First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungpa

The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.

Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:06 am


With the vision of the Great Eastern Sun
I limp and walk slowly,
Watching my P's and Q's,
Working for the liberation of beings.
Once I was taking a walk;
I stumbled over something
And I discovered you--
We became good friends.
Thank you for your loyalty and understanding:
I wish you a hearty happy birthday.

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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:06 am



There was a giant No.
That No rained.
That No created a tremendous blizzard.
That No made a dent on the coffee table.
That No was the greatest No of No's in the universe.
That No showered and hailed.
That No created sunshine, and simultaneous eclipse of the sun and
That No was a lady's legs with nicely heeled shoes.
That No is the best No of all.
When a gentleman smiles, a good man,
That No is the beauty of his hips.
When you watch the gait of youths as they walk with alternating
cheek rhythm,
When you watch their behinds,
That No is fantastic thighs, not fat or thin but taut in their strength,
Loveable or leaveable.
That No is shoulders that turn in or expand the chest, sad or happy,
Without giving in to a deep sigh.
That No is No of all No's.
Relaxation or restraint is in question.
Nobody knows that big No,
But we alone know that No.
This No is in the big sky, painted with sumi ink eternally.
This big No is tattooed on our genitals.
This big No is not purely freckles or birthmark,
But this big No is real big No.
Sky is blue,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
And therefore this big No is No.
Let us celebrate having that monumental No.
The monolithic No stands up and pierces heaven;
Therefore, monolithic No also spreads vast as the ocean.
Let us have great sunshine with this No No.
Let us have full moon with this No No.
Let us have cosmic No.
The cockroaches carry little No No's,
As well as giant elephants in African jungles
Copulating No No and waltzing No No,
Guinea pig No No.
We find all the information and instructions when a mosquito buzzes.
We find some kind of No No.
Let our No No be the greatest motto.
No No for the king;
No No for the prime minister;
No No for the worms of our subjects.
Let us celebrate that our constipated dogs can relieve themselves
freely in the name of No No.
Let us have No No so that Presbyterian preachers can have speech
impediments in proclaiming No No.
Let our horses neigh No No.
Let the vajra sangha fart No No--
Giant No No that made a great imprint on the coffee table.

1 January 1980
The Kalapa Court
Boulder, Colorado
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:06 am


Maybe Julius Caesar was right,
Organizing straight Roman roads throughout Europe.
Had the nose of Cleopatra been a different shape,
History might have changed.

This year is quite uneventful,
Regurgitating over and over that the nations have no chance to chew
and eat a good meal.
The success of Joe Clark is replacement,
Adopting dog instead of cat as house pet in the Canadian Parliament.
Farewell to Pierre Trudeau;
His invitation to visit Tibet was comparable to the second visit of
Nixon to China.
The pontiffs messages and declarations of good will are like having a
We know syrup will come along.
It is time for the Christians to unite:
Maybe the clean-shaven Catholics could join with the bearded Eastern church.
Margaret Thatcher's prime-ministership was frightening,
But turns out to be not so feisty.
We are reassured that she decided to wear a skirt as opposed to
What a relief.
Tories always tame ladies,
And the Liberals and Labor party wish they had a she-leader who
could wear riding breeches.
However, England will be always England:
When she is sad, she becomes tough;
When she is tough, she becomes soft.
Good old glory is fading,
And now they refer to the kingdom as ruled by Britannia, as opposed to Elizabeth the Second.
We are sad at the death of Uncle Dicky;
He was such a good person, but he had to pay his karmic debt:
Instead of being killed on board the ship Kelly,
He was destroyed on a fishing boat
May he be reborn as a Shambhalian warrior.
Vietnam invasion of Cambodia,
China invasion of Vietnam:
All of those jokes are comparable to a group of lizards biting each
others' tails.
Where is the spirit of communism?
Marx, Engels, Lenin--
If they returned and saw what a mess they made in the universe, they
would be horrified.
We find nobody is practicing true communism.
The Chinese declaration of religious freedom in Tibet is humorous.
You are free not to practice religion,
And the Panchen Lama beckons the Dalai Lama.
Opening the door of Sino-Tibetan tourism fooled the sharpest and most professional journalists;
They lost their critical intelligence.
Islamic tradition is fantastic:
"Killing enemy, develop wealth in the name of Allah. "
The grand Ayatollah declares spiritual principles in the name of hate,
Recapturing the example of Jaws.
Sino-American declaration is sweet and sour,
Missing the Hunan beef of Mao Tse Tung,
Both parties not knowing how to handle their power;
Taiwan takes secret delight that it does not have to maintain international law and order.
Korea lost its leader,
Park killed in a parking lot by his own security guards;
Unifying South and North Chao Xian to make Korea out of Korea is questionable.

In short, the nations are capitalizing on what they were;
In turn they lose what they are.
This year is not an exciting year at all,
In spite of short dramas and quick exchanges.
There could be an exciting perspective to it:
Declaration of war between Islam and the rest of the faiths
The Shah as le chat got out of the bag,
Terrified, frustrated--we feel sorry for the Empress Farah.
We realize that the United Nations is a rib cage without heartbeat or
Trying to do its best.
In spite of China being chairman of the Security Council,
Nothing gets done.
We are sad;
It is hopeless.
We are happy;
We could contribute.
The state of affairs of the world is somewhat better than a male dog
pissing on an appropriate bush

1 January 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:07 am


With your doubt, laziness, hesitation and inquisitiveness,
We have found magnificent soil in which to sow the seed of the buddhadharma.
With your friendliness, sense of humor and willingness to work with me,
We are able to harvest our crop.
Your sympathy and genuineness led me to believe that true dharma can be established in North America.
The ten years of my existence here have been long and treacherous;
Yet it is short--as if it happened yesterday.
I appreciate you all:
Without your exertion and delight I would have passed away long ago.
That is your best birthday present:
That you will practice with me.

9 February 1980
Denver, Colorado

A countertoast at a celebration of the author's birthday.
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:07 am


From the samsaric ocean,
With the net of your good posture,
The fish of your subconscious gossip
Are exposed to the fresh air.
No praise, no blame.
The fish of your subconscious mind
Look for samsaric air,
But they die in coemergent wisdom.

25 February 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:07 am


Unborn rock
Petrified sky
Crippled windhorse
Mute skull
Blue red--
If you cannot sort them out,
Don't cut your tongue on the razor smeared with honey:
Rejoice in dancing on a needle.

28 April 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:07 am


Remember, O Tusum Khyenpa!
Remember, O Father Karma Pakshi!
Remember, O Tilopa!
Remember, O Naropa!
Remember, O Milarepa!
Remember, O Marpa Lotsawa!
When I remember your kindness and your power,
I am left in the midst of the dark-age dungeon.
When I taste your great bliss,
It is as if for the first time--
As if no one had tasted honey before.
When I realize your devotion,
It makes me so lonely.
When I see and experience anything good and wonderful,
It reminds me of the Kagyu wisdom and what you have sacrificed for us.
When I put on good clothing or see an attractive maiden,
When I handle gold or diamond,
I feel great pain and love for your wisdom and exertion.
I can only cry,
Your beauty and exertion and footprints make me so sad and full of longing--
Because we are left behind, nowhere,
Unable even to see your footprints in the dust.
How could you do such a thing?
Any mark of elegance or imprint of goodness;
For that matter, anything wicked and raw, confused or destructive;
Anything we see makes us feel so sad.
We will cry after the Father Kagyu,
Whether we are attacked or praised,
We do not follow the conventional pattern of hope and fear;
Nonetheless, you left us alone.
We feel so sad and lonely,
We want to taste you, smell you--
Where are you?
We cry and we would like to threaten you and say:
Show us your true face, to help us never give up;
In this very bed, on this very cushion, in this very room--
If you don't show us your face and tell us,
We will perish in tears and dissolve in misery.
Please come and be with us.
At least look at us the way we are,
Which may not be the best you expect of us;
But we have the greatest devotion,
Beyond your preconceptions.
We will cry and shed our tears until our eyeballs drop in the sand dune
And we drown in the ocean of our tears.
O Knower of the Three Times, omniscient,
We have tried and practiced after your example:
Please don't give up.
When we iron our clothes, it is for you.
When we shine our shoes, it is for you.
When we wear jewelry, it is for you.
We do everything because of you;
We have no personal concern.
If we do not realize your dignity and wisdom,
May we rot and dissolve into dust.
We do everything for your sake and because of you.
We are so sad because of you,
We are so joyful because of you.
Father, if you have strength, this is the time to manifest.
I am about to die
And be reborn in crying and laughing at the same time.
Father, please have consideration for us.
We do not do anything for our own sake.
We do everything for the sake of devotion to you.

30 April 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:07 am


Blond cactus thorn with occasional freckles,
Albino chimpanzees with oy vey mantra,
Rock or diamond,
Shoes or socks,
Food or excrement--
These dichotomies dissolve and pop up.
As you teach Vajrayana to the Americans,
Sometimes they reduce into tadpoles;
Other times they expand into crocodiles that you find in South America.
Inconceivable mind finds a way around, and very direct, to hug them and puncture them.
Pollution is not a question.
Build a magnificent Aberdeen granite castle on the tip of your own tongue.
Buy the Windsor castle, brick by brick,
As the ticks of your watch move, second by second,
Black-blue dial on your wrist.
Shave the mustache of King George
By explaining to him the scientific discoveries of poison oak.
Round needle of Rahula can create eclipse of sun and moon simultaneously.
Provide prana dot by putting together mixing and melting.
Bind the world with a single strand of horsehair from Maestoso Drala.
Make the universe murky white
And feed the six realms with honey and milk through the straws of
porcupines' quills.
Act unreasonable.
As if tigers from Bengal are in debt at the House of Pancakes
The Catholics' cherubs supposedly transcend their nappies;
However, they are eating too many grapes provided by the Italian
Communist party chief to the Vatican City.
Some day we hope the haggis will walk.
One day the potatoes will play their harps in the name of the glories
of Ireland.
Too much has been said here.
I hope this achieves the result of too little being said here.
Alter all, splinter is not harpoon;
Elegant burp is not resounding fart.
I hope this world will live up to what it proclaims;
Otherwise, we have a shattering surprise:
Sooner or later we end up picking up the small pieces.
With tremendous yearning towards sea urchins' eggs,
I congratulate this world made out of this and that, that and this.
It is very impressive that everyone knows the morning sun will set in
the evening and there will be another sun shining the next day.
I find people are so smart--they can talk about tomorrow and plan
How clever they are--assuming they know there is a next day.
Such brilliant and noble naivete is good.
It seems that people know, if there is light, there will be dark:
I am utterly amazed at their insight.
Glory be to the mosquitoes;
Glory be to the thorny rose.
Fire can burn;
Water can quench thirst.
Amazingly, it seems that this universe works.
So fortunate
Past present future in us may teach us the true dharma,
Without a sneeze or too many hiccups.
May the wheel of dharma revolve eternally in the name of the Great Eastern Sun.

4 May 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:08 am


Once you were a wounded warrior:
Now you have developed fearlessness, you can play with the sword blade.
Once you were a coward and wouldn't talk to strangers;
Now you have learned to declare the command of the Great Eastern Sun.
Once you were miserly:
Now you can spend great energy, free from taking breaks.
We appreciate you--
Please accept this bow, representing upaya;
Please take this arrow, representing prajna.
We wish that you may continuously protect the command
And generate the wisdom of the Rigden Fathers.
Cheerful birthday!

17 June 1980
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Re: First Thought Best Thought, 108 Poems, by Chogyam Trungp

Postby admin » Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:08 am


You have been placed in the cradle of loving kindness,
And suckled with the profound and brilliant milk of eternal
In the cool shade of fearlessness,
You have been fanned with the fan of joy and happiness
As you grew older,
With various displays of phenomena,
We led you to the self-existing playground.
As you grew up,
To promote the primordial confidence,
We led you to the archery range of the warriors.
As you developed further,
We showed you human society, which possesses beauty and dignity.
You, a true warrior, matured,
Developing eternally youthful confidence without beginning or end.
We take pride in you, that you have witnessed the Great Eastern

Sometimes we worry about you
How we can ward off the evils of the setting sun.
Other times we appreciate you:
You are a true manifestation of our vision.
We request you to become more merciful,
And we rejoice that you are the dharma heir.
Let us join heaven and earth together.
O, Osel Tendzin,
Our profound love and gratitude is expressed on this occasion.
In the name of the lineage,
In the name of the Vajradhatu sangha,
In the name of myself and my wife--
Thank you for being as you are.
Please be good.
Cheerful birthday!

10 July 1980
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