside and spare us, the great
wrath of the impetuous One avoid us.
Turn, Bounteous God, thy strong bow from our princes, and
be thou gracious to our seed and offspring.
I Most bounteous, most auspicious, be auspicious, well inclined
to us.
On some remotest tree lay down thy weapon. and clad in
robe of skin approach, bearing thy bow come hitherward.
52 O Wound averter, purple-hued, to thee be homage, holy Lord!
May all those thousand darts of thine strike dead another
one than us.
53 Thousands of thousands are the shafts, the missiles ready
in thy hands:
Thou holy Lord, who hast the power, turn thou their
points away from us.
54 Innumerable thousands are the Rudras on the face of earth:
Of all these Rudras we unbend the bows a thousand leagues
55 Bhavas there are above us in this mighty billowy sea of air,
Of all of these do we unbend, etc.
56 Rudras are dwelling in the sky, whose necks are blue, whose
throats are white:
Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues away
from us.
57 Sarvas haunt realms beneath the earth—their necks are blue,
their throats are white:
Of these, etc.
58 These, green like young grass, in the trees, with azure necks
and purple hue,
Of those, etc.
59 Those, ministering spirits’ lords, with no hair-tufts, with
braided locks,
Of these, etc.
60 Those, the protectors of the paths, bringers of food, who
fight for life. Of these, etc.
61 Those who with arrows in their hand, and armed with
words, frequent the fords, Of these, etc.
62 Those who, inhabiting the food, vex men while drinking from
their cups, etc.

p. 147

63 Rudras so many and still more, lodged in the quarters of
the sky, etc.
64 Homage to Rudras, those whose home is sky, whose arrows floods of rain. To them ten eastward, southward ten, ten to the south, ten to the north, ten to the region uppermost! To them be homage! May they spare and guard us. Within their jaws we lay the man who hates us and whom we abhor.
65 Homage to Rudras, those whose home is air, whose arrows
is the rain. To them, etc.
66 Homage to Rudras, those whose home is earth, whose arrows
is men's food.
To them be homage, etc.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:31 am


1 THE food and strength contained in stone and mountain, drink gathered from the plants and trees and waters, That food and strength, Maruts! free-givers, grant us. In the stone is thy hunger. In me is thy food. Let thy pain reach the man we hate.
2 O Agni, may these bricks be mine own milch kine: one, and ten, and ten tens, a hundred, and ten hundreds, a thousand, and ten thousand a myriad, and a hundred thousand, and a million, and a hundred millions, and an ocean middle and end, and a hundred thousand millions, and a billion. May these bricks be mine own milch-kine in yonder world and in this world.
3 Ye are the Seasons, strengthening Law, fixed in due season, strengthening Law, Called Splendid, dropping butter down and honey, yielders of every wish, imperishable.
4 With the lake's mantling need we robe thee, Agni: to us be purifying and auspicious.
5 With cold's investing garb we gird thee, Agni: to us be purifying and auspicious.
6 Descend upon the earth, the reed, the rivers: thou art the gall, O Agni, of the waters. With them come hither, female Frog, and render this sacrifice of ours bright-hued, successful.
7 This is the place where waters meet; here is the gathering of the flood. Let thy shaft burn others than us: be thou cleanser, propitious unto us.
8 O Agni, purifier, God, with splendour and thy pleasant tongue. Bring hither, and adore, the Gods.
9 So, Agni, purifying, bright, bring hither to our sacrifice, To our oblation bring the Gods.
10 He who with purifying, eye-attracting form hath shone upon the earth as with the light of Dawn; Who speeding on, as in the fleet steed's race, in fight, cometh untouched by age, as one athirst in heat.
11 Obeisance to thy wrath and glow! Obeisance to thy fiery flame! Let thy shot missiles burn others than us: be thou cleanser, propitious unto us.
12 To him who dwells in man, Hail! To him who dwells in waters, Hail! To him who dwells in sacred grass, Hail! To him who dwells in the wood, Hail! To him who finds the light, Hail!
13 Worshipful Gods of Gods who merit worship, those who sit down beside their yearly portion, Let them who eat not sacrificial presents drink in this rite
of honey and of butter.
14 Those Gods who have attained to Godhead over Gods, they who have led the way in this our holy work, Without whose aid no body whatsoever moves, not on heaven's heights are they, nor on the face of earth.
15 Giver of breath, of out-breath, breath diffusive, giver of lustre, giving room and freedom, Let thy shot missiles burn others than us: be thou cleanser, propitious unto us.
16 May Agni with his sharpened blaze cast down each fierce devouring fiend. May Agni win us wealth by war.
17 He who sate down as Hotar priest, the Rishi, our Father offering, up all things existent. He, seeking with his wish a great possession, came among men on earth as archetypal.
18 What was the place whereon he took his station? What was it that upheld him? What the manner, Whence Visvakarman, seeing all, producing the earth, with mighty power disclosed the heavens?
19 He who hath eyes on all sides round about him, a mouth on all sides, arms and feet on all sides, He the sole God, producing earth and heaven, weldeth them with his arms as wings together.
20 What was the tree, what wood in sooth produced it, from which they fashioned out the earth and heaven? Ye thoughtful men, inquire within your spirit whereon he stood when he established all things.

21 Thine highest, lowest sacrificial natures, and these thy midmost here, O Visvakarman, Teach thou thy friends at sacrifice, O Blessèd, and come thyself, exalted, to our worship.
22 Bring those, thyself exalted with oblation, O Visvakarman, Earth and Heaven to worship. Let enemies around us live in folly: here let us have a rich and liberal patron.
23, 24. = VIII. 45, 46.
25 The Father of the eye, the Wise in spirit, created both these worlds submerged in fatness. Then when the eastern ends were firmly fastened, the heavens and the earth were far extended.
26 Mighty in mind and power is Visvakarman, Maker, Disposer, and most lofty Presence. Their offerings joy in rich juice where they value One, only One beyond the Seven Rishis.
27 Father who made us, he who, as Disposer, knoweth all races and all things existing, Even he alone, the Deities’ name-giver,—him other beings seek for information.

28 To him in sacrifice they offered treasures,—Rishis of old, in numerous troops, as singers, Who, in the distant, near, and lower region, made ready all these things that have existence.
29 That which is earlier than this earth and heaven, before the Asuras and Gods had being, What was the germ primeval which the waters received where the first Gods beheld each other?
30 The waters, they received that germ primeval wherein the Gods were gathered all together. It rested set upon the Unborn's navel, that One wherein abide all things existing.
31 Ye will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you. Enwrapt in misty cloud, with lips that stammer, hymn-chanters wander and are discontented.
32 First was the God engendered, Visvakarman: then the Gandharva sprang to life as second. Third in succession was the plants’ begetter: he laid the waters’ germ in many places.
33 Swift, rapidly striking, like a bull who sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people, With eyes that close not, bellowing, Sole Hero, Indra subdued at once a hundred armies.
34 With him loud-roaring, ever watchful, Victor, bold, hard to overthrow, Rouser of battle,
Indra the Strong, whose hand bears arrows, conquer, ye warriors, now, now vanquish in the combat.
35 He rules with those who carry shafts and quivers, Indra who with his band brings hosts together, Foe-conquering, strong of arm, the Soma-drinker, with mighty bow, shooting with well-laid arrows.
36 Brihaspati, fly with thy chariot hither, slayer of demons, driving off our foemen. Be thou protector of our cars, destroyer, victor in battle, breaker-up of armies.
37 Conspicuous by thy strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and fierce, victorious, all-subduing, The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kine-winner, mount thy conquering car, O Indra.
38 Cleaver of stalls, kine-winner, armed with thunder, who quells an army and with might destroys it, Follow him, brothers! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this Indra show your zeal and courage.
39 Piercing the cow-stalls with surpassing vigour, Indra, the pitiless Hero, wild with anger, Victor in fight, unshaken and resistless,—may he protect our armies in our battles.
40 Indra guide these: Brihaspati precede them, the guerdon, and the sacrifice, and Soma; And let the banded Maruts march in forefront of heavenly hosts that conquer and demolish.
41 Ours be the potent host of mighty Indra, King Varuna, and Maruts, and Âdityas. Uplifted is the shout of Gods who conquer, high-minded Gods who cause the worlds to tremble.
42 Bristle thou up, O Bounteous Lord, our weapons: excite the spirits of my warring heroes. Urge on the strong steeds’ might, O Vritra-slayer, and let the din of conquering cars go upward.
43 May Indra aid us when our flags are gathered: victorious be the arrows of our army. May our brave men of war prevail in battle. Ye Gods protect us in the shout of onset.
44 Bewildering the senses of our foemen, seize thou their bodies and depart, O Apvâ. Attack them, set their hearts on fire and burn them: so let our foes abide in utter darkness.
45 Loosed from the bowstring fly awry, O Arrow, sharpened by our prayer. Go to the foemen, strike them home, and let not one of them escape.
46 Advance, O heroes, win the day. May Indra be your sure defence. Exceeding mighty be your arms, that none may wound or injure you.
47 That army of our enemies, O Maruts, that comes against us with its might, contending, Meet ye and wrap it in unwelcome darkness so that not one of them may know another.
48 There where the flights of arrows fall like boys whose locks are yet unshorn, May Indra, may Brihaspati, may Aditi protect us well, protect us well through all our days.
49 Thy vital parts I cover with thine armour: with immortality King Soma clothe thee. Varuna give thee what is more than ample, and in thy triumph may the Gods be joyful.
50 Worshipped with butter, Agni, lead this man to high preeminence. Vouchsafe him growth of riches and multiply him with progeny.
51 Indra, lead him to eminence: controller of his foes be he. Vouchsafe him lustre: let him give their sacred portions to the Gods.
52 The man within whose house we pay oblation, Indra, prosper him. May the Gods bless and comfort him, they and this Brahmanaspati.
53 May the All-Gods, O Agni, bear and lift thee upward with their thoughts. Fair to be looked on, rich in light, he thou propitious unto us.
54 May the Five Regions guard, divine, our worship, Goddesses chasing lack of thought and hatred, Giving the Sacrificer growth of riches. Let sacrifice be based on growth of riches.
55 Inspirited above enkindled Agni, adorable, winged with hymns, was it accepted, When the Gods offered sacrifice with viands, circling the heated caldron, paving worship.
56 Lord of a hundred draughts. benign, God-serving—to him divine, establisher, protector,
The Gods approached the sacrifice, encircling. Gods for the Gods stood fain for sacred service.
57 When the fourth sacrifice reaches the oblation, accepted offering which hath been made ready, fit for the Inmolator's sacrificing, Thence bless us prayers and holy recitations!
58 Savitar, golden-hued, hath lifted eastward, bright with the sunbeams, his eternal lustre, He at whose furtherance wise Pûshan marches surveying all existence like a herdsman.
59 He sits, the measurer, in the midst of heaven, filling the two world-halves and air's mid-region. He looks upon the rich far-spreading pastures between the eastern and the western limit.
60 Steer, Sea, Red Bird with strong wings, he hath entered the dwelling-place of the Primeval Father. A gay-hued Stone set in the midst of heaven, he hath gone forth and guards the air's two limits.

61 All sacred songs have glorified Indra expansive as the sea, The best of warriors borne on cars, the Lord, the Very Lord of strength.
62 May God-invoking sacrifice bring the Gods hitherward to us. May bless-invoking sacrifice bring the Gods hitherward to us. May Agni, God, make offering and hither bring the Gods to us.
63 May the abundant growth of wealth with elevation lift me up, And with his subjugating power may Indra keep my foemen down.
64 Upraising and depression and devotion may the Gods increase. May Indra, too, and Agni drive my foes away to every side.
65 Go ye by Agni to the sky bearing the Ukhya in your hands. Reaching the heights of sky and heaven stay intermingled with the Gods.
66 Agni, go forward to the eastern region, well-skilled, be here the fire in front of Agni. Illuming all the quarters, shine with splendour: supply with food our quadrupeds and bipeds.
67 From earth to air's mid-region have I mounted, and from mid-air ascended up to heaven. From the high pitch of heaven's cope I came into the world of light.
68 Mounting the sky they look not round: they rise to heaven through both the worlds— Sages who span the sacrifice that pours its stream on every side.
69 Foremost of those who seek the Gods come forward, thou who art eye of Gods and men, O Agni. Accordant with the Bhrigus, fain to worship, to heaven in safety go the Sacrificers.
70 Night and Dawn, different in hue, accordant, etc., as in XII. 2.
71 O Agni, thousand-eyed and hundred-headed, thy breaths are hundred, thy through-breaths a thousand. Thou art the Lord of thousandfold possessions. To thee; for strength, may we present oblation.
72 Thou art the Bird of goodly wing: be seated on the ridge of earth. Fill air's mid-region with thy glow, supporting with thy light the sky, confirm the quarters with thy sheen.
73 Receiving offerings, fair of aspect, eastward be duly seated in thy place, O Agni. In this the more exalted habitation be seated All-Gods and the Sacrificer.
74 That wondrous all-mankind-embracing favour of Savitar, choice-worthy, I solicit, Even his which Kanva wont to milk, the mighty, the teeming Cow who yields a thousand milk-streams.
75 May we adore thee in thy loftiest birth place, Agni! with praise-songs in thy lower station. The place whence those hast issued forth I worship. In thee, well kindled, have they paid oblations
76 Shine thou before us, Agni, well enkindled, with flame, most youthful God, that never fadeth. Unceasing unto thee come sacred viands.
77 Agni, this day with lands, etc., as in XV. 44.
78 I dedicate the thought with mind and butter so that the Gods may come who love oblation, strengthing Law, To Visvakarman, Lord of all the earth, I offer up day after
day the inviolable sacrifice.
79 Seven fuel logs hast thou, seven tongues, O Agni, seven Rishis hast thou, seven belovèd mansions. Seven-priests in sevenfold manner pay thee worship. Fill full—All-hail to thee!—seven wombs with butter.
80 Purely-Bright, Wonderfully-Bright, Really-Bright, All-Luminous, Bright, Law's-Protector, Safe-from-Ill;
81 Such, Other-Looking, Equal, Similar, Measured, Commensurate, Jointly-Bearing-up.
82 Right, Real, Firm, Strong-to-Support, Bearer, Disposer, Manager.
83 Winner-of-Right, Winner-of-Truth, Host-Conquering, Lord-of-Goodly-Host, Whose-Friends-are-Near-at-Hand, Whose-Banded-Enemies-are-Far-Away:
84 To day in this our sacrifice be present, Such, Looking-Thus, Same, Similar-in-appearance, Measured, Commensurate, Joint-Bearers, Maruts!
85 Self-Powerful, Voracious-One, Kin-to-the-Sun, The House-holder, Play-Lover, Mighty, Conqueror. Fierce, Terrible, The Resonant, The Roaring. Victorious, Assailant, and Dispeller, All-Hail!
86 The Maruts, clans divine, became the followers of Indra; as The Maruts, clans divine, became the followers of Indra, so May clans divine and human be the Sacrificer's followers.
87 Drink in the middle of the flood, O Agni, this breast stored
full of sap, teeming with water.
Welcome this fountain redolent of sweetness. O Courser, enter those thy watery dwelling.
88 Oil hath been mixed: oil is his habitation. In oil he rests: oil is his proper province. Come as thy wont is. O thou Steer, rejoice thee. Bear off the oblation duly consecrated.
89 Forth from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness: together with the stalk it turned to Amrit, That which is holy oil's mysterious title: but the Gods’ tongue is truly Amities centre.
90 Let us Declare aloud the name of Ghrita, and at this sacrifice held it up with homage. So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter. This hath the four-horned Buffalo emitted.
91 Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him: his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond the Bull roars loudly: the mighty God hath entered into mortals.

92 That oil in triple shape the Gods discovered laid down within the Cow, concealed by Panis. Indra produced one shape, Sûrya another: by their own power they formed the third from Vena.
93 From inmost reservoir in countless channels flow down these rivers which the foe beholds not. I look upon the streams of oil descending, and lo! the Golden Reed is there among them.
94 Like rivers our libations flow together, cleansing themselves in inmost heart and spirit. The streams of holy oil pour swiftly downward like the wild beasts that fly before the bowman.
95 As rushing down the rapids of a river, flow swifter than the wind the vigorous currents,
The streams of oil in swelling fluctuation like a red courser bursting through the fences.
96 Like women at a gathering fair to look on and gently smiling, they incline to Agni. The streams of holy oil attain the fuel, and Jâtavedas joyfully receives them.
97 As maidens deck themselves with gay adornment to join the bridal feast, I now behold them. Where Soma flows and sacrifice is ready, thither the streams of holy oil are running.
98 Send to our eulogy a herd of cattle: bestow upon us excellent possessions. Bear to the Gods the sacrifice we offers the streams of oil flow pure and full of sweetness.
99 The universe depends upon thy power and might within the sea, within the heart, within all life. May we attain that sweetly-flavoured wave of thine, brought, at this gathering, o’er the surface of the floods.
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