Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

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Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

Postby admin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:42 am

directed by Allan Arkush
Screenplay by Richard Whitley & Russ Dvonch & Joseph McBride
Story by Allan Arkush & Joe Dante
© 1979 New World Productions, Inc.





Site Admin
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Re: Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

Postby admin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:51 am



In Memory of Joey Ramone, 1951-2001


© 1979 New World Productions, Inc.

"winning isn't the most important thing ... It's the only thing."

[Freshman] [Reading board] "YOU ARE HERE"
I'm where?

[Football Players] Freshman! Let's get him!

[Freshman] Help! Help! Seniors!

[Girl Student] Freshman! Freshman! We've got another Freshman!

[Freshman] Please! Put me down! Help!


[Freshman] Please, help me race to my first class!

[Football Player 1] What do we do with him?

[Football Player 2] Stuff him in a locker!

[Freshman] No! Not the locker! Anything but the locker!

[Music] "Did We Meet Somewhere Before"
by Paul McCartney

Did we meet somewhere before?
Far behind that half closed door?
Or is this just one small thing that's happening to both of us?
Happening time and time again,
Happening over and over,
Will the king's horses and all the king's men
Ever find out what it's all about?
Did you always look like this,
At the unsuspected kiss?
Of is this just one more thing that's happening to both of us?

[Tom Roberts] [To football players] Hey!

[Football Player] Nice game, Tom -- even though we lost!

[Tom Roberts] Oh, yeah!

[To unidentified person] Hey!

[Boy] How's the old arm?

[Tom Roberts] Still pretty sore!

[Kate Rambeau] [Sits at table with Tom] Hi, Tom.

[Tom Roberts] [Nods at Kate, then picks up his book]

[Kate Rambeau] [Rebuffed by Tom, Kate studies her own books]


[School Board President] Never before has the school board seen a student body such as this.
But starting today, things will be different.
May I present to you an administrator ...
who has promised to carry out her duties ...
with an iron hand!
The new principal of Vince Lombardi High ...
Miss Evelyn Togar.

[School Board] [Clapping]

[Miss Togar] [Snaps her fingers at Fritz Hansel for her speech]
[Snaps them again]
Thank you.
[Clears her throat]
Members of the Board ...
as we stand on the threshold of a new decade ...
we must face harsh realities.
Our educational system has become far too permissive.
As that famous scholar once said ...

[Fritz Hansel] [Hands her the script]

[Miss Togar] "My darling Evelyn ...
how I long for the feel of your luscious thighs ...
wrapped around ...
[cuts off]
[Wads up paper and throws it on the floor]

[Fritz Hansel] [Gives her another script]

[Miss Togar] As you all know ...
I am here to replace Professor Web ...
who is unable to continue his duties as the chief administrator of this school.
And now I would like us all to rise and salute Professor Webb for his wonderful, gallant effort.

[School Board Members] [Rise]

[Nurses] [Spoon feed Professor Webb]


[Mr. McGree] Ludwig Van Beethoven ...
whom you will be interested to learn ...
wrote his greatest symphony ...
at a time when he was completely deaf ...
a feat that was practically unheard of at the time.

[Students] [Groaning]

[Mr. McGree] I know that most of you are used to listening to a very different kind of music ...
but I hope that when you hear the immortal strings of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony ...
you will realize what a work of genius it really is.
[Attempts to put a record on the record player, which isn't there]
I seem to have misplaced the turntable.

[Riff Randell] Hi, everybody.
I'm Riff Randell ...
and this is Rock 'N' Roll High School!

[Music] "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker"
by The Ramones

Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go
They're ready to go now they got their surfboards
And they're going to the discotheque Au Go Go
But she just couldn't stay she had to break away
Well New York City really has it all oh yeah, oh yeah
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker now
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker
Sheena is a punk rocker now
Well she's a punk punk, a punk rocker
Punk punk a punk rocker
Punk punk a punk rocker
Punk punk a punk rocker]


[Students] [Dancing]

[Mr. McGree] What are you doing? Have you gone crazy? Stop that! Sit down!

starring: P.J. SOLES


[Chemistry Teacher] Please, these are very dangerous chemicals. Don't dance near the chemicals. In fact, don't dance at all.


[French Teacher] Asseyez-vous!
Asseyez-vous! Asseyez-vous! [Google translate: "Sit down!"]


[Mr. McGree] Please! Get down off my desk! Get down!


[Glass shatters]


[Picture on wall falls down]

[School Board President] Aaargh!

[Professor Webb] [Collapses into his bowl]



[Miss Togar] [Frisbee under her foot]

[White frisbee overhead]

[Red frisbee hits Miss Togar on the head]


director of photography


[Kate Rambeau] [Shaking Riff's leg] Riff! Riff!

executive producer

[Fritz Hansel] [Gives Miss Togar scissors]

[Miss Togar] [Cuts the electrical cord to the sound system]

[Students] [Stop dancing]

[Riff Randell] Kate, I'm getting some static!

[Kate Rambeau] Not as much as you're going to get.

[Miss Togar] So. This is the type of behavior that I can expect.
The minute there's not a teacher in the room, the entire school erupts into a shameless display of adolescent abandon.

[Students] [Laughing]

[Miss Togar] If it's discipline that you students need ...
I am the one who can provide it for you.
Well, now ...
I'm not interested in punishing anyone.

[Students] [Laughing]

[Miss Evelyn Togar] But I think for the good of the whole school ...
the person responsible for this deviation from the schedule ...
should step forward.

[Kate Rambeau] [Steps forward]

[Riff Randell] [To Kate] Kate -- what are you doing?

[Miss Togar] [To Kate] What is your name?

[Kate Rambeau] Kate Rambeau.

[Miss Evelyn Togar] [To Riff] And who are you?

[Riff Randell] [Offers Miss Togar her hand to shake] I'm Riff Randell, rock 'n' roller.

[Students] [Laughing]

[Miss Togar] Obviously, you do not know who I am.
I am Miss Togar.
And I am the new principal ...
of this school.

[Wolf howling]

[Miss Evelyn Togar] I want you to go to your classes ...
[whispering] now!

screenplay by

story by

[Miss Togar] [To Riff and Kate] This incident is going down ...
on your permanent record ...
a record that's going to follow you ...
throughout your entire life.
You have managed to upset the entire school ...
with this godforsaken noise.

[Riff Randell] Noise? That's the Ramones' best album.
Number 1 with the Bullet.

[Miss Togar] Randell --
I want to see you both in detention center --
before the next bell!
Or else!
[Turns and walks away]

[Kate Rambeau] Oh, Riff -- detention center.
I've never served a detention before!

[Riff Randell] Oh, don't worry!
I've done more detentions than anyone in the school's history.

produced by

Oh, come on, Kate -- loosen up!

directed by

[Riff Randell] Oh, come on! It's not the end of the world. Yahoo! Detention!

[Tom Roberts] I don't understand it! I mean, I'm captain of the football team.
My complexion has cleared up.
And soon I'm going to be going to the college of my choice!
Why don't girls go for me?

[Cheryl] Hi, Tom!

[Tom Roberts] [Grabs Cheryl's belt and yanks on it] Hey, Cheryl!
How you doing? [Looking at her chest] Ahhhh!
Nice weather we've been having, huh?
A little dry lately, though.
I hear it's raining cats and dogs in Idaho.

[Cheryl] [Closes her eyes]

[Tom Roberts] [Laughs]

[Cheryl] Sure, Tom.
Be seeing you!

[Tom Roberts] Alright.
What went wrong?
[Snaps his fingers]
Maybe I'm too forward.

[Shawn] Hiya Tom.

[Tom Roberts] Hey, Shawn, baby.
How you doing?
Que Pasa?
Nice weather we've been having lately, huh?
It's been a little dry, though, huh?

[Shawn] I hear it's been raining cats and dogs in Idaho.

[Tom Roberts] [Touches her chin] Yes!

[Shawn] See you later, Tom.

[Tom Roberts] Yes.
What happened?
What went wrong?

[Freshman] ... football type ...

[Tom Roberts] [Slams locker door] I've got to get myself together.
I need to improve my self-image
I need to broaden my horizons!

[Music] "I Want to be Sedated"
by the Ramones

Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated

[Riff Randell] [Straightens Tom's tie]

[Tom Roberts] Riff Randell!


[Music] "Smokin' In the Boys Room"
by Motley Crue

Checkin' out the halls makin sure the coast is clear
Lookin' in the stalls-nah, there ain't nobody here
My buddies Sixx, Mick & Tom
To get caught would surely be the death of us all

Smokin' in the boys room
Smokin' in the boys room
Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules
Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Put me to work the school
book store
Check-out counter and I got bored
Teacher was lookin' for me all around
Two hours later you know where I was found

[Tom Roberts] [Enters Boy's Restroom, site of Eaglebauer Enterprises]

[Boys] [Smoking]

[Freshman] No, not the urinal!
Anything but the urinal!
No! Please!

[Bullies] Watch it! Watch it!

[Student 1] Hey, man, where are you going? Get at the end of the line!

[Students] [Protesting against Tom going to the head of the line]

[Student 2] Get in line like everybody else!

[Tom Roberts] [To Norma] Hi! I need to see Eaglebauer.

[Norma] Oh, I'm sorry, but he's tied up at the moment. Why don't you just take a number and have a seat.

[Tom Roberts] Miss, you don't understand. See, this is an emergency.

[Norma] [Surprised] Animal, vegetable, or mineral?

[Tom Roberts] Uh, sexual.

[Students] [Gasp]

[Norma] [Into telephone intercom] It's a Code 9!
[To Tom] He'll see you immediately!

[Siren] [Wails]

[Tom Roberts] [Enters Eaglebauer's office]

[Eaglebauer] Tom, my man!
It's good to see ya. Good to see ya. How are you doing?
Well, have a seat! Have a seat! Geez! Well! So what will it be for the star quarterback of Vince Lombardi High?
Fake I.D.?
Get you liquor in any state?

[Tom Roberts] Uh, no.

[Eaglebauer] Hall pass? Test Answers?

[Tom Roberts] No. That's not going to solve my problem.

[Eaglebauer] [Slams his hand down on his desk]
It's been like this all morning!
Ever since Togar took office. The whole school is in turmoil!

Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries were sometimes called scarabs; again, lions and panthers. The scarab was the emissary of the sun, symbolizing light, truth, and regeneration. Stone scarabs, called heart scarabs, about three inches long, were placed in the heart cavity of the dead when that organ was removed to be embalmed separately as part of the process of mummifying. Some maintain that the stone beetles were merely wrapped in the winding cloths at the time of preparing the body for eternal preservation. The following passage concerning this appears in the great Egyptian book of initiation, The Book of the Dead: “And behold, thou shalt make a scarab of green stone, which shalt be placed in the breast of a man, and it shall perform for him, ‘the opening of the mouth.'” The funeral rites of many nations bear a striking resemblance to the initiatory ceremonies of their Mysteries.

Ra, the god of the sun, had three important aspects. As the Creator of the universe he was symbolized by the head of a scarab and was called Khepera, which signified the resurrection of the soul and a new life at the end of the mortal span. The mummy cases of the Egyptian dead were nearly always ornamented with scarabs. Usually one of these beetles, with outspread wings, was painted on the mummy case directly over the breast of the dead. The finding of such great numbers of small stone scarabs indicates that they were a favorite article of adornment among the Egyptians. Because of its relationship to the sun, the scarab symbolized the divine part of man’s nature. The fact that its beautiful wings were concealed under its glossy shell typified the winged soul of man hidden within its earthly sheath. The Egyptian soldiers were given the scarab as their special symbol because the ancients believed that these creatures were all of the male sex and consequently appropriate emblems of virility, strength, and courage.

Plutarch noted the fact that the scarab rolled its peculiar ball of dung backwards, while the insect itself faced the opposite direction. This made it an especially fitting symbol for the sun, because this orb (according to Egyptian astronomy) was rolling from west to east, although apparently moving in the opposite direction. An Egyptian allegory states that the sunrise is caused by the scarab unfolding its wings, which stretch out as glorious colors on each side of its body–the solar globe–and that when it folds its wings under its dark shell at sunset, night follows. Khepera, the scarab-headed aspect of Ra, is often symbolized riding through the sea of the sky in a wonderful ship called the Boat of the Sun.

-- Manly P. Hall, “Secret Teachings of All Ages”

Up for grabs is Fourth Prize from Disney's National Treasure 2 Sweepstakes. The sweepstakes had an ARV of $75 for the medallion. The Scottish Rite is currently selling the medallion in their online store for $100. I have seen it selling for less elsewhere online.

The bronze medallion commemorates the 190th Anniversary of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., in 1991. It was minted by Medallic Art Co of Danbury, CT. The front of the medallion has a portrait of Albert Pike (1809 - 1891) in high relief. Albert Pike was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859 and served the Freemasons in that capacity until his death.

The reverse side of the medallion commemorates the 50th Anniversary of Mount Rushmore by Sculptor Gutzon Borglum, 32nd Degree.

-- National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, directed by Jon Turteltaub -- Screenplay

Well, look! Look at this!
Fake I.D.s down 50%.
Test answers down 60%.
Hall passes are falling off the board!
Let's get back to you.
Tell me exactly what you want out of life.

[Tom Roberts] I want someone with huge breasts.

[Eaglebauer] [Philosophically] "The sweet, stirring, passionate youth."

[Tom Roberts] I want to get laid before I'm 30.

[Eaglebauer] Are you a virgin?

[Tom Roberts] Uh, do you mean "technically"?

[Eaglebauer] You've come to the right place. Eaglebauer Enterprises is a name that stands for quality.
I'm going to get you a date with the most primo lady in this school: Kate Rambeau!

[Tom Roberts] [Mouthing the name "Kate Rambeau," as if trying to place her.]

[Cornets playing]

[Eaglebauer] Johnny, why don't you tell Tom how happy he'll be with Kate.

[Invisible Johnny] Right you are, Mr. Bauer. Kate Rambeau, age 17, attends Vince Lombardi High ...
where she majors in nuclear physics.
This perky gal on the go's hobbies include splitting protons, and checkers.
Included in your night to remember is a matched set of Travel-Ways luggage.

[Woman's Voices] Oooohhhh! That's Travel-Ways Luggage, the first name in travel for over five years. And now back to you, Mr. Eaglebauer.

[Audience] [Clapping]

[Tom Roberts] [Reluctantly clapping]

[Eaglebauer] Thank you, Johnny.
Well, there she is, Tom!

[Tom Roberts] I had somebody else in mind.

[Eaglebauer] Ah, but Tom -- my files indicate she's perfect for you.

[Tom Roberts] I know, I know. But I was kind of hoping you could set me up with -- with Riff Randell!

[Eaglebauer] [Throws himself backwards and slams his back against the wall] Riff Randell!
How about our cheerleader?
Nice set of pompons!

[Tom Roberts] [Jumps up and grabs the pompons] No!
The only girl I ever dream about at night is Riff.
But I always keep waking up just before the good part.

[Eaglebauer] Well, how are you set for large amounts of hard cash?

[Tom Roberts] Snaps his fingers]
I have a major credit card!

[Eaglebauer] [Takes credit card and punches telephone speaker] Uh, Norma, dear ...

[Norma] Yes, Mr. Eaglebauer.

[Eaglebauer] Yes, would you draw up a contract for a Tom Roberts and Riff Randell?

[Tom Roberts] [Extends his hand to shake Eaglebauer's, but Eaglebauer ignores it. He's got the money.]

[Tom pretends to look at his watch, instead.]

[Music] "Rock 'n' Roll"
by Lou Reed

Then one fine morning, she put on a New York station
And she couldn't believe what she heard at all
She started dancing to that fine-fine music
Ahh, her life was saved by rock 'n' roll
Rock 'n' roll

[Coach Steroid] What's that thing in your ear, Randell?

[Kate Rambeau] It's a hearing aid.
Don't [inaudible] She's very sensitive about it.

[Coach Steroid] [Talking loudly] Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Randell.

[Riff Randell] What?

[Coach Steroid] [Yelling into Riff's machine] Sorry to hear that, Randell!

[Riff Randell] Fine! How are you?

[Coach Steroid] [Yelling] Oh, I'm fine. Thank you!

[Riff Randell] Oh, I'd say about a quarter to two.

[Kate Rambeau] C'mon Riff. Let's go!

[Riff Randell] But I just had lunch.

[Coach Steroid] So young!

[Riff Randell] [Laughing]

[Kate Rambeau] That was kind of close. We just got out of trouble. You want to put us back in?

[Riff Randell] Are you kidding?
[Mimicking Coach Steroid] "What's that thing in your ear?"
She doesn't even know the Beatles broke up.


[Miss Togar] [To Fritz Hansel & Gretel] I know something is going on behind my back.
You two are not doing your jobs!
Look at me when I'm talking to you!
You're supposed to be ...
my eyes, my ears ...
my nose!

[Fritz Hansel] [Sneezing]

[Miss Evelyn Togar] Thank you!
[Wipes her nose with a kleenex]
If this school is going to get back on the winning track ...
we have to start cracking down immediately!
[Picks up the Ramones record]
And I know just ...
where to begin.
You take a note to Mr. McGree ...
and I want you to take the same note to Coach Steroid.
And tell them to meet me immediately in the science lab.

[Fritz Hansel] [Looks at Miss Togar adoringly]

[Miss Evelyn Togar] [Waves him off, dismissively]

[Fritz Gretel] [Climbs over the counter and knocks everything down]

[Fritz Hansel] [Waves goodbye to Miss Togar]

[Miss Togar] [Can't believe it]


[Fritz Gretel] [Lights a cigarette]
[Makes a paper airplane out of the note]
[Sets it flying]

[Mr. McGree] The most famous notes in all the musical literature is about ...
[Paper airplane lands in Mr. McGree's ear]

[Class] [Laughing]

[Mr. McGree] Earmail!

[Class] [Groaning]

[Mr. McGree] Class, I have to go to Miss Togar's office.
I'd like you to look over the chapter on Beethoven's Fifth Symphony while I'm gone.

[Class] [Groaning]

[Mr. McGree] Oh, and class -- as soon as I get back, there's going to be a surprise quiz on this material.

[Class] [Groaning]

[Fritz Gretel] [Makes a pig face at the students]

[Students] [Throw papers at him]


[Kate Rambeau] [At the top of the rope in gym class]

[Riff Randell] [To Kate] Come on!

[Coach Steroid] Nice work, Rambeau. I knew you could do it.
Okay, now come on down.

[Kate Rambeau] I'm stuck!

[Coach Steroid] Nonsense! There's nothing to it! Just go hand over hand but -- above all -- do not slide!

[Kate Rambeau] [Slides to ground, making a screeching sound]

[Riff Randell] [Gasps]

[To Kate] Are you all right?

[Coach Steroid] All right, girls. She's okay. You're okay, Rambeau. Get up and walk it off! Come on! Come on, girls! Move it!

[Fritz Hansel] [Comes swinging in, like Tarzan, and grabs Cheryl]

[Cheryl] [To Fritz Hansel] Hey!

[Shawn] That creep?!

[Cheryl] Yep!

[Fritz Hansel] [Hands Coach Steroid the note]
[Makes kissy faces at Cheryl]

[Cheryl] [To Fritz] Yech!

[Coach Steroid] [Reading note] Darling, Evelyn, how I long for the feel of your luscious thighs --

[Fritz Hansel] [Grabs the note away] Wrong note!
[Gives her the other note]

[Coach Steroid] [Reads the note]
All right! Class!
[Blows her whistle]
Listen up!

[Riff Randell] [To Kate] Are you okay?

[Kate Rambeau] Yes, thank you.

[Coach Steroid] I'm going to be gone for a few minutes.
While I'm away, I want you to continue with your exercises for the day.
[Turns on music]

[Class] [Groans]

[Coach Steroid] Nah! None of that! Let's have a little enthusiasm!
[Blows her whistle again]
[Starts doing jumping jacks as an example]
And a one, and a two, and a jumping up and down. Come on, girls! That's right! Peppy!

[Girls] [Lackadaisacally do jumping jacks]

[Coach Steroid] Now keep that up until I get back.


[Miss Togar] [Enters room and noisily closes door]
Well, you're probably wondering why I called you here.

[Fritz Hansel] [Raises his hand] Hey, I know. I know!

[Fritz Gretel] Me! Me!

[Fritz Hansel] I know! I know!

[Miss Togar] Go and monitor the halls!
[Waves them out dismissively]
[Clears her throat] Since assuming office this morning, I've noticed a couple of peculiar incidents among the members of the student body ...
all having to do with rock and roll music.

[Mr. McGree] Miss Togar, I have no particular love for rock and roll, but it doesn't seem to me that listening to it actually hurts the students.

[Miss Togar] Hah, hah hah! But that's where you're wrong, Mr. McGree.
[Holds a white mice up]
Recently, I have been doing a study of mice subjected to rock and roll music
Here we have a picture of this mouse. A typical member of the genus ratus rodendi ...
as he appeared before the start of my investigation.
Clean, good-natured ...
content to scamper playfully about his cage.
[Changes out the pictures]
This is a picture of the same mouse ...
one week after the introduction of rock and roll music.

[Coach Steroid] I never dreamed!

[Miss Togar] Oh, the results were dramatic! He lost all interest in keeping his cage tidy.

[Mr. McGree] How scientific!

[Miss Togar] He played his electric guitar far into the night, keeping the other test animals awake.

[Coach Steroid] He did?!

[Miss Togar] And he met this female mouse ...
and they have been sharing a cage together out of wedlock.

[Coach Steroid] That's fascinating, Miss Togar!

[Miss Evelyn Togar] Yes. It is.

[Mr. McGree] [To Coach Steroid] Is she crazy?

[Coach Steroid] [Back to Mr. McGree] She's the principal!


[Fritz Hansel] [Mocking Miss Togar] "Monitor the hall! Monitor the hall!" I am sick of monitoring the hall!
Let's go monitor the freshman!

[Fritz Gretel] Good idea!

[Grab the Freshman]

[Fritz Gretel] Alright. What the hell do you think you're doing out here?

[Freshman] Well, I was just getting my books!

[Fritz Gretel] Listen, do you have a hall pass?

[Freshman] Well, no!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] No hall pass?

[Fritz Hansel] Hit 'em! Hit 'em!

[Freshman] Hey, guys, I'm allergic to violence. I break out in blood

[Fritz Hansel] Hit him anyway!

[Fritz Gretel] Calm down! Let me see some I.D. Come on, I haven't got all day.

[Freshman] Well, I need it for the sock hop tonight.

[Fritz Gretel] [Hits him] The sock hop! Who would dance with you? All you have is a buck?

[Fritz Hansel] I'll have that!

[Fritz Gretel] [Looking at his I.D.] Is this you?

[Freshman] Well -- I take a bad picture.

[Fritz Gretel] Tell me about it!

[Fritz Hansel] Ooooh!

[Fritz Gretel] Yuk! Listen, I'm going to give you a demerit!

[Freshman] What's a demerit?

[Fritz Hansel] If you get enough of them, you wind up in Miss Togar's office!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Demerit! Demerit!

[Freshman] Well, what for?

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Because you're ugly!
[Cover his face with his hat]

[Fritz Hansel] Hit him now. Hit him. Hit him.

[Fritz Gretel] Wait! Let's go monitor the girl's gym.

[Fritz Hansel] All right!

[Freshman] [Making muffled noises]

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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

Postby admin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:53 am


[Girls] [Lackadaisacally doing jumping jacks]

[Riff Randell] [Turns off the music]

[Kate Rambeau] What are you doing, Riff?

[Riff Randell] Gym class called on account of boredom.
Got some of my homework instead.

[Kate Rambeau] Homework?

[Riff Randell] Yeah. From Mr. McGree's songwriting class. I've written a song for the Ramones. Wait'll you hear this!

[Music] "Rock N Roll High School"
by Riff Randell

[Riff Randell] [Singing] Rock, rock, rock, rock ...
rock and roll high school!
Well, I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I just want to have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school
Well the girls out there knock me out, you know
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Cruisin' around in my GTO
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I hate the teachers and the principal
Don't wanna be taught to be no fool
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Listening at the gym door, laughing and bumping fists]

[Riff Randell] Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun, oh baby
Fun fun, oh baby
Fun fun
fun, fun
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school


[Miss Togar] Next, I investigated reports of loss of hearing by individuals ...
due to the high decibel level ...
involved in playing rock 'n' roll music.
Put on these ear-protective devices, as I am going to --
Mr. McGree -- play a song by the Ramones --
at the decibel level consistent ...
with that used in your average concert.
[Tapping her stick at the mouse] Your standard mouse!
And your standard speakers.
Now, back! Back!
This is the rockometer.
It is used to measure comparative rock 'n' roll intensity levels.
Watch the mouse while I turn it on.

[Music] "Lobotomy"
by The Ramones


[In order of intensity: MUZAK, PAT BOONE, DEBBIE BOONE, DONNY & MARIE]



[Mouse cage starts vibrating and jumping]

[Ramones Singing] DDT did a job on me
Now I am a real sickie
Guess I'll have to break the news
That I got no mind to lose

[Foreigner, Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Ted Nugent, Rolling Stones, The Who]

All the girls are in love with me ...

[Highest Level of Intensity: Ramones]

[Mouse explodes]

[Miss Togar] Notice the loss of hearing.

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Come running into the laboratory]

[Fritz Hansel] The gym!

[Fritz Gretel] Girls!

[Fritz Hansel] Music!

[Fritz Gretel] Legs!

[Fritz Hansel] Dancing!

[Fritz Gretel! Boobs!

[Fritz Hansel] Randell!

[Fritz Gretel] Sex!

[Fritz Hansel] Girls!

[Mr. McGree] [ To Miss Togar] I think they're trying to tell us something.

[Fritz Gretel] Music!
[Gestures for them to come]

[Fritz Hansel] Okay!

[Riff Randell Singing] Well I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun rock 'n' roll high school
Fun fun, oh baby
Fun fun, oh baby
fun fun
fun fun
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Kate Rambeau] [Sees that the authorities are coming]

[Riff Randell Singing] Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Music stops and exercises begin]

[Riff Randell & Kate Rambeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ....
One, two, three, four ...

[Miss Togar] [Checking the girls out]

[Riff Randell & Kate Rambeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ..
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ..

[Miss Togar] [To Coach Steroid and Mr. McGree] They're dancing!

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...

[Coach Steroid] Oh, no, Miss Togar. It's calisthenics!

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...

[Miss Togar] Where are their books?

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...

[Mr. McGree] This is a gym class!

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...

[Mr. McGree] They are exercising their bodies!

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...

[Miss Togar] What these girls need ...

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...

[Miss Togar] is to exercise their minds.

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...

[Miss Togar] [Leaves the gym room]

[Mr. McGree] [To Coach Steroid] I told you, she's crazy.

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...

[Coach Steroid] [Blows her whistle] Alright, girls. Hit the showers!

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...

[Coach Steroid] [Blows her whistle again]

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...

[Coach Steroid] [Shakes her whistle as if to make it work]

[Riff Randell & Kate Rabeau] One, two, three, four ...
One, two, three, four ...
Alright, girls. Come on. Let's go!

[Girls] [Whistling and cheering]

[Coach Steroid] [Blows her whistle impotently]


[Kate Rambeau] Uh, Cheryl ...
do you think Tom Roberts ...
is cute?

[Cheryl] Yes, but he's such a dork!

[Kate Rambeau] No, he's not!

[Cheryl] [Nods her head, "yes he is."]

[Kate Rambeau] I think he's a fox!

[Riff Randell] A fox?!
Tom Roberts is so boring, his brother is an only child. He's not half as hot as Joey Ramone!

[Kate Rambeau] Who's Joey Ramone?

[Riff Randell] [Knocking on the mirror in front of Kate] Where have you been? Mars?!
Earth calling Kate!
He just happens to be the lead singer in the Ramones.

[Shawn] Boy, I wish we could see them this Thursday at their concert!

[Riff Randell] So, what's stopping you?

[Cheryl] We can't cut classes to stand in line for tickets.

[Shawn] That's right.

[Riff Randell] Oh, please! Ten years from now, no one will care if you've ever been to high school ...
much less skipped a few classes.
You all act as if everything's so important around here.
I mean, just because Togar's stuck in the fifties, doesn't mean there isn't life after high school, you know.
I mean, I've got my own future to think about. I know I can write for the Ramones. All I've got to do is get my songs to them. They won't be in town again for another year, so I've got to see them now!

[Cheryl] [To Riff] Hey! Well, we want to go as much as you, but we can't all cut classes!

[Riff Randell] Well, I guess it's up to me. But you'll have to cover for me, Kate.
I'm going to take a 3-day leave from Camp Lombardi, and be first in line!
If anyone wants to join me at front row center, why you just let me know.

[Girls] [Murmuring]

[Riff Randell] Alright!

[Music] "School Days"
by Chuck Berry

Up in the mornin' and out to school
The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule
American history and practical math
You study' em hard and hopin' to pass
Workin' your fingers right down to the bone
And the guy behind you won't leave you alone
Ring ring goes the bell
The cook in the lunchroom's ready to sell
You're lucky if you can find a seat
You're fortunate if you have time to eat
Back in the classroom open you books
Gee but the teacher don't know
How mean she looks
Soon as three o'clock rolls around
You finally lay your burden down
Close up your books, get out of your seat
Down the halls and into the street
Up to the corner and 'round the bend
Right to the juke joint you go in

[Newspaper Headline: Caught in the Act. RAMONES: A BLITZ AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT]

[Newspaper Headline: Consider a Movement Whose Time Has Come]

[Riff Randell] [Walking with all her stuff to the ticket location]
[Setting up her lawn chair]

[Music] Drop the coin right into the slot
You gotta hear something that's really hot

[Riff Randell] [Sets up Ramones cardboard cutout, and kisses each of the Ramones]

[Music] With the one you love you're makin' romance
All day long you been
Wantin' to dance
Feelin' the music from head to toe
'Round and 'round and 'round you go
Drop the coin right into the slot
You gotta hear something that's really hot
Hail, hail rock 'n' roll
Deliver me from the days of old
Long live rock 'n' roll
The beat of the drum is loud and bold
Rock rock rock 'n' roll
The feelin' is there body and soul

[Riff Randell] [Shares her pizza with the Ramones cardboard cutouts]


[Riff Randell] [Reading Gabba Gabba Gazette]
[Reading Crawdaddy!]


[Kate Rambeau] [Delivers first excuse note for Riff to Miss Togar]

[Jan. 14, 1980
Dear Ms. Togar,
Please excuse Riff Randell from school today as her mother has died.
Mr. Randell]

[Miss Togar] [Stamps the letter]

[Kate Rambeau] [Leaves happily]


[Riff Randall] [Sleeping on her lawn chair at the ticket location]

[Milkman] [Delivers Riff milk]

[Riff's clock alarm goes off at 7:00 a.m.]

[Music] "Come on let's go"
by The Ramones

And tell me that you'll never leave me
Come on, come on, let's go again and again and again and again
Now swing me, swing me all the way down now
Come on, let's go little darlin'
Let's go, let's go again once more
I love you so, yeah and I'll never let you go
Come along baby soon
Oh pretty baby I love you so
Let's go, let's go, let's go little sweet heart
Now that we can always be together
Come on, come on, let's go again
Let's go, let's go, let's go little darlin'
Wherever we belong to
Come on, come on, let's go again and again and again and again
I love you so, yeah and I'll never let you go
Come along baby soon
Oh pretty baby I love you so
Come on, come on, come on little darlin'
Come on, we'll always be together
Come on, come on little darlin'
And again and again and again
Come on, come on little darlin'
Come on, come on little darlin'
Come on, come on little darlin'
And again and again and again
And again and again and again
Come on, come on little darlin'
Come on, come on little darlin'
Come on, come on little darlin'
And again and again and again
And again and again and again
Come on, come on little darlin']

[Indian Scalper] [Making Indian sounds, waves his tomahawk, and pushes his ticket towards people]

[Guy] Hey -- keep away with that thing! I don't want any!

[Boy] [To Riff Randell] Scalper!

[Riff Randall] [Gets up and does jumping jacks]


[School Intercom Voice] Miss Kendall, please report to the Principal's office.
All of your classes have been canceled!

[Kate Rambeau] [Entering the Boys' Room and Eaglebauer's den]

[Boy] A girl! Everyone hide!

[School Intercom Voice] Don't forget the sockhop this evening. Tonight's main speaker will be Dr. Schultz.

[Boys] [Cover their eyes with their hands]

[Kate Rambeau] [At Norma's desk]

[Norma] [Pushes button] Red alert!
[Points Kate to Eaglebauer's door]
[Gives Kate the "It's going to be okay" hand sign]

[Kate Rambeau] [Knocks on door]

[Eaglebauer] Who is it?

[Kate Rambeau] Kate Rambeau.

[Eaglebauer] [To Invisible Johnny] It's Kate!

[To Kate] Yeah, come on in.

[Kate Rambeau] Hello, Mr. Eaglebauer.

[Eaglebauer] How are you doing?

[Kate Rambeau] Great! Thank you!

[Eaglebauer] Oh, please! Sit down! Sit down!
What can I do for you, Kate?

[Kate Rambeau] Well, I want to go out on a date!

[Eaglebauer] Say no more!
Eaglebauer Enterprises has a man for you.
Tell me, have you had much experience with boys?

[Kate Rambeau] Well, once I played nurse with the boy next door and got sued for malpractice.

[Eaglebauer] [Laughs uneasily]
[Makes a face]

[Kate Rambeau] I wish part of Riff would rub off on me.
Everything's so easy for her!

[Eaglebauer] Did you have any one particular person in mind

[Kate Rambeau] Well --
I was kind of hoping that ...
you might fix me up with ...
[whispering] with Tom Roberts.

[Eaglebauer] [Screeching] Tom Roberts?!

[Kate Rambeau] [Nods her head vigorously] [Whispers] Yes.

[Tom Roberts] I love him! He's a great guy. I love him!

[Kate Rambeau] Can you do it?


[Kate Rambeau and Eaglebauer driving to Lover's Lane in his car]

[Kate Rambeau] This will never work! Tom will never like me! I don't know who I'm kidding!
What possible reason could there be to put myself through all this?
Sex! [Laughs]
I must admit, as far as reasons go, it must be one of the best!

[Eaglebauer] Kate, I've known Tom ever since he was a Freshman, when I sold him his first touchdown! Believe me, you're just the type of girl he goes for!

[Music] Did you always look like this?

[Eaglebauer] [To Tom Roberts] Tom, my man!
How's my would-be Romeo?

[Tom Roberts] Eaglebauer, what are we doing up here?!
I thought we were going to start training today.

[Eaglebauer] This is the perfect spot for it. The most romantic setting in the city! Just you, the skyline, and your training partner.

[Tom Roberts] My training partner?

[Kate Rambeau] [Gets out of car]
Hi, Tom!

[Tom Roberts] [To Eaglebauer] I was kind of expecting Riff Randell.
[Grabs Eaglebauer by the shoulders]
Eaglebauer -- I don't know if I can go through with this.
Couldn't I just practice with myself?

[Eaglebauer] You've done too much of that already!

[Tom Roberts] Yeah.

[Eaglebauer] [Puts his arms around Kate and Tom]
For the next three days, you two are going to have nothing but fun!
The first lesson: necking.
The place? Lover's Lane.
The reason: Well, you're young!
[Sprays perfume around]

[Kate Rambeau] [Makes faces at the perfume]

[Eaglebauer] Now, what's the first thing you guys do?

[Kate and Tom] [Move away from each other]

[Eaglebauer] Ah, no, no, no, no!
[Tells Kate and Tom to pay attention]
[Puts his arm around the blow-up woman]
[Turns her face toward him]
[And grossly molests her]

[Tom Roberts] [Yawns, as instructed]

[Tom Roberts] [Yawning]
[Puts his arm around the blow-up girl]
[Blow-up Girl] [Slaps Tom!]

[Eaglebauer] [Unbuttoning blow-up girl's blouse]
[Squeezes her tits]

[Tom Roberts] [Stretches, as instructed]
[Puts his arm around Kate]

[Eaglebauer] [Instructs Tom to get inside Kate's blouse]

[Tom Roberts] [breaks Kate's rose apart -- deflowers her]
[Expresses frustration]

[Kate Rambeau] [Opens her blouse and gives him a peek]

[Eaglebauer] Now this next step can either make or break a successful date.
The one-handed approach to strap unfastening is a basic skill that must be mastered. Now watch closely as I demonstrate.
There's the hook.
The snap.
There is the double-hook.
There is the dreaded mini-hooks.
And if you play your cards right ...
the easy-open frontal assault.
[Rips open blow-up girl's bra]

[Kate & Tom] [Look surprised]


[Ominous music]

[Kate Rambeau] [Delivers the second excuse note for Riff to Miss Togar]

[Miss Togar] [Reads it]

[Jan. 15, 1980. Dear Ms. Togar: Please excuse me from school today as my father has died too. Riff Randell]

[Miss Togar] [Towers above Kate]

[Kate Rambeau] Isn't it sad when the family has to suffer so much?

[Miss Togar] [Rhetorically] Isn't it?
[Reluctantly gives the note her official stamp]


[Riff's alarm bell rings at 7:00 a.m.]

[Riff Randell] [Turns off the alarm]
[Kisses the Ramones cardboard cutouts]
Good morning Joey.
[Smiling at the Ramones]

[Uh, oh!]

[To Angel Dust] Excuse me, but I think it's obvious ...
[Points to her lawn chair]
I'm first in line.

[Angel Dust] Not any more.

[Riff Randell] Hey, look -- I've been waiting here for two days. I'm first in line!

[Angel Dust] [Laughing]
So you want to be ahead of me, huh?

[Riff Randell] I don't want to be --
I am!

[Angel Dust] Apparently, you don't know who I am!
I'm Angel.
[Takes off her sunglasses]
Angel Dust.
The Ramones' Number 1 fan?
I followed them on every stop of their tour from Cleveland to Pittsburgh ...
to Tucson, to Charlotte, to Denver!

[Riff Randell] Ah!!!
[Pointing at Angel Dust]
You're a groupie!
Well, I happen to be a songwriter, you know, and I've got a --

[Angel Dust] You're not a songwriter, you're a cheerleader!

[Riff Randell] I am first in line!

[Angel Dust] I am first in line

[Riff Randell] I am first in line

[Angel Dust] Hey! What do you think I am? Filth? You think I'm just spit on the sidewalk for you to walk on? Scum under your feet?

[Riff Randell] Listen, I don't know what you are, but I am first in line.

[Angel Dust] I am first in line.

[Riff Randell] I am first in line

[Angel Dust] I am first in line! And if you don't like it, you can put it where the monkey puts the nuts.

[Riff Randell] [Mouthing "Where the monkey puts the nuts."]

[Angel Dust] By the way, who do you like?

[Riff Randell] Well, I think Joey's kind of cute.

[Music] "I Just Want to Have Something to Do"
by The Ramones

Hanging out of Second Avenue
Eating chicken in the loo
I just want to be with you

[Riff Randall & Angel Dust] [Shoving each other out of the way]

[Ramones singing] I just want to have something to do
Tonight, tonight, tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
well alright ....
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...

[Crowd] [Shouting and waving]

[Ramones singing] Tonight ...
Wait! Now!
Wait! Now!

[Angel Dust] [Yelling] I love you!

[Ramones singing] Hanging out all by myself ...

[Angel Dust] It's me!

[Ramones singing] I don't want to be with anybody else
I just want to be with you
I just want to have something to do
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight, tonight, well alright ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight, tonight, tonight ...
Now! Wait! Now!
Hanging out all by myself|
I don't want to be with anybody else
I just want to be with you
I just want to have something to do
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Well, alright.

[Riff Randell] Joey! Joey! I have your songs!
[Hitting Angel Dust with her song envelope]

[Ramones singing] Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...
Tonight ...

[Crowd] [Clapping and cheering]

[Angel Dust] [To the Ramones] I love you! I love you!

[Ramones' Manager] [To Angel Dust] Angel baby! Good to see you.
Listen, I got a little surprise for you. And the boys would love to see you.
Come on. This way. Yeah, this way. Come on. Let's go.

[Angel Dust] [To Riff Randell] Goodbye, cheerleader!

[Riff Randall] [Looking sad]


[Ominous music]

[Kate Rambeau] [Delivers third excuse note for Riff to Miss Togar]

[Miss Togar] [Snatches the note from Kate's hand and read it]

[Jan. 16. Dear Ms. Togar: Please excuse me from school today as my goldfish has died. Riff Randell]

[Kate Rambeau] Well, you know what they say -- these things always happen in threes.

[Miss Togar] Oh, really?


[Riff Randell] [To the Ticket seller] I want 100 of your best Ramones tickets please.

[Ticket Seller] $1,000!

[Riff Randall] [Holding up her 100 tickets to the cameras]

[Photographs are taken]

[Riff Randall] [Smiling big at the cameras]


[Riff Randell] [To Vince Lombardi High students] Here they are: the Ramones tickets!
[Hands out tickets to the students]

[Mr. McGree] Excuse me, what's going on here?

[Riff Randell] I'm giving out tickets to the concert.

[Mr. McGree] The concert? I had no idea the students were so interested in music.

[Riff Randell] Want to go?
[Hands him a ticket]
Complimentary ticket.

[Mr. McGree] Why thank you! I love concerts. But who are the Ramoneees?

[Riff Randell] The Ramones!
They are the best group in the world, Mr. McGree!

[Freshman] [Knocking desperately on glass window, trying to communicate thirst]

[Riff Randall & Mr. McGree] [Oblivious of suffering Freshman]


[Miss Togar] [Reading newspaper headline]


[Puts the newspaper down]

[To Riff Randell] So, three members of your family are dead?
Well, we know for a fact that you are lying!
[To Fritz Gretel] Go and show her the proof!

[Fritz Gretel] [Brings in Riff's goldfish]

[Miss Togar] [To Riff Randall] What do you have to say for yourself?

[Riff Randell] [To the goldfish] Hey! Got better!
[Makes kissy faces at the goldfish]

[Miss Togar] Got better, nothing!
[Muttering to Fritz Hasenl] I suppose that her parents are still alive, too!

[Fritz Hansel] Should I check on it, ma'am?

[Miss Togar] No talking!
Kate. [Tsk]
I am really surprised at you.
I thought you would serve as a model for the rest of the school ...
not as an accomplice to delinquency.

[Kate Rambeau] Well, she's my friend!

[Miss Togar] A friend that will lead you down the road to expulsion.

[Riff Randell] [Playing air guitar] I'm a teenage lobotomy!

[Miss Togar] I have made a full report!
[Points to Fritz Hansel]

[Fritz Hansel] [Gets report out of file cabinet]

[Freshman] [In file cabinet] It's the breathing --

[Miss Togar] Harrumph. You two girls have done nothing but defy me.

[Fritz Gretel] [Grabbing the goldfish]

[Miss Togar] You have turned the entire student body against me.

[Fritz Gretel] [Eating the goldfish]
[Looking at Riff Randall]

[Miss Togar] Miss Randell --
just what is your problem?!

[Kate & Riff] [Looking at each other in astonishment]

[Fritz Gretel] [Gulps after swallowing the goldfish]

[Miss Togar] Alright. Who else has tickets to this concert?

[Riff Randell] Uh --- just us!
We're the only ones!

[Mr. McGree] [Pushes his free ticket into his pocket]
Uh, Miss Togar -- perhaps we're taking this a bit too far.
After all, the concert is on their own time, and it's --

[Miss Togar] Nonsense!
They should be made an example of for the whole school!
Alright -- give me your tickets! I will give them to charity.

[Riff Randell] No way!

[Miss Togar] Very well!
I'll have my hall monitors take them from you!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Body search!

[They take the tickets from Riff and Kate]
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Re: Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

Postby admin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:57 am


[Kate & Riff] [Looking like they've been raped]

[Boy] Hey, Riff -- thank you!

[Girl] Thanks for the tickets, Riff!

[Riff Randell] [Pushes Kate's skewed glasses back around her eyes]

[See lovers hugging]

[Cheryl] Hey, Riff! Thanks for the tickets!

[Shawn] Yeah, we couldn't have gone without you. And everybody's going to be there.

[Cheryl] Yeah, we'll see you there! Goodbye!

[Shawn] Bye!

[Riff Randell] Yeah, have a good time!

[To Kate] We won't!


[Riff Randell] [In her bedroom] Yeah, "rock, rock, rock" --
Huh! [throws her songs onto the bed]
Great day!
[Lights up a joint]
[Throws the matches on the floor]
[Picks a record to play]
[Not Dylan]
[Not The Stones]
[Yes The Ramones]
[Puts the Ramones album on the record player]

[Music] "I Want You Around"
by The Ramones

I want you around
I want you around
They're telling us
They're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us
I want you around
I want you around
I know what you're thinking about
That you must have some doubts
I know what you're thinking
when you find out
I want you around
You know if it comes true
I'll be so good to you
I'll never treat you cruel
As long as I've got you around
I want you around
I want you around
You heard that I'm no good
Yeah, yeah I'm no good
But I'll treat you like I should
I want you around
I want you around
You know if it comes true
I'll be so good to you
I'll never treat you cruel
As long as I've got you around
I want you around
I want you around
They're telling us
They're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us
I want you around
I want you around
I want you around
I want you around

[Riff Randell] Ahhhh!
[Faints into Marky's arms]

[Marky Ramone] [Smiles]

[Riff's bed springs squeak like laughter]


[Tom Roberts] [Putting the final touches on his new van]
[Putting a plant sprig on the pillow]
[closes the back door]
[Breathes on a smudge]
[Wipes the smudge with his shirt]
[Speaking to himself] It may have taken me two million lawns to mow, but it was worth it.
[Knocks on the van window]

[Eaglebauer invites him in]

[Tom Roberts] Look at all this stuff.
Color TV, stereo ...
wetbar, waterbed!
Hey, I never knew getting laid was so expensive.
Okay, I hope I can remember everything you taught me.

[Eaglebauer] Now Tom, you're nervous!
Here, have a drink, and it'll calm you down.

[Tom Roberts] [Gulps and makes a face]

[Eaglebauer] Hey, and whatever you do, don't worry. I mean, since Riff lost her tickets to the concert, well, you can move right in. She'll be a pushover! Besides, look how far you've come in three days.

[Tom Roberts] Yeah, but the question is, "How far will she go tonight?"


[Kate Rambeau] [Reading her math book] If the unknown is Y ...
and the binomial is X ...
what is the function of the equation V?

[Riff Randall] [In Ramones dream land]

[Kate Rambeau] Riff! Riff!!
[Screaming] RIFF!!!

[Riff Randell] Huh? Uh, oh, a, the a, the a major export of Ecuador is a --

[Kate Rambeau] Very good, but that's geography, and this is calculus.

[Riff Randell] Oooh, sorry!

[Kate Rambeau] Look at your math book. It looks brand new. I bet you've never even opened it.

[Riff Randell] I only use it on special equations!
Oh, I don't feel like studying tonight!
[Throws her math book on the floor]

[Kate Rambeau] Yeah, I've got to get home anyway.
I'm expecting Tom to call me tonight.

[Riff Randell] You really like him, don't you?

[Kate Rambeau] Uh hmmm.
I've been seeing a lot of him lately.

[Riff Randell] You have?

[Kate Rambeau] Uh hmmm. Eaglebauer says we were made for one another.

[Riff Randell] Are you kidding?

[Kate Rambeau] That could be pretty special.

[Riff's telephone rings]

[Riff Randell] [Grabs the telephone]

[Tom Roberts] [to Eaglebauer] She's on the line.

[Eaglebauer] Just remember what I told you!

[Music] "I Want to Be Your Boyfriend"
by The Ramones

Hey, little girl
I wanna be your boyfriend
Sweet little girl
I wanna be your boyfriend
Do you love me babe?
What do you say?
Do you love me babe?
What can I say?
Because I wanna be your boyfriend

[Tom Roberts] Hello, um, Riff? Hi. It's Tom.

[Riff Randell] [Making a face] Tom?!

[Tom Roberts] Yeah, Tom Roberts. Football player?

[Riff Randell] No.

[Tom Roberts] I talk about the weather a lot.

[Riff Randell] Oh, yeah!

[To Kate] Hey, Kate, it's Tom Roberts on the phone.

[Kate Rambeau] [Talking to herself] [Taking off her glasses] Tom?
Why would he call me here?

[Riff Randell] So, how's the weather?

[Tom Roberts] Ahhhh, it's a little dry lately.

[Riff Randell] Yeah, but I hear it's raining cats and dogs in Idaho.
[Laughing with Kate]

[Tom Roberts] Yes! Yessss!
[To Eaglebauer] Oh, man, it's going great!

[Eaglebauer] Oh, wait!
[Points to the van picture]

[Tom Roberts] Listen, I'm just lying here in my new van ...

[Eaglebauer] [Points to the waterbed]

[Tom Roberts] You know, in my beautiful waterbed ...
listening to the Ramones' ...
brand new album ...

[Kate Rambeau] [Trying to interrupt Riff]

[Riff Randall] [Scowls at Kate]

[Eaglebauer] [Points to the stereo]

[Tom Roberts] ... on this fantastically expensive stereo.

[Eaglebauer] [makes sign of rightness]

[Kate Rambeau] [Scowls back at Riff]

[Riff Randall] [Shushes Kate]

[Tom Roberts] ... wondering if you'd like to maybe go out tonight and get drunk.

[Riff Randell] Alright!

[Tom Roberts] Listen, I really wish you'd reconsider -- WHAT?!

[Riff Randell] Sure, I'll go out with you tonight.

[Kate Rambeau] [To Riff] You can't do that.
He's mine!
[Hits Riff repeatedly with a pillow]

[Tom Roberts] Uh, you will?

[Riff Randell] Just find a date for Kate, okay?

[Tom Roberts] Great! Great! I will! Listen, I'll pick you both up in about an hour.
[Hangs up phone]
[Claps his hands together]
We got it!

[Kate Rambeau] [To Riff] How can you go out with him?
[Hits Riff repeatedly with the pillow]

[Riff Randell] [Teasing Kate] You know, I never thought about Tom ...
until you mentioned him.

[Kate Rambeau] [Screeching] WHAT?!

[Riff Randell] I mean, maybe it would be a change for me, don't you think? I mean, I never went in much for the jock types!

[Kate Rambeau] Oh, cut it out!
[Hits her with the pillow again]

[Riff Randell] [Laughs]

[Kate Rambeau] But what about me? What about tonight?

[Riff Randell] Don't worry -- you'll be in the back seat with Eaglebauer! He's lots of fun!
[makes vomiting sounds and falls forward onto the bed]

[Kate Rambeau] I don't want to have fun! I want to be with Tom! [Hits Riff some more with the pillow]

[Riff Randell] [Laughs] Hey, I'm only kidding, Kate!
I wouldn't do that to you. Huh?
I'll take care of Eaglebauer, and you can have Tom all to yourself!

[Kate Rambeau] You shouldn't kid like that, Riff.

[Riff Randell] [mocking Kate] "Ohhh, I shouldn't kid like that, Riff!" [Hits Kate back with the pillow]

[Kate Rambeau] You know how hot I am for him.

[Riff Randell] Hot?

[Kate Rambeau] Yes, hot!

[Riff Randell] Whoa, hot. Off the lips of Kate. My goodness.


[Tom Roberts] [Laughing] Ha ha. We did it.
We did it! I got you a date with Kate!


[Riff Rambeau] Hot equals Joey Ramone.

[Kate Rambeau] No, hot equals Tom!

[Riff Randell] Ooooooh!


[Tom Roberts] Oh, man!
I can't believe it. I can't believe it was that easy!

[Eaglebauer] You gotta remember --


[Riff Randell] He looks like a little cherub or something. He looks like he's going to fly away to heaven.

[Kate Rambeau] Oh, God!

[Riff Randell] He's so sweet looking. Kind of like a cream puff.

[Kate Rambeau] That's why I like him. I like him.

[Riff Randell] Yeah, well, I like Joey Ramone because he's tall and handsome. He looks like a poem to me.

[Kate Rambeau] A poem?


[Eaglebauer] Hey, we got to --

[Tom Roberts] We get them drunk, we go in the back, we get in the waterbed!

[Eaglebauer] We got to take turns in the back!

[Tom Roberts] Okay.


[Riff Randell] All he eats is pizza! I just love the way he just holds the pizza dripping above his mouth ...
He just slithers and slides it into his mouth, and it's so sexy the way it [makes a slithering/sliding noise]

[Kate Rambeau] Oooh, gross!


[Music] "Questioningly"
by The Ramones

Questioningly ...
her eyes looked at me
And then she spoke aren't you someone I used to know
And weren't we lovers a long time ago?
Looked at her close forced her into view
Yes, I said, you're a girl
That I once may have knew
But I don't love you anymore
Why do you want to talk to me for?
You should have just let me walk by
Memories make us cry
In the morning, I'm at work at time
My boss he tells me that I'm doing fine
When I'm going home
Whiskey bottle movie on T.V.
Memories make me cry
And I'm alone just me
Just me, Questioningly
But I dont love you anymore...
Looked at her close...
Questioningly her eyes looked at me..

[Screamin' Steve] This is Screamin' Steve again, and I've got two free tickets to tonight's Ramones concert ...
for the person who can call and tell me what album this song is on.
You know what to dial: SCREEMIN'

[Riff Randell] Questioningly? Questioningly?
What? What album? Oh, what album?

[Kate Rambeau] Is it Road to Ruin?

[Riff Randell] Yes!!! That's it!!!
Oh, Kate -- how did you know?

[Kate Rambeau] Well, it says it right here on the cassette.

[Riff Randell] Quick -- where's a phone?! Where's a phone, Kate? We've got to get to a phone!

[Kate Rambeau] [Pointing] There's one over there, Riff!

[Riff Randall] [Brings the car to a screeching halt]

[Man at telephone booth] ... very special. What I'm trying to say is, dear ...

[Riff Randall] [Jumps out of the car]

[Grabs the man in the telephone booth]

[Man in telephone booth] I'd like to ask you -- this is very difficult -- please don't hang up --

[Riff Randall] [Throws the man out into Kate's arms]

[Man in the phone booth] I'd like to ask you to, to ...
be my wife!

[Kate Rambeau] Sorry, but you're not my type.
[Drops him onto the ground]

[Riff Randell] Oh, please God. Please, God, don't let it be busy.
Oh, oh -- it's ringing!
Hello ...
yes, the answer is ...

[Man in phonebooth] [Trying to recover his wedding ring gift]

[Riff Randall] "Road to Ruin!"
[To Kate] Ah, we won! We won?
[To phone] What? Yes, it's Riff Randell and Kate Rambeau. Yes. Of course we'll be there! Yes! Thank you! Oh, thank you!
[To Kate] Oh!!! We're going!
Oh, Kate --we're going!
We're going.
[Stomping on the man's wedding ring]
Oh, we're going! Oh!
[Stomping on the man's fingers]

[Kate Rambeau] But what about Tom?

[Riff Randell] Oh, come on! How often do you get to see the Ramones?

[Kate Rambeau] Oh, but tonight we were going to be meant for each other!

[Riff Randell] This is my big chance to get my songs to them.
We have to go!
We'll have a great time!


[Screamin' Steve on the radio] And the super-lucky winners of the two free tickets for tonight's Ramones contest are Riff Randell and Kate Rambeau!

[Tom Roberts] [Spits his drink forcefully into Eaglebauer's face]

[Tom's phone rings]

[Tom Roberts] Hello?

[Riff Randell] Hello, Tom? Kate and I can't make it tonight. No, we've been in a horrible 7-car automobile accident. Yeah. We've got to go to the hospital for immediate blood transfusions. Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow in school. Bye.

[Tom Roberts] [Screaming]
'[Bites the phone]

[Riff Randell] I think he took it well. Come on, let's go get dressed.

[Kate Rambeau] But I am dressed!

[Riff Randell] Yeah, but not for the Ramones.
I got clothes that will make you fit right in.
Come on ...


[Tom Roberts] The only thing I'll ever lay is a carpet.

[Eaglebauer] You can't take this lying down. You gotta crash that concert ...
and grab her up in your arms. Love conquers all.
Besides, I'd have to give you a refund.

[Tom Roberts] Oh, oh, I think I'm going to puke!



[Ticket Guy] [To Mr. McGree] Oh, sorry, Montalbani's down the block.

[Mr. McGree] I'm hip, daddy-O. I'm into the Ramones.

[Ticket Guy] Sure you are! Got any drugs, bottles, cans, cameras? Let me check you out here.
[Pats him down]

[Mr. McGree] [Laughs]

[Man 1] Anybody got any glue?

[Man 2] Who's the geek in the beret?

[Man 3] Look at the way he's dressed.
Who is that guy?

[Ticket Guy] [To Mouse] Oh, I'm sorry
We don't let any more mice in here.
They've been exploding all over the place.

[Mouse] [Holds up head phones]

[Ticket Guy] Oh! You got headphones! Great. Great.
Just don't get too close to the P.A.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Here's your stub.
Okay, go on in.
Enjoy the show.

[Woman] Get this guy! Is he chic, or what?
I mean, really, have you ever seen anyone with ---

[Man 4] Who's got the carbona?

[Ticket Guy] [To Riff Randell] Got any bottles, cans, cameras on you?

[Riff Randell] No. Nothing.

[Ticket Guy] [Looks down her back]
Okay, you're in!
[Pushes her in]

[To Kate about her toy] Ah, this is nice.

[Kate Rambeau] [Squeezes her toy, which shoots out a spark at him]

[Ticket Guy] That -- that won't hurt anyone, will it?

[Riff Randell] [Pushes girl aside]

[Kate Rambeau] [Man pinches her butt] Ow!
[To Riff] He pinched me!

[Riff Randell] Feel good?

[Kate Rambeau] No!

[Ticket Guy] [To guy with sunglasses] Let's see your pupils.
You're stoned!
This guy doesn't get in!

[Music] "So It Goes"
by Nick Lowe

I remember one night, the kid cut off his right arm
in a fit to save a bit of power.
He got fifty thousand watts
in a big acoustic tower.
Security's so tight tonight,
oh, and they're ready for a tussle.
Gotta keep your backstage passes,
'cause the promoter had the muscle.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
In the tall buildings sit the head of armed nations,
worthy men from Spain and Siam.
All day discussions with the Russians
but they still went ahead and vetoed the plan.
Now up jumped the U.S. Representative.
He's the one with the tired eyes.
747 for the midnight condition,
flying back for my peacekeeper mission.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
And in the air, there's after shave lotion
in the wake of a snaky Persian.
On his arm is a skintight vision,
wonder why she ain't mine, she's his.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
And so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
and so it goes,
but where it's going,
no one knows.
But where it's going,
no one knows.

[Indian Chief] [Hands Mr. McGree the peace pipe]

[Mr. McGree] [Smokes the peace pipe]

[Riff Randell] Hey, Kate, do you realize they are all really brothers?
I mean, imagine being the only sister in the Ramones family!

[Mouse] Where are the Ramones?! I'm so loaded!

[Woman] Come out, please, Joey!

[Crowd] Where is Joey Ramone?

[Screamin' Steve] [Comes onto the stage]
[Makes shooting gestures]
[Makes kissing gestures]

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Screamin' Steve] Hi, gang!
This is Screamin' Steve, steamin' steamin' your way over Station 666 with its Screamin' Steve show!

[Crowd] [Yelling]

[Man] Wow!

[Woman] I want the Ramones!

[Screamin' Steve] [Makes more shooting gestures]
We're comin' at you alive and kickin' with the hottest band this side of the Iron Curtain --
The Ramones!

[Crowd] [Yelling]

[Man] You know it, Steve!

[Girl] We love the Ramones!

[Screamin' Steve] Dig it!

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Screamin' Steve] But first, I'd like to introduce the two winners of the charity ticket raffle, donated by the principal of Vince Lombardi High!

[Crowd] [Booing]

[Man] Togar eats it!

[Screamin' Steve] Sister Maria Theresa ...
and Sister Theresa Maria!

[Crowd] [Clapping & shouting]

[Screamin' Steve] Coming next week to the Rockatorium --


[Miss Togar] [To Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Now, that's a step in the right direction.
And to keep this administration moving forward ...
I've made a list of new school policies ...
which I would like instituted immediately. Take this down!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Take notes]

[Miss Togar] Girls: Skirts below their knees.
And boys' hair ...
above their collar.
And I think it would be tidy ...
if they wore neckties.

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Gulp]

[Miss Togar] And lunch is to be cut down to half an hour ...
as I am doubling up ...
on silent study hall.

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Make OMG faces at each other]

[Miss Togar] Well --
I think that should teach them a lesson in deportment.

[Fritz Hansel] How do you spell that?

[Miss Togar] D-e-portment.

[Turns her back to them]


[Screamin' Steve] Now I want you to meet the two winners of the Screamin' Steve ticket contest --
Riff Randell and Kate Rambeau!

[Man] Yeah, Riff!

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Screamin' Steve] We're live on the air, girls.
Why don't you say a few words to the folks at home.
[To Riff] Go, go.

[Riff Randell] On behalf of the students of Vince Lombardi High who are here tonight ...
I would just like to say one thing:
Screw you Principal Togar, we made it to the concert anyway!

[Screamin' Steve] Who says today's youth have nothing to say?

[Kate Rambeau] [Squeezes her toy and little things jump out of it]

[Screamin' Steve] Huh?

[Crowd] [Screaming]


[Miss Togar] [Turns off the radio]

[To Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Those girls have turned the whole school against me. Hansel! Gretel!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Salute]

[Miss Togar] I want you to crash that concert.
I want Randell and Rambeau brought back here immediately!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Get on their motorcycles to go crash concert]

[Fritz Hansel] [Stops Gretel from starting the engine until they've moved their visors down over their eyes]

[Fritz Gretel] [Makes a thumbs up gesture to Hansel for having that good idea.]

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Throw their scarves behind them.]

[Fritz Hansel] [Gestures forward!]

[Garage door opens]



[Screamin' Steve] So you're Kate Rambeau, huh?

[Kate Rambeau] Yeah.

[Screamin' Steve] You know, I just loved your latest Scientific American.

[Kate Rambeau] Thanks.

[Screamin' Steve] Hey, would you two lovely ladies like to see Screamin' Steve in action as he interviews the Ramones?

[Riff Randell] Oh, great! I know just the questions to ask!

[Screamin' Steve] That's beautiful, because I can't think of a thing!

[Riff Randell] You know, I've waited so long to see them, I just know they're going to love my songs!

[Screamin' Steve] I can believe it. You ready? Here we go!
[Knocks on the Ramones' door]

[Angel Dust] Hey! You want to keep it down out here? They're tuning up.

[Riff Randell] How'd you get in there?

[Angel Dust] Professional secret.
What's this stuff?
[Grabs Riff's songs]

[Riff Randell] [manages to keep a hold of them]
This stuff is going to prove to the Ramones ...
that I can write songs for them.
So out of my way, Dewdrop!
[Pushes her way past Angel Dust]

[Angel Dust] [Grabs Riff by the arm and throws her back]
I'm sorry! But the Ramones' manager --
a personal friend of mine --
put me in charge of keeping ...

[Ramones' Manager] What's all the trouble, Angel baby, huh?

[Screamin' Steve] Sal! Hey, man!

[Ramones Manager] Good to see ya!

[Screamin' Steve] Long time, right?

[Ramones' Manager] [Pointing to Kate & Riff] Uh, who are these two?

[Screamin' Steve] Oh, these are Screamin' Steve's contest winners.

[Ramones Manager] Oh, um, sorry, girls, you'll have to wait outside.

[Screamin' Steve] Oh, man!

[Riff Randell] Oh, can't we just watch?!

[Ramones' Manager] Angel dearest, why don't you just see these sweet young things to their seats?

[Riff Randell] We'll go ourselves, thanks.
[Grabs Kate and leads her out]

[Angel Dust] [Follows them]

[Screamin' Steve] They'll be okay!
[To Ramones' Manager] Yeah?

[Ramones Manager] Screamin' -- I was wondering if you could give us a little more air time?

[Screamin' Steve] I'm hittin' them once an hour as it is right now.

[Ramones' Manager] Well, you can do a little better.


[Fritz Hansel] [Riding his nazi motorcycle in ecstasy]


[Crowd] Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!

[Announcer] Here they are! The Ramones!

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Woman] Joey!

[Woman 2] Dee Dee!

[Dee Dee] One, two, three, four!

[Music] "Blitzkrieg Bop"
by The Ramones

Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
They're forming in a straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The blitzkrieg bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The blitzkrieg bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all dressed up and ready to go
They're forming in a straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The blitzkrieg bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The blitzkrieg bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all revved up and ready to go
They're forming in a straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The blitzkrieg bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The blitzkrieg bop
Hey ho, let's go
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!
Hey ho, let's go!

[Music] "Lobotomy"
by The Ramones


[Crowd] [Banging their heads together]

[Ramones Singing] DDT did a job on me
Now I am a real sickie
Guess I'll have to break the news
That I got no mind to lose
All the girls are in love with me.
I'm a Teenage Lobotomy.
Slugs and snails are after me
DDT keeps me happy
Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em
That I got no cerebellum.
Gonna get my Ph.D.
I'm a Teenage Lobotomy.
DDT did a job on me
Now I am a real sickie
Guess I'll have to break the news
That I got no mind to lose
All the girls are in love with me.
I'm a Teenage Lobotomy.

[Miss Togar] [Telephone pasted up against the radio, Kate's mom is on the line]
That, Mrs. Rambeau, is where your daughter is.

[Mrs. Rambeau] My daughter, Kate? I thought she was in the basement splitting protons.

[Miss Togar] Huh! Just as I thought! Which is why I called a special assembly together tomorrow to deal with this crisis. I'm going to need every parent's help, so listen carefully.

[Music] "California Sun"
by The Ramones

[Dee Dee] One, two, three, four!

[Ramones singing] Well I'm going out west where I belong
Where the days are short and the nights are long
And I'll walk a little walk
And I'll twist a little twist
And I'll shimmy a little shimmy
And I'll fly a little fly

[Riff Randell] Kate, she stole my songs!
[Grabbing Kate]

[Ramones singing] Yea we're out there having fun in the warm California sun
Well, I'm going out west out on the coast
Where the California girls are really the most
And I'll walk, yeah, and I'll twist, yeah

[Tom Roberts] Excuse me.

[Ramones singing] And I'll shimmy
And I'll fly a little fly
We're out there having fun in the warm California sun
Well, I'm going out west out on the coast
Where the California girls are really the most
Where they walk and I'll walk They fish and I'll fish
They sin and I'll sin They fly and I'll fly
Where they're out there having fun in the warm California sun

[Tom Roberts] [Grabs Riff] Hey, Riff!

[Riff Randell] [To Tom] She's got my songs.

[Riff & Kate] [To Tom] Tackle her!

[Ramones singing] Well, the girls are frisky in old 'Frisco
A pretty little chick wherever you go
Ohhhhhh, and I walk
And I twist
And I shimmy

[Riff Randell] [Running behind Tom] You can catch her, Tom!

[Kate Rambeau] [Running behind Riff]

[Eaglebauer] [Running behind Kate]

[Ramones singing] And I'll fly a little fly
We're out there having fun in the warm California sun
Well, we're out there having fun in the warm California sun

[Mr. McGree] [Throwing his hands around in circles shouting] Whee whee, whee, whee!

[Music] "Pinhead"
by The Ramones

Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you one of us!
Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you one of us!
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
Everyone's accusing me!
Everyone's accusing me!
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
Gabba gabba hey!

[Man] [Snorting cocaine]
[Spills it on the floor]

[Ramones singing] I don't wanna be a pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.

[Angel Dust] [Coming upon coke freak on the floor] Aargh!
[Flips over him]
[Drops Riff's songs]
[Crashes through the door]

[Tom Roberts] [ Flips over Coke freak]
[Hits the floor]
[Is rendered unconscious]

[Ramones singing] I don't wanna be a pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.

[Riff Randell] [To comatose Tom] Oh, thank you, Tom.
[Hits him friendly-like].
Thank you for saving my songs.
[Hits him again]
I always knew you were a TERRIFIC football player.
[Hits him again]
[Leaves Tom unconscious on the floor]

[Ramones singing] D -U-M-B
Everyone's accusing me!
D -U-M-B
Everyone's accusing me!

[Riff Randall] [Pushing her way through the crowd]
[Back at her spot] Yeah!!!

[Ramones singing] don't wanna be a pinhead no more. I just met a nurse that I could go for.
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more.
I just met a nurse that I could go for.

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Ramones singing] Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba yeah!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba hey!
Gabba gabba yeah!

[Riff Randell] [Writes note to the Ramones]


[Kate Rambeau] Tom!
Tom, are you alright? Speak to me!

[Tom Roberts] Riff, my head!

[Kate Rambeau] Riff?!


[Joey Ramone] I've just been handed this note that says, "Dear Ramones:
All of my friends from Vince Lombardi High are here today.
You know our principal, Miss Togar, thinks you make nothing but noise. But I think you're the greatest.


[Tom Roberts] [To Kate] Do you mean that you signed up with Eaglebauer to be with me?

[Kate Rambeau] Yes.

[Tom Roberts] Listen, I'm glad you're not Riff. What do you say we become friends anyway?

[Kate Rambeau] [Smiles]


[Joey Ramone] "Please dedicate your next song to my friends Tom and Kate. Love, your Number 1 fan, Riff Randell."
Okay, this is for Tom and Kate and our Number 1 fan.

[Riff Randell] Yeahhhhhh!

[Crowd] [Screaming]

[Dee Dee] One, two, three, four.

[Music] "She's The One"
by The Ramones

Yeah yeah she's the one
Yeah yeah she's the one

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel have arrived, revving their motorcycle and taking photos]

[Ramones singing] When I see her on the street
You know she makes my life complete
And you know I told you so

[Tom, Kate & Eaglebauer show up and greet Riff]

[Tom looks at Eaglebauer]

[Kate Rambeau and Riff Randell hug]

[Ramones singing] She's the one, she's the one

[Tom, Kate & Riff look at each other]

[Tom & Kate look at each other]

[Joey Ramone] [Singing to Riff] Yeah yeah she's my girl.

[Riff Randell] [Turns to her friends and says:] That's me!

[Ramones singing] Yeah yeah she's my girl
When I see her on the street
You know she makes my life complete
And you know I told you so
She's the one, she's the one
She's my one
Know I'll never find a girl like you
But in my heart I'll always love you

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Take more photos & rev their engine]

[Ramones singing] Yeah yeah she's the one...
Yeah, yeah, she's the one
When I see her on the street
You know she makes my life complete
And you know I told you so
She's the one, she's the one, she's my one
Know I'll never find a girl like you
But in my heart I'll always be true
Yeah yeah she's my girl
The best girl in the whole wide world

[Man] [Sticks his tongue out at Fritz Gretel and makes penguin sounds]

[Ramones singing] When I see her on the street
You know she makes my life complete
And you know I told you so
She's my one, she's the one
My one
She's the one, she's the one, she's my one
She's the one, she's the one, she's my one
She's the one, she's the one, she's my one

[Riff Randell] Joey!!!

[Pregnant pause]

[Riff Randell] [Releases Joey from her gaze] Yeah, Joey!
[To Tom, Kate & Eaglebauer] I told you you'd have a great time.

[Kate Rambeau] [Hugs Riff]


[Fritz Hansel] [Standing before restroom door] Maybe they are in there.

[Fritz Gretel] Oh, boy, we got 'em now. [Opens the door]

[Angel Dust] [Turns around quickly]

[Fritz Gretel] Have you, uh, seen two young high school girls around?

[Angel Dust] Yeah!
I got 'em on me!

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [To each other] Body search!

[Angel Dust] Aargh!


[Johnny & Marky carry Joey into the break room]

[Riff Randell] [Barges into the room, fanning Joey with her songs] Is he alright?

[Dee Dee] Hey, pizza!

[Joey] Great!

[Riff Randell] [Still fanning Joey with her songs]

[Ramones' Manager] [To Riff] What are you doing here?

[Riff Randell] Uh, these are my songs.
I've been trying to get them to you for the longest time.

[Joey] Hey, it's Riff Randell, our Number 1 fan.

[Riff Randell] Oh, wow -- you remembered my name!

[Ramones' Manager] This is the big time, girlie! This is rock 'n roll.

[Riff Randell] Yeah, well this ...
is Rock 'N' Roll High School.

[Joey] Rock 'N' Roll High School?

[Riff Randell] Yeah, I wrote it for Mr. McGree's music class ...
but I really wrote it for you, Joey.

[Joey] [Lowers his head shyly]

[Dee Dee] Hey, pizza. It's great!
Let's dig in.

[Joey] Yeah, I want some!

[Riff Randell] Oh, thanks!

[Ramones' Manager] [To Joey] How many times do I have to tell you? No pizza for you, Joey!
[Stuffs Joey's mouth with food]
More wheat germ and riboflavin.
Yeah, come on, Joey -- eat! Good!
Look, I'm going to eat some myself.
Yum, yum.
Organic alfalfa sprouts.
Come on, now. Good.
Yum. Come on, eat Joey. Good boy. Yeah. Mama will love you. You like it? Huh? Huh? Good? Yeah! Iron, niacin, B-12.

[Riff Randell] [Smells pizza lovingly]
[Puts pizza in her envelope]
I'll cherish this moment forever!

[Ramones' Manager] [To Joey] This is how I like to see you, my son!
[To Riff] Okay! Okay, girlie! The boys will take a look at them ...
and get back to you tomorrow.

[Joey] Yeah, we're going to be in town one more day ...
and if we like 'em ...
we'll come pay you and Mr. McGloob a visit.

[Johnny] [To Riff] Say hi to Vince for us.
[Throws pizza at Mick Jagger's picture on the wall]

[Riff Randell] Oh, wow!
This is the happiest day of my life!

[Ramones' Manager] [Nods, and backs her out of the room]

[Riff Randell] Gabba gabba hey!
[Waves goodbye]

[Johnny] [Waves goodbye]

[Dee Dee] [Waves goodbye]

[Riff Randell] [Waves goodbye again]

[Joey] [Waves goodbye]

[Riff Randell is put out of the door]

Site Admin
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Re: Rock 'N' Roll High School, directed by Allan Arkush

Postby admin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:59 am



[Miss Togar] And I say to you parents ...
this high school is a failure.
The past semester has been ...
a black mark on the proud tradition of Vince Lombardi High.
Student Riff Randell alone has disrupted classes --

[Riff Randell] You can't say I haven't contributed anything!

[Miss Togar] And banded the students against me ...
to attend a concert of the Ramones --

[Students] [Cheering]

[Miss Togar] -- that awful rock and roll music.
You see before you my first major step ...
in putting this school back on the winning track.
I give you ...
the final solution!

[Students] [Screaming]

[Riff Randell] [Pointing] Those are our records!

[Parents] [Form a fence around the students preventing them from getting their records]

[Tom Roberts] [Throws his football at Miss Togar]

[Football hits her foot]
[And bounces onto the ground]

[Miss Togar] And this is what we think of The Ramones.
[Lights the album on fire and holds it up]

[Man] We've got to stop her!

[Riff Randell] Hey, stop her! She can't do that!

[Fritz Hansen & Gretel] [Pour lighter fluid over the albums]

[Students] [Screaming]

[Mr. McGree] Miss Togar!
I cannot stand by and allow you to do this!

[Miss Togar] Then stand aside, Mr. McGree.

[Riff Randell] [To the parents] Let me through!

[Miss Togar] [Lights the record collection on fire]

[Man] She's burning our records!
We got to stop her!

[Riff Randell] [Breaks free of the parents' restraint]
[Picks up punch bowl ...
and throws it at Miss Togar] Togar!

[Miss Togar] Ack!
That's the last straw, Randell! Detention -- for life!

[Riff Randell] [Laughing]

[Music] "School's Out"
by Alice Cooper

School's out for summer
School's out forever

[Kate Rambeau and Tom Roberts] [Put out the fire with a hose]

[Fritz Hansel] [To Miss Togar who has fallen on the ground] My darling Evelyn ...
how I long for the feel of your luscious thighs.

[Man] See you later, Togar.

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Take Miss Togar to safety]

[Man] She's going to call the cops!

[Alice Cooper singing] No more pencils
No more books

[Riff Randell] [To The Ramones] Hey, come on, you guys. Follow me into the school. Come on!

[Students] [Trying to retrieve burned albums]

[Alice Cooper singing] No more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all
School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely

[Mr. McGree] I regret that I have only one life to give for rock and roll.

[Riff Randell] [To Mr. McGree] Come on into the school with us, Mr. McGree.
Come on!

[Joey Ramone] [To Johnny] Things sure have changed since we got kicked out of high school

[Johnny Ramone] [Sticks his guitar into Miss Togar's butt]

[Miss Togar] Ohh!
Oh, where are you going?

[Joey Ramone] We're going to Mr. McGree's class.

[Miss Togar] Oh! Well, I'm happy to see that some students are interested in their studies.

[Marky pastes "KICK ME HARD" sign onto Togar's back]

[Johnny Ramone] Hey, we're not students, we're the Ramones.

[Miss Togar] Ramones! You're responsible for making that horrible rock and roll music?
You've turned the whole school against me!

[Johnny Ramone] [Waves his hand dismissively at her and walks away]

[Students] [Screaming, lower "Rock N Roll High School" banner from the window]

[Miss Togar] [To the Ramones] Do your parents know that you're Ramones?

[Joey Ramone] [Waves at students]

[Students] [Scream and holler]

[Students] [Yelling]

[Riff Randell] [To the Ramones] Come on in!
[Jumps over the counter]
[Speaking into the intercom] Rock and Roll High School is on the air again!
[Plays the record]

[Music] "High School"
by The Vindictives

Woh, come on!
Woh, come on!
The kids want a little action
The kids want a little fun
The kids all have to get their kicks
Before the evening's done
'Cause they're goin' to
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) sis, boom, bah

[Mr. McGree] [Dancing with abandon]

[Vindictives singing] (High school) hey, hey, hey
You better let them have their way

[Miss Togar] They're going to destroy the school! I can't believe it!

[Vindictives Singing] They only wanna shake it up, baby

[Eaglebauer] [Turns school principal picture around]

[Vindictives singing] Dance to the rockin' bands
They only want a little excitement
They like to get a little outta hand
'Cause they're goin' to
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) sis, boom, bah
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better let them have their way

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Oh, students!
Oh, students!

[Motorcyclist & Ramones Gang] [Converge on Hall Monitors]

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Run away from lynch mob]

[Girl] [To Fritz Hansel & Gretel] We've got you now!

[Mr. McGree] [Dancing with Riff]

[Miss Togar] Call the National Guard!
They're causing a riot!
These kids are going to --

[Mrs. Mouse] The National Guard?! My children are inside that school! Oh, dear!

"The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray"]
[White mice explode in their cages]

[Vindictives singing] The kids know what the deal is
They're getting farther out everyday
We're gonna be takin' over
You better get out of the way
'Cause we're goin' to
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) sis, boom, bah
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better get out of the way
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) sis, boom, bah
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better get out of the way
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) cha, cha, cha
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better get out of the way
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) cha, cha, cha
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better get out of the way
(High school) rah, rah, rah
(High school) sis, boom, bah
(High school) hey, hey, hey
You better get out of the way

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Laughing with each other]
[Hitting each other]
[Slapping each other]

[Paper fight at the lockers]

[Knocking down the speakers]

[Freshaman Helper]

[Eaglebauer] [Pouring "Freshman Helper" onto the Freshman's head]
[Putting his hat on top of his head]

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Laughing]

[Motorcyclist and Ramones Gang] [Pushing cart with Fritz Hansel & Gretel in it]

[Fritz Hansel] [Yelling] Hey, we're in here!

[Riff Randell] [To Mr. McGree] Nice garters!
[Screaming and yelling]

[Mr. McGree] [Dancing wildly]

[Riff Randall] [Mediating Mr. McGree's cutting loose experience]

[Boy & Girl Students take bubble bath together]

[Eaglebauer] Firing line --
Apple Brown Betty!

[Foodworker Lady] We were only following the recipe!

[Eaglebauer] Firing line --
The Tuesday Surprise!

[Foodworker Lady] No, no, not the Tuesday Surprise!

[Eaglebauer] Go get 'em, guys!

[Music] "Come On, Let's Go"
by Ritchie Valens

Well, come on, let's go, let's go, little darlin'
Tell me that you'll never leave me
Come on, come on, let's go again
Go again and again
Well, now, swing me, swing me, swing me, little darlin'
Come on, let's go, little darlin'
Let's go, let's go again once more
Well, I love you, babe
And I'll never let you go
Come on, baby, so, oh, pretty baby, I love you so
Well, let's go, let's go, let's go, little sweetheart
Forever we can always be together
Come on, come on, let's go again
Oh, well, I love you, babe
And I'll never let you go
Come on, baby, so, oh, pretty baby, I love you so
Well, come on, let's go, let's go, little darlin'
Tell me that you'll never leave me
Come on, come on, let's go again
Again, again, and again
Again, again, and again
Again, again, and again

[Ramones & Gang] [Push Fritz Hansel & Gretel out of the 2nd story window]

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Praying]

[Adults] [Watch Fritz Hansel & Gretel fly out the window]

[Miss Togar] [Turns away from the spectacle]

[Students] [Yelling & Screaming] [Mocking Fritz Hansel & Gretel] Demerit, demerit, demerit, demerit, demerit ...
[Throw other stuff out the window]

[Riff Randell] [To The Ramones] So, what do you think of my school, guys?

[Johnny Ramone] Boy, when you have recess, you really go all out!

[Riff Randell] Consider yourselves officially enrolled in Rock N Roll High School.
The facilities are yours.
Do whatever you want!


[Music] "Do You Wanna Dance"
by The Ramones

Do you wanna dance and hold my hand?
Tell me, baby, I'm your lover man, oh baby, do you wanna dance?
Do you wanna dance under the moonlight?
Squeeze me baby all through the night, oh baby, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance ?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you wanna dance under the moonlight?
Squeeze me baby all through the night, oh baby, do you wanna dance?
Do you wanna dance under the moonlight?
Squeeze me baby all through the night ...
oh baby, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you ...
do you wanna dance?

[Eaglebauer] [To Kate & Tom] Go on! Get out there! Yeah!

[Ramones singing] Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you ...
do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?

[Cheryl [Shaking her tits]

[Ramones singing] Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna dance?

[Kate Rambeau] [Jumps into Tom's arms]

[Crowd] [Screaming and yelling]

[Tom Roberts] [Kisses Kate]

[Eaglebauer] [Makes right-on sign with his fingers]

[Miss Togar] [On bullhorn] Attention!
[To Fritz Hansel] Give it to me!
Attention students! Attention students!

[Riff Randell] Hey, quiet! Quiet, everyone. Listen!

[Miss Togar] This is your principal, Miss Evelyn Togar!
I want to speak to Riff Randell!

[Riff Randell] I'm going into my office.

[Police Chief] I don't think it's working.

[Miss Togar] You don't think it's working?

[Riff Randell] Start talking, Togar. It's your dime.

[Miss Togar] Okay, Randell. I know we've had our differences in the past
But I think it's time we tried to understand one another.
I think the problem is clear.

[Students and Mr. McGree] [Nodding their heads to the clarity]

[Miss Togar] I am a reasonable, well-educated ...
mature, adult member of society ...

[Riff Randall] [Blowing a rasberry]

[Miss Togar] ... and you are a spoiled, heathen punk who has taken over my school.

[Fritz Hansel & Gretel] [Working the applause signs]

[Cops & Parents] [Clapping]

[Students] [Scream and yell]

[Miss Togar] [Raises her hand to stop applause]
So let's make a deal! I could have you expelled and turned over to the police.

[Police Chief] [Excited] Huhh!!!

[Miss Togaar] But I'm going to forget about that.

[Police Chief] [Disappointed] Oh!!

[Miss Togar] And just put one black mark ...
on your permanent record ...

[Riff Randall] [Puts one permanent mark on her record, and throws it aside]

[Miss Togar] ... a record that will follow you throughout the rest of your life ...

[Students] [Booing]

[Miss Togar] ... if you'll just come out of there ...
right now!

[Riff Randell] [Salutes Miss Togar]

[Students yelling] "No"

[Riff Randell] [To Eaglebauer, Kate & Tom] Well, I think one more black mark isn't going to make too much of a difference.

[Tom Roberts] [Throws paper aside]

[Eaglebauer] [To Riff] Eaglebauer Enterprises comes through again.
[Gives her a chainsaw]

[Riff Randell] Alright!
[Starts the chainsaw]
Here's what I think about your school records, Togar!
[Chainsaws her school records]

[Police Chief] You handled that very well, Miss Togar!
[Fists her chin gently]

[Miss Togar] [Lowers her head shyly]

[Riff Randell] [Making screaming sounds]
[Sawing paper up]

[Police Chief] What's that?

[Miss Togar] I don't know!

[Riff Randell] Here you go, Togar.
[Throws shredded documents out the window]

[Eaglebauer] [Laughing]
[Throws shredded documents out the window]
Yahooo! Yahooo!

[Students] [Throw shredded documents out the window]
[Scream & holler]

[Miss Togar] Well, now they've done it! Destroying government property!

[Police Chief] I think you failed, Miss Togar. I think we're going to have to do it my way.

[Miss Togar] I think you're right.

[To Riff] Randell, I just talked to the Chief of Police. If you're not out of there in five minutes, he's going to storm the building!


[Screamin' Steve] Well, you heard it folks!
Miss Togar has just given the students of Rock N Roll High ...
an ultimatum ...
a classic confrontation ...
between mindless authority and the rebellious nature of youth.
The moment of truth is at hand: What will these kids do next?


[Chemicals bubbling]

[Kate Rambeau] [Pours chemicals into chemicals]
[Tightens stopcock]
[Fire starts]


[Johnny Ramone] [To Riff] Boy, this sure is Rock N Roll High School.

[Joey Ramone] Yeah, we liked it so much, we're going to play it on our next album.
To show our appreciation ...
we're going to make you an honorary Ramone.

[Riff Randell] Oh, thanks!

[Joey Ramone] [Places a leather jacket around her shoulders]

[Johnny and Dee Dee] [Raise their guitars in honor to Riff]

[Mr. McGree] Hey, guys. You know, people say that your music is loud and destructive and lethal to mice ...
... but I think you're the Beethovens of our time.

[Marky] [Pokes at Mr. McGree] That was a good one, Mr. McGree!

[Kate Rambeau] [Finishes her explosion alchemy]

[Kate leaves the room with the detonator while the reaction gets going]

[Riff Randell] [To Kate] Is it ready to go?

[Kate Rambeau] It's a go.

[Riff Randell] [To students] Alright! Everybody, follow me. We're going to evacuate!

[Miss Togar] [To Police Chief] I guess we should rush the building!

[Students] [Come out the front door]

[Chief of Police] Not so fast. Look!

[Miss Togar] They're coming out!
It's over!
We won!

[Screamin' Steve] Ladies and gentlemen: school is out!
It appears that the final bell has rung for these students.
Has Riff Randell given up?
Has she and her fellow classmates failed Miss Togar's final exam?
Is this the end of Rock N Roll High?

[Miss Togar] And just what do you have to say for yourself, young lady?

[Riff Randell] I have seen the errors of my ways.
I'd just like to say to all students everywhere that you may think the school is yours for awhile, but it's always run by the principal and her administration.

[Miss Togar] Oh, that's nice!

[Riff Randell] Vince Lombardi High ...
is your school, Miss Togar. So you can have it!

[Miss Togar] Well, I'm very happy to see that you've come to your senses.
And what would you have done with the school anyway?

[Riff Randell] Rock the roof off it!
Hit it, Marky!

[Music] "Rock N Roll High School"
by The Ramones

Rock, rock, rock, rock rock n' roll high school
Well, yeah, I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Miss Togar] It's so loud!

[Ramones singing] I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Well the girls out there knock me out, you know
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Cruisin' around in my GTO
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I hate the teachers and the principal
Don't wanna be taught to be no fool

[Miss Togar] [To the Police Chief] Those Ramones are peculiar!

[Ramones singing] Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Chief of Police] They're ugly, ugly, ugly people.

[Ramones singing] Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun ...
Fun, fun
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Riff Randell] [Detonates bomb]


[Ramones singing] Well I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school

Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school

[Freshman] [Taps Eaglebauer on the shoulder]

[Eaglebauer] Hey, my man! What can I do for you?

[Ramones singing] Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun ...
Fun, fun ...
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school

[Another big explosion]

[Students] [Cheering]

[Miss Togar] Detention!

[Screamin' Steve] Well ...
that about wraps it up here at Rock N Roll High.
Remember ...
if your principal ever gives you trouble, and you want this to happen at your school ...
you just give ol' Screamin' Steve a call -- I'm in the book --
under SCREAMIN'.

[Ramones singing] Well I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Well the girls out there knock me out, you know
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Cruisin' around in my GTO
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I hate the teachers and the principal
Don't wanna be taught to be no fool
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Well I don't care about history
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
'Cause that's not where I wanna be
Rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some chicks
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, rock 'n' roll high school
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, oh baby
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school
Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll high school


P.J. Soles P.J. Soles ... Riff Randell
Vincent Van Patten Vincent Van Patten ... Tom Roberts
Clint Howard Clint Howard ... Eaglebauer
Dey Young Dey Young ... Kate Rambeau
Mary Woronov Mary Woronov ... Miss Evelyn Togar
Paul Bartel Paul Bartel ... Mr. McGree
Dick Miller Dick Miller ... Police Chief
Don Steele Don Steele ... Screamin' Steve Stevens
Alix Elias Alix Elias ... Coach Steroid
Loren Lester Loren Lester ... Fritz Hansel
Daniel Davies Daniel Davies ... Fritz Gretel
Lynn Farrell Lynn Farrell ... Angel Dust
Herbie Braha Herbie Braha ... Manager
Grady Sutton Grady Sutton ... School Board President
Chris Somma Chris Somma ... Shawn
Marla Rosenfield Marla Rosenfield ... Cheryl
Barbara Ann Grimes Barbara Ann Grimes ... Cafeteria Lady (as Barbara Ann Walters)
Terry Soda Terry Soda ... Norma
Joe Van Sickle Joe Van Sickle ... Cop
Joey Ramone Joey Ramone ... Himself
Johnny Ramone Johnny Ramone ... Himself
Dee Dee Ramone Dee Dee Ramone ... Himself
Marky Ramone Marky Ramone ... Himself
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Allan Arkush Allan Arkush ...
Ticket Taker in Green Shirt (uncredited)
David N. Barber David N. Barber ...
Native American Scalper (uncredited)
Rodney Bingenheimer Rodney Bingenheimer ...
Pink Cadillac Driver (uncredited)
Rob Bottin Rob Bottin ...
Giant White Mouse / Mrs. Mouse (uncredited)
Dinah Cancer Dinah Cancer ...
Concert Girl with Ear Muffs (uncredited)
Ann Chatterton Ann Chatterton ...
Student (uncredited)
Darby Crash Darby Crash ...
Audience Member in White Jacket (uncredited)
Ned Daly Ned Daly ...
Student (uncredited)
Joe Dante Joe Dante ...
Riot Cop with sunglasses (uncredited)
Sylvia Dante Sylvia Dante ...
Nun (uncredited)
Russ Dvonch Russ Dvonch ...
Student Carried by Football Players (uncredited)
Debbie Evans Debbie Evans ...
Student (uncredited)
Jack Gill Jack Gill ...
Student (uncredited)
Michael Goodwin Michael Goodwin ...
Chemistry Teacher (uncredited)
Ben Haller Ben Haller ...
Roadie with Cocaine (uncredited)
John Hateley John Hateley ...
Student (uncredited)
Kay Kimler Kay Kimler ...
French Teacher (uncredited)
Joseph McBride Joseph McBride ...
School Board Member (uncredited)
Monte Melnick Monte Melnick ...
Road Manager with Mustache (uncredited)
Linda Ramone Linda Ramone ...
Concert Girl in Hallway (uncredited)
Jim Rygiel Jim Rygiel ...
Guy in Line at Mayan Theater (uncredited)
Teri Schwartz Teri Schwartz ...
Nun (uncredited)
Tammy Trujillo Tammy Trujillo ...
Girl in Locker Room (uncredited)
Arturo Vega Arturo Vega ...
Concert Guy in Hallway (uncredited)
George Wagner George Wagner ...
Man Proposing in Phone Booth (uncredited)
Gigi Williams Gigi Williams ...
Concert Girl in Hallway (uncredited)
Produced by
Roger Corman ... executive producer
Michael Finnell ... producer Cinematography by
Dean Cundey ... director of photography Film Editing by
Larry Bock
Gail Werbin Art Direction by
Marie Kordus Set Decoration by
Linda Pearl Costume Design by
Jack Buehler Makeup Department
Gigi Williams ... hairdresser / makeup Production Management
Mark Radcliffe ... production manager Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Jon Davison ... second unit director
Gerald T. Olson ... first assistant director
Caren Singer ... second assistant director
Jerry Zucker ... second unit director
Bruce Fritzberg ... first assistant director: second unit (uncredited)
Craig Storper ... first assistant director: second unit (uncredited) Art Department
Mark Toepfer ... assistant art director
Richard Upper ... main title design Sound Department
Rhonda Baer ... boom operator
J.A. Markovitch ... sound mixer: concert sound
Michael C. Moore ... sound mixer (as Michael Moore) Special Effects by
Frank DeMarco ... special effects
Roger George ... special effects Stunts
Ann Chatterton ... stunt player
Debbie Evans ... stunt player
Jack Gill ... stunt player
John Hateley ... stunt player
Kay Kimler ... stunt player Camera and Electrical Department
Carin Abramson ... still photographer
Chris Brightman ... grip
Clyde E. Bryan ... second unit cameraman (as Clyde Bryan)
Scott Buttfield ... electrician
Steve Caldwell ... grip
Mark Shane Davis ... gaffer (as Mark Davis)
Tim Doughten ... grip
Paul Elliott ... camera assistant
Steven Fierberg ... electrician (as Steve Fierberg)
Steve Mathis ... best boy
Krishna Rao ... camera assistant
Fred Roscolene ... key grip
Thomas Vanghele ... camera assistant Costume and Wardrobe Department
Linda M. Bass ... assistant wardrobe (as Linda Bass) Editorial Department
Kent Beyda ... assistant editor
Mark Helfrich ... assistant editor Music Department
Jane Alsobrook ... music consultant
Jonathan Brett ... soundtrack coordinator
Michael Z. Gordon ... composer: additional music
Joel Soifer ... music re-mix engineer
Phil Spector ... music re-mixer
Ed Stasium ... musical director: Ramones
Seymour Stein ... soundtrack coordinator Transportation Department
Chris Brightman ... driver Other crew
Susan Arnold ... extras coordinator
Rob Bottin ... giant mouse creator
Bruce Frankel ... production assistant
Richard Graddis ... production assistant
Ernie Guderjahn ... extras coordinator
Siana Lee Hale ... choreographer
Terry Hutner ... production coordinator
Jennifer Radcliffe ... production assistant
Jeanne Rosenberg ... script supervisor
Michael Silvers ... production assistant
Kent Adamson ... production assistant (uncredited)
James Cameron ... production assistant (uncredited)
Gale Anne Hurd ... production assistant (uncredited)
Vincent Prentice ... co-creator: giant mouse (uncredited) Thanks
Joe Dante ... special thanks
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