The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:38 am


By impulse of God Savitar I take thee, etc. Spade art thou.
Woman art thou, etc., as in XI. 9, 10.
2 The priests of him the lofty Priest, etc., as in V. 14.
3 O Heaven and Earth divine, may I duly prepare for you
this day the head of Makha on the place of earth where
the Gods sacrificed.
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha!
4 Ye who were born the earliest of creation, Ants divine, may
I duly prepare for you this day the head of Makha on
the place of earth where the Gods sacrificed.
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha!

p. 294

5 Only so large was it at first. Duly may I prepare for you
this day the head of Makha on earth's place where the
Gods sacrificed.
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha!
6 Indra's effective might are ye. Duly may I prepare for you
this day the head of Makha on earth's place where the
Gods sacrificed.
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha
thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha thee, thee
for the head of Makha!
7 May Brahmanaspati draw nigh, etc., as in XXXIII. 89.
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha, etc., as in
verse 6.
8 Thou art the head of Makha. Thee for Makha, thee for
Makha's head! Thou art the head of Makha. Thee for
Makha, thee for Makha's head! Thou art the head of
Makha, thee for Makha, thee for Makha's head!
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha, etc., as in
verse 6.
9 Thee on Gods’ sacrificial ground with stallion's dung I
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha!
For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha
thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha thee, thee
for the head of Makha!
10 Thee for the True. Thee for the Good. Thee for the place
of happy rest.

p. 295

For Makha thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha
thee, thee for the head of Makha! For Makha thee, thee
for the head of Makha!
11 For Yama thee. For Makha thee. For Sûrya's fervent
ardour thee.
May Savitar the God with balm anoint thee. Guard thou
the touches of the earth.
Flame art thou; thou art radiance; thou art heat.
12 Unconquerable, eastward, in Agni's overlordship, give me life.
Rich in sons, southward, in Indra's overlordship give me
Fair-seated, westward, in God. Savitar's overlordship, give
me sight.
Range of hearing, northward, in Dhâtar's overlordship, give
me increase of wealth.
Arrangement, upward, in Brihaspati's overlordship, give me
From all destructive spirits guard us. Thou art Manu's mare.
13 All-hail! By Maruts be thou compassed round.
Guard the sky's touches. Mead, mead, mead.
14 Germ of the Gods, Father of hymns, all living creatures’
guardian Lord,
Radiant, with radiant Savitar united, with the Sun he shines.
15 Agni combined with flaming fire, combined with Savitar
divine, hath shone together with the Sun.

p. 296

16 He shines on earth upholder of the sky and heat, the Gods
upholder, God, immortal, born of heat.
To him address a speech devoted to the Gods.
17 I saw the Herdsman, him who never stumbles, approaching
by his pathways and departing.
He, clothed with gathered and diffusive splendour, within
the worlds continually travels.
18 Lord of all earths, Lord of all mind, Lord of all speech,
thou Lord of speech entire.
Heard by the Gods, Caldron divine, do thou, a God, protect
the Gods.
Here, after, let it speed you twain on to the banquet of the
Sweetness for both the sweetness-lovers! Sweetness for
those the twain who take delight in sweetness!
19 Thee for the heart, thee for the mind, thee for the sky, for
Sûrya thee.
Standing erect lay thou the sacrifice in heaven among the
20 Thou art our Father, father-like regard us. Obeisance be to
thee. Do not thou harm us.
May we, accompanied by Tvashtar, win thee. Vouchsafe me
sons and cattle. Grant us offspring. Safe may I be together
with my husband.
21 May Day together with his sheen, pair-lighted with his light,
accept. All-hail!
May Night together with her sheen, fair lighted with her.
light, accept. All-hail!
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:39 am


BY impulse of God Savitar I take thee with arms of Asvins,
with the Hands of Pûshan.
A zone for Aditi art thou.
2 Idâ, come hither. Aditi, come hither. Sarasvatî, come
Come hither, So-and-So. Come hither, So-and-So. Come
hither, So-and-So.
3 Thou art a zone for Aditi, a diadem for Indrânî. Pûshan art
thou. Spare some for the Gharma.
4 Overflow for the Asvins. Overflow for Sarasvatî. Overflow
for Indra
All-hail, what belongs to Indra! All-hail, what belongs to
Indra! All-hail, what belongs to Indra!
5 That breast of thine, exhaustless, fount of pleasure, wealth-giver,
treasure-finder, free-bestower,
Wherewith thou rearest all things that are choicest,—bring
that, Sarasvatî, that we may drain it.
Throughout the spacious middle air I travel.
6 Thou art Gâyatra metre. Thou art Trishtup metre. With Heaven and Earth I grasp thee. With the Firmament I raise thee up. Indra and Asvins, drink ye the hot draught of sweet honey: sacrifice, ye Vasus. Vât! All-hail to the rain-winning beam of the Sun!
7 Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the sea. Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the flood. Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the unconquerable. Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the irresistible. Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the protection-seeker. Thee with Svâhâ to Vâta the non-destructive.
8 Thee with Svâhâ to Indra Lord of Vasus. Thee with Svâhâ
to Indra Lord of Rudras.
Thee with Svâhâ to Indra killer of foes. Thee with Svâhâ
to Savitar attended by Ribhu, Vibhu, and Vâja. Thee
with Svâhâ to Brihaspati beloved of all the Gods.
9 Svâhâ to Yama attended by the Angirases, attended by the
Svâhâ to the Gharma! The Gharma for the Father!
10 Here hath he worshipped, seated south, all the sky-regions,
all the Gods.
Drink, Asvins, of the heated draught, the Svâhâ-consecrated
11 In heaven lay thou this sacrifice; lay thou this sacrifice in
To sacrificial Agni hail! May bliss be ours from Yajus texts.
12 Drink, Asvins, with your daily helps, the Gharma, strengthener
of hearts.
To him who draweth out the thread be homage, and to
Heaven and Earth.
13 The Gharma have the Asvins drunk: with Heaven and
Earth have they agreed.
Here, verily, be their boons bestowed.
14 Overflow for food. Overflow for energy. Overflow for the
Priesthood. Overflow for the Nobility. Overflow for
Heaven and Earth. Thou, O duteous one, art Duty.
Innocent one, in us establish manly powers; establish the

p. 299

15 All-hail to Pûshan, to the milk's skin! All-hail to the
All-hail to their echoes! All-hail to the Fathers who are
above the grass, who drink the Gharma! All-hail to
Heaven and Earth! All-hail to the All-Gods!
16 All-hail to Rudra invoked by worshippers! All-hail! Let
light combine with light.
May Day together with his sheen, fair-lighted with his light,
accept. All hail!
May Night together with her sheen, fair-lighted with her
light, accept. All-hail!
May we enjoy the mead offered in most Indra-like Agni.
Homage to thee, divine Gharma! Do not thou injure me.
17 Thy far-spread majesty, instinct with wisdom, hath
surpassed this heaven,
And, with its glorious fame, the earth.
Seat thee, for thou art mighty: shine, best entertainer of
the Gods.
Worthy of sacred food, praised Agni! loose the smoke ruddy
and beautiful to see.
18 Gharma, that heavenly light of thine in Gâyatrî, in the
May it increase and be confirmed for thee, that light.
Gharma, that light of thine in air, in Trishtup, in the sacred
May it increase and be confirmed for thee, that light.
Gharma, that light of thine on earth, in Jagatî, of the priest's
May that increase and be confirmed for thee, that light.
19 Thee for the sure protection of the Nobles. Guard thou
from injury the Brahman's body.
We follow thee in interest of the People, for the renewal of
our peace and comfort.

p. 300

20 Square, far-spread is the sacrifice's navel: it spreads for us
wide, full of all existence, spreads wide for us full of
complete existence.
We turn against the hate and guiles of him who keeps an
alien law.
21 This, Gharma! is thy liquid store. Swell out and wax in
strength thereby.
May we too grow in strength and wax to greatness.
22 Loudly the tawny Stallion neighed, mighty, like Mitra fair to see.
Together with the Sun the sea, the store shone out with
flashing light.
23 To us let Waters and let Plants be friendly; to him who
hates us, whom we hate, unfriendly.
24 Looking upon the loftier light above the darkness we have come
To Sûrya, God among the Gods, the light that is most excellent.
25 A brand art thou, fain would we thrive, Fuel art thou, and
splendour: Give me splendour,
26 Far as the heaven and earth are spread in compass, far as
the Seven Rivers are extended,
So vast thy cup which I with strength am taking, Indra,
unharmed in me, uninjured ever.
27 In me be that great hero power, in me be strength and
mental force:
The Gharma shines with triple light, with lustre fulgent
far away, with holy lore, with brilliancy.
28 Brought hither is the seed of milk. Through each succeeding
year may we enjoy the bliss of draining it.
Invited, I enjoy a share of that which hath been offered me,
the savoury draught by Indra drunk and tasted by Prajâpati.
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:39 am


SVÂHÂ to the Vital Breathings with their Controlling Lord!
To Earth Svâhâ! To Agni Svâhâ! To Firmament, Svâhâ!
To Vâyu Svâhâ! To Sky Svâhâ! To Sûrya Svâhâ!
2 To the Quarters Svâhâ! To the Moon Svâhâ! To the Stars
Svâhâ! To the Waters Svâhâ! To Varuna Svâhâ! To
the Navel Svâhâ! To the Purified Svâhâ!
3 To Speech Svâhâ! To Breath Svâhâ! To Breath Svâhâ!
To Sight Svâhâ! To Sight Svâhâ! To Hearing Svâhâ!
To Hearing Svâhâ!
4 The wish and purpose of the mind and truth of speech may
I obtain.
Bestowed on me be cattle's form, swept taste of food, and
fame and grace. Svâhâ!
5 Prajâpati while in preparation; Samrâj when prepared;
All-Gods’ when seated; Gharma when heated with fire;
Splendour when lifted up; the Asvins’ while milk is
poured in; Pûshan's when the butter trickles down it;
the Maruts’ when the milk is clotting; Mitra's when the
milk's skin is spreading; Vâyu's when it is carried off;
Agni's while offered as oblation; Vâk when it has been
6 Savitar on the first day; Agni on the second; Vâyu on the
third; Âditya (the Sun) on the fourth; Chandramâs (the
Moon) on the fifth; Ritu on the sixth; the Maruts on
the seventh; Brihaspati on the eighth; Mitra on the
ninth; Varuna on the tenth; Indra on the eleventh;
the All-Gods on the twelfth.

p. 302

7 Fierce; Terrible; The Resonant; The Roarer; Victorious;
Assailant; and Dispeller. Svâhâ.
8 Agni with the heart; Lightning with the heart's point;
Pasupati with the whole heart; Bhava with the liver.
Sarva with the two cardiac bones; Îsâna with Passion;
Mahâdeva with the intercostal flesh; the Fierce God with
the rectum; Vasishtha-hanuh, Singis with two lumps of
flesh near the heart.
9 The Fierce with blood; Mitra with obedience, Rudra with
disobedience; Indra with pastime; the Maruts with
strength; the Sâdhyas with enjoyment.
Bhava's is what is on the throat; Rudra's what is between
the ribs; Mahâdeva's is the liver; Sarva's the rectum;
Pasupati's the pericardium.
10 To the hair Svâhâ! To the hair Svâhâ! To the skin Svâhâ!
To the skin Svâhâ! To the blood Svâhâ! To the blood
Svâhâ! To the fats Svâhâ! To the fats Svâhâ! To the
fleshy parts Svâhâ! To the fleshy parts Svâhâ! To the
sinews Svâhâ! To the sinews Svâhâ! Svâhâ to the bones!
Svâhâ to the bones! To the marrows Svâhâ! To the
marrows Svâhâ! To the seed Svâhâ! To the anus Svâhâ!

p. 303

11 To Effort Svâhâ! To Exertion Svâhâ! To Endeavour Svâhâ!
To Viyâsa Svâhâ! To Attempt Svâhâ!
12 To Grief Svâhâ! To the Grieving Svâhâ! To the Sorrowing
Svâhâ! To Sorrow Svâhâ!
To Heat Svâhâ! To him who grows hot Svâhâ! To him
who is being heated Svâhâ! To him who has been heated
Svâhâ! To Gharma Svâhâ!
To Atonement Svâhâ! To Expiation Svâhâ! To Remedy
13 To Yama Svâhâ! To the Finisher Svâhâ! To Death Svâhâ!
To the Priesthood Svâhâ! To Brâhmanicide Svâhâ! To
the All-Gods Svâhâ! To Heaven and Earth Svâhâ!
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:39 am


1 ENVELOPED by the Lord must be This All—each thing that moves on earth. With that renounced enjoy thyself. Covet no wealth of any man.
2 One, only doing Karma here, should wish to live a hundred years. No way is there for thee but this. So Karma cleaveth not to man.
3 Aye, to the Asuras belong those worlds enwrapt in blinding gloom. To them, when life on earth is done, depart the men who kill the Self.
4 Motionless, one, swifter than Mind—the Devas failed to o’ertake it speeding on before them. It, standing still, outstrips the others running. Herein Both Mâtarisvan stablish Action.
5 It moveth; it is motionless. It is far distant; it is near. It is within This All; and it surrounds This All externally.
6 The man who in his Self beholds all creatures and all things that be, And in all beings sees his Self, thence doubts no longer, ponders not.
7 When, in the man who clearly knows, Self hath become all things that are, What wilderment, what grief is there in him who sees the One alone?
8 He hath attained unto the Bright, Bodiless, Woundless, Sinewless, the Pure which evil hath not pierced. Far-sighted, wise, encompassing, the self-existent hath prescribed aims, as propriety demands, unto the everlasting Years.

9 Deep into shade of blinding gloom fall Asambhûti's worshippers. They sink to darkness deeper yet who on Sambhûti are intent.
10 One fruit, they say, from Sambhava, another from Asambhava. Thus from the sages have we heard who have declared this lore to us.
11 The man who knows Sambhûti and Vinâsa simultaneously, He, by Vinâsa passing death, gains by Sambhûti endless life.
12 To blinding darkness go the men who make a cult of Nescience. The devotees of Science enter darkness that is darker still.
13 Different is the fruit, they say, of Science and of Nescience. Thus from the sages have we heard who have declared this lore to us.
14 The man who knoweth well these two, Science and Nescience, combined, O’ercoming death by Nescience by Science gaineth endless life.
15 My breath reach everlasting Air! In ashes let my body end. OM! Mind, remember thou; remember thou my sphere; remember thou my deeds.
16 By goodly path lead us to riches, Agni, thou God who knowest all our works and wisdom. Remove the sin that makes us stray and wander: most ample adoration will we bring thee.
17 The Real's face is hidden by a vessel formed of golden light. The Spirit yonder in the Sun, the Spirit dwelling there am I. OM! Heaven! Brahma!
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Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:05 am

o 1. 7-9
o 1. 63
o 2. 4
o 2. 7
o 3. 3
o 3. 4-6
o 3. 7
o 3. 10-12
o 6. 1
o 6. 2
o 6. 3
o 9. 1
o 10. 3
o 11. 1
o 14. 3
o 15. 3
o 15. 9
o 18. 1-3
o 18. 6
o 22. 3
o 22. 13
o 22. 17
o 22. 19
o 23. 6
o 23. 17
o 24. 11
o 25. 10
o 26. 10
o 27. 7
o 30. 7
o 31. 1
o 31. 12
o 34. 11
o 35. 2
o 35. 8-11
o 36. 9
o 36. 13
o 40. 1, 5
o 40. 3
o 40. 15
o 44. 13
o 45. 6
o 50. 1
o 50. 2
o 50. 4
o 50. 6
o 50. 10
o 62. 1, 2
o 71. 8
o 75. 5
o 79. 4-6
o 82. 2,3
o 84. 2
o 84. 3
o 84. 19
o 86. 1
o 89. 1-10
o 90. 6-8
o 90. 9
o 91. 1
o 91. 16-18
o 91. 19
o 91. 20, 21, 23
o 92. 6
o 92. 13
o 95. 1
o 96. 5
o 97. 1-8
o 98. 1
o 98. 3
o 102. 1
o 105. 1
o 107. 1
o 112. 24,25
o 114. 1
o 114. 7, 8
o 115. 1
o 115. 4
o 115. 5
o 132. 6
o 147. 2
o 154. 1, 2
o 154. 4-6
o 162.
o 162. 21
o 164. 31
o 164. 34
o 164. 49
o 165. 3
o 165. 4
o 165. 9
o 165. 15
o 186. 1
o 187. 1
o 189. 1
o 1.1
o 3.11
o 6.4
o 7.6
o 9. 1
o 9, 3
o 10. 4, 5
o 23. 15
o 23. 19
o 27. 1
o 29. 6
o 30. 8
o 32. 6
o 33. 14
o 41. 1, 2
o 41. 7-9
o 41. 13
o 2.7
o 9. 9
o 11.2
o 12.1
o 14.5
o 22. 1-5
o 24. 1
o 26. 7
o 29. 3, 4
o 29. 8
o 29. 10
o 29. 16
o 30, 1, 2
o 31. 6
o 34. 3
o 35. 6
o 37. 1
o 38. 4
o 45. 1
o 47. 2
o 47. 4
o 47. 5
o 51. 7
o 59. 6
o 62. 10
o 62. 16
o 1. 4, 5
o 1.20
o 2.16
o 2.17
o 4.1-5
o 7.1
o 10. 1
o 10. 1-3
o 15.3
o 20. 1
o 20. 2
o 21. 1
o 31. 1-3
o 32. 1
o 40. 3,4
o 40. 5
o 42. 10
o 47. 1
o 54. 2
o 57. 8
o 58.
o 58. 5, 6
o 1.1
o 1.12
o 5 1
o 6.1, 2, 9
o 20. 1
o 24.
o 24. 1, 3, 4
o 25. 7
o 28. 3
o 33. 8
o 42. 4
o 44. 1
o 46. 2, 3
o 47. 3
o 50. 1
o 62. 8
o 81. 1
o 81. 2
o 81. 3
o 82. 5
o 85. 2
o 4.7
o 5.7
o 7.1
o 11. 1
o 11. 6
o 16.13
o 16.14
o 16. 15
o 16. 16
o 16. 28
o 16. 34
o 19.1
o 44. 9
o 46. 1, 2
o 47. 11-13
o 47. 26-31
o 48. 1, 2
o 49. 4
o 49. 8
o 50. 14
o 52. 9
o 52. 13
o 59. 6
o 60. 5
o 70. 1
o 71. 3
o 71. 6
o 75.2
o 75. 16-18
o 1.3
o 8.4
o 16. 1, 2
o 16. 7
o 23. 4
o 23. 6
o 26. 8
o 32. 22,23
o 35. 1
o 38. 7,8
o 39. 2
o 41.
o 59. 12
o 62. 5
o 66. 4
o 68. 16
o 74. 3
o 90. 3
o 91. 3-5
o 92. 1
o 94. 11
o 99. 3
o 3, 3, 4
o 3. 8
o 6.1
o 6.28
o 11. 1
o 11. 7
o 14. 13
o 19.20
o 26. 21
o 27. 13
o 27. 14
o 42. 1
o 43. 4
o 43. 9
o 43. 13
o 44. 3
o 44. 16
o 45. 2
o 48. 13
o 49, 9
o 52. 12
o 58. 3
o 61. 12, 13
o 64. 1
o 64. 4
o 64. 15
o 65. 10
o 72. 7
o 73. 3
o 77. 1
o 78. 1
o 78. 2, 3
o 82. 4
o 88. 3
o 88. 5, 6
o 90. 1
o 90, 9
o 90. 11, 12
o 91. 20, 21
o 3.7
o 3.9
o 4.7
o 1.1, 2
o 1.6
o 11. 1
o 54. 1
o 61. 10-12
o 66. 19
o 66. 20
o 66. 21
o 67. 22, 23, 25
o 96. 11
o 110. 3
o 1.1
o 1.2
o 8.6
o 9.1-3
o 13. 1
o 14. 6
o 14. 9, 16, 18
o 15. 1
o 15. 2
o 15. 3-5
o 15. 5
o 15. 6, 7
o 15. S
o 15. 11
o 15. 12
o 15 13
o 13. 14
o 16. 11
o 16. 12
o 17. 4
o 17. 10
o 17. 11
o 17. 12
o 18. 1
o 36. 12
o 37. 1
o 45. 4
o 45. 8
o 46. 7
o 50. 1
o 53. 8
o 57. 3-6
o 61. 3
o 63. 10
o 64. 6
o 72. 2
o 74. 4
o 81. 1-7
o 82. 25-31
o 87. 22
o 88. 15
o 91. 14, 15
o 97. 75-96
o 101. 4, 3
o 103. 1-13
o 110. 1-11
o 120. 1
o 121. 1, 3
o 121. 4
o 121. 5
o 121. 7, 8
o 121. 10
o 123. 1
o 128. 9
o 129. 5
o 130. 7
o 131. 2
o 131. 4
o 139. 1
o 139. 2
o 139. 3
o 141. 1
o 141. 3
o 141. 4
o 141. 5
o 152. 4
o 157. 1-3
o 170. 1
o 173. 1
o 180. 2
o 185.
o 189.
o 191. 1
o 4.4
o 13. 1
o 35. 1, 2
o 1.2
o 6.1-3
o 2.6
o 17. 5, 8, 9
o 1, 3
o 1.1
o 14. 3-5
o 27. 1
o 53. 3
o 115. 3
o 123. 1, 2
o 6. 2, 3
o 16.
o 17. 4
o 25. 1
o 26. 8
o 69, 1
o 82. 3
o 82. 5
o 84. 1
o 89. 3
o 97. 1
o 97. 3, 4
o 6.17
o 8.13
o 2.8
o 9.14
o 47. 1
o 55. 1
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Posts: 36231
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by Ralph T.H. Griffith

Postby admin » Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:12 am


Page 3 line 5 read harms for harm

„ 17 „ 15 of notes read Sky! for Sky

„ 23 „ 11 read merchandise for merchandize

„ 32 „ 9 of notes read text for texts

„ 34 „ 4 from below read Ones for One

„36 „ 7 of notes read the for he

„ 38 „ 19 read Savitar for Savitars

„ 41 „ 2 of notes read Achchhâvâka for Achhâvâka

„ 55 „ 5 of notes read Brâhmanâchchhamsî for Brâhmanachhamsi

„ 61 „ 7 from below read 32 for 31

„ 66 „ 6 from below read Âgntîhra for Âgnîdhra

„ 75 „ 1 of notes read recite for recites

„ 78 „ 11 of notes read title for little

„ 80 „ 11 of notes read dhishnya for dhishnyâ

„ 91 „ 16 read Ye for Yea

„ 91 „ 5 of notes read addresses for address

„ 92 „ 3 of notes read Vrishan for Vrishan

„ 96 „ 9 of notes read Vardtrfs for Varutrl.

„ 133 „ 1 of notes read Praüga for Praüg

„ 134 „ 1 read Visvakarman for the Omnific

„ 139 „ 6 from below read dyu's for Âyu's

„ 143 „ 3 from below read Sitikantha for Sitikanthts

„ 156 „ 13 read bliss-invoking for bless-invoking

„ 1 „ 1 of notes read mid-region for mid-reviver

„ 158 „ 10 Read strengthening for strengthiug

„ 159 „ 15 read thou for those

„ 159 „ 24 read declare for Declare

„ 159 „ 4 read hold for held

„ 159 „ 25 from below read Mythologie for Mythologic

„ 164 „ 14 read Marutvatlya for Marutvatîya

„ 172 „ 14 read doth for may.

„ 172 „ 3 from below after IX insert 1. 6

„ 176 „ 23 read Sautrâmanl for Santrâmani

„ 194 „ of notes read rain-withholding for rain-with-holding

„ 199 „ 3from below read turns for turns.

„ 233 „ 13 read flow for flow

„ 290 „ 3 of notes after XII. insert 8

„ 305 „ 8 of notes read soniuns for serium

„ 307 „ last of notes read allotted for alluted
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